What is next for FPS?

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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2008
Isn't Brink just regular multiplayer only? I already have TF2 for that, don't need or want another.

Looks like it's gonna have singleplayer too. All in all, it will have singleplayer, cooperative, and regular versus multiplayer. I think one of the main appeals is character customization, as well as a "Mirrors Edge" style of navigation where you can climb up ledges and over barriers.


Jesus christ that shithole is still around?

Actually, that "shithole" tends to be 10x more intelligent and informative than anything on this forum, so yeah, I'd say it's doing pretty well. I can see why you would hate it though. Your irrelevant comments would be downvoted pretty quickly.


Diamond Member
Nov 20, 2005
Take Fallout, put it in a blender with Left 4 Dead 2.

Team based versus gameplay, set in a post-nuclear war alternate reality.

that would be pretty awesome actually

Actually, that "shithole" tends to be 10x more intelligent and informative than anything on this forum, so yeah, I'd say it's doing pretty well. I can see why you don't like it though. Your irrelevant comments would be downvoted pretty quickly.

It has long survived Digg. I would even go so far as to say 100x more intelligent, especially when comparing OT


Senior member
Feb 11, 2011
Reddit: A website where the pretentious douchebags of the internet gather circle jerking each other for praise and upvotes.

AT: Sensible discussion about topics at hand.

Topic: It's gonna go downhill. The days of Deus Ex and UT type games are over. Now everybody wants to be the next call of duty. Commercialization killed the FPS genre just like Commercialization killed the Action Movie genre.

Every a new game comes out with a simplified gameplay experience to reel in the masses. It's all brown and bloom. Nothing intelligent nor innovative. Everyone is imitating everyone else. Some do it better than others. But those that do have nothing unique or defining about their games.


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2003
I'd love to play a good shooter that didn't involve War or mutants/zombies/monsters of any kind. I like human vs. human combat, but not in the overdone warzone setting.

I like where you are going with this. Something perhaps in a city, or even a country-side I guess. Where you basically see normal civilians all around, but still need to shoot lots of people. I'll see your new setting and raise you a controversial idea. You play a modern day criminal hunted by police or the CIA or something. You are being set up by some mysterious entity and everyone is after you for something you didn't do. Nonetheless, it's you against "the man" and you spend the whole game on the run....Killing Police, gangsters, unknowns, government Ops, whomever gets in your way.......:thumbsup:


Oct 18, 1999
I see us going back to text adventures. FPS sytle:

> look left
*You look to your left and see your teammate l33tsnip3r's head explode
>look right
*You look right and see a rocket from OMGBBQnewb blasting toward you
>run south
>run south
>run south
*Lag spike!
*IHATETHISGAME has been blown to bits by OMGBBQnewb's rocket!
*OMGBBQnewb to all: n00b, learn to type faster.

This is funny! Thanks for the chuckle!


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2008
Reddit: A website where the pretentious douchebags of the internet gather circle jerking each other for praise and upvotes.
I don't see the circlejerking, mostly because I'm not subscribed to those subreddits.

AT: Sensible discussion about topics at hand.
Sensible? I can counter this pretty easily. See: P&N. (Maybe a bit hypocritical considering my first comment, but I can't exactly filter out P&N posts.)

It's gonna go downhill. The days of Deus Ex and UT type games are over. Now everybody wants to be the next call of duty. Commercialization killed the FPS genre just like Commercialization killed the Action Movie genre.

Every a new game comes out with a simplified gameplay experience to reel in the masses. It's all brown and bloom. Nothing intelligent nor innovative. Everyone is imitating everyone else. Some do it better than others. But those that do have nothing unique or defining about their games.
You're right. The thing is though, I've stopped caring about the big-name developers and publishers. Here's why.

Even though Activision is releasing Call of Duty #8 this year, which will most likely be the same as Call of Duty #7, which was very similar to Call of Duty #6, I just choose to ignore them all. Rather, I take comfort in knowing there will always be wonderful little companies and indie devs that strive for innovation, fresh ideas, and awesome PC games. Those are the people I will support. Those are the people I will buy games from.

There are, in this sense, plenty of people who really do care about good games, and there are developers willing to make them. Always will be. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.


Senior member
Dec 14, 2005
I don't think recent FPSs have been totally devoid of innovation or interesting features. Bulletstorm, despite its puerile humor, did try to mix up the shooting mechanic a little. Moreover, Metro 2033 offered a nice change of pace from CoD and the like. Although not nearly as good since BI left, there is a new Operation Flashpoint game being released in the states in a few weeks. Although the game takes place in a 'modern' setting, it is quite distinct from CoD or MoH. Finally, as some others have mentioned, Rage looks to have a pretty unique atmosphere.

I agree there is a problem but there are some glimmers of hope.

