What? No government shutdown threads?

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Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2003
I don't give a shit about the government shutting down. They continue to pull this every year. In fact the last 5 months of last year went on and on about this. Then the sequester.

They drag this out because they want to drag it out. They can't do any productive work so they actively create crisis after crisis. That relieves them from ever addressing anything worthwhile.

Can you IMAGINE if they past a 10 year budget, basing it on yearly governmental income, using percentages to disberse it between the different budget areas and groups, and leave it in place?

That'd be far to simple and effective. What would they do with all that free time?


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
I don't give a shit about the government shutting down. They continue to pull this every year. In fact the last 5 months of last year went on and on about this. Then the sequester.

They drag this out because they want to drag it out. They can't do any productive work so they actively create crisis after crisis. That relieves them from ever addressing anything worthwhile.

Can you IMAGINE if they past a 10 year budget, basing it on yearly governmental income, using percentages to disberse it between the different budget areas and groups, and leave it in place?

That'd be far to simple and effective. What would they do with all that free time?
Send they asses home so they don't start believing that D.C. is the real world and government is the answer to every question and problem.

Philosophically I too could not care less about government shutting down its non-essential parts. Practically though there is human collateral damage - the woman who can't visit her ailing mother because she can't get her visa renewed, the old man on Social Security living check to check and fearing that the next check won't come in, the immigrant family trying to abide by the law but seeing the clock run out while the workers are on forced paid vacations, the nonessential government clerical worker wondering how a check in a month is going to help her pay her mortgage this week. No sense in this shit. Neither side is willing to compromise, so government grinds to a halt over 1% of the budget (if we HAD a budget) and we'll spend a few million paying furloughed workers while getting no labor.

D.C. is like an unmedicated A.D.H.D. kindergarten class without adult supervision.


May 12, 2001
I don't give a shit about the government shutting down. They continue to pull this every year. In fact the last 5 months of last year went on and on about this. Then the sequester.

They drag this out because they want to drag it out. They can't do any productive work so they actively create crisis after crisis. That relieves them from ever addressing anything worthwhile.

Can you IMAGINE if they past a 10 year budget, basing it on yearly governmental income, using percentages to disberse it between the different budget areas and groups, and leave it in place?

That'd be far to simple and effective. What would they do with all that free time?

Then instead of dollars the lobbyists would buy percentages! At the same time they could simplify the federal tax code so we citizens can save time too!


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
WTF moment of the day:


Military will NOT be paid during a government shutdown? WTF? I don't give a rat's ass what side you're on....pay the fucking military goddamn DC doucebags (shutdown or not). If the Obama administration is playing with the military pay to push the GOP, fuck that. He states that negotiation is off the table for the debt limit and I say that military pay if off the table for shutdown purposes. Pay the men and women in uniform....period!

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Dec 10, 2005
WTF moment of the day:


Military will NOT be paid during a government shutdown? WTF? I don't give a rat's ass what side you're on....pay the fucking military goddamn DC doucebags (shutdown or not). If the Obama administration is playing with the military pay to push the GOP, fuck that. He states that negotiation is off the table for the debt limit and I say that military pay if off the table for shutdown purposes. Pay the men and women in uniform....period!

Why should they be paid if the government shuts down? If Congress doesn't allocate the money, I don't see how they can legally pay them.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Why should they be paid if the government shuts down? If Congress doesn't allocate the money, I don't see how they can legally pay them.

Then by God, they shouldn't have to go to work either. So what you're saying is that 100% of the government shuts down (except Congress who is negotiating) and nobody gets paid? Fine if that's the way it is, but nobody should be required to work then. I highly doubt that though.....


Golden Member
Jan 12, 2006
I don't see how they can legally avoid paying them, since slavery is illegal.

In the event of a govt. shutdown, non-essential / non-exempt employees will be put on unpaid leave and not work. Exempt employees will work but not get paid until appropriations is sorted out.


"Military personnel will not be paid until such time as Congress makes appropriated funds available to compensate them for this period of service," Deputy Defense Secretary Ash Carter wrote in a memo describing contingency plans for a shutdown.


Mar 12, 2000
Reports are that a 1 year delay to Obamacare is going to be in the bill the House will pass later today.

Get ready for a stalemate.


