What? No government shutdown threads?

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Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2010
Asking to borrow $10 that you know will never be paid back, and if it is paid back the money is borrowed from someone else, is being financially irresponsible.

The government can not pay its debt, and will never be able to pay its debt, but it wants to raise the amount of money it can borrow?

What do you think will happen if we don't raise the debt limit this time?
Nov 30, 2006
Of course we can increase our debt forever. You realize that the net debt of the United States has increased nearly every year for the entirety of our country's existence, right? The issue is our debt/GDP ratio, not the debt as an absolute number.
You got that right! And it's going the wrong way in a big hurry!



Dec 18, 2010
Of course we can increase our debt forever. You realize that the net debt of the United States has increased nearly every year for the entirety of our country's existence, right?

That is simply not true.

There was no national debt under Andrew Jackson. He abolished the central bank and took control of our money. As a result there was no national debt.

What do you think will happen if we don't raise the debt limit this time?

Nothing really. A few non-essential services may shutdown.

Sooner or later the government will have to stop its spending.

I say let the government default, let them shut everything down. Maybe then people will start paying attention.
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
That is simply not true.

There was no national debt under Andrew Jackson. He abolished the central bank and took control of our money. As a result there was no national debt.

I said nearly every year for a very specific reason. Regardless, we can absolutely roll our debt over forever, which was the point. I mean that too... forever. (well, until the sun consumes the earth at least)


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2010
Asking to borrow $10 that you know will never be paid back, and if it is paid back the money is borrowed from someone else, is being financially irresponsible.

It would be like this...
What has already been done-
You hire someone to building your house you give them a budget. They stay within budget and build your house then send you a bill.

What you want to do-
You then tell them you don't want to pay them because you don't want to spend any more money. Even though you have the ability to pay them.


Dec 18, 2010
I said nearly every year for a very specific reason. Regardless, we can absolutely roll our debt over forever, which was the point. I mean that too... forever. (well, until the sun consumes the earth at least)

That sounds like a good idea.

I think I am going to apply for some credit cards, max the master card, then pay the debt off with the visa.

When visa wants their money I pay it off with a discover card,,,,.

I will just keep that debt revolving until I die and then it will my kids problem.

What you want to do-
You then tell them you don't want to pay them because you don't want to spend any more money. Even though you have the ability to pay them.

We do not have the money to start with.

Your analogy is like starting to build a home, then asking the bank for a loan. Shouldn't you have got the loan before starting the home?


May 15, 2000
That sounds like a good idea.

I think I am going to apply for some credit cards, max the master card, then pay the debt off with the visa.

When visa wants their money I pay it off with a discover card,,,,.

I will just keep that debt revolving until I die and then it will my kids problem.

We do not have the money to start with.

Your analogy is like starting to build a home, then asking the bank for a loan. Shouldn't you have got the loan before starting the home?

What happens when you run out of credit cards and you have to pay the bill? Do you just say you aren't going to pay? If you decide not to pay what do you think happens to your credit? Does not paying your bills cost you more money in terms of paying a higher interest rate (which is usually the penalty for not paying) or do you think not paying has no down sides?

I'm sure, being the responsible person you are, you would say that you would look at your budget and make some cuts and you would pay, at the very least, the minimum payment of your credit cards. You would make these payments instead of not paying because you are smart and realize that not paying hurts you more in the long run.

Or are you not a responsible person?


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2010
We do not have the money to start with.

Your analogy is like starting to build a home, then asking the bank for a loan. Shouldn't you have got the loan before starting the home?

There is a reason I have a part about what we already have done in that post....

You need to get out of your fantasy world about what you think the government should have done in the past. Join us in dealing with the reality that we have.

We can get the money the only people stopping us from paying what we owe is ourselves.
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Platinum Member
Mar 15, 2007
Asking to borrow $10 that you know will never be paid back, and if it is paid back the money is borrowed from someone else, is being financially irresponsible.

The government can not pay its debt, and will never be able to pay its debt, but it wants to raise the amount of money it can borrow?

And that right there is why you don't understand the debt limit issue.

We are not raising the debt limit so that we can initiate new spending.

We are raising the debt limit to pay for things we've already bought. The money we spent covered by a debt limit increase today was spent five or ten years ago. It's just that the bill is coming due now.


Dec 18, 2010
And that right there is why you don't understand the debt limit issue.

