What games have you played recently that you really enjoyed?


Dec 5, 2000
As the title says, what have you played recently that you really enjoyed? Like had a good story, great gameplay, etc?

I haven't really been gaming much for awhile, just haven't had much interest. Been a bit bored lately so wanted to try some new games.

Recently started playing Arma 3 trying to find a good server to play on but haven't found 1 I like, or maybe its just me not liking the game that much. Been trying to play on exile mod pve servers with zombies, but it seems the enemy AI (like military, bandits, etc) are just too difficult. They spawn out of nowhere most times, can see for miles, and have aimbots.

Can't remember the last game I really enjoyed playing. Most games I've bought lately I play a little bit and then get bored. Nothing keeps me interested long enough.

I hate buying a game and then not liking it and not being able to return it. I guess with steam you can refund if you play less than 2 hours, but sometimes thats not enough to gauge a game. I'm sure if you keep refunding games over and over they will eventually stop giving refunds?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2007
When I get in that mood, I generally turn to indie rogue-likes. They tend to be short sessions and often can be incredibly fun while others can be frustratingly difficult. Rogue Legacy, Binding of Isaac Rebirth/Afterbirth, and Hero Siege are usually my "go-tos" when I get in a gaming lull. I still play Hero Siege off and on regardless of my mood simply because they keep adding content to the game and changing things around, so it never gets stale. Sometimes the developers (who are still learning) will release a patch that completely nerfs entire classes, but they tend to revert some of those changes once they hear some feedback.

I did recently go back and play through the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series with mods and it only took me a weekend per game to get through all three games without missing any side-quests or important stashes. I also ran through the Metro games again which was probably why I wanted to replay the Stalker games.

My girlfriend and I have been playing through Helldivers and it's a blast. I'm sure it would be a lot more fun (and frustrating) with multiple people, but we are just playing local co-op for now.

As for other games, if you want a good dungeon crawler (ARPG), then you might want to check out Grim Dawn. It's made by the original Blizzard North developers (Diablo 2/Titan Quest) and is considered the spiritual successor to Titan Quest since the skill trees are similar to Titan Quest's.
If you want a good turn-based RPG that allows (and encourages) you to use the terrain and environment during combat, then check out Divinity: Original Sin. It has an amazing story, tons to do (you can even wipe out every town you come across and just play an evil character), and plenty of player-created content.
If you want a tower defense/RPG hybrid, then you should try Dungeon Defenders. Make sure you play on Ranked because single player/local co-op gets boring and Open is where people either use nothing but hacked gear or they simply use it to test out how to upgrade a piece of gear. It's been updated several times with massive content updates (new maps, new items, new event items, etc.) by the community development team. The developers handed the reigns over to some very talented community members who have continued to patch the game as well as bring in new content which has completely revived a one-dead game.


Dec 5, 2000
I kind of like the idea of something quick, like rogue-likes, but rogue-likes tend to be extremely difficult. How about something thats fun and not too difficult?


Diamond Member
Jul 24, 2016
I'm playing Wasteland 2 DC right now and I was playing Salt and Sanctuary about a month ago or so.


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2007
I kind of like the idea of something quick, like rogue-likes, but rogue-likes tend to be extremely difficult. How about something thats fun and not too difficult?
Depends on how willing you are to learn a game. Rogue-likes are meant to be learned since you will die a lot, you must learn from your mistakes.

Hero Siege is pretty easy to play, there's 12 classes to play as (though maybe half are DLC but well worth it), each have their own skills similar to Diablo 2 (only one skill tree per class), and you fight through waves of enemies while collecting gear, money, relics, gems, keys, etc. There are seven different acts each with five different levels along with two hidden levels (old Diablo 2 players should know what to expect for the secret levels), and an endless dungeon that can get progressively harder the more you play, but yields better results.

Binding of Isaac should be well-known by now but if you've never looked into it, it's based almost purely off RNG. Some runs you can become unstoppable in the first few floors, other runs you will accidentally gimp yourself at the worst possible moment. Each achievement unlocks in-game content and most achievements can be unlocked by just playing the game continually. Unlike Hero Siege where you might not die for a long time, in Binding of Isaac, you WILL die. A lot. Every time you play. Even when you don't play. The game is tough, but it's incredibly fun. I've sunk over 400 hours into the game and I still haven't grabbed all the achievements. If you ever get into rogue-likes, make sure this one is on your list.

