What?s the stupidest/dumbest thing you have ever done?

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Dec 12, 2002
Originally posted by: 49erinnc
When I was 16 (34 now), I was riding around with my buddy one night when his car started acting funny. Lights were dimming and it it was really sluggish. So he pulled over into a service station parking lot. This was later at night so the station wasn't open. I knew enough about cars at the time to figure out it was battery-related so I had him pop his hood. I had a feeling that his battery case was old/dry so I wanted to check the acid level. So I popped off the plastic cap (back then you coud do that) and tried to peer inside. Since it was dark out, I couldn't see and we didn't have a flashlight. I was a smoker at the time so I decided to just strike my cigarette lighter over the opening and look in. Really bad idea.

I had no idea that the fumes were combustible. All I remember was a super loud "boom" and when I opened my eyes, I was on my back a few feet from the car. My eyes were burning really bad and my friend was freaking out. He was literally crying because he thought I was dead at first and then he figured I was permanently blind. He guided me over to a spigot at the station where I rinsed my face off. Since the battery was bone dry, I didn't sustain any burns or damage to my vision. I just couldn't see well for about an hour and my eyes burned some. Not to mention I needed a new pair of underwear. Definitely one of the, if not the, dumbest things I've done.

1. Buddy's car battery acting up one nught
2. Popped battery cap and checked acid level with cigarette lighter while peering in
3. Very loud "boom" that knocked me on my rear and temporarily blinded me
4. Wound up okay thanks to battery being so dry but learned a valuable lesson
oh lord...haha that had to have been NASTY


Senior member
Apr 1, 2006
Basically stuck my foot in my mouth on a business trip. My boss, his boss, and her boss were all at this Japanese Steak place with the head honchos of this outsourcing place we were using. I had a bit too much sake and blurted out that I didn't think their people were real high quality to my boss. Luckily they didn't really notice, or chose to ignore it. But classic foot in mouth disease.


Feb 13, 2003
Originally posted by: StrangerGuy
Doing a FF7 victory dance in an elementary school love quiz.


Originally posted by: sao123
was trying to send a private message through the company network using net send...
typed the command incorrect, and instead of it going to my friend, it went to the whole domain.

The question must be asked... what did the message say?


Apr 22, 2002
This isnt mine, but my friends.

Back in highschool, my buddy was over hanging out for a while. He had his car parked at the top of our driveway. The driveway is flat at the top, and then slopes down to a lower level where the garage is. Our backyard is flat for about 30 feet beyond the driveway, and then starts sloping downward. It then turns into an all out ~50 foot cliff onto a stream below.

So he is there hanging out, and we decide to go and get some lunch somewhere. We walk out of the house, and his car is nowhere to be found. We're both like ?? wtf did someone steal your car?

We spend about a half hour trying to figure out what the hell is going on, and I decide just to take a gander over the hillside. I look over the cliff, and I see his car upside down stuck in a tree absolutely totalled.

Looks like he forgot to set the parking break, and it was fairly windy out, so it must have blown the car to give it enough momentum to start rolling. They had to use a crane to get it out.

Of course I was there trying to hold back laughter the whole time while he was trying to figure out what he was gonna tell his parents.


Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2005
A friend of mine damaged his car on several occasions trying to back out of the garage. He busted one of the mirrors, put a dent in one of his doors, backed out while one of the doors was open (door snapped off), and almost ran over his little brother. Needless to say, he's a terrible driver.


THAT guy
Aug 10, 2002
Disclaimer: all the stuff mentioned in here happened when i was a young kid or in early 20s. I'm very happy to say that I've smartened up considerably since then. Anyway read on and have a laugh. :laugh:

I was surfing on the hood of my buddy's car (real stupid I know...i was a sophomore in HS) while he was driving. He went around a sharp turn and I slid off the hood of the car and smashed into a curb. I literally came inches away from being run over by one of his tires. It also took me about 20 minutes to finally stand up. I didn't break anything but I had huge scrapes and enormous black and blues on my thigh, legs arms and face for the next few weeks.

Another time, me and some kids ( I was in 3rd grade) found a load of bricks dumped in the woods. So naturally this developed into an all out brick fight. I got pegged in the back of the head with a brick and had to go to the hospital for 12 stiches. Still have that scar today.

My best friend and I once started a forest fire in 6th grade playing with a cigarette lighter in the woods. Almost burned a guy's house down and the fire dept had to come put it out.

My dad had a tear gas gun and I fired it in the house out of curiousity. No bullets, but it would shoot this large canister that released the agent. We actually had to evacuate the entire house, my dad kicking my ass outside while we were waiting for the fumes to air out.

Hit a parked car (little v-wagen cabriolet) with a work van accidently. Knocked the bumper clean off the car along with other damage. I got out, looked around for a second and floored it out of there. Nobody ever contacted me.

