What people overlooked in the TAX BILL, I bet. Car insurance is now "optional".(Not really)


Feb 1, 2008
That's right!
Republicans have removed or "repealed" the law that drivers MUST have car insurance.
No longer can that finance company require car insurance on their auto loans.
No longer can any cop, when pulled over or in a wreck, ask you for your car insurance papers.
So for all you motorized mobile deadbeats out there, YOU'RE OFF THE HOOK.
Yippie! Love To Donald T!!!!! Woot Woot
Drive uninsured. Crash. Total your car. Total my car. Total this car, that car. His car, her car. Hell, total every car in the parking lot.
You simply place the debt onto the other guy, onto the finance company, because you make $10 an hour so who the hell is going to sue YOU? And so what if they do..... What are they going to take, your xbox?
All this, thanks to Donald Trump and his republican controlled congress.
So... go out and buy that new Benz, your new Ford or Chevy, finance it and watch as that finance company charges you a ka=zillion interest rate, and your required down payment is 99.999 % of the vehicle cost.
And not just you... EVERYONE pays.

Well, maybe this little story is not exactly true concerning auto insurance and taxes. I kid.
However... this 'is" now the case, once again, concerning health insurance.
Thanks to republicans in congress, the deadbeats have once again been re-enabled.
Those people that believe they are invincible. Indestructible. Of super-human origin.
They can fall off a ladder and not suffer a scratch. Crash head on in a car wreck and walk away untouched.
Slip on ice and never break a leg, an arm, or their neck.
They the indestructible's never need a doctor or an ambulance or the ER.
No... not them. After all, they are INDESTRUCTIBLE.

So you, as someone paying premiums for employer healthcare or private healthcare, you never need worry about the INDESTRUCTIBLE's showing up at the ER un-insured and unable to pay.
You, as someone paying premiums for employer healthcare or private healthcare, you need never worry that your premiums will start to skyrocket.
YOU need never worry that the INDESTRUCTIBLE's will rack up thousands in unpaid medical bills that YOU will end up paying for with catastrophic premium increases, year after year. Forever more....

Oh yeah! The deadbeats have once again been enabled by republicans in control.
They no longer are required to have health insurance.
Never more, thanks to Donald Trump.
But this not need worry YOU.
After all.... the INDESTRUCTIBLE's never need healthcare.
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Platinum Member
Jan 14, 2001
I didn't know we were permitted to have completely false titles to threads. There are a lot of people who read the title and a few lines and go off the rails.


Golden Member
Jun 22, 2005
That's right!
Republicans have removed or "repealed" the law that drivers MUST have car insurance.
No longer can that finance company require car insurance on their auto loans.
No longer can any cop, when pulled over or in a wreck, ask you for your car insurance papers.
So for all you motorized mobile deadbeats out there, YOU'RE OFF THE HOOK.
Yippie! Love To Donald T!!!!! Woot Woot
Drive uninsured. Crash. Total your car. Total my car. Total this car, that car. His car, her car. Hell, total every car in the parking lot.
You simply place the debt onto the other guy, onto the finance company, because you make $10 an hour so who the hell is going to sue YOU? And so what if they do..... What are they going to take, your xbox?
All this, thanks to Donald Trump and his republican controlled congress.
So... go out and buy that new Benz, your new Ford or Chevy, finance it and watch as that finance company charges you a ka=zillion interest rate, and your required down payment is 99.999 % of the vehicle cost.
And not just you... EVERYONE pays.

Well, maybe this little story is not exactly true concerning auto insurance and taxes. I kid.
However... this 'is" now the case, once again, concerning health insurance.
Thanks to republicans in congress, the deadbeats have once again been re-enabled.
Those people that believe they are invincible. Indestructible. Of super-human origin.
They can fall off a ladder and not suffer a scratch. Crash head on in a car wreck and walk away untouched.
Slip on ice and never break a leg, an arm, or their neck.
They the indestructible's never need a doctor or an ambulance or the ER.
No... not them. After all, they are INDESTRUCTIBLE.

So you, as someone paying premiums for employer healthcare or private healthcare, you never need worry about the INDESTRUCTIBLE's showing up at the ER un-insured and unable to pay.
You, as someone paying premiums for employer healthcare or private healthcare, you need never worry that your premiums will start to skyrocket.
YOU need never worry that the INDESTRUCTIBLE's will rack up thousands in unpaid medical bills that YOU will end up paying for with catastrophic premium increases, year after year. Forever more....

