What in the hell are we teaching our kids!?

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Diamond Member
Aug 24, 2000
You've posted a link that shows two pages out of a 245 page book. Do you have any idea what's in the other 243 pages? Maybe it's something that's legitimately educational. Is one steamy sex scene enough to decry a piece of literature? Because there are a lot of literary masterpieces that include sex. Is any sexual content enough to decry something as devoid of literary or artistic value? Are you the final judge of morality when it comes to sexuality in art?

Education touches on controversial topics. I had a conversation in a high school social studies class about bigotry where my teacher gave us examples using words like "lovely human" and "******." Clearly I can't say those words at work without offending someone; I'd probably get fired. But an academic setting is the perfect place to discuss controversial topics. Sure, people might get offended, but that's part of the educational process. Teaching a social studies lesson about bigotry without identifying examples of bigotry would be utterly pointless. Similarly, pretending that sex doesn't exist is an idiotic way to educate adolescents. You can't just stick your head in the sand and pretend that a 15 year old isn't going to have sexual thoughts; it's asinine. And if you assume that all it takes to open those floodgates and unleash a raging hormonal teen orgy is a single depiction of sex in a single book, you have no respect for the teenagers you're purportedly trying to protect.

You're Goddamn right I am.. Judge Jury and Executioner when it comes to what content is being fed to my kids! And it's out of respect for the fact that they ARE JUST KIDS!


Jun 23, 2004
OP would better belong in the Victorian era.

You're Goddamn right I am.. Judge Jury and Executioner when it comes to what content is being fed to my kids! And it's out of respect for the fact that they ARE JUST KIDS!

"ARE JUST KIDS!" does not apply to teens.
Feb 6, 2007
It's jerkoffs like you that have completely given up on morality and your duty as a parent to protect your kids that propagate this problem to the point it is now accepted as the norm!.. Disgusting! And the fact that we've become so socially numb to it all is saddening.. you my friend are a shining example..
I'm not a parent yet, so maybe my views will change in a few years, but I've always thought that when I do have kids, my duty is as much to educate them and prepare them for the world as it is to protect them. And your use of the word "protect" seems odd to me in this context; we're not talking about someone attacking your children, we're talking about them being exposed to a verbal depiction of kinky foreplay and sex. Is it really "protection" to shield them from depictions of acts that make you uncomfortable? Again, I'm not a parent, but if I were confronted with a similar situation, I would hope my response would not be "YOU SHALT NOT READ THINE SMUT," but rather educating my son/daughter that such depictions are descriptive of acts that I personally find immoral. If I've done my job educating them up to that point, they should be able to understand that they might be exposed to things they, or I, don't agree with in the context of their education, and that's OK.

Have fun being a 35YO Grandpa raising a baby again after your teenage daughter gets knocked up because they read this book and thought it would be a good idea to try. Wish HER luck for me making it through high-school and let alone college and on to a productive adult live. Not that it can't be done - but it's gonna be about 100x tougher.
This would be physically impossible without adoption being involved. Even if I started right now, my daughter would have to get knocked up at age 3 to make this happen, and that's very unlikely; I'll be sure to teach her about contraception.

But ha.. fuck it, no reason to get be concerned about my kid's education.. Too easy just to look the other way. I'm a relic.. blah blah..
I don't think you're a relic, I think you're misguided in your attempt to shield your children from any depictions of things that make you uncomfortable. Education is about confronting uncomfortable situations, not running from them. If one paragraph is all it takes for your message of "sex is immoral" to be abandoned by your children, you've failed to educate your children as to why you believe that and why they should to. That's not on the school.


Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2013
You're Goddamn right I am.. Judge Jury and Executioner when it comes to what content is being fed to my kids! And it's out of respect for the fact that they ARE JUST KIDS!

Yes. Yes, you are. If it's not to late, please reverse their sentences. How exactly are children harmed by soft erotic literature?


Diamond Member
Aug 24, 2000
Where has it been said in the thread that this is necessary (incumbent) to teach in 10th grade english? First straw man.

WTF.. seriously dude? Isn't that what "teachers" are hired do? TEACH?

Your assumption is that the passage itself was intended to be the educational part of the book. Another straw man argument that has yet to be put forward.

Not MY assumption... But good job of attacking something completely out of context that was a direct response to....

Originally Posted by dank69 View Post
LOL anal? Clearly your sex education is lacking as well.

And even if it was about anal, so what? Do you think many 10th graders don't know what anal os?

Where in the article does it state that this specific passage was read out loud? I am not aware than in 10th grade entire novels are read out loud during class time. That would take up the entire class. Reading a book out loud in class does not mean all passages are read out loud. Another straw man.

A parent has made the claim in an email that “Dreaming in Cuban” was assigned to everyone in one of her son’s 10th-grade classes. In addition, students read the book out loud during class.

