What is the funniest movie you have ever seen?

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Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Blues Brothers
Evil Dead/Army of Darkness
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Super Troopers
Office Space
Young Frankenstein
40 year old Virgin
Team America
Some Laurell & Hardy stuff still cracks me up.


Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2001
Mel Brooks takes it for funny movies:
Blazing Saddles
Young Frankenstein


Jun 24, 2001
Originally posted by: BrokenVisage
Originally posted by: CZroe...

I didn't know you were The Decider of what is funny and what is not around here. I thought this was a subjective thread on everybody's choice of what THEY consider to be their funniest movie.

I don't claim to be, but anyone posting their selections should know damned well that their intelligence can be judged and their credibility in all things forever lowered (or out-right dismissed). Quite literally, I had to tell someone that I can't justify hanging out with him anymore if he's that much of an idiot... he actually BOUGHT the movie.

"Look. Dude. If you seriously think that that movie is worth buying, or even watching a second time, I have serious doubts about your intelligence and value as a friend. It's bad enough that I have to listen to and defend against my mother telling me what dead-beat, loser, waste-of-time, idiot friends I have, but when you go and endorse something this retarded, I can only agree. Stop using my computers, playing my video games, and asking for rides because you are clearly too brain-dead to ever contribute back. Not that I expect that from a friend, but you are clearly not getting any smarter and I don't think I can help you anymore. It's no wonder you've known me for years and yet still have me do all your tech stuff: Like the losers who like that movie, you have no ambition. If you did, you'd be programming, upgrading, and modding right along side me instead of expecting me to provide everything. For God's sake, I even gave you a somewhat-capable gaming PC three years ago and yet you still come here and use mine supposedly because you don't have an Internet connection. And what do you use that Internet connection for? NOTHING BUT GOD DAMNED YAHOO MESSENGER AND CALL OF DUTY 4. Despite knowing me, probably one of the biggest game collectors on Planet Earth, you've never even played another online shooter and yet you won't even give one a chance because you're too busy wasting your time on CoD4 while my backlog grows even longer. There are games I haven't even installed yet from ten years ago. Yeah, it's great, but you are adding the first-time novelty of online play to the perceived 'greatness' of that particular game and you refuse to cut it out even when I demand it. You won't even play the single player campaign to see what that is all about and yet you just keep saying that multiplayer is 'better.' You aren't supposed to compare the two that way. Hell, you playing it all the time has prevented ME from getting properly acquainted with it, though I admit that I don't have the time too. You should've known that it was a time-sink. It's not like multiplayer has an 'ending,' so when did you plan to stop? That's precisely why I don't play MMOs. I don't have the time to do more than finish the single-player, learn the multiplayer, form opinions, and move on. Of course, I have even less time thanks to your stupid ass. I simply can not allow your 'friendship' to waste any more of my valuable time. I'm feel dumber just watching you."

Of course it's in jest, but it is mostly true and I had fun going overboard. Grandma's Boy is the freakin' ANVIL that broke the camel's back, though he's still wasting my twin brother's valuable time (I moved across the country). It was really him and his idiot uncle that bought the movie together and they shared my disapproval.

Originally posted by: BrokenVisageHere's where you fail in your little crusade against Grandma's Boy... Out of the movies listed so far I find little to no humor in many of them such as: Dumb & Dumber, Knocked Up, The 40 Year Old Virgin, and ANYTHING with Jay and Silent Bob...
I mostly agree. I didn't list any of those as my "funniest" either.

Originally posted by: BrokenVisage...but at the same time I realize not everybody shares my sense of humor and while I can't understand why so many people find them as funny as they do at least I'm not a pompous douche to the point where I insult people for enjoying them as such.
It's not that I don't share a sense of humor with anyone enjoying Grandma's Boy; it's that I seriously CRITICIZE their sense of humor. I "got" all the jokes. They were just retarded. "Whoa! I am naked. Come on in!" Ha freakin' ha. Is man-baby car-bed-lover funny because he obliviously defended his "sweet" car-bed when someone insinuated that it was childish? No more funny than the people obliviously defending this movie full of immature kiddie jokes despite being improper subject material for children. Which brings me to something else: if the jokes are too childish but the content is inappropriate for them, just WHO is their intended audience? Oh yeah! Immature man-babies that are somehow old enough to watch it but stupid enough to accept it. FOUND ONE! You see? That's how this movie can be used to judge intelligence.

