What is it about humans that makes some of us think shooting an animal with a gun is brave or noble or tough

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No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
I don't have a problem with hunting so long as it is well managed by a governing body (department of fish & game). Hunting a population of animals to extinction and poaching is despicable though.

BTW-Did any of you anti-hunting idiots know that most of the money for wildlife conservation comes from hunting license and tag fees? If left unchecked the population of many of the animals we hunt annually in this country would over populate and many of them would die of starvation.


May 21, 2003
Originally posted by: dahunan
I have already .. multiple times.. said hunting for food is not the big deal.. it is those who pose with a corpse are the ones who I think are strange..

And you also said...

Originally posted by: dahunan
If you spend that much time on killing an animal that cannot defend itself then you are an enormous idiot
I'd venture to guess that you spend a lot of time killing an animal that cannot defense itself, so you can eat it. Oh wait, it's totally different, someone else is killing and preparing the animal.

That's right, no hypocrisy there... :roll:

I'm also sure you take no pride in anything you do either, AMIRITE?

Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: SlowSpyder
Do those animals have MCDonalds or Black Angus or Qdoba

So your arguement is hunting is evil because the animals don't have fair odds, but eating meat from a slaughterhouse is ok because the cows have fair odds?

Do the animals have a different way to get the food..

Riiight, but YOU DO, yet you don't. Your not a vegan.

Hypocrite. Do yourself a favor and just stop posting now.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2003
i like how people say bowhunting is oh so more difficult - i've got news it amounts to putting the aiming reticle on the target(like rifle hunting) for its guesstimated distance and pulling a string back..

sure hunting a boar or something with a bow is more dangerous, but overall for something like deer, gun and bow are nearly identical except gun has knockdown power, which sometimes doesn't even stop a deer and the distances involved.


Diamond Member
May 24, 2003
Originally posted by: novasatori
i like how people say bowhunting is oh so more difficult - i've got news it amounts to putting the aiming reticle on the target(like rifle hunting) for its guesstimated distance and pulling a string back..

sure hunting a boar or something with a bow is more dangerous, but overall for something like deer, gun and bow are nearly identical except gun has knockdown power, which sometimes doesn't even stop a deer and the distances involved.

You generally need to be closer with a bow, though. That means more chance for the animal to detect you, and bolt.


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
Originally posted by: Vich
Hunting animals is fvcking stupid and worthless. Hunt something that knows its being hunted. I,E another human. I would respect hunters if they hunted each other. It would be alot more fair, and I would definitely watch that on ESPN. Instead of those gay big game shows where some idiot sits covered in deer piss in some tree hut, waiting all day on his fat ass to shoot something that doesn't even know wtf is going on.

Dumbest post of the day.

Hunting is necessary, in fact, you should thank hunters instead of being such a dumbass and hating them so much.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2003
Originally posted by: MrPickins
Originally posted by: novasatori
i like how people say bowhunting is oh so more difficult - i've got news it amounts to putting the aiming reticle on the target(like rifle hunting) for its guesstimated distance and pulling a string back..

sure hunting a boar or something with a bow is more dangerous, but overall for something like deer, gun and bow are nearly identical except gun has knockdown power, which sometimes doesn't even stop a deer and the distances involved.

You generally need to be closer with a bow, though. That means more chance for the animal to detect you, and bolt.

yes, but generally for any decent hunter this is inconsequential.

sometimes you spook em when you're rifle hunting, sometimes you don't, same with bow.

also sometimes they're dumb as sh!t and congregate under your tree stand, too close to get em with a rifle


Sep 7, 2001
This is a different story. Bowhunting dangerous prey... now you're talking about both skill AND keeping your skin intact! If you're gonna' call hunting a sport, there better be a chance you could wind up being eaten
Haven't seen too many boars or deer that can climb trees, from which almost all bow hunting is done. Bow hunting is more dangerous exclusively due to the risk of falling from the tree.


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2005
So all you saying hunting is mean would consider this picture bad? (I'm in the black shirt)

I just want to be clear, I ate every part of it and it was tasty. Antelope summer sausage is one of the best meats ever.


Jun 8, 2006
Originally posted by: dahunan
Boasting about killing a wild animal with a gun seems retarded.. now if it was larger than you and you ran it down and killed it with your bare hands then you might have something worth talking about... but sniping an unsuspecting animal with a gun?? Whatever

http://www.wildhorseprairie.com/photo.htm << they all look so proud.. but what was their accomplishment?

BTW, to the people who claim it is hard to shoot a wild animal that is running.. are you saying that all of the animals in those pictures were running away from the hunter before he shot it .. or maybe he/she scared it first to make the fight more fair?

