What if George W. Bush had done that?


Nov 25, 2001
So the theory goes, Obama induces all sorts of leg-tingling good feelings in the mainstream media, and so when he screws up, he seems to get a free pass. In contrast, the theory goes, GWB would never get such kid glove treatment from the press. So why is that? Is it as obvious as liberal bias? Or something more complicated?

What if George W. Bush had done that?

A four-hour stop in New Orleans, on his way to a $3 million fundraiser.

Snubbing the Dalai Lama.

Signing off on a secret deal with drug makers.

Freezing out a TV network.

Doing more fundraisers than the last president. More golf, too.

President Barack Obama has done all of those things ? and more.

What?s remarkable is what hasn?t happened. These episodes haven?t become metaphors for Obama?s personal and political character ? or consuming controversies that sidetracked the rest of his agenda.

It?s a sign that the media?s echo chamber can be a funny thing, prone to the vagaries of news judgment, and an illustration that, in politics, context is everything.

Conservatives look on with a mix of indignation and amazement and ask: Imagine the fuss if George W. Bush had done these things?

And quickly add, with a hint of jealousy: How does Obama get away with it?

?We have a joke about it. We?re going to start a website: IfBushHadDoneThat.com,? former Bush counselor Ed Gillespie said. ?The watchdogs are curled up around his feet, sleeping soundly. ... There are countless examples: some silly, some serious.?

Indeed, Bush got grief for secret meetings with the oil industry, politicizing the White House and spending too much time on his beloved bike. But it?s not just Republicans who notice. Media observers note that the president often gets kid-glove treatment from the press, fellow Democrats and, particularly, interest groups on the left ? Bush?s loudest critics, Obama?s biggest backers.

But others say there?s a larger phenomenon at work ? in the story line the media wrote about Obama?s presidency. For Bush, the theme was that of a Big Business Republican who rode the family name to the White House, so stories about secret energy meetings and a certain laziness, intellectual and otherwise, fit neatly into the theme, to be replayed over and over again.

Obama?s story line was more positive from the start: historic newcomer coming to shake up Washington. So the negatives that sprung up around Obama ? like a sense that he was more flash than substance ? track what negative coverage he?s received, captured in a recent ?Saturday Night Live? skit that made fun of his lack of accomplishments in office.

?There may well be almost an unconscious effort on the part of the media to give Obama a bit more slack because he is more likable, because he is the first African-American president. That plays into it,? said Sherry Bebitch Jeffe, a political analyst at the University of Southern California.

Democrats find the complaints of Obama ?getting a pass? hard to stomach in light of the way the press treated Bush ? particularly on the single biggest mistake of his presidency, relying on the faulty intelligence leading up to the war in Iraq. Now, Obama?s aides say, the positive coverage simply reflects the fact that their efforts are succeeding.

?As our administration makes progress on the agenda that Washington has ignored for too long, we expect we?ll get some news coverage of that progress that we like and some tough coverage that we don?t,? White House spokesman Josh Earnest said. ?It?s not unlike the New Orleans Saints, who are getting lots of good coverage of their perfect record so far ? certainly better coverage than the [2-5] Redskins ? but it doesn?t mean the Saints have liked every story that?s been written about them since training camp. It goes with the territory.?

There are signs the friendly tone toward Obama is ebbing. Case in point: a front-page story in The New York Times noting that Obama?s all-male basketball games drew fire from the head of the National Organization for Women, who called the games ?troubling.?

But here are other stories in which Obama seems to have gotten a pass:

New Orleans

As a candidate, Obama railed against the Bush administration for abandoning and then neglecting the people of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. He made five campaign trips to the city.

But as president, Obama waited almost nine months before visiting the Big Easy, spent less than four hours on the ground there and then jetted to San Francisco for a $3 million Democratic fundraiser.

?Don?t judge anybody on the amount of time that they?ve spent there. Judge only what this administration promised that they would do, what they?ve done every day and what they?re continuing to work on,? press secretary Robert Gibbs said, pointing to positive reviews of the federal government?s efforts under Obama.

For their part, Democrats can?t see how Bush officials can muster much umbrage over anything related to New Orleans, given how the Republican administration handled the initial response to Katrina.

