What happend to Due Process?

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Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2005
Wow, talk about clueless. You seem to pull the usual "can't argue facts" card, and just throw out utter BS and strawman. You trying to link my argument (proof that the gov lies all the time) with whack-job assertions about 9/11, FEMA camps and the like. Total BS, but nice try at such an obvious ploy. Guess you can't really rebate facts can you? It's so obvious you don't have anything to argue with. That's twice you have to stoop low. Care to argue about how the government lied in the (documented) cases I provided, instead of throwing out emotional strawmen?

I guess you have to believe these things so you don't feel too bad at night, so you can feel like we aren't breaking the law. But the facts remain that the government lies A LOT to us, and it's been proven MANY times, and just a few examples I've provided, and you don't even contest.

I don't know about you, but when you lie many times to a friend, your friend probably doesn't believe anything you say, because you have been proven as a liar. OR do you live in a bizarro world where you still are believed after spouting off many lies?

The government lies. FACT. As such, don't you think most reasonable people would insist on evidence, instead of some divine faith in the government, when it has proved it lies? You must have a very odd life if you don't follow this in practice.

Have we seen any evidence? NO. nothing. But you are more then willing to believe whatever the government says. I guess you like bowing down to authority. Again, I await your voting for Obama this election since he has stated the economy is better, and since he doesn't lie, you believe it and will vote for him. (LOL that kinda blows you right out of the water, doesn't it?) Or are you going to magically choose to not believe him, but believe this. Any comment?

Do you deny that the gov lied about everything I listed? Those are not trivial lies to make either.

Do you believe everything Obama says since he can't lie as part of the government?

Do you realize in the court of law, if a person lied like the government in a court case, they would at the least be laughed out of court because no one would believe them, and at worst be in contempt for deliberate lying?

These are basic facts. Sorry if you have some magical faith that lets you think the government doesn't lie to you about a lot of things. It's well documents, so I guess you are free to live in your delusions.

You start off accusing me of knocking down a straw man, which I wasn't doing, then you proceed to pose straw man after straw man of your own. "Divine faith" in government? Not an accurate description of what I said. I suggest you re-read it if you're having comprehension problems. Also, I didn't accuse you of believing in particular conspiracy theories and was quite clear on that.

Sorry, you're not arguing honestly. In another thread you made the blanket, unqualified statement that no evidence exists of this man's guilt. Not that you haven't seen it, but that it doesn't exist. And you of course know very well if said evidence exists, there are good reasons why it can't be released. You're trying to take advantage of that fact to argue from ignorance, period. I get why you're suspicious, but your purported certainty of Awlaki's innocence is flatly dishonest. You're the one at the extreme here - claiming certainty - not me.

From what I do know of the man's behavior, which includes not only his advocacy of terrorism but also his hiding out in a portion of Yemen controlled by militants, it isn't a stretch for me to accept the administration's claim to have evidence. It's not exactly what I'd call an extraordinary claim. You know another man was killed along with him who was also engaged in militant rhetoric, right? Well the administration has flat out said that unlike Awlaki, they have no evidence of his direct participation in terrorism, and so far as they know, he was an innocent who was at the wrong place and the wrong time. Why bother admitting that? If they're lying about Awlaki, they could just as easily lie about him. They didn't have to admit to killing an innocent.

I'm not wedded to the conclusion that they have evidence. I could easily be persuaded otherwise. Past dishonestly on the part of the "government" doesn't cut it, however. Most of what you cite came from the previous administration, but even if it comes from the same administration, assessing "government" credibility is not the same as assessing the credibility of a person. A government is not honest or dishonest. It consists of different people, in different circumstances, over time. No, I'm not convinced that our government lies as a rule, i.e. most of the time and you have not established that. I'm convinced that what they claim should be viewed with caution.

I'm not sure what really would be the point of releasing the evidence anyway, even if doing so wouldn't jeopardize ongoing investigations. I doubt you and others like you would accept the authenticity of it anyway. After all, any evidence can be manipulated and/or faked. It would most likely consist of statements made by informants and recorded in written form. Those people could be fictitious. Your own premise is that the government lies by default. You'd have no reason to accept any of it.