**I am not completely putting down hunting culture.. I just don't understand what there is to be proud of...

This thread was not thought out in advance.. I was looking for some pictures of something totally unrelated and came across the ones I posted..

What about Big Game Hunters? Those guys .. the ones who go out into Africa to kill a lion with a gun or a elephant or whatever.. I hate those people.. they don't do it for the meat.. they think they really accomplished something with their motorized vehicles and super rifles and trackers etc..

I agree that hunting for fun is stupid... But that's because I'm an animal lover, not because there's nothing to be proud of by killing wild animals...


Apr 17, 2004
Originally posted by: DougK62
Using a firearm to shoot a target from a distance DOES take some skill, ya know.
Aside from reducing overpopulation, hunting is plain wasteful and cruel. There are some things in life that are wasteful as well, but I also don't torture living creatures.


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2005
Originally posted by: thoro86
Originally posted by: dahunan
Boasting about killing a wild animal with a gun seems retarded.. now if it was larger than you and you ran it down and killed it with your bare hands then you might have something worth talking about... but sniping an unsuspecting animal with a gun?? Whatever

http://www.wildhorseprairie.com/photo.htm << they all look so proud.. but what was their accomplishment?

BTW, to the people who claim it is hard to shoot a wild animal that is running.. are you saying that all of the animals in those pictures were running away from the hunter before he shot it .. or maybe he/she scared it first to make the fight more fair?

**I am not completely putting down hunting culture.. I just don't understand what there is to be proud of...

This thread was not thought out in advance.. I was looking for some pictures of something totally unrelated and came across the ones I posted..

What about Big Game Hunters? Those guys .. the ones who go out into Africa to kill a lion with a gun or a elephant or whatever.. I hate those people.. they don't do it for the meat.. they think they really accomplished something with their motorized vehicles and super rifles and trackers etc..

I agree that hunting for fun is stupid... But that's because I'm an animal lover, not because there's nothing to be proud of by killing wild animals...

Hunters are some of the biggest animal lovers around. We contribute time and money to making sure they have the land to live. License and tag fees go directly to this and is one of the biggest contributors to this effort. Keeping the numbers manageable is a huge effort because of the huge demand placed on land in this country. How many dollars do all of the complainers here donate to these efforts?


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2005
Originally posted by: fbrdphreak
Originally posted by: DougK62
Using a firearm to shoot a target from a distance DOES take some skill, ya know.
Aside from reducing overpopulation, hunting is plain wasteful and cruel. There are some things in life that are wasteful as well, but I also don't torture living creatures.

But yet your sig says you drive muscle cars that pollute the environment. How are you doing your part when you are torturing them (and us) in that way?
May 31, 2001
Originally posted by: fbrdphreak
Originally posted by: DougK62
Using a firearm to shoot a target from a distance DOES take some skill, ya know.
Aside from reducing overpopulation, hunting is plain wasteful and cruel. There are some things in life that are wasteful as well, but I also don't torture living creatures.

So you eat no food that contains meat or animal by-products? No leather in your clothing, upholstery, et cetera?


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
Originally posted by: novasatori
Originally posted by: MrPickins
Originally posted by: novasatori
i like how people say bowhunting is oh so more difficult - i've got news it amounts to putting the aiming reticle on the target(like rifle hunting) for its guesstimated distance and pulling a string back..

sure hunting a boar or something with a bow is more dangerous, but overall for something like deer, gun and bow are nearly identical except gun has knockdown power, which sometimes doesn't even stop a deer and the distances involved.

You generally need to be closer with a bow, though. That means more chance for the animal to detect you, and bolt.

yes, but generally for any decent hunter this is inconsequential.

sometimes you spook em when you're rifle hunting, sometimes you don't, same with bow.

also sometimes they're dumb as sh!t and congregate under your tree stand, too close to get em with a rifle

I'll agree that both are equally lethal, to about 40 yards. But, it takes far less time to aim a gun and pull a trigger than it does to draw back on a bow. At a shooting range, their equals. But, as soon as you take them into a woods environment, where you've got lots of branches, it's far more difficult to hunt with a bow than a gun. Success rates clearly reflect this.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
Originally posted by: slsmnaz
Originally posted by: Citrix
it is insane and its not hunting. all they do is sit in a 20' tower that are all over the place and happen to near the automatic feeders and wait until dusk when the feeders spin out food. Then wait for the animals to show up and you shoot the one the guide tells you to shoot.

Fricken wall street pussies.

I've never understood why people would do that. I don't consider that hunting, just killing.

Agreed... that style of "hunting" shouldn't even be included on "hunting" channels.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: fbrdphreak
Originally posted by: DougK62
Using a firearm to shoot a target from a distance DOES take some skill, ya know.
Aside from reducing overpopulation, hunting is plain wasteful and cruel. There are some things in life that are wasteful as well, but I also don't torture living creatures.

torture? only the idiots that take shots that they shouldnt have.