Originally posted by: BrokenVisageYou won't see me calling out Jim Carrey for being out of character or Seth Rogen for being unbelievable at ANY character he portrays because these are COMEDIES and certain things are sacrificed at the expense of making jokes and getting laughs.
They could've done a better job at getting laughs then. They FAILED even by your definition. Yes, humor is subjective to opinion, but that doesn't mean ALL humor is beyond reproach. This is bottom-of-the-barrel Grade-A CRAP. The guy who posted the YouTube video obviously thought that taunting someone with "ShizWeak" ("Shit is Weak") was funny. The people making the movie boviously thought that was funny. The person over-acting and making his character rub it in thought that THAT was funny. Unless you are 12 years old or have the mind of one: Get over it. It wasn't funny and that's not an "opinion." Oh man! Guy thinks he's a robot (not funny) and makes up an insult (nothing special; just "turd nugget") NOT FUNNY. He says it in a mock robot voice and all of a sudden it gets to stay in the script? Obviously, something's wrong with the script. It wasn't worth the paper it was printed on. I groan thinking about all the time the artist wasted painting the over-done poster/boxart (in the style of 70's & 80's movies. I hope he was paid well.

Originally posted by: BrokenVisageSure Grandma's Boy is "out there" in some scenes and much of it is contrived and convoluted, but it's not a documentary on video game testers or a romantic comedy between a tester and his hot boss, it's strictly a stoner flick with elements of geeks and gaming to carry it in which, I'm sorry, some things just won't make sense.
Those elements are meant to appeal to the people they repulse. I don't like bowling, but The Big Lebowski is a stoner-flick done right. If you can't tell the difference, there is no hope for you.

Its use of gaming is exploitative except that it FAILS on all but the most retarded gamers. Notice that I listed The Big Lebowski as one of the funniest movies I have ever seen? Clearly, I have nothing against stoner flicks though, coincidentally, I do hate Harold & Kumar go to White-Castle... mostly because it portrays him as just being an effortless natural at being a surgeon, despite having no ambition, and losers identify with that. It's the same reason why I HATE the "world's ultimate hacker wastes all his time with anime and DDR and somehow remains the world's best" character in Transformers, (ignoring the LAUGHABLE tech... "it *sounds* like the same signal" would send me rolling in laughter were I not the type to "suspend disbelief" to enjoy a movie). It makes hopeless moochers, procrastinators, and ambition-less losers (all usually pot-heads) think that people just pass judgement too quickly and that they really can continue wasting their life and still come out on top. No one is a natural surgeon just because their dad is and they sailed through med school smoking pot and never studying while being "unjustly" criticized :roll: PUH-LEEZ. That said, I still thought it was plenty funny, unlike Grandma's Boy.

Originally posted by: BrokenVisageYeah, you don't like the movie, we get it. And you pick it apart like it was up for Best Picture when the goal of it is to make people LAUGH, not necessarily to make sense.

If the goal was to expose the idiots who liked it for being, well, idiots, then WIN WIN WIN WIN .

Originally posted by: soulcougher73
Dumb and Dumber hands down. No movie has more fun quotes then that one

Most all of the mentions so far are high on the comedy list. One i havent seen listed yet but i find hilarious is Maverick or The Three Amigos.

Yes, it's polarizing (you either like it or you don't), but I think Napoleon Dynamite may just be the most quotable movie of all time. For the longest time, you couldn't escape the sound bites taken from the movie. Even the soundtrack was mostly a bunch of lines from it!

Originally posted by: soulcougher73
Originally posted by: vi edit
Happy Gilmore
Big Lebowski
Dumb and Dumber
Ace Ventura (I refuse to accept the 2nd one exists)

Any of those are guaranteed to put a smile on my face even after triple digit viewings.

OMG the 2nd one is better then the first in my opinion.

I think he's talking about that new, THIRD, one staring some kid. Looks made-for video and I'd guess that it's supposed to be Ace as a child with the same fashion sense and hair style he had as an adult (oh HA HA :roll: ).


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
I don't think I have ever heard of someone hating a movie as much as CZroe hates Grandma's Boy :laugh:


Golden Member
Jul 19, 2004

Seriously. I can not believe no one has mentioned this, for a more recent film this had me in and my buddy in absolute stitches for 80% of the movie. Granted there were some not so entertaining parts the movie for the most part was hilarious. My gf had to convince me to see it, and man was I shocked


Jul 11, 2001
This is Spinal Tap is right up there. Dumb and Dumber too. Also Office Space. Spaceballs, if you are properly prepped (I don't mean drugs, I mean if you've been watching many science fiction movies).


Jul 11, 2001
Originally posted by: Slimline

Seriously. I can not believe no one has mentioned this, for a more recent film this had me in and my buddy in absolute stitches for 80% of the movie. Granted there were some not so entertaining parts the movie for the most part was hilarious. My gf had to convince me to see it, and man was I shocked

I really liked it, and much more the 2nd time, which was the following night. But I didn't think of it as a comedy, certainly not a riotous comedy.