Managing the press

When the Obama administration moved in recent weeks to isolate and disparage Fox News as a wing of the Republican Party, there were few immediate howls of outrage ? even from Fox?s fellow journalists in the media.

Press defenders and First Amendment advocates who jumped on the Bush administration for using military analysts to shape war coverage reacted with a yawn to the White House?s announcement that it had deemed Fox to be not a ?legitimate news organization.?

?Had I said about MSNBC what the Obama White House said about Fox, the media uproar would still be going on,? said Ari Fleischer, who served as Bush?s press secretary until 2003. ?I instinctively would have known ... the media would have leapt to their feet to defend them. I?m shocked it?s not happening now.?

One press veteran agreed. ?If George Bush had taken on MSNBC, what would have happened?? said Phil Bronstein, editor-at-large of the San Francisco Chronicle. ?That?s one place you can point to a real difference in how I?d imagine Bush would be treated.?

Politicizing the White House

Throughout the Bush administration, liberal critics warned that the hand of Bush political adviser Karl Rove was spreading politics into all corners of government. Reporters were on alert for any sign that politics was infecting the work of federal agencies. One top appointee got in hot water for allegedly asking agency officials to work to ?help our candidates? across the country.

So some Bush aides went nearly apoplectic earlier this month when they spotted Gibbs and Obama?s political guru, David Axelrod, in photos of a Situation Room meeting on Afghanistan policy.

?Oh, the howling and screaming that would have happened if Karl Rove was sitting in on even a deputies-level meeting where strategy was being hammered out. People would have just gone ballistic,? said Peter Feaver, a former White House aide for both Bush and Bill Clinton.

Also, in about nine months, Obama has already attended more than two dozen fundraising events, while Bush did only six in his first year in office, according to a tally by CBS?s Mark Knoller.

Gibbs said Obama had to do more to raise a similar amount of money, since the kinds of soft-money fundraisers Bush did early on were banned. ?This president ... doesn?t accept money from PACs or lobbyists and doesn?t allow lobbyists to give at fundraisers that he?s at, as well,? Gibbs added.

Dealing with business, in secret

Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney endured years of criticism and lawsuits that stretched all the way to the Supreme Court over secret meetings Cheney?s Energy Task Force held with oil and gas companies. When the policy emerged, critics said Cheney was carrying water for the industry.

Obama pledged to hash out health care reform live on C-SPAN and excoriated Bush for kowtowing to the drug industry. But aides signed off on the drug industry?s agreement to find $80 billion in savings to support reform. However, Obama aides didn?t disclose that the agreement involved the White House promising that current health legislation wouldn?t include further cuts or give the government the right to negotiate over drug prices.

Toning down human rights

During the campaign, Obama talked tough on China. While candidate Obama pushed Bush to take a hard line, President Obama hasn?t. Hoping to win China?s help on Iran and North Korea, Obama skipped a meeting with the Dalai Lama and said little when China undertook a violent crackdown in its largely Muslim Xinjiang region. The White House has pledged to meet with the Dalai Lama later.

And while candidate Obama warned Bush against a ?reckless and cynical initiative [that] would reward a regime in Khartoum that has a record of failing to live up to its commitments,? President Obama?s envoy to Sudan, Scott Gration, seemed to lay out a similar incentive-driven approach.

?We?ve got to think about giving out cookies,? said Gration. ?Kids, countries ? they react to gold stars, smiley faces, handshakes, agreements, talk, engagement.? The White House backed away from Gration?s characterization of the strategy but did recently lay out a strategy of engaging with the Sudanese regime.

Traveling and recreating

In his campaign and as president, Bush was mocked for a lack of interest in all things foreign ? seven minutes touring the Kremlin, 25 minutes at the Great Wall of China, before declaring, ?Let?s go home.?

During a trip to Europe in June, Obama chastised German and French reporters for suggesting that he was snubbing those countries by making only brief stops in each. ?There are only 24 hours in the day. And so there?s nothing to any of that speculation beyond us just trying to fit in what we could do on such a short trip,? he told reporters in Germany.