What are these ridiculous rantings about who I'm voting for or not? You seem to have some kind of "heads I win, tails you lose" idea all worked out whereby if I vote for Obama, then I accept everything he says uncritically, and if I don't, then I'm being selective and inconsistent. Is that about right? Wow, I'm wrong no matter what I do, what a surprise. Man you're desperate to personalize this, and you sure seem to have a need to "win" at all costs. I'll tell you what, in the concocted scenario in your head where I can't win, you win. Feel better now?

You take the last word on this. It's getting old.

- wolf
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Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2004

Remember, no signs of broken entry. Again, according to your logic, he should have been detained and tried for trespassing - not shot (executed).

Not enough data. Was intruder armed? Did intruder threaten the person in the home? Was there a reasonable fear of there being physical harm? If yes, then killing in defense (depending on the state of course) is legit. If there was no imminent danger posed to the resident, then lethal force was not warranted.


Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2005
You start off accusing me of knocking down a straw man, which I wasn't doing, then you proceed to pose straw man after straw man of your own. "Divine faith" in government? Not an accurate description of what I said. I suggest you re-read it if you're having comprehension problems. Also, I didn't accuse you of believing in particular conspiracy theories and was quite clear on that.

Right...you just brought up crazy conspiracy theories for the hell of it...are you a GOP candidate? They specialize in throwing out insults like that so everyone knows they mean it, then backpedal when caught. You even did it twice, knowing that crap has nothing to do with what I said. Typical BS troll attempt.

You knew what you were doing, people that throw that kind of BS are doing it on purpose, to try and move the discussion, and try to equate my argument with a crazy argument. Again, you did it twice on purpose, it was deliberate. Standard derision of someone's argument. And you did it twice.

Sorry, you're not arguing honestly. In another thread you made the blanket, unqualified statement that no evidence exists of this man's guilt. Not that you haven't seen it, but that it doesn't exist. And you of course know very well if said evidence exists, there are good reasons why it can't be released. You're trying to take advantage of that fact to argue from ignorance, period. I get why you're suspicious, but your purported certainty of Awlaki's innocence is flatly dishonest. You're the one at the extreme here - claiming certainty - not me.

Have you seen evidence? No? Me neither. Is there any? No one knows, they claim there is, but it's secret.

You are willing to accept a blanket statement that there is, and it shows his guilt. I do not. Release the evidence.

You do remember the government lying about Gitmo right? All those mean terrorists that were locked up, and the government said they were all guilty, we know it, but it is secret? Guess what? Most, when we finally got to see the evidence, were NOT guilty. Hell, even the military admitted most were innocent and lied as well.

Hmm, I guess that never happened in your mind, since the government wouldn't knowingly lock up innocent people, right? They must have been guilty, since the government doesn't lie, LOL. See any parallels here?

Some FACTS for you:
1. Government has a history of lying and making shit up
2. This was done by a secret group of people with no rules and no legal basis, so there is no documented process for them to follow, which basically means they can do whatever they want.

Those two things should make ANYONE question the truth, and want to see the evidence. I don't know why you have such blind faith to believe you aren't being lied to AGAIN.

I never claimed the dudes innocence, but he has not gottena trial or any sort of legal process to determine his guilt or innocence, and then if guilty, if cheerleading for terrorists is grounds for execution.

From what I do know of the man's behavior, which includes not only his advocacy of terrorism but also his hiding out in a portion of Yemen controlled by militants, it isn't a stretch for me to accept the administration's claim to have evidence. It's not exactly what I'd call an extraordinary claim. You know another man was killed along with him who was also engaged in militant rhetoric, right? Well the administration has flat out said that unlike Awlaki, they have no evidence of his direct participation in terrorism, and so far as they know, he was an innocent who was at the wrong place and the wrong time. Why bother admitting that? If they're lying about Awlaki, they could just as easily lie about him. They didn't have to admit to killing an innocent.