Nov 11, 1999
Reports are that a 1 year delay to Obamacare is going to be in the bill the House will pass later today.

Get ready for a stalemate.

I hope not. The Teatards are the ones wearing the suicide vest.

Or, We don't negotiate with Terrorists! Kill the fucking hostages, if you think it'll get you anything!


Jun 19, 2000
Reports are that a 1 year delay to Obamacare is going to be in the bill the House will pass later today.

Get ready for a stalemate.
And a permanent repeal of the medical devices tax.

If Reid sticks to his guns, it's going nowhere. He's been pretty emphatic that there are to be no changes. He's the one leading the party of "no" in this instance.

I want it to go through as planned. No one year delay. I want Democare well in place before the mid-terms.


Nov 11, 1999
And a permanent repeal of the medical devices tax.

If Reid sticks to his guns, it's going nowhere. He's been pretty emphatic that there are to be no changes. He's the one leading the party of "no" in this instance.

I want it to go through as planned. No one year delay. I want Democare well in place before the mid-terms.

Be careful what you wish for.

If it can be made to work, the ACA is a sea change.

It scares the shit out of the ideologues of the Right, which is why they're desperate to stop it. If it never happens, that worry will be gone & victory achieved, for them, anyway.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Be careful what you wish for.

If it can be made to work, the ACA is a sea change.

It scares the shit out of the ideologues of the Right, which is why they're desperate to stop it. If it never happens, that worry will be gone & victory achieved, for them, anyway.

It scares them because the gov is taxing companies with out delivering anything. TRUST IN ME.

Spend money with nothing to show. :thumbsdown:
Costs to people are going up. Are they getting better health care?

The below is what was sold to the American public.

Insurance costs going down. Competition!
Health care costs going down. More covered, No one turned away because all covered.
No free loaders of the system. Everyone covered, no need to always use ER instead of local MD.

What people are hearing seeing.

Insurance costs going up.
Doctors reducing availability.
Access to preferred MD may disappear.
Exemptions are being granted to Congress and special companies.
Companies are shedding work force or not expanding due to limits.
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Mar 12, 2000
And a permanent repeal of the medical devices tax.

If Reid sticks to his guns, it's going nowhere. He's been pretty emphatic that there are to be no changes. He's the one leading the party of "no" in this instance.

I want it to go through as planned. No one year delay. I want Democare well in place before the mid-terms.

The fear of Obamacare may be more useful to campaign with than the actual effects of Obamacare, which will probably be hard to analyze in the first year of implementation. Admittedly that fear didn't get Romney elected, however.

There's definitely the possibility of some frustration and anger being generated while people try to fight through the red tape, though.
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Nov 11, 1999
It scares them because the gov is taxing companies with out delivering anything. TRUST IN ME.

Spend money with nothing to show. :thumbsdown:
Costs to people are going up. Are they getting better health care?

The below is what was sold to the American public.

Insurance costs going down. Competition!
Health care costs going down. More covered, No one turned away because all covered.
No free loaders of the system. Everyone covered, no need to always use ER instead of local MD.

What people are hearing seeing.

Insurance costs going up.
Doctors reducing availability.
Access to preferred MD may disappear.
Exemptions are being granted to Congress and special companies.
Companies are shedding work force or not expanding due to limits.

It scares them because success would bring a major shift in the public's view of their own options. It'd be nice to think that there are democratic alternatives to too much dependence on very un-democratic corporate interests.

That's the deeper ideological battle at play.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
It scares them because success would bring a major shift in the public's view of their own options. It'd be nice to think that there are democratic alternatives to too much dependence on very un-democratic corporate interests.

That's the deeper ideological battle at play.

One can believe as policy difference, should the government handle you from cradle to grave.

Until it actually starts up for a couple of years, it is all speculation

If it fails, the tear into our economic fabric will be great.

If it works, the individual has given up freedom for socialism security. Being forced to take on the burden of othets
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Jun 19, 2000
The fear of Obamacare may be more useful to campaign with than the actual effects of Obamacare, which will probably be hard to analyze in the first year of implementation. Admittedly that fear didn't get Romney elected, however.

There's definitely the possibility of some frustration and anger being generated while people try to fight through the red tape, though.
It's a roll of the dice, that's for certain.