I can gurntee every one of my kills the deer/turkey/squriell (yes people eat them. not me but my great grandmother would) died very fast. a good shot would hit both lungs and the heart. a bad shot would just take out a lung and the heart.

If i do not have a shot where i am sure of a quick kill i do not take it and the guys hunt with are the same way.

but i do admit there are some that do not care. they will take a shot and the deer runs for a few hundred yars or even miles. one guy hit a deer with a arrow and said the deer took off. he tracked it 2 miles and gave up. now that pissed me off.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: piddlefoot
Originally posted by: waggy
Originally posted by: piddlefoot
Hunting in a modern world, with things like dairy farms and beef ranches, and places like kentucky chicken with there own chicken farms, meh, the idea of having to hunt for your food in that sence is gone, you dont need to, there is no NEED for it.
l dont understand how some one can believe they have achieved a hunting with skill with a gun, ppfftt, anyone been to africa, theres tribesman in africa that take on lions with a 40 cm lump of wood as there tool or weapon, THATS HUNTING SKILL, you pussies with your guns and compound bows are nothing more that piss weak and skilless.
And oh how brave it is to shoot a deer, defenceless, piss weak bastards, go hunt a us marshal, something on par with a gun, or join the army, animal hunting is piss weak.
And a thing of the past for our modern day survival.
Project farward 100 years, how many animals are there left after you brainless redneck hunters have killed everything off, doesnt make all that much sence, and if mother nature could talk, wouldnt she have a tale to tell.
Ashamed is what we should be, to scare our own planet to the degree we have, utter ignorance is our sin.
Hunters that shoot animals are in my opinion, are piss weak.

hahahah you are an idiot.

do a search on Chronic Wasting Disease and deer. without hunting it woiuld wipe out the whole heard.

deer do not have enough natural hunters to keep the heard down. with that and the fact we have MORE deer around then ever it leads to a dead heard.

hunters are not going to wipe out any animal. no fishers on the other hand..

You sir are the idiot, what the planet hassent evolved to this point, guns evolved naturally didnt they, ffpptt, stick your deer search up ya arse, this is about hunting, you want to talk enviroment get real first, you are so stupid as to state hunters are never going wipe any animal out, well theres plenty of exsamples where humans have, so what drugs are you on, share em, by hunting, so considering deers have surived fine without humans, what on earth makes you think if we all died tommorrow they would to, your a fool. Its just another lame excuse thrown into the debate by an ,in this case idiot, that usually only fools the stupid.......Hunter are you ?
Proud to have a deer's head on ya wall maybe ?
Fishing, now thats a debate for another day, but hay the japs use friggin big guns to kill whales, whether that should be legal or not is another debate, but this topic is hunting is it not, hunting with a gun and what make you guys feel so so tough l think was the jist of the first post.......
So a man you are hay, and your trophes consist of what ?
A lions head, killed with a lump of wood, oh oh a deer with a 407, BAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA yea real sporting type you must be, or maybe a duck hunter, now theres some lame arse wankers for ya,. how weak arse and pathetic is it to shoot a duck, ppfftt, a duck thats slow to launch, slow to fly, cant bank like other birds, a real shot guns dream, just a bloody target, how weak are all you fuk hunters, how skilled you must all be, lm in awwwwwwww, jokers, if you think for one second it makes you better than the creature you killed with a gun , think again , you cheated you piss weak ''hunter''.......

man i think you need to stay off the crack. its causing brain damage.


Golden Member
Mar 1, 2004
Didn't feel like reading through all the posts here but did you happen to notice that some of those white tail deer were taken with bow and arrow?? As a hunter and archer i know how hard it is to hit a deer at much of any distace unless there is some luck envolved. so unless you hunt or have tryed to hit a moving / LD target with one don't rant to me about it...

Will G>


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Originally posted by: rdubbz420
I?m not a hunter either, but try shooting s moving animal from a couple hundred yards away. I would bet most people couldn?t do it.

because they are not trying to.


No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
I have no problems with hunting for food or eliminating a threat or whatever... I have problems when people kill animals for the fun of it.


Sep 7, 2001
Originally posted by: rhino56
they do it because they have no respect for living things
On the contrary, many hunters have vastly more respect for living things than the animal rights whackos whose ideology is at complete odds with and denial of biology and evolution (you know, those things that govern the natural world and ecology).

By your reasoning, only strict vegetarians and Vegans can rightly claim to respect living things. What is the difference between someone who purchases their meat from a supermarket or restaurant and a hunter, feeling superior because they aren't involved in the dirty work that produces the meat they enjoy?
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