Rogue Legacy is a little weird. You'd probably be better off looking at some videos because I honestly couldn't tell you a thing about the game other than it's incredibly fun, very addicting, and screw the bonus bosses.

Faster Than Light (FTL) is really fun, but it's one of those games where you can do everything right and still die. Really frustrating at times, even on Easy setting, so you might not want to start with this one. Still, it is incredibly fun once you get that one-in-ten run where everything goes right and you can steamroll everything.

The Swapper is a pretty fun puzzle game that's based in an unknown space station with a pretty cool story. The entire game is just you trying to figure out what happened and ultimately, get off the station.

Bastion, while not a rogue-like, is one of the best story-driven action games I've played in a long time. It's very unique and it's one game I believe everyone should play.

Limbo is similar to The Swapper, but it has incredible visuals. This is another game that should be played by everyone.
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Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
Marvel Heroes 2016. It's fun to play as Iron Man, Luke Cage, etc. and beat up the villains from the comics I read as a kid. It has a fairly generous F2P model where you don't really need to spend any money, but they get hoarders like me to open our wallets for more inventory space.

Star Trek Online. They recently added a small set of The Original Series era episodes set before the normal period for the game which is 30 years after Voyager. STO also has a very generous F2P model where you don't need to pay to play any of the story content.

I also have so many other games I need to get around to, like the DLC for Fallout 4.


Platinum Member
Oct 19, 2006
i'm now playing Sword Coast Legends single player campaign, going to finish it soon. top-down party-based RPG with D&D rules and pause-able battles.
its really fun with lots of content (about 50 hours if you do all side quests) but my main complaint is that its just too easy even on hardest difficulty.
after you get past the first area where you do struggle to survive because anything can one-hit you, the game gets roflstomp easy.
other than that, its loads of fun.


May 1, 2006
Some very different games, all fun:

- The original Rogue/nethack - but already discussed above

- Rift - if you want F2P (until the next expansion for end game) MMO

- Spellweaver - Magic: the gathering like card game, one of many but good and generous F2P

- The Stanley Parable - a rather dark humorous narrator-driven game I won't spoil except to say a wonderful game, other than the dark
(If you don't want to play it but want to see what the fuss is about and have the game spoiled, watch lets play by "Gopher".)

- Marvel 2016 already mentioned

- The Talos Principle - possibly the best puzzle game made for the PC


Junior Member
Oct 10, 2016
Dark Souls is the standout. My controller wasn't working when I first tried it, and this made playing frustrating. Really glad went back to it. The combat is exceptionally tense. Picked up DS2 yesterday. Also just finished Bioshock (remastered).


Sep 13, 2010

Most fun game i've played in 2016 so far. Completed the game like 2-3 times already at different difficulty levels. Every time you play it, there's a new map. Great replayability.

The new DLCs only make it better. (& added payable MEC units that i love)

Second would be Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai. It's an old game but I never played it before. Waiting for a new Graphics card purchase to play Total War Warhammer, I thought i should give that a shot before uninstalling Shogun 2 from my SSD and it's pretty fun.


Senior member
May 10, 2000
Some very different games, all fun:

- The Talos Principle - possibly the best puzzle game made for the PC

Thanks for this. I haven't played a game in several months but I looked into Talos based on your suggestion and I ended up making the purchase. I look forward to giving it a try.


Golden Member
Jun 22, 2016
Not much of a story but I have been playing a ton of Stardew Valley. Damn game is addictive.


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2012
Miscreated - love it, feels like what DayZ Standalone should have been. Brings back memories of early DayZ mod. The community is just the right size. Not too big, not too small. It is a CryEngine game, so it looks phenomenal. I want the game to be successful but part of me doesn't want it to become popular and attract the DayZ/H1Z1 crowd. Two caveats - the PVP can be ruthless and it is still in Early Access. Updates come roughly every month and are of decent size.

Binding of Isaac is pretty much my favorite game of all time. I'm just doing the daily run everyday until the final expansion arrives later this year. It will bring full modding support so it will be a pretty big deal. Now would be a good time to get in and learn the ropes if it interests you.