I look at it from a financial perspective. It's not just the increase in premiums it's the huge deductibles, the cutting back of hours, the job losses, etc. You put the whole package together and it's the kind of government program that when combined with the other programs that are eating up the lions share of our budget will bring us to our knees. Which appears to be unavoidable. There is no political party in our country currently that can save us. They look out for themselves and the people be damned.

It's important to remember that the Presidency isn't in play until inauguration day 2017. There is no way to roll Democare back, to make it go away, until that day at the earliest. Delay it a year and it's still happening. I say bring it on.


Oct 31, 2000
Do any of you realize just why the Republicans want a one year delay? All the Fox News twits keep talking about compromise ("the Republicans are willing to compromise"), but this is not compromise.

Republicans want the law to be delayed by a year because it makes a great talking point for their base. Delay it one year and every Republican running will claim they will prevent it from ever happening, exciting their base and driving them to the polls. This is exactly the kind of issue they need during a non-presidential election cycle. Republicans are only eyeing control of the Senate, they care nothing about the word "compromise".


Nov 11, 1999
One can believe as policy difference, should the government handle you from cradle to grave.

Until it actually starts up for a couple of years, it is all speculation

If it fails, the tear into our economic fabric will be great.

If it works, the individual has given up freedom for socialism security. Being forced to take on the burden of othets

Or should Corporate interests handle you from cradle to grave?

It's about real world choices, not libertopian drivel recited by rote.


May 15, 2000
Do any of you realize just why the Republicans want a one year delay? All the Fox News twits keep talking about compromise ("the Republicans are willing to compromise"), but this is not compromise.

Republicans want the law to be delayed by a year because it makes a great talking point for their base. Delay it one year and every Republican running will claim they will prevent it from ever happening, exciting their base and driving them to the polls. This is exactly the kind of issue they need during a non-presidential election cycle. Republicans are only eyeing control of the Senate, they care nothing about the word "compromise".

I watched a republican flat out state that the one year delay was because they had hoped to win the senate by then and then push for its repeal.

The republicans by their own admission many times through the last several years has been party first, country last, dead last.


Mar 12, 2000
Do any of you realize just why the Republicans want a one year delay? All the Fox News twits keep talking about compromise ("the Republicans are willing to compromise"), but this is not compromise.

Republicans want the law to be delayed by a year because it makes a great talking point for their base. Delay it one year and every Republican running will claim they will prevent it from ever happening, exciting their base and driving them to the polls. This is exactly the kind of issue they need during a non-presidential election cycle. Republicans are only eyeing control of the Senate, they care nothing about the word "compromise".

I think that's pretty obvious, which is why the Dems in the Senate and President Obama will never go for it. During his first term Obama made a lot of concessions on the budget and debt ceiling expecting that they would be buy him good will with the opposition. Soon he learned that all they led to were more demands when the next budget or debt ceiling debate rolled around.

At this point the Dems/Obama have figured out that delaying Obamacare for one year will only lead to more demands to do so again (if not repeal it outright) in the next year. That's why the shutdown looks likely to actually happen this time. No one has any more illusions.

As for the debt ceiling, I don't know. I can't believe that the people who control the vast majority of wealth in this country (and hence most of its politicians) want to see a default on the debt. I doubt they care about Joe Schmoe's 401k, but they probably care about their own investments.


Jun 19, 2000
As for the debt ceiling, I don't know. I can't believe that the people who control the vast majority of wealth in this country (and hence most of its politicians) want to see a default on the debt. I doubt they care about Joe Schmoe's 401k, but they probably care about their own investments.
Don't get caught up in a lot of hype over the debt ceiling. We've had 17 "government shutdowns" since 1976 and we're still here. If anything it will help Congress focus on what needs to be done.


Jun 19, 2000
Do any of you realize just why the Republicans want a one year delay? All the Fox News twits keep talking about compromise ("the Republicans are willing to compromise"), but this is not compromise.

Republicans want the law to be delayed by a year because it makes a great talking point for their base. Delay it one year and every Republican running will claim they will prevent it from ever happening, exciting their base and driving them to the polls. This is exactly the kind of issue they need during a non-presidential election cycle. Republicans are only eyeing control of the Senate, they care nothing about the word "compromise".
Sounds like...politics.
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