What games have you played recently that you really enjoyed?

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Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2001
Currently playing The Crew. It was free on Uplay last month. I had real fun with Burnout Paradise 5+ years ago and think this is the best driving game since (at least that I have played).


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2010
Currently playing The Crew. It was free on Uplay last month. I had real fun with Burnout Paradise 5+ years ago and think this is the best driving game since (at least that I have played).

Burnout Paradise was my favorite of all time, but I thought the Crew was awful.

Someone suggested Dying Light so I've been hacking and slicing my way through that. I must say that I did not give the game enough credit the first time I tried it; I am really enjoying it now. It's mostly mindless, but I don't think I've killed so many zombies since the first L4D in 2008.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2001
Burnout Paradise was my favorite of all time, but I thought the Crew was awful.
I was really hating the Crew until I figured out

1) The UX sucks and takes some getting used to
2) You don't need anyone online to participate in anything I've encountered so far. Strictly single player for me.


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2002
So I finally got around to playing witcher 3. My biggest complaint ist hat I can stand next to something (container, horse, ...) type E and nothign happens. The other complaint is that it is difficuilt to rotate only a little (less than 40 degree) to get the bloody E to work. Love the story elements and cut scenses (up to level 9 just exploring valen). Probably playing on a bit too hard a level without really understanding combat (optimizing) - next to hardest level - can win most battles one on one up to level + 3; but sure do die a lot in swarms. Right now mostly a fast fighter with light armor but maybe heavy armor would have been more durable ?


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2010
The witcher 3 kicked my scrawny arse; I could barely do anything in that game. I did really like the characters, lore and story but I struggled so bad to actually play that I didn't have a lot of fun with it. By the time I finally killed that damn griffin I had already decided that I wasn't going to get very far haha

Anybody else stoked for the same developer's "Cyberpunk 20 something" game? If it's a Deus Ex rival take my money please!


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2002
You mean the griffin in the tutorial or the one I stumbled upon at level 7; that was like level 30? Impressed if you killed it - i ran like the coward I am.... Weird thing is that it and the Hag (also level 20+) are right next to some level 6 cannibals. Maybe the cannibals provide them the food they needed to grow so large ?


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2010
Couldn't tell you, it was like May of 2015 when I attempted to play it. Ironically, I actually got okay at Dark Souls if I really tried my best--but the witcher had me constantly dying left and right no matter what I threw back.

I like a challenge, but I also like progress over the course of a couple hours. Finding that arsonist was a pain in my arsonist also... tedious nonsensery.


Dec 15, 2015
I kinda ran into the same issue as you Ex. Finally got around to playing it, had endless difficulties with npcs (drowners, small packs of bandits, wolves and crap) mostly due to me trying to preserve healing capabilities as much as I could. Then I leveled at some point and took the perk that gives your food buffs a 20m buff instead of 20s or whatever. Completely destroyed all semblance of balance beyond that and just became dreadfully boring. I got to the point of finishing the first chapter? Where you actually kill the gryph, and got bored playing dress-up/doing ridiculous chat games with NPCs... basically not being a Witcher.

To answer the thread title: Dwarf Fortress is as Fun(tm) as always, and I've been playing Stellaris as well which has been good so far.


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2011
I am always playing at least half a dozen games, yes I know I have a problem and no I don't care. But my fallback for the last 14 years at least has always been Paradox games. So since the thread title says recently I will take that to mean over the last week, here is the list:

Forza Horzon 3 - Been waiting since Forza first released to play one of these but couldn't make myself buy an xbox for just one game. I really like this game it is very similar to Burnout Paradise but a little less arcadey and a lot more variety. It started to get a little stale around 30 hours though so I moved on to the next game.

Hearts of Iron 4 - Finally got around to playing the new patch and while it made some improvements it is till missing quite a bit and the AI is still a moron. But I enjoyed it more than before the patch it helped quite a bit.

Darkest Hour/Kaiserreich Mod - Due to not being blown away by HOI4 and all the praise I kept hearing about this mod I gave it a try, wow it is fantastic. It is set in an alternate reality where Germany won WWI, Russia defeated the revolution and France and England fell to the reds instead. This mod has been developed for so long that there are thousands of events spread over most if not all countries. Many nations have different ways things can play out based on your decisions but some much more than others. If you have even a passing interest in the grand strategy/history type games or like the variables in the HOI series then I suggest you give this a try. They are converting the mod over to HOI4 but I expect it to take quite a while.