Oct 30, 2004
How does this event have anything to do with increased consolization and the end of private servers? They still exist, and will continue to exist. There are still plenty of games with free custom content, you just need to dig harder. Understand that 80% of gamers will just keep eating what they are spoonfed, and nothing you say will have anything to do with it. If you want arena style shooters, go pug UT GotY edition. there are still a bunch of Pugs running.

The topic is, "What is next for FPS?", and my post projected what I think is going to happen to FPS gaming in the future.

The only UT99 regular weapons capture-the-flag pug that's active right now is #mlut, but I don't always get along with some of the cretins and scumbags there and I'm so out of shape at this point that I would make the teams 4v5. I would pug at #speedpug if it were still active.
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Diamond Member
Nov 20, 2005
The only regular weapons pug that's active right now is #mlut, but I don't have the skill for that and I don't always get along with some of the cretins there. I would pug at #speedpug if it were still active.

i've never played UT before last summer, and i dominate MLUT pugs.


Aug 22, 2004
You play a modern day criminal hunted by police or the CIA or something. You are being set up by some mysterious entity and everyone is after you for something you didn't do. Nonetheless, it's you against "the man" and you spend the whole game on the run....Killing Police, gangsters, unknowns, government Ops, whomever gets in your way.......:thumbsup:

Sounds a little like the first Kane and Lynch game, except they were setup by a criminal kingpin.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2003
What we need is a zombie shooter in the musket age of weapons. You would have a 20 second reload process in between each shot!


Golden Member
Jan 20, 2010
Spawned from a reddit thread. Since Osama is dead now, will they stop making shitty middle eastern FPS games?

What will they replace it with?
Does it matter what they replace it with? Whatever the setting, they will inevitably be shitty.


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2005
Most FPS games are dead to me, it's just more of the same recycled crap over and over again. I'm looking at you COD. The last COD I owned was the original COD Modern Warfare. Even then that was a gift, didn't really buy that one.

I did buy Battlefield Bad Company 2 for the multiplayer which I enjoyed but the single player was SH!T.

And even Portal 2 as good as the reviews are I won't buy until it's less then $35 because it's so short. What happened to the days of a game being a good 15-20 hours long and at least some difficulty. A game that mixes puzzle solving with good action segments and a GOOD writing/story.

Unfortunately this trend is growing and infecting other genres. I finally bought Mass Effect 2 because I found it on sale, and it's so obvious it's remade for consoles it's not even funny. Now the story and writing is great, but it feels like gears of war with all the moving and firing from cover. Chest high walls everywhere and the levels feel so small and FPS like for what supposed to be an RPG.


Senior member
Mar 31, 2011
Quake 5, please. Just as long as a) it's not consolized and b) isn't made by Raven.


Golden Member
Jan 20, 2010
Quake 5, please. Just as long as a) it's not consolized and b) isn't made by Raven.
Raven is out of business, but it's pretty much impossible at this point for Quake 5 to be anything but a health regen space COD, just like Doom 4 is going to be.


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2008
old style PC arena shooters are dead. the console version (Halo) is slow as hell compared to the UT/Quake series.

they don't translate at all to console due to controller limitations, and no developer is going to make a PC only multiplayer FPS nowadays

hope next gen consoles finally make mouse/kb a standard control scheme (would be so innovative!). I believe mouse/kb can be used with current gen consoles, but the control feels like controller emulation is occurring.
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Jan 8, 2010
There really are multiple issues. If you think about it, in a storyline, there are really only so many "scenarios" you can have in an FPS. There are only so many variables to those scenarios before it just feels like a rip off of another game. From what I've seen most games with an awesome single player campaign had shitty multiplayer(or none). The ones with awesome mp were made that way and the single player campaign if it existed was just an afterthought to 'learn" the game.
Games that try to go beyond and mix many things, end up getting confused about what they are supposed to be, and end up doing nothing well.

We also have companies on a "realism" kick. When you are making games about "war" and making it "real", then guess what. It's going to be pretty much the same thing over and over.

In a arena deathmatch, well...it's arena deathmatch. It's not about story, it's about mindless killing. To me, what made a good arena dm was 1. weapon selection 2. physics/movement. The cool thing about these games are the modding community really. So many great games have come about from mods and continue to come out.

Therein lies the next issue, everyone wants the next great Graphical Improvement. If this wasn't the case, most people would be content with the FREE mods that are just as fun or funner than much of what is being released currently. Except what do we hear people say? "Oh the engine is dated, oh the graphics suck compared to *blah*. etc etc.

There have been exceptions, there always will be. I think the comments about consolization are valid, but think of this. We are already at a step where PC's ARE in the living room hooked up to the TV. This is the first time since the Atari days that has happened. It is very possible the next gen consoles will basically be PC's(moreso than now), possibly even with upgradable parts. I think ultimately they want cross platform to become a reality...of course there is still the keyboard/mouse vs. controller hurdle...