But after taking his wife out for an attention-grabbing date night, Obama promptly jetted back to Washington. Within about 90 minutes of arriving at the White House, the tightly scheduled president was on the move again ? headed to Andrews Air Force Base to play nine holes of golf.



Dec 7, 2004
Originally posted by: JS80
From my perspective, "I wish he'd done that."

Yep. If bush had just played golf and gone to fundraisers for eight years, we'd all be better off.

And for what it's worth, bush was treated relatively well by the corporate media. Only rabid partisans who thought he could do no wrong would think otherwise.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2000
Originally posted by: dainthomas
Originally posted by: JS80
From my perspective, "I wish he'd done that."

Yep. If bush had just played golf and gone to fundraisers for eight years, we'd all be better off.

And for what it's worth, bush was treated relatively well by the corporate media. Only rabid partisans who thought he could do no wrong would think otherwise.

Oh definitely.:roll:


Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2008
You mean the media treated our "war president" badly? :shocked:

If Obama mucks things up as badly I'm sure he will get the same treatment.


Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: OCguy
You and the article's author are both racist.

You still need to find a job, 13704 posts in less than 2 years and not one of them has worth a shit.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: OCguy
You and the article's author are both racist.

You still need to find a job, 13704 posts in less than 2 years and not one of them has worth a shit.

Hey his posts are worth a shit and futhermore they aren't a wall of text posting someones else's rather than his own.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: OCguy
You and the article's author are both racist.

You still need to find a job, 13704 posts in less than 2 years and not one of them has worth a shit.

Hey his posts are worth a shit and futhermore they aren't a wall of text posting someones else's rather than his own.

You two need to lighten up.


Jun 11, 2004
To each their own, imo he suffers from Budmantom disease, which is the the dropping of one line agenda turds into others threads, which is the exact opposite of the wall of text syndrome.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: OCguy
You and the article's author are both racist.

You still need to find a job, 13704 posts in less than 2 years and not one of them has worth a shit.

Hey his posts are worth a shit and futhermore they aren't a wall of text posting someones else's rather than his own.

You two need to lighten up.

Yeah I take this very seriously:roll:


Platinum Member
Mar 19, 2009
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: OCguy
You and the article's author are both racist.

You still need to find a job, 13704 posts in less than 2 years and not one of them has worth a shit.

Hey his posts are worth a shit and futhermore they aren't a wall of text posting someones else's rather than his own.

You two need to lighten up.

Yeah I take this very seriously:roll:

Wussies cry moar that they lost. Film at 11.

Sep 12, 2004
Originally posted by: JKing106
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: OCguy
You and the article's author are both racist.

You still need to find a job, 13704 posts in less than 2 years and not one of them has worth a shit.

Hey his posts are worth a shit and futhermore they aren't a wall of text posting someones else's rather than his own.

You two need to lighten up.

Yeah I take this very seriously:roll:

Wussies cry moar that they lost. Film at 11.
Saw that film way back in 2000, and it was rerun in 2004.


Platinum Member
Mar 19, 2009
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: JKing106
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: OCguy
You and the article's author are both racist.

You still need to find a job, 13704 posts in less than 2 years and not one of them has worth a shit.

Hey his posts are worth a shit and futhermore they aren't a wall of text posting someones else's rather than his own.

You two need to lighten up.

Yeah I take this very seriously:roll:

Wussies cry moar that they lost. Film at 11.
Saw that film way back in 2000, and it was rerun in 2004.

Good thing it's 2009. Resume pissing and moaning. You can stop in 2016.



Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: JKing106
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: JKing106
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: OCguy
You and the article's author are both racist.

You still need to find a job, 13704 posts in less than 2 years and not one of them has worth a shit.

Hey his posts are worth a shit and futhermore they aren't a wall of text posting someones else's rather than his own.

You two need to lighten up.

Yeah I take this very seriously:roll:

Wussies cry moar that they lost. Film at 11.
Saw that film way back in 2000, and it was rerun in 2004.

Good thing it's 2009. Resume pissing and moaning. You can stop in 2016.

I doubt they would even stop then


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: OCguy
You and the article's author are both racist.

You still need to find a job, 13704 posts in less than 2 years and not one of them has worth a shit.