Crusader Kings 2 - I have been trying to create a German empire using my reformed Norse pagans based out of Saxony. I was only a couple of provinces away from my goal when the event triggered to start the crusades against the heathens in Europe so now I am just trying to hold off all of Western and Southern Europe, it doesn't look good. All the usual awesome CK2 stuff is happening, random murders, accidental inbreeding, random murders, far flung family members fighting to the death for no reason, random murders, priests with syphilis and random murders.

Rule the Waves - A small budget wargame focused on naval warfare from 1900-1925. As supreme commander of your countries navy you design and build ships to ensure your dominance on the seas. You have some ability to adjust the budget and relations with other countries but that is limited. You do not however have control of what is researched or what battles may occur. Your goal is to amass the most prestige possible by 1925 which you get from actions or winning major battles and wars.

Stellaris - The first expansion was released last week adding in huge monstrosities hiding out in the vast reaches of space as well as the chance for a Babylon 5 type war between ancient empires with you as a younger race being a pawn for either side or risk being caught in the middle. Released along with the expansion was the standard Paradox giant patch which made a ton of badly needed changes to the mechanics of the game. It has come a long way since release and is only getting started so I have very high hopes for the future.

Dwarf Fortress - FUN! It doesn't install on your system so it makes the perfect work game and I play every day for lunch. Right now I have a vampire that I keep around as an emergency "release the kraken" type defense against large beasts. Seriously, he one punches titans and forgotten beasts. Sure he then goes and kills one of my valuable crafters for food but it is a small price to pay.

7 Days to Die - New version released. It's not bad at all but I am getting a little burned out on it. Mostly playing it now so I can game with my father. My crap internet connection isn't helping with the fun factor either.

That's it for the last week I will probably get back into World of Warships soon and rage quit due to aforementioned crap internet connection. And my birthday is Friday so I will probably pick up another game or two then as I am running short on new games to play.


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2010
I am always playing at least half a dozen games, yes I know I have a problem and no I don't care. But my fallback for the last 14 years at least has always been Paradox games. So since the thread title says recently I will take that to mean over the last week, here is the list:

Forza Horzon 3 - Been waiting since Forza first released to play one of these but couldn't make myself buy an xbox for just one game. I really like this game it is very similar to Burnout Paradise but a little less arcadey and a lot more variety. It started to get a little stale around 30 hours though so I moved on to the next game.

With FH3 I had to crank up the difficulty and turn off most of the assists in order to keep it fun and fresh. I got a little bored with the preset events so I ended up doing rivals, blueprints and custom championships for awhile. Once you're everywhere though, it is kind of monotonous... but at least you can literally drive almost anywhere. Sooooooo many crop fields and meadows destroyed but, in my defense, I had to keep that multiplier going while the skill song was blaring in the background.

Definitely the best variety of vehicles in a open world racing game to date, combined with customization and reward.

Stellaris looks real neat, but I am horrendous at strategy games. Was into elite dangerous for a few weeks but then I opted that space was really big and that I was nothing. You win, game.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
Dying Light

I picked it up on Steam just recently, barely two weeks ago. I'm late to the party I guess, but I got the 'enhanced' version with all the DLCs included. It's supposedly better now than it was originally (but I wouldn't know anyway, this is the first time I play it). So far it's fun, I really like the atmosphere, and the main story is alright (so is the voice acting and most of the characters, including some that give side quests as well). I really like the parkour system, it's very responsive and the map layout allows me to exploit that system very often. Overall, pretty fun game, and I'd say the best Zombie Apocalypse game I've played since Left 4 Dead (L4D isn't identical, obviously, but when it comes to "zombie games" I'm rarely excited; but both L4D and Dying Light have been part of the few select zombie games I've enjoyed in the past decade or so).

StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void

I always liked the StarCraft universe. I'm aware that some of the "veteran fans" of the original game consider SC2 some sort of a heresy and that a lot of the characters seemingly took a 180º turn in terms of their personality, etc. I more or less agree with that, but I still enjoy SC2 for what it is. It's fun sci-fi RTS gaming. If anything, I really liked both the original and the sequel for different reasons. I especially liked Heart of the Swarm, but so far Legacy of the Void has been very good. It took some unexpected turns and I like that. I don't enjoy * everything * in the story, but for the most part it's good enough. And the game-play itself is impeccable, regardless of the story / lore of the sequels.