Oh yeah! The deadbeats have once again been enabled by republicans in control.
They no longer are required to have health insurance.
Never more, thanks to Donald Trump.
But this not need worry YOU.
After all.... the INDESTRUCTIBLE's never need healthcare.
...and so begins another day at ATPN


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006
I didn't know we were permitted to have completely false titles to threads. There are a lot of people who read the title and a few lines and go off the rails.
Not if you pass the maturity filter.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
That's right!
Republicans have removed or "repealed" the law that drivers MUST have car insurance.
No longer can that finance company require car insurance on their auto loans.
No longer can any cop, when pulled over or in a wreck, ask you for your car insurance papers.
So for all you motorized mobile deadbeats out there, YOU'RE OFF THE HOOK.
Yippie! Love To Donald T!!!!! Woot Woot
Drive uninsured. Crash. Total your car. Total my car. Total this car, that car. His car, her car. Hell, total every car in the parking lot.
You simply place the debt onto the other guy, onto the finance company, because you make $10 an hour so who the hell is going to sue YOU? And so what if they do..... What are they going to take, your xbox?
All this, thanks to Donald Trump and his republican controlled congress.
So... go out and buy that new Benz, your new Ford or Chevy, finance it and watch as that finance company charges you a ka=zillion interest rate, and your required down payment is 99.999 % of the vehicle cost.
And not just you... EVERYONE pays.

Well, maybe this little story is not exactly true concerning auto insurance and taxes. I kid.
However... this 'is" now the case, once again, concerning health insurance.
Thanks to republicans in congress, the deadbeats have once again been re-enabled.
Those people that believe they are invincible. Indestructible. Of super-human origin.
They can fall off a ladder and not suffer a scratch. Crash head on in a car wreck and walk away untouched.
Slip on ice and never break a leg, an arm, or their neck.
They the indestructible's never need a doctor or an ambulance or the ER.
No... not them. After all, they are INDESTRUCTIBLE.

So you, as someone paying premiums for employer healthcare or private healthcare, you never need worry about the INDESTRUCTIBLE's showing up at the ER un-insured and unable to pay.
You, as someone paying premiums for employer healthcare or private healthcare, you need never worry that your premiums will start to skyrocket.
YOU need never worry that the INDESTRUCTIBLE's will rack up thousands in unpaid medical bills that YOU will end up paying for with catastrophic premium increases, year after year. Forever more....

Oh yeah! The deadbeats have once again been enabled by republicans in control.
They no longer are required to have health insurance.
Never more, thanks to Donald Trump.
But this not need worry YOU.
After all.... the INDESTRUCTIBLE's never need healthcare.

Auto insurance is one of the worst examples
to use in comparison to health insurance, the safest drivers who use their insurance the least get the best rates, the ones who have more tickets and accidents pay the most and in many states if you drive without insurance you can be arrested and it tends to affect the poor and minorities more, the more affluent don't have these problems

Therefore the healthy should pay the least and those with preexisting conditions should pay the most if you go down the auto insurance path.

Second unbeknownst to most so called liberals the Obama administration took a page out of the Republican handbook by vilifying the lower classes without insurance as the problem just like Republicans use the Welfare Queen for their agendas, you just call them deadbeats but somehow for some reason you don't include the millions of illegals, who by the way have no trouble driving while uninsured.

Because Of Obamacare, Illegal Immigrants Get Taxpayer-Financed Care
Let me be clear: Obamacare contains an explicit prohibition against providing federally-subsidized coverage to immigrants who cannot prove they are here legally. I am not arguing, nor did Louise Radnofsky demonstrate in her story, that anyone is explicitly violating this prohibition [1]. But no honest person can deny that because of Obamacare, more taxpayer resources at the state and local level are being spent on health care of illegal immigrants than would have been spent otherwise [2].

This is a matter of simple arithmetic. Forty-nine states have balanced budget requirements. Thus, at the margin, every $1 dollar reduction in taxpayer-financed uncompensated care costs for the uninsured frees up a dollar that can be spent on health care for illegal immigrants. In that sense, the legal prohibition against using Obamacare funds to explicitly bankroll health care for illegal immigrants is largely irrelevant. The federal Obamacare subsidies undeniably permit states and localities to make expenditures on health care for illegal immigrants that they otherwise would be unable to afford

In 2013, state and local governments provided $19.8 billion in funds to help offset the costs of uncompensated care borne by hospitals and other providers. Such payments constituted 26% of all uncompensated care costs that year. The average individual who is uninsured incurs about $1257 in uncompensated care costs [Table 1]. States and localities there save about $325 for each uninsured person who gains coverage as a result of the ACA.

This is not the place to quibble about he accuracy of President Obama's claim that the ACA has reduced the number of uninsured by 20 million. Taken at face value, that would imply that state and local governments now have $6.5 billion (corrected: see note [3]) in additional resources to spend on illegal immigrants, whether it be for health care, education or anything else. We may never know the exact amount of such savings repurposed to provide health care to illegal immigrants. But it strains credulity to claim that the number is zero. So it should be beyond all doubt that the ACA has increased the amount of resources dedicated to health care of illegal immigrants--the explicit legal prohibition against this notwithstanding.

Then Obama pulled a classic bait and switch by telling Americans who had insurance not to worry because it was all about those bad people without insurance, their insurance and plans wouldn't be touched effectively removing them from the debate which would have easily sunk Obamacare before it even got out the door if they believed it would have affected them.

Now you are facing the blowback from those people through their elected officials and still try to blame the "deadbeats" as the problem, obviously you haven't learned anything from the Hillary Clinton loss.