Hey his posts are worth a shit and futhermore they aren't a wall of text posting someones else's rather than his own.

Yeah. Despite his ideology, OCguy isn't close to as mean-spirited as some on these forums. And his posts occasionally make me grin.


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
Originally posted by: Ausm
Originally posted by: JKing106
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: JKing106
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: OCguy
You and the article's author are both racist.

You still need to find a job, 13704 posts in less than 2 years and not one of them has worth a shit.

Hey his posts are worth a shit and futhermore they aren't a wall of text posting someones else's rather than his own.

You two need to lighten up.

Yeah I take this very seriously:roll:

Wussies cry moar that they lost. Film at 11.
Saw that film way back in 2000, and it was rerun in 2004.

Good thing it's 2009. Resume pissing and moaning. You can stop in 2016.

I doubt they would even stop then

Is this some sort of stream-of-consciousness thing?


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2004
The system is rigged. Bush couldn't be bothered with reading the blueprints. Obama had no choice.


Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2007
I seem to remember the media and ACLU suing the government to allow the caskets coming back from Afghanistan to be photographed.

Guess what, we just had the deadliest month in in Afghanistan.....where are these photos they wanted to take so much?


Nov 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Patranus
I seem to remember the media and ACLU suing the government to allow the caskets coming back from Afghanistan to be photographed.

Guess what, we just had the deadliest month in in Afghanistan.....where are these photos they wanted to take so much?

The ban has been reversed. Were you not aware of that?


Pentagon Eases Ban on Photos of Dead Soldiers? Coffins

The Pentagon said Thursday it was easing the ban on photographing flag-draped coffins of dead soldiers arriving home from the battlefield.

The 18-year-old ban of taking photos of coffins returning to the United States was designed to protect the privacy of grieving families. But it also censored and sanitized a byproduct of war.


Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Originally posted by: Patranus
I seem to remember the media and ACLU suing the government to allow the caskets coming back from Afghanistan to be photographed.

Guess what, we just had the deadliest month in in Afghanistan.....where are these photos they wanted to take so much?

The ban has been reversed. Were you not aware of that?


Pentagon Eases Ban on Photos of Dead Soldiers? Coffins

The Pentagon said Thursday it was easing the ban on photographing flag-draped coffins of dead soldiers arriving home from the battlefield.

The 18-year-old ban of taking photos of coffins returning to the United States was designed to protect the privacy of grieving families. But it also censored and sanitized a byproduct of war.

I think he is saying that when bush was president, all we seen were photos, now that obama is president, you hardly ever hear or see anything about it. Is it because the media is still jerking off obama and has no time to report negative stories. You know because obama brings change you can believe in. What change, I dunno, but damn it, it's change.


Nov 11, 1999
Golf? Ike played a lot of golf- other presidents did, too. Afficianados claim it lets them clear their mind, get away from the phone, the incessant schedule, the assistants, the whatever- to reflect, to think creatively. GWB did basically the same thing with chores on his ranch.

Fundraising? Popular presidents do a lot of that, whatever their party. Comes with the territory. Unpopular presidents don't even show up at their Party's convention to support their next candidate for his job... funny how that works...

Whining about the Media? Republicans are the acknowledged masters of that...


Oct 17, 1999
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
So the theory goes, Obama induces all sorts of leg-tingling good feelings in the mainstream media, and so when he screws up, he seems to get a free pass. In contrast, the theory goes, GWB would never get such kid glove treatment from the press. So why is that? Is it as obvious as liberal bias? Or something more complicated?

What if George W. Bush had done that?

A four-hour stop in New Orleans, on his way to a $3 million fundraiser.

Snubbing the Dalai Lama.

Signing off on a secret deal with drug makers.

Freezing out a TV network.

Doing more fundraisers than the last president. More golf, too.

President Barack Obama has done all of those things ? and more.

What?s remarkable is what hasn?t happened. These episodes haven?t become metaphors for Obama?s personal and political character ? or consuming controversies that sidetracked the rest of his agenda.

It?s a sign that the media?s echo chamber can be a funny thing, prone to the vagaries of news judgment, and an illustration that, in politics, context is everything.

