Comparisons of govt debt to household debt are categorically lame.
And no matter how many times that point is made & explained, the usual suspects return to their usual simple minded propaganda induced rant claiming they are the same.
Every "real" dollar currently in existence was created by borrowing, other than a very small amount created many decades ago by converting gold into currency. The amount created is amplified by lending under the principle of fractional reserve banking.
Which leads us to the issue of debt, the other side of lending. What happened during the Ownership Society is that banks were allowed to create too much debt for the money base to support. Once that became apparent when obligations weren't being honored, the whole thing threatened to collapse as investors chose hoarding over investment as a flight to safety. They're still hoarding, and the situation is exacerbated by an enormous balance of payments deficit & by a very large % of national income going to the financial elite, who aren't spending it, either. They never do.
Deficit spending essentially introduces new money into the economy by hiring & by purchase of goods & services.
W/O deficits, the amount of money actually circulating in domestic commerce would drop precipitously, crippling debt servicing abilities. That would, in turn, lead to even more hoarding & loss of liquidity. The only people who really benefit from that are holders of enormous liquidity, who wouldn't mind in the slightest if their money gained value simply by holding it & by stashing even more. Which is why the usual right wing sources have worked so hard to convince their base that balancing the budget is oh so important, to create deflation like we had in the early 1930's. There never was a better time to be rich. Many of the non-rich were broke, busted & begging, making them easy prey. Ridiculous bargains in labor & resources were there for the taking, but only if you had the money up front.
It's not like having your net worth drop from $10B to $5B will affect your lifestyle, particularly when that $5B has much greater purchasing power than the original $10B.
The notion that the govt has to borrow to create money is an anachronism, anyway, a holdover from the gold standard & a sop to the wealthy, who luvs their govt bonds. Short of investing in politicians stupid enough to create deflation, they're the safest investment in the world.