Senior member
Feb 28, 2017
Auto insurance is one of the worst examples
to use in comparison to health insurance, the safest drivers who use their insurance the least get the best rates, the ones who have more tickets and accidents pay the most and in many states if you drive without insurance you can be arrested and it tends to affect the poor and minorities more, the more affluent don't have these problems

Therefore the healthy should pay the least and those with preexisting conditions should pay the most if you go down the auto insurance path.

This is exactly the way health insurance works too. The healthy do pay the least and the unhealthy do pay the most. The main difference is that there are rules about the maximum ratio between the highest and lowest rates. If that ratio cap didn't exist old people wouldn't be able to afford insurance.

Good drivers subsidize bad drivers in auto insurance as well, just not quite as much so.
Nov 8, 2012
If this were true... it would be highly appealing to people that vote to the left, much more so than the right..... Soooooo. Not sure where you're going with this.....
May 13, 2009
If I don't carry car insurance and total someone else's car that effects the other party tremendously. If I don't carry health insurance and break my leg it would put me alone in a bad spot financially. See the difference. I have every right to not carry health insurance. I'm for more rights not less.
Reactions: stormkroe
Nov 8, 2012
If I don't carry car insurance and total someone else's car that effects the other party tremendously. If I don't carry health insurance and break my leg it would put me alone in a bad spot financially. See the difference. I have every right to not carry health insurance. I'm for more rights not less.

Now put yourself in the shoes of the other person. Some dickhead drives like a retard - or better yet, he is drunk and permanantly injures you and your daughter. You're going to have hundreds upon thousands upon millions of medical bills.

....But the man who was drunk has no insurance... and he is broke as fuck... so you get nothing... Good day sir.
May 13, 2009
Now put yourself in the shoes of the other person. Some dickhead drives like a retard - or better yet, he is drunk and permanantly injures you and your daughter. You're going to have hundreds upon thousands upon millions of medical bills.

....But the man who was drunk has no insurance... and he is broke as fuck... so you get nothing... Good day sir.
Read much? Apparently not.
May 13, 2009
As you stated at the end "I'm for more rights not less" - sure sounds like you're for not carrying car insurance.... but feel free to correct me. I've been known to drink excessively and not always understand one's saracasm
I am for car insurance since it can have a huge effect on someone else. Not having health insurance would only hurt the person that doesn't have it when it's needed.
I am for rights for people as long as they don't infringe on other people's rights. And driving a car with no insurance and ruining them financially would definitely be infringing on someone's rights.


Senior member
Aug 5, 2003
If I don't carry car insurance and total someone else's car that effects the other party tremendously. If I don't carry health insurance and break my leg it would put me alone in a bad spot financially. See the difference. I have every right to not carry health insurance. I'm for more rights not less.

Except what actually happens is the person who chose not to have health insurance can't afford a huge bill and doesn't pay or files bankruptcy and the cost gets spread out to all other patients.


Platinum Member
Jan 14, 2001
I am for car insurance since it can have a huge effect on someone else. Not having health insurance would only hurt the person that doesn't have it when it's needed.
I am for rights for people as long as they don't infringe on other people's rights. And driving a car with no insurance and ruining them financially would definitely be infringing on someone's rights.
Just because you cant see the impact someone without health ins does not mean that it does not affect others. If you go to the emg room and dont pay, I will the next time I go and need an aspirin and get charged $25 for it. Consider for a moment that I can get a 500 count bottle of said aspirin at Amazon for $5.24 making that pill $0.0124, yep one and a quarter cents. Now follow that out for a 4 day stay and include everything I need using that markup. If you thing that you going without insurance does not affect others, perhaps you should do a little more research. A $200,000 stay might only cost me 50K on the high end, if you didn't bail on your hospital bill.

Incase your interested I still consider myself a Conservative but no longer a member of today's republican party.


May 30, 2008
Just because you cant see the impact someone without health ins does not mean that it does not affect others. If you go to the emg room and dont pay, I will the next time I go and need an aspirin and get charged $25 for it. Consider for a moment that I can get a 500 count bottle of said aspirin at Amazon for $5.24 making that pill $0.0124, yep one and a quarter cents. Now follow that out for a 4 day stay and include everything I need using that markup. If you thing that you going without insurance does not affect others, perhaps you should do a little more research. A $200,000 stay might only cost me 50K on the high end, if you didn't bail on your hospital bill.

Incase your interested I still consider myself a Conservative but no longer a member of today's republican party.

Car insurance was a flawed attempt at an analogy for the reasons others have given.

But it's not purely about cross-subsidisation (i.e. redistribution), there's also an element of economy-of-scale if you get everyone enrolled in the system. Of course that might not apply so much with the particular way the ACA works. But it appears to me that there is a huge amount of duplicated effort and very high transaction costs in the way US healthcare is organised, especially on the admin/bureaucracy side.

(All that work that goes into looking for insurance, fighting to get that insurance to pay out, and conversely, on the other end, looking for reasons not to pay, and at every step requiring admin work from the medical professionals whose time could probably be put to better use...it just seems a very baroque system and clearly works out very costly for the results it gets)
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