Conservatives look on with a mix of indignation and amazement and ask: Imagine the fuss if George W. Bush had done these things?

And quickly add, with a hint of jealousy: How does Obama get away with it?

?We have a joke about it. We?re going to start a website: IfBushHadDoneThat.com,? former Bush counselor Ed Gillespie said. ?The watchdogs are curled up around his feet, sleeping soundly. ... There are countless examples: some silly, some serious.?

Indeed, Bush got grief for secret meetings with the oil industry, politicizing the White House and spending too much time on his beloved bike. But it?s not just Republicans who notice. Media observers note that the president often gets kid-glove treatment from the press, fellow Democrats and, particularly, interest groups on the left ? Bush?s loudest critics, Obama?s biggest backers.

But others say there?s a larger phenomenon at work ? in the story line the media wrote about Obama?s presidency. For Bush, the theme was that of a Big Business Republican who rode the family name to the White House, so stories about secret energy meetings and a certain laziness, intellectual and otherwise, fit neatly into the theme, to be replayed over and over again.

Obama?s story line was more positive from the start: historic newcomer coming to shake up Washington. So the negatives that sprung up around Obama ? like a sense that he was more flash than substance ? track what negative coverage he?s received, captured in a recent ?Saturday Night Live? skit that made fun of his lack of accomplishments in office.

?There may well be almost an unconscious effort on the part of the media to give Obama a bit more slack because he is more likable, because he is the first African-American president. That plays into it,? said Sherry Bebitch Jeffe, a political analyst at the University of Southern California.

Democrats find the complaints of Obama ?getting a pass? hard to stomach in light of the way the press treated Bush ? particularly on the single biggest mistake of his presidency, relying on the faulty intelligence leading up to the war in Iraq. Now, Obama?s aides say, the positive coverage simply reflects the fact that their efforts are succeeding.

?As our administration makes progress on the agenda that Washington has ignored for too long, we expect we?ll get some news coverage of that progress that we like and some tough coverage that we don?t,? White House spokesman Josh Earnest said. ?It?s not unlike the New Orleans Saints, who are getting lots of good coverage of their perfect record so far ? certainly better coverage than the [2-5] Redskins ? but it doesn?t mean the Saints have liked every story that?s been written about them since training camp. It goes with the territory.?

There are signs the friendly tone toward Obama is ebbing. Case in point: a front-page story in The New York Times noting that Obama?s all-male basketball games drew fire from the head of the National Organization for Women, who called the games ?troubling.?

But here are other stories in which Obama seems to have gotten a pass:

New Orleans

As a candidate, Obama railed against the Bush administration for abandoning and then neglecting the people of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. He made five campaign trips to the city.

But as president, Obama waited almost nine months before visiting the Big Easy, spent less than four hours on the ground there and then jetted to San Francisco for a $3 million Democratic fundraiser.

?Don?t judge anybody on the amount of time that they?ve spent there. Judge only what this administration promised that they would do, what they?ve done every day and what they?re continuing to work on,? press secretary Robert Gibbs said, pointing to positive reviews of the federal government?s efforts under Obama.

For their part, Democrats can?t see how Bush officials can muster much umbrage over anything related to New Orleans, given how the Republican administration handled the initial response to Katrina.

Managing the press

When the Obama administration moved in recent weeks to isolate and disparage Fox News as a wing of the Republican Party, there were few immediate howls of outrage ? even from Fox?s fellow journalists in the media.

Press defenders and First Amendment advocates who jumped on the Bush administration for using military analysts to shape war coverage reacted with a yawn to the White House?s announcement that it had deemed Fox to be not a ?legitimate news organization.?

?Had I said about MSNBC what the Obama White House said about Fox, the media uproar would still be going on,? said Ari Fleischer, who served as Bush?s press secretary until 2003. ?I instinctively would have known ... the media would have leapt to their feet to defend them. I?m shocked it?s not happening now.?

One press veteran agreed. ?If George Bush had taken on MSNBC, what would have happened?? said Phil Bronstein, editor-at-large of the San Francisco Chronicle. ?That?s one place you can point to a real difference in how I?d imagine Bush would be treated.?