Diamond Member
Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Chryso
Blazing Saddles

That has to be the all-time best for funny.
A lot of original mixed with some old cliches done just right for the timeline the movie is based upon.


Oct 17, 1999
Dr Strangelove. The movie is a bit of a Cold War relic but Peter Sellers does a great job in this movie. One of my all time favorite movie scenes is Slim Pickens riding the nuke.

4 out of 4


Aug 14, 2001
The Jerk
Big Lebowski

In the funny but not out loud category (which I guess I just made up), Being There.


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2008
I can't believe no on said napoleon dynamite

Uncle Rico: What about your girlfriend?
Kip: Well, things are getting pretty serious right now. I mean, we chat online for, like, two hours every day so I guess you could say things are gettin' pretty serious.

Napoleon Dynamite: Stay home and eat all the freakin' chips, Kip.
Kip: Napoleon, don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I'm training to be a cage fighter.
Napoleon Dynamite: Since when, Kip? You have the worst reflexes of all time.
Kip: Try and hit me, Napoleon.
Napoleon Dynamite: What?
Kip: I said come down here and see what happens if you try and hit me.

Kip: I'm just really trying to raise a few bucks now so I can bring her out for a few days.
Uncle Rico: Yeah, well what does she look like?
Kip: She's uh... she's got sandy blonde hair. She's uh... pretty good looking face, but I'm just getting really... just kinda TO'd because... I mean she hasn't even sent me a full body shot yet.

Some of funnest lines ever in a monie.


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2002
Office Space
Old School
Step Brothers
Napoleon Dynamite
There's Something about Mary
Team America
National Lampoon's Vacation
Beavis and Butthead do America


Aug 28, 2001
I would have to go with "The Hangover". OMG that movie made me laugh non-stop. After that several movies mentioned here like Office Space, 40 year old virgin. I would also have to throw in RV.
Edit: Almost forgot, Wild Hogs is prett dam funny.

glenn beck

Platinum Member
Oct 6, 2004
Coming To America
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
The Jerk
The Kentucky Fried Movie for the somewhat older movies.


Platinum Member
Mar 19, 2009
Originally posted by: CZroe
I guess it wasn't loaded.

Originally posted by: troytime
grandmas boy
super troopers
jay and silent bob strike back
south park movie

You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?

Do you really think that people make video games on consoles with controllers in their hands? Do you really think that John Carmack is some power-tripping geek that wants to steal the "talent" from talent-less pot-smoking losers?

Grandma's Boy is a movie made for children. Children who are somehow allowed to smoke pot and buy unrated DVDs with LAUGHABLY inserted nudity. I love a good comedy, but it's not comedy. It's an INSULT to any thinking person. If you didn't groan at the insinuation that you make videogames with a controller connected to a dev console, you are an idiot. If you didn't catch the insulting mischaracterization of John Carmack as a power-tripping genius geek who has to "steal" talent from the "good guys" (pot-head no-talent losers), you fail. The rest of the movie is just pot-smoking monkeys, career-killingly bad dialog ("hell yeah I'll smoke with you guys"), promiscuous game-playing grannies, infuriatingly bad video game/gamer cliches/stereotypes, and other DUMB SHIT. Granted, I'm pretty good at filtering out the crap in the first place, but I have seen many times more movies than most near-thirty year olds and I have no reservations when I say that it is the SINGLE WORST MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN.

Now, let's hear another idiot say "Grandma's Boy." Dealing with games and technology and failing so hard at it, the Anandtech community should be more directly repulsed than any. Saying you like the movie is like giving up all your geek cred and opening youself up to serious criticism.

I have to agree here. I watched it at a friend's house, and was expecting it to be the usual slightly amusing Sandler-esque crap, and didn't laugh once. As a matter of fact, I can't remember hardly anything about it, other than I watched it. It's THAT bad.

However, it's not the worst movie I've ever seen. That's a tie between "Navy SEALS," and "House of a Thousand Corpses."



Platinum Member
Mar 19, 2009
Originally posted by: soulcougher73
Originally posted by: vi edit
Happy Gilmore
Big Lebowski
Dumb and Dumber
Ace Ventura (I refuse to accept the 2nd one exists)

Any of those are guaranteed to put a smile on my face even after triple digit viewings.

OMG the 2nd one is better then the first in my opinion.

SSOOOO much better.

"Excuse me. Your balls are showing."

I cried the first time I saw it.

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