Total War: Warhammer

It's essentially the best game in the entire Total War series for me (very closely followed by Shogun 2 and Medieval 2). I'm speaking for myself here. But I'm biased, because I'm screaming like a little schoolgirl when it comes to almost anything and everything within the Warhammer universe (mostly 40K, but I also really like the Fantasy version), and it doesn't take me much. So when I heard about the Warhammer universe getting the "Total War treatment" I think my heart skipped a few beats. I actually waited before buying it (a few months only). Two major patches had been released when I finally couldn't resist anymore and I was immediately pleased by the result. It's a great game, the best Total War and a superb Warhammer game in and of itself. It's so better and more polished than their previous mess (Rome 2) that it feels like it's a completely different team made it (heck, maybe a couple of people from the Rome 2 team were replaced? who knows). I genuinely believed that the Total War franchise would stay horrible forever after Rome 2... but thankfully I was proven wrong, very much so.

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide

For simple reasons: it's basically Left 4 Dead meets Warhammer Fantasy. What else could I possibly ask for? Well, maybe a Warhammer game set in the Total War fran- ... wait never mind! Welp, my life is complete. Alright so, it has good characters, good voice acting, fun maps, Skaven, great atmosphere, good graphics, it's violent (as a Warhammer game should be), it's fun! And it has been updated on a regular-enough basis, and also recently received some new features, new ways to acquire gear. It's just plain fun. Now stop reading this and go buy it.


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2011
With FH3 I had to crank up the difficulty and turn off most of the assists in order to keep it fun and fresh. I got a little bored with the preset events so I ended up doing rivals, blueprints and custom championships for awhile. Once you're everywhere though, it is kind of monotonous... but at least you can literally drive almost anywhere. Sooooooo many crop fields and meadows destroyed but, in my defense, I had to keep that multiplier going while the skill song was blaring in the background.

Definitely the best variety of vehicles in a open world racing game to date, combined with customization and reward.

Stellaris looks real neat, but I am horrendous at strategy games. Was into elite dangerous for a few weeks but then I opted that space was really big and that I was nothing. You win, game.

Yeah spend two minutes mowing down crops and fences just to bump into the one randomly placed static tree in the whole field resetting your entire score. Personally I do better going against traffic on the highway through the middle of the map.


Jun 15, 2015
I'm really enjoying Fallout 4 at the moment. The story is average so far, but doesn't detract from the rest of the game. The combat and exploration is top notch. So many areas to explore and hidden things to find. That combined with the excellent gun play has made it a very fun game for me.


Senior member
Apr 28, 2004
The Crew really fun racing game you can co-op. Almost all story mission are co-op up to 4 people. It's an MMO but it doesn't feel like it.

Endless Legend amazing 4x game. It's like a cross between Civ and Total War. Mulitple victories and better war strategy than Civ.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2003
Doom, seriously fun.

I'll second this.

I don't have nearly the time to play as many games as I used to, but DOOM stands out. Not perfect, but a ton of mindless fun.
For something completely different, IL-2 Sturmovik Battle of Stalingrad has been a blast lately after configuring everything properly.



Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2002
Nice image; but don't you need a serious joy stick to fly those things ?


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2009
Cossacks 3. I have barely touched other games since I bought this.

It's a RTS, much like AOE.


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2011
I took my 3 year olds to Six Flags recently so I fired up RCT3 and they are helping me design roller coasters then riding them over and over. They seem to be having as much fun as they did on the real roller coasters.


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2011
There are more roller coaster designers to try as well.

Yeah I know but I would have to buy those. I am definitely looking forward to Parkitect, RCTW looks pretty in the videos but is supposedly horrible, Planet Coaster looks interesting but all the focus on sharing and friends turns me off a bit and finally Theme Park Studio also seems pretty bad from reviews. Other than the old Theme Park and older RCT games I don't know of any others. And since 3 year olds require "riding" the rides that leaves me with RTC3 in all its 2004 3D quality glory. If you know of any other decent ones I am open to suggestions.
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