Really? You just assume again? How quaint. You should make the government VERIFY and PROVE every claim. Isn't that what we do in the US? The whole innocent until proven guilty concept? We don't just take a police officer's word that someone is guilty, we have a real trial. Why? Because we all know that cops lie sometimes, or make mistakes. But you blindly, with no evidence you can see, just blindly believe whatever they tell you. You accept their "cliam" of evidence. What a joke.

Where is the presumption of innocence? Did he get a trial? Dude's father was not even allowed to challenge it in court, because of "national security". Seems fair to me, right? No legal basis to do this, no court trial, no ability to challenge if wrong, just straight execution. Truth, justice and the American way, right?

Do you think is he was innocent (in a legal sense), the government would admit they killed someone they shouldn't have? LOL, really? Can I sell you a bridge in New York?

As I pointed out, the secret sources admit the evidence is patchy. You really think you get a death penalty conviction in any US court with "patchy" evidence?

It's amazing....to a large part of the US population, as soon as anyone in authority accuses someone of being a terrorist, everyone treats it like it came down from God. No proof, no trial, nothing. You can shoot someone in front of 100 witnesses, and you are an accused murderer until you get a trial, but just say someone is a terrorist, he is one, no doubt, no problem. And of course, all terrorists have no rights, they can be killed whenever we want, even if a US citizen. Funny how that changes.

You sure know how to give up more of your freedom. Congrats.


Dec 11, 2006
No, as I pointed out earlier in the thread this guy was an enemy combatant and was with other enemy combatants in a foreign country. Surrounding his house with a SWAT team is a bit out of the question.

I have a question for you. If we had sent in a Special Forces team of some type to attempt to apprehend him and he had been killed attempting to fight or flee would you still have a raging hard on over the fact that he was an American citizen at one point?

First of all, he wasn't "an American citizen at one point" he was legally an American Citizen at the time of his death. Secondly, no I would not have a problem with that as the speacial forces team would have been well within their rights to defend themselves with deadly force if necessary. That is not the same thing as a drone firing a hellfire missile.
What if we had actually apprehended him? Would you be ok with letting him rot in Gitmo without a trial until he is 90,

No I would not be nor have I been ok with holding people indefinitely without a trial. I am very consistent with my respect and desire to maintain our Constitutional rights, ALL of them.

or would you be clamoring to try him for treason and execute him?

That would be perfectly acceptable with me as well as the Constitution.

Look, I have repeatedly stated that I can understand the need for some sort of mechanism to deal with situations like this. However, circumventing the Constitution at will with absolutely zero oversight and zero checks and balances is flat out wrong and illegal. The President should have asked Congress to pass some sort of legislation (such as making it possible to revoke someones citizenship that included checks and balances) which I am quite sure that he would have gotten fast tracked since it deals with the scary terrorists.

Instead he is selectively deciding which parts of the Constitution to apply and selectively deciding which US citizens it applies to, completely on his own with no legal oversight at all. For the life of me I can't understand why so many people think that is ok regardless of how much a scumbag the person was.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
First of all, he wasn't "an American citizen at one point" he was legally an American Citizen at the time of his death. Secondly, no I would not have a problem with that as the speacial forces team would have been well within their rights to defend themselves with deadly force if necessary. That is not the same thing as a drone firing a hellfire missile.

No I would not be nor have I been ok with holding people indefinitely without a trial. I am very consistent with my respect and desire to maintain our Constitutional rights, ALL of them.

That would be perfectly acceptable with me as well as the Constitution.

Look, I have repeatedly stated that I can understand the need for some sort of mechanism to deal with situations like this. However, circumventing the Constitution at will with absolutely zero oversight and zero checks and balances is flat out wrong and illegal. The President should have asked Congress to pass some sort of legislation (such as making it possible to revoke someones citizenship that included checks and balances) which I am quite sure that he would have gotten fast tracked since it deals with the scary terrorists.

Instead he is selectively deciding which parts of the Constitution to apply and selectively deciding which US citizens it applies to, completely on his own with no legal oversight at all. For the life of me I can't understand why so many people think that is ok regardless of how much a scumbag the person was.

Yup, and it's up to the congress to do that, not up to him to ask them to. He has folks that need to be killed he needs to attend to.