As the saying goes, you can't please everyone all the time, but you can listen to them all bitch about something.

Damn this post is long...bleh
Oct 30, 2004
i've never played UT before last summer, and i dominate MLUT pugs.

That's great. It's too bad you missed the UT99 scene of 2000-2003 back when there were hundreds of populated regular weapons CTF servers, custom maps, and active clans and ladders. It was a great time to be an FPS gamer. How did you learn about the pugs and #mlut? Was it from one of my posts?
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Oct 30, 2004
Quake 5, please. Just as long as a) it's not consolized and b) isn't made by Raven.

From what I can tell, just like Epic Games and Unreal Tournament, ID seems to have completely lost interest in the Quake series for some reason.
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Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
I agree. Everything recently is lacking in creativity. The market is dominated with retarded sequels (DA2, Diablo 3, SC2, ME3), or games with the same plot summary (COD, even BF3, MoH). Not to say they aren't good games, it is just really lacking in the creativity department. I would say that is true for Hollywood too, all they have been doing is remaking old movies.

Dragon Age 2, agreed. DA2 is pretty much the most recent in terms of epitome of failures, coming from BioWare is extremely frustrating and depressing at the same time, I'm having a hard time looking at my Baldur's Gate 2, ME1 and DAO's boxes and thinking it's the same company (but not the same people, I guess) behind them all.

Diablo III... you've played an unreleased game? Nice, send me the copy please. Might end up good, or bad, or a bit of both, we can only speculate for now. On paper it's just a continuation of the events that occurred in Diablo II, and we don't want Diablo III to end up being a game filled up with too much "creativity", we want Diablo III to be a grind fest, that's what it'll be, and it'll be the best we can get for a decade to follow just as much as Diablo II is still the best hack 'n slash action RPG on the PC platform to this day a decade after its release, whether some like it or not.

StarCraft 2, has a better story continuation from its original narrative and events than most recent crap we've been forced to accept in the recent years, but I agree to a certain extent. Still, Blizzard did alright with it, in my opinion, it didn't need much creativity, it's StarCraft, fans of the franchise wanted it to play very similarly to the original, that's what they did, it was a working formula, why change it when it's working as is? Don't fix what ain't broken, go tell that to whoever is responsible for the atrocity called Command & Conquer 4 instead.

Mass Effect 3... you've played an unreleased game? Nice, send me the copy please. Might end up good, or bad, or a bit of both, we can only speculate for now (strange, feels like I said that already, must be something wrong with my head right now). Good for speculation right now. The advantage is that ME3's team isn't DA2's, thank the Lord for that. Still, it might end up bad, or good... whatever happens, I still think that it'll be better than most crap that's going to be released at around the same time.

Call of Duty series, agreed. Anything that followed CoD 2 sucked. Oh, look, it's about WW2 again, feels like déjà-vue, just a bit.

Battlefield 3, agreed, but necessary, no one wants to play a deep and complex single-player story-driven Battlefield 3 "with creativity", what creativity could we get in a Battlefield game anyway? Hovering tanks? Underwater combat? BF2142 is pretty much the only "creativity" you'll get from the BF franchise. That series is focused on story-less single-player action, keep that in mind and all of a sudden it makes sense. We almost all loved the original Unreal Tournament, it had a minimal amount of story line behind it, and its creativity consisted of being focused on multi-player action, but wait, Quake III Arena did just that before it, so much for creativity even back then huh? But did we care about it? No. Did most UT99 fans even KNEW about its back-story? No. Did we enjoy the multi-player? Hell yeah you bet we did.

Medal of Honor... what a pile of... anyway, yeah, WW2 stuff again, yay. Agreed.

The bottom line, in my book, is that not all franchises, not all series, not all new first-person-shooters "need" creativity or a "good" or "complex" story line spitting countless twists left and right. Some would need that, yes, some wouldn't. There's attempts at "being creative" in the genre but it often fails. I for one do not believe that there's much place for "creativity" anymore in the genera as a whole, since most of it was done already back years ago when it was still relatively new and new things could be done, tried, experimented, etc. Now it often feels like we've played this or that before, it's normal too, the creativity for the genre can't exactly fall from the sky like before.

The one game that I believe does have creativity as well as being a first-person game (though not "shooter" per se) happens to be Valve's Portal games. I for one did not enjoy Portal much, I liked Portal 2 better (oh, wait, I actually preferred a sequel?! How can such a thing be possible?! Fast! Someone burn me at the stakes!), and it's what I consider being "creative" myself in comparison to the fast-food style FPS games we've seen in recent years, but even though Portal and Portal 2 are creative in comparison to others does it mean that I think they are the absolute best FPS games out there even if just for their own era? No, not at all. In fact I still enjoy DOOM more than Portal 2, shocked? Maybe, but creativity doesn't mean it makes games "better than those without it".
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