Paragon might be worth checking out. It is F2P so you can check it out for free. I put a few hours into it and liked it but the MOBA thing doesn't hold my attention very long.


Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2007
Lately I have been having a lot of fun with the following:

Enter the Gungeon.

Shadow Warrior - Get your dose of Wang now, before Wang squared (i.e., Shadow Warrior 2) comes out.

Witcher 3 - I know I know. I am probably the last person on earth to like W3. But to be honest I found the game to be dull when I first tried playing it. Now that I've made it past the first area it is turning out to be quite fun and addictive

Tomb Raider and Rise of the Tomb Raider are good fun too, but I liked the former a LOT more than the latter.

Dark Souls 3 - really fun but very hard.

And if you are into the Assassin's creed kind of games, Assasins Creed 4 (set in the caribbean) is a ton of fun. The ship to ship combat and shanties alone are worth giving the game some playtime. That being said, I really wish ubisoft would ditch the whole abstergo idea entirely. It is by far the worst aspect of all of the AC games.
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Oct 9, 1999
Miscreated - love it, feels like what DayZ Standalone should have been. Brings back memories of early DayZ mod. The community is just the right size. Not too big, not too small. It is a CryEngine game, so it looks phenomenal. I want the game to be successful but part of me doesn't want it to become popular and attract the DayZ/H1Z1 crowd. Two caveats - the PVP can be ruthless and it is still in Early Access. Updates come roughly every month and are of decent size.

huge dayz player here, early mod days too. how do you compare the map size and how often do you run into people if you're into it for PVP? i watch streamers play it but don't know a lot about it. it's a beautiful game but it seems way more PvE than PVP.


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2010
Steam is a joke right now with all of the shovelware on there but... I did finish a couple play through of Mankind Divided and I'm at the end of the DOOM remake. Surprisingly good game, if simple and mostly mindless but I got it on sale anyway.


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2012
huge dayz player here, early mod days too. how do you compare the map size and how often do you run into people if you're into it for PVP? i watch streamers play it but don't know a lot about it. it's a beautiful game but it seems way more PvE than PVP.

The map size is only 64 square kilometers. I think that is a limit of CryEngine but I could be wrong on that.

When playing it though, it doesn't feel small. The map design is pretty amazing and it is hard to think of anything to compare it to. Nothing else in the genre looks and feels as genuine. I'm approaching 30 hours played and I feel comfortable with around 25% of the map. I still get lost pretty often.

PVP engagements are frequent in the hot spots (northern city, southern towns, airfield, gas stations). I play solo so I have to be careful about engaging unless I have some sort of advantage.

There are some PVE only servers but I've never bothered with them. The system is pretty basic right now - eating/drinking. Radiation will be added at some point. Base building is there but it still has a way to go before it gets interesting.

I highly recommend checking out twitch.tv/Sequisha. He is a long time Arma/DayZ modder (Epoch) who has been playing Miscreated almost exclusively. His stream is good to watch if you're interested in how the PVP works.


Golden Member
Jun 22, 2016
Miscreated is a cool game. I bought it quite some time ago and quickly learned not to talk to anyone. I ran into a guy who kept trying to stall me in town. I ignored him and started leaving when his buddies came at me from all directions. The only reason i got away is due to the zombies attacking them. I swam across the river and then just watched them. One of the guys stood on the other side just looking at me. We had a 'next time' moment and I ran off.
Reactions: WiseUp216


Dec 5, 2000
Care to elaborate? Been using Steam for 11 years and I haven't noticed any "shovelware" (whatever the hell that means) recently.
shovelware is like inexpensive, cheaply/poorly made,crappy games. he's right. it's full of crap these days, especially with the early access stuff. tons of stuff that i wouldn't even play if it was free.


Junior Member
Sep 26, 2016
PES 2015 and Call of Duty 5. Wanna try The Witcher 3 but don't know whether my PC specs could run it well.


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2007
Post your specs. Witcher 3 has the best optimization of any game to date. It's ridiculous how easily some extremely old PCs have been able to run the game and even if you don't meet minimum specs, you can still run Hunter's CFG. It makes the game looks like Runescape, but it's playable.
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