Politicizing the White House

Throughout the Bush administration, liberal critics warned that the hand of Bush political adviser Karl Rove was spreading politics into all corners of government. Reporters were on alert for any sign that politics was infecting the work of federal agencies. One top appointee got in hot water for allegedly asking agency officials to work to ?help our candidates? across the country.

So some Bush aides went nearly apoplectic earlier this month when they spotted Gibbs and Obama?s political guru, David Axelrod, in photos of a Situation Room meeting on Afghanistan policy.

?Oh, the howling and screaming that would have happened if Karl Rove was sitting in on even a deputies-level meeting where strategy was being hammered out. People would have just gone ballistic,? said Peter Feaver, a former White House aide for both Bush and Bill Clinton.

Also, in about nine months, Obama has already attended more than two dozen fundraising events, while Bush did only six in his first year in office, according to a tally by CBS?s Mark Knoller.

Gibbs said Obama had to do more to raise a similar amount of money, since the kinds of soft-money fundraisers Bush did early on were banned. ?This president ... doesn?t accept money from PACs or lobbyists and doesn?t allow lobbyists to give at fundraisers that he?s at, as well,? Gibbs added.

Dealing with business, in secret

Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney endured years of criticism and lawsuits that stretched all the way to the Supreme Court over secret meetings Cheney?s Energy Task Force held with oil and gas companies. When the policy emerged, critics said Cheney was carrying water for the industry.

Obama pledged to hash out health care reform live on C-SPAN and excoriated Bush for kowtowing to the drug industry. But aides signed off on the drug industry?s agreement to find $80 billion in savings to support reform. However, Obama aides didn?t disclose that the agreement involved the White House promising that current health legislation wouldn?t include further cuts or give the government the right to negotiate over drug prices.

Toning down human rights

During the campaign, Obama talked tough on China. While candidate Obama pushed Bush to take a hard line, President Obama hasn?t. Hoping to win China?s help on Iran and North Korea, Obama skipped a meeting with the Dalai Lama and said little when China undertook a violent crackdown in its largely Muslim Xinjiang region. The White House has pledged to meet with the Dalai Lama later.

And while candidate Obama warned Bush against a ?reckless and cynical initiative [that] would reward a regime in Khartoum that has a record of failing to live up to its commitments,? President Obama?s envoy to Sudan, Scott Gration, seemed to lay out a similar incentive-driven approach.

?We?ve got to think about giving out cookies,? said Gration. ?Kids, countries ? they react to gold stars, smiley faces, handshakes, agreements, talk, engagement.? The White House backed away from Gration?s characterization of the strategy but did recently lay out a strategy of engaging with the Sudanese regime.

Traveling and recreating

In his campaign and as president, Bush was mocked for a lack of interest in all things foreign ? seven minutes touring the Kremlin, 25 minutes at the Great Wall of China, before declaring, ?Let?s go home.?

During a trip to Europe in June, Obama chastised German and French reporters for suggesting that he was snubbing those countries by making only brief stops in each. ?There are only 24 hours in the day. And so there?s nothing to any of that speculation beyond us just trying to fit in what we could do on such a short trip,? he told reporters in Germany.

But after taking his wife out for an attention-grabbing date night, Obama promptly jetted back to Washington. Within about 90 minutes of arriving at the White House, the tightly scheduled president was on the move again ? headed to Andrews Air Force Base to play nine holes of golf.


The small stuff did not piss me off about Mr Bush.
What pissed me off are:
1. His invasion of Iraq, justified by cherry picked intel and questionable statements.
2. His diverting resources away from Afghanistan so that the US has to be still there 7 years later.
3. The Patriot Act
4. His "handling of Katrina.
5. The outing of Ms Plame
6. His "Justice Department"

Just to name a few items.


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2005
Lets not forget that he made fun of retarded kids on national television. Imagine if Bush did that or anyone else on the planet.


Jul 2, 2005
With the exception of Fox, the media loves Obama and will not hold him to task for anything he does. He's done a multitude of things that are worse than much of the stuff Bush was scolded for in the media, but nobody wants to offend the dear leader or his cult followers.
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