Your straw man game is strong.
Your reading comprehension is WEAK!


Apr 13, 2012
Great idea. But why wait until she is 15 to foment this interest in her? Also be sure to cover deep throat techniques, just to add additional defense to getting pregnant.

It seems like teaching anal sex is something conservatives and liberals should both be able to get behind.

Conservatives can be happy that their daughters precious hymens are protected.

And liberals can be happy students are being taught a method of free* birth control.

Class win-win.

*this should also appeal to conservatives.


Feb 5, 2011
OP has discovered what happens when discussing the particulars of raising kids with people who have more experience with porn than child rearing. The results are not terribly surprising I suppose.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2010
^^ this makes no sense ^^

Here's what I know.
The school is teaching this smut to grade schoolers. I suppose you approve?

What's your angle here anyway and why are you trying to distract from the issue and make it something about me?

First off you have no clue what common core is.

Second you are raging over a little sex passage in a book that is being to teach 10th graders. This isn't anything special or new to them, it won't be but something that might help keep them interested for a page or two.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
There is nothing immoral about sex. Grow up.

Correct. However, parents have every right to decide what is age appropriate for their children. I would suggest that most parents would object to this content being part of the curriculum in their child's school.

I'm no prude, but my daughter would not be going to a school that has this on the reading list. I'm all for sex education, but there is a distinct difference between the birds and the bees and this content.


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006
A parent has made the claim in an email that “Dreaming in Cuban” was assigned to everyone in one of her son’s 10th-grade classes. In addition, students read the book out loud during class.

Your reading comprehension is WEAK!

It's definitely not possible that they read the entire book out loud during class.


Diamond Member
Aug 24, 2000
First off you have no clue what common core is.

I'm not talking about Common Core, the pluses or minuses if it's use. I'm not claiming to be an expert on the topic and I didn't come here to pretend I was. All I mentioned was an anecdotal link between one said literary novel and the fact it shows up on the recommended reading list of... which is mentioned in the original article. My own words were in fact that the topic "involved Common Core".

Jesus.. you're seriously so far out of your tree that you can't put that much together for yourself?

Second you are raging over a little sex passage in a book that is being to teach 10th graders.

Yes, yes I am. Bravo sir.

This isn't anything special or new to them, it won't be but something that might help keep them interested for a page or two.

According to whom exactly? You explicitly know this to be an undisputed matter of fact for each and every child how?...


Oct 6, 2009
Great idea. But why wait until she is 15 to foment this interest in her? Also be sure to cover deep throat techniques, just to add additional defense to getting pregnant.

Apparently common core has removed huck Finn and surely that is in part due to use of nigg3r, so we replace that with rough sex. Sounds about right.
Nice, take an innocent statement that I plan to educate my daughter about sex (or at least supplement my wife with the process) and make it sound as if I'm going to train her to love anal. Sounds about right.


Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2013
OP has discovered what happens when discussing the particulars of raising kids with people who have more experience with porn than child rearing. The results are not terribly surprising I suppose.

Do you mean to say that people who have children have more child rearing experience than those who don't? That's not terribly surprising, no.

What occasionally surprises is how bad some people are at parenting, when it's an important job. It doesn't take a parent to recognize a potential problem with child rearing, theoretically, or to recognize victims of this paranoia. One doesn't need child rearing experience to realize that it's unhealthy to be paranoid about sex.

I wonder where this paranoia comes from.... hmmm...


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2009
LOL.. figured that was coming.. So smutty literature from the 10th grade English class sensationalizing anal sex and bondage equates to "discussing sexuality" with your daughter?

Why don't we just hand out 50 Shades of Gray to 4th graders then and call it good?

Oh, and does it really matter which outlet decided to pick up the story and run with it? I suppose it would only be credible if it was being covered by the Young Turks or the Daily Kos?

Original article came from here:

If you want kids to learn BDSM the right way, DON'T USE 50 Shades of Gray!!! There's much better material out there! At least make them read "Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns".


Diamond Member
Aug 24, 2000
It's definitely not possible that they read the entire book out loud during class.

Maybe they did, maybe they didn't? I wasn't there.. were you? I have the claim of the parent mentioned in the article to extrapolate from same as you.

To say it's definitely no possible? We read To Kill A Mockingbird out loud in class - the entire book with each students taking a different passage when I was in school. Not possible? As in absolutely beyond the pale of anything that is possible? I say nay.

(you'll pardon me if my sarcasm meter is broken)


Golden Member
Oct 30, 2007
Nice, take an innocent statement that I plan to educate my daughter about sex (or at least supplement my wife with the process) and make it sound as if I'm going to train her to love anal. Sounds about right.

See, now I'll twist that to say that I'm thankful the schools will teach my 7 year old daughter about anal...that way I wont have to!

As far as the book itself goes, is Fabio on the cover? No? Then I'll allow it.