We are not raising the debt limit so that we can initiate new spending.

We are raising the debt limit to pay for things we've already bought. The money we spent covered by a debt limit increase today was spent five or ten years ago. It's just that the bill is coming due now.

Things bought on credit, which is going to be paid for by credit.

How long can the government continue to spend money out of thin air?

What happens when you run out of credit cards and you have to pay the bill? Do you just say you aren't going to pay?

Make a new credit card and charge the bill to that one.
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
That sounds like a good idea.

I think I am going to apply for some credit cards, max the master card, then pay the debt off with the visa.

When visa wants their money I pay it off with a discover card,,,,.

I will just keep that debt revolving until I die and then it will my kids problem.

Yes, you can do that so long as Visa, et al are willing to lend you money based on your creditworthiness. The debt markets make it abundantly clear that they consider the US to be a top notch investment.

You either still don't understand (unlikely) or are simply stubbornly refusing to admit you understand (likely) how US debt works. Appropriations bills have made the orders, now we have to pay for it. You want to have all the goods we appropriated, but refuse to pay for them. You may be ok with being a deadbeat, but you can hardly expect the rest of us to follow along.


May 15, 2000
Things bought on credit, which is going to be paid for by credit.

How long can the government continue to spend money out of thin air?

Make a new credit card and charge the bill to that one.

Congratulations on surpassing incorruptible as being the dumbest poster on this forum!

When you can't even answer an honest question, then you have lost the debate.

Luckily, I already knew how you were going to answer despite being specific on the persmeters I set forth

So in your world, you wouldn't just stop spending or adjust your budget, you would just find a new credit card, WELCOME TO HOW THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WORKS! Not only does the government never have to pay their bills in full but they can also continue spending in perpetuity, so long as they can continue getting credit. Since your own personal solution is to simply "revolve" the debt and you see no need to figure out how to pay the debt off, it should be assumed that you don't support anything that would hurt your chances or the countries chances of getting new credit.

Congratulations! You are just like every other politician in congress. So what exactly is it that you are complaining about, since you yourself would do the exact same thing?

Now if you choose to answer my previous post honestly then you might, finally, understand what the debt ceiling is all about. I doubt you will and your next post will probably top the stupidity of all your previous posts.


Dec 18, 2010
So in your world, you wouldn't just stop spending or adjust your budget, you would just find a new credit card, WELCOME TO HOW THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WORKS! Not only does the government never have to pay their bills in full but they can also continue spending in perpetuity, so long as they can continue getting credit. Since your own personal solution is to simply "revolve" the debt and you see no need to figure out how to pay the debt off, it should be assumed that you don't support anything that would hurt your chances or the countries chances of getting new credit.

I think you misunderstood my post. I was posting along the lines as to how the government operates.

The federal government will never be able to pay back the loans; our grandchildrens grandchildren will not even be able to pay the interest on the national debt.

Our elected officials have worked us into a situation where the only option is to keep going into debt.

Well, we have another option, take back control of our money from the federal reserve and spend no more than the government takes in. But neither of those two are an option.

Forget building a keystone oil pipeline, lets build a keystone ink pipeline straight to the federal reserve.

I hope the government shuts down. Screw it.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003

Take a look at it from the outside, as if you weren't American. Who stands to win from a shutdown, from welching on US govt obligations?

Holders of US securities, that's who. They're the safest investment in the world, and the backbone of nearly every great portfolio in existence. OTOH, yields are currently dismal, driven by strong demand for them. Every rollover of old bonds for new gives lower yields.

What to do? Create a situation where their safety is brought into question, forcing yields up. Better yet, do so under false pretenses of defunding the ACA, a proposition driven by the ideology of smaller govt at any cost. You have an army of such idiots at your disposal, so keep 'em whipped up in an emotional & ideological froth. You also have the fact that the Repub leadership is scared to death that the ACA will actually work & be popular. They're very, very heavily invested in preventing that from happening. It would body slam their whole ideological premise into the dirt.

Oh, yeh- Use derivatives to bet on failure, even as you force it to happen, and nobody will be the wiser, either.

Imposing a debt ceiling doesn't mean any risk of default. We just roll the outstanding coming due over into new debt. The debt ceiling remains the same. We've done this before, we did it the last time.



Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
The Republicans want to shut down the government because they oppose Obamacare. However, they have completely failed to present a solution to our nation's health care problem. It would be nice if they could step up and say, "Obamacare is a bad plan, we have a better idea!" However, all they have is, "Don't get sick, and if you do get sick die quickly and quietly," and they don't have the cajones to publicly present that plan to the populace.

The Republicans can't even get a real coalition to defy Obamacare.

In politics it's much much easier to get a coalition to oppose something than it is to get one for a solution. This country's been working on this problem for decades and no agreed upon solution has been found yet. (The one we now have, Obamacare, isn't even agreed upon. It's just the best Dems themselves could cobble together while having unprecedented control of Washington DC.)

And the Repubs came out with a plan, they would mobilize all kinds of groups/lobbyists against it. Unlike Obamacare which is a boon to private insurers, a real solution is going to gore somebodies ox.

If the Repubs can't fight against Obamacare, which is unpopular, they sure as heck can't successfully fight for something.

I.e., your demand is unreasonable.



Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003

Wrong again. One of the things that makes trying to have a discussion with people like you so pointless is that you're incapable of processing new information. It's called cognitive dissonance. You start with your faith-based positions, and stubbornly shut out anything that challenges them. You posted multiple times in that very thread, yet a month later you're back to your original beliefs, your faith unfazed by reality.

Isn't it just a little disingenuous to start with the 2009 budget when that year included a one time charge of about $800 Billion? (The stimulus package)

Nov 30, 2006
Isn't it just a little disingenuous to start with the 2009 budget when that year included a one time charge of about $800 Billion? (The stimulus package)

It's not disingenuous...it's downright dishonest to use 2009 as a baseline to favorably compare future spending deficits.
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
The Republicans can't even get a real coalition to defy Obamacare.

In politics it's much much easier to get a coalition to oppose something than it is to get one for a solution. This country's been working on this problem for decades and no agreed upon solution has been found yet. (The one we now have, Obamacare, isn't even agreed upon. It's just the best Dems themselves could cobble together while having unprecedented control of Washington DC.)

And the Repubs came out with a plan, they would mobilize all kinds of groups/lobbyists against it. Unlike Obamacare which is a boon to private insurers, a real solution is going to gore somebodies ox.

If the Repubs can't fight against Obamacare, which is unpopular, they sure as heck can't successfully fight for something.

I.e., your demand is unreasonable.


Wait so now we can't even ask the Republicans to come up with an idea? Forget passing a law, forget implementing a fix, we aren't even allowed to ASK FOR AN IDEA.

Serious question. If you were to set out with the goal of purposefully making the bar for acceptable behavior as low as humanly possible, how would you go about setting it lower than you just did?


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
It's not disingenuous...it's downright dishonest to use 2009 as a baseline to favorably compare future spending deficits.

What I always find fun about these spending discussions is asking people to pinpoint what percentage of the increased spending came from policies Obama implemented as opposed to laws already on the books.

Strangely enough, conservatives never seem to be able to find the time to get back to me on that one. If they did, they might find out that outside of the one time stimulus there really weren't too many increases to be found.


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Wait so now we can't even ask the Republicans to come up with an idea? Forget passing a law, forget implementing a fix, we aren't even allowed to ASK FOR AN IDEA.

Serious question. If you were to set out with the goal of purposefully making the bar for acceptable behavior as low as humanly possible, how would you go about setting it lower than you just did?

You're being purposefully obtuse, if not downright silly.

You know the pragmatic realities of politics.

And, BTW, now that we've gotten a little better idea of what Obamacare is it IS an idea to say let's dump and go back to what we had before.



Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
You're being purposefully obtuse, if not downright silly.

You know the pragmatic realities of politics.

And, BTW, now that we've gotten a little better idea of what Obamacare is it IS an idea to say let's dump and go back to what we had before.


Oh give me a break. The "pragmatic realities of politics" you are referring to is the very lack of ideas and nihilistic opposition that he was just complaining about! Your argument is circular: his statement that the Republicans had no ideas for fixing the health care system was unreasonable because due to the nature of how the Republican party is they are incapable of coming up with ideas. If you actually believe that, that has to be one of the most damning indictments of a political party I have ever heard.

And by the way no, reverting to a system that everyone agrees was horribly broken is not an idea for fixing US health care. Unless we are once again using the lowest bar ever imagined again, that is.
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