Dec 11, 2006
Yup, and it's up to the congress to do that, not up to him to ask them to. He has folks that need to be killed he needs to attend to.

Wrong. It is the Presidents job to uphold the Constitution. Matter of fact it is in the oath of office he takes:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

He has had plenty of time to request the legal authority from Congress to take action against this specific person.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Yup, to the best of his ability preserve and protect and defend the Constitution by violating it if need be. You focus on the law but it is the intangible justice the law stands for that is important. Remember the Jews had the law and their insistence on the letter of the law that condemned them?


Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2005
Due proces? Nope.

A new article laid out the timing, and the government placed Awlaki on the kill list first, then a few months later, tried to jsutify it. Whoops!


December 24, 2009: Administration tries unsuccessfully to kill Awlaki as collateral damage

Before January 26, 2010: Awlaki may or may not be placed on CIA (or JSOC) kill list

April 2010: Awlaki put on kill list

June 2010: OLC opinion authorizing Awlaki assassination

June 2010: David Barron announces his departure

July 2010: Marty Lederman announces his departure

August 2010: ACLU and CCR sue on Awlaki targeting

September 2010: Administration considers charging Awlaki

September 2010: After not charging Awlaki, the government declares the material just leaked to Charlie Savage a state secret

April 2011: The Administration tries, but fails, to kill Awlaki

September 2011: The Administration assassinates Awlaki and Khan

Oops! As the article states, no wonder all the OLC guys resigned, when the government decided to kill this guy without any reasoning or justification.

Note to wolfe9999: Of course, the government never lies, so I guess this didn't really happen, so your beliefs are still intact.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2005
Note to wolfe9999: Of course, the government never lies, so I guess this didn't really happen, so your beliefs are still intact.

I get really tired of people deliberately lying about the opinions of others on this discussion board. GtC, you are a liar, and the proof is in my posts above.

- wolf
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Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2005
I get really tired of people deliberately lying about the opinions of others on this discussion board. GtC, you are a liar, and the proof is in my posts above.

- wolf

Um, yeah, right. You said (and I quote)

I have no reason to believe the government is lying about having such evidence because it doesn't have a motive to lie in this particular case. There are many, many other radical Muslims who "mouth off" on the internet and elsewhere, on a daily basis, yet they aren't being accused of planning terrorist acts. There is no reason for the government to arbitrarily choose Al-Awlaki among all radical Islamist mouthpieces to make a false charge.

Myself, I look at the circumstances and draw the most logical inference. Take Iraq and the WMD's, for example. Not only was there a motive to lie in that case, to justify the war, but when I saw the Bush admin cutting the UN inspection short after it issued its interim report, it looked awfully suspicious. I see no indicia here of dishonesty.

and most imprtantly this:
My own position is that I do not believe as a general rule that the U.S. government systemically and consistently lies.

So yea, when I point a bunch of public, improtant issues that the government outright lied about, you don't care, and still believe they don't lie.

I pointed out Gitmo, where the government knowingly lied and locked up innocent people, and didn't admit it. Many times they did this. But yet you still believe the "secret, unreleased evidence that no one is allowed to see", despite many instances where the government has lied, and used the "secret evidence" claim to get people to believe them.

Just what qualifies as "dishonesty" to you? Willing to lock hundreds of knowingly innocent people up for life? That doesn't count?

Again, in a court of law, the government would in no way be a credible witness, having a proven history of intentional lying. But this doesn't deter you from blindly believing they tell the truth.

D we know the government is telling the truth? No. Do we know the government is lying? No Have we seen them lie so many times before that we should insist on proof? Hell yes. Except to you of course, who feels they wouldn't lie about killing someone, LOL.

And now, this article comes up, where they put him on the kill list TWO MONTHS before trying to come up with a legal basis for it. Hmmm, wouldn't lie about legality, now would they? I mean, this is the US, where we sentence defendants to jail before the trial happens, and then we come back a in a few months to come up with a reason for the verdict, right?

So deciding to execute someone BEFORE consulting the lawyers isn't indicative of dishonesty? Really? Guess you are OK with that too, must have just been an admin oversight, not done on purpose, since they aren't lying.
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