I'm not sure any "child" could resist an anal soaping from Fabio.


Diamond Member
Aug 24, 2000
If you want kids to learn BDSM the right way, DON'T USE 50 Shades of Gray!!! There's much better material out there! At least make them read "Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns".

LMFAO!! Ok, that made me laugh.. Well played sir.. We needed some comic relief.


Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2013
Maybe they did, maybe they didn't? I wasn't there.. were you? I have the claim of the parent mentioned in the article to extrapolate from same as you.

To say it's definitely no possible? We read To Kill A Mockingbird out loud in class - the entire book with each students taking a different passage when I was in school. Not possible? As in absolutely beyond the pale of anything that is possible? I say nay.

(you'll pardon me if my sarcasm meter is broken)

Yes. Out of order. Though sarcasm aside, it probably really would be impossible. The majority of the kids would be in hysterics at a peer reading that crap, and the poor conservatives kids would be crying and indignant because of years of child abuse.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2010
I'm not talking about Common Core, the pluses or minuses if it's use. I'm not claiming to be an expert on the topic and I didn't come here to pretend I was. All I mentioned was an anecdotal link between one said literary novel and the fact it shows up on the recommended reading list of... which is mentioned in the original article. My own words were in fact that the topic "involved Common Core".

Jesus.. you're seriously so far out of your tree that you can't put that much together for yourself?

Once again you show to have no understanding what common core actually is.

Yes, yes I am. Bravo sir.

According to whom exactly? You explicitly know this to be an undisputed matter of fact for each and every child how?...

Because I am not scared of reality, and I don't have the tainted view you have because of your children. This is a passage in the book it isn't about teaching them sex.

It's really sad in this country that sex is so looked down upon, especially while we don't care about death, killing, torture,...


Dec 11, 2006
Oh the noes! A 16 year old reading the phrase "enter her from behind"!!

Come on guys, seriously? What would be far more surprising to me would be if even a few of those kids didn't know the more common name for that position. I will grant that its a bit more graphic than I prefer but its definitely not something worth yanking my kid out of a school for.


Diamond Member
Aug 24, 2000
Once again you show to have no understanding what common core actually is.

Ok, I'm now sure why you're stuck on this - it's irrelevant.

It's really sad in this country that sex is so looked down upon, especially while we don't care about death, killing, torture,...

You actually make a good point here. I agree completely. It's all gone way too far. Video games, TV shows, you name it. And we live in a time where we have all of the shootings and senseless murders taking place yet we're all so desensitized it seems that it just doesn't matter anymore... just another statistic... another life lost and it means absolutely nothing.

And this is the same thing.. just a different topic.

I don't look down on sex. Sex is a great thing! It's an important part and maybe the most important of a healthy relationship. Intimacy between couples and getting to explore that with someone you have a deep connection with has got to be one of life's most precious gifts and greatest adventures - even if it's an anal soaping in the shower. I think they way it gets portrayed and overexposed to our youth cheapens it and that's the over-arching problem. When it's overexposed to our youth, that cheapens it. Turnes it into something baseless and valueless and it shouldn't be.

Sex should be respected and held in high regard because it is something very special and I'm pretty well no holds barred in the bedroom... but it's between me and my wife.. and it's NOT for my kids (not yet) and someday they will explore and discover these things on their own as part of a growing experience with a partner they love.. (hopefully) and it's going to be an adventure - of the most intimate kind - and it will make them and their lover a stronger couple as a result of it. There's a time and a place for these things and 10th grade literature class simply isn't it.
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Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2013
Funny that the OP quotes Plato.

Sex is marginalised. In the Republic it is only an animal appetite, not a personal affection [225] leading to lifelong exclusive commitment. And family affection is universalised behind a veil of ignorance. Sex is an instinct we happen to have, and one which we need on occasion to gratify in order to secure the continuance of the species.



Platinum Member
Jan 22, 2009
WTF.. seriously dude? Isn't that what "teachers" are hired do? TEACH?

Not every word of every book assigned is intended to be part of the lesson. It is entirely possible that this passage is never mentioned, discussed or tested on, and that the book still provides educational merit.

Not MY assumption... But good job of attacking something completely out of context that was a direct response to....

Originally Posted by dank69 View Post
LOL anal? Clearly your sex education is lacking as well.

And even if it was about anal, so what? Do you think many 10th graders don't know what anal os?

It's funny watching you complain of taking things out of context when you're comparing this to handing 4th graders 50 shades of grey.

A parent has made the claim in an email that “Dreaming in Cuban” was assigned to everyone in one of her son’s 10th-grade classes. In addition, students read the book out loud during class.

Your reading comprehension is WEAK!

And that does not indicate THIS passage was read out loud, just that parts of the books were. No novels are read out loud entirely in the 10th grade. That the book was read out loud in class is not proof that this passage was read out loud in class.
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