Any time I've driven drunk. The worst is when I actually rear-ended somebody, plastered off my ass. I started getting scared abd he got out of his car, saw there was no damage and kicked my truck in anger. Then he got back in his car and left. I was glad thats all that happened cause if he called the cops I would have been screwed.

I got arrested at a college party when cops came and broke it up. Being drunk, I gave the cop an attitude along with a fake name and address, story etc... and they weren't buying it. I end up coming clean and confessing to them but they had had enough. I really think that they would have let me go but I ended up getting a s-load of charges. Underage possesion and consumption of alcohol, obstruction of justice, contributing to the deliquincy of minors, noise violations, possession of false IDs and so on and so forth. Luckily I got a good atty and I was only sentenced to 2 years of probation with all charges being dropped. A nice $2500 lesson.

Thats all I can remember now...



Golden Member
Jan 23, 2004
When my cousin and I were about 13, we hung around a lot in his house, because we didnt have cars yet, and we would play hockey and ping pong in his basement. There were several new houses being built in my cousin's development, so we would walk around the neighborhood and go inside some of the unfinished ones and hang out. Apparently, one of the builders left behind a hand painted sign that had a skull and crossbones on it and said "Beware of evil spirits", I guess to dissuade young punks like us from hanging out and vandalizing things. Because we found humor in this, one of us had a thick permanent marker on us, so we wrote something profane from a George Carlin skit on the sign and left (you'll find out what it was a little later).

When we walked back to my cousin's house, we wanted to get on the computer to play Duke Nukem 3D (this is obviously way back in the day). We couldn't get on the computer because his little brother was playing some stupid D&D game and wouldn't let us on.

Pissed, we grabbed a bunch of my little cousin's stuffed animals from the basement (he was like 11 or 12, this shows what a little girl he was) and began destroying them outside- we put M80s in some and blew them apart, took garden shears to some others, and then we decided to do the stupidest one of all.

We took a couple of my little cousin's Care Bears and walked back to the house down the street that we were in before. It was about 70% completed. We ripped the guts out so the stuffing was hanging out, and strung the Care Bear up over one of the rafters in the foyer of the unfinished house. We then proceeded to set it on fire, watching and laughing about how we were sticking it to my little cousin, and how he'd regret not letting us play Duke3d when he found his stuffed animals missing.

Well, apparently one of the neighbors across the street saw the flames through the window and called the cops (why not the fire dept, I'll never know). All of a sudden out of nowhere this cop car comes screaming down the street and skids into the driveway. It happened so fast we didn't even have time to run out of the house- we were stuck.

We did have about 30 seconds to walk down the stairs and ended up near the garage, which was a gaping hole with no door yet. The cop approaches us and asks what we're doing. We tell him just hanging out. He asks us to empty our pockets (luckily we had thrown the book of matches used to burn the Care Bear out the window into the overgrown, un-landscaped yard, and had also conveniently left the big fat permanent marker we used to tag up the construction sign back in my cousin's house).

Finding nothing, the cop leads us back upstairs into the house to check out the burned ashes of the Care Bear, and during the course of this, we stumble up the skull-and-crossbones sign we defaced earlier in the day. The cop stops, looks at the sign and reads it out loud (here's the George Carlin line):

"Go Fvck Yourself in the Assh0le with a Big Rubber D!ck".

It took all of me and my cousin's willpower not to burst out laughing when the cop recited this to us. He asks us then if we know anything about the sign, to which we obviously deny. He then takes down our addresses and names, presumably to contact our parents and lets us go. We were scared sh1tless the rest of the afternoon, afraid that our parents were going to find out and we were going to get busted for something so stupid. Nothing ever happened though, and we got off scot-free.

My cousin and I still laugh our asses off when we think of the sign and how the cop read it out loud to us, all serious-like. Thinking back it was incredibly stupid that we could have accidentally burned down an unfinished house just to "get even" with my little cousin.

Sorry for the novel....


Apr 10, 2000
Like all stupid little boys I had a fascination with fire, fireworks, and anything that burned pretty much. Sometime when I was 12 or 13 I discovered how incredibly flamable rubber cement is. So me and a few friends grabbed some old GI Joes and dumped rubber cement on them and lit them up in the cul-de-sac I lived on. One of the neighbors comes running outside yelling at us to put out the fire. I kick the figures out of the fire to the curb, but the spot is still burning obviously and the neighbor is pitching a fit. So, in my infinite wisdom I try to stomp out the flames ......... So at that point I now have the near-equivalent of burning napalm on my foot and the yard where the figures were kicked to catches fire. Luckily my friends put out that fire before it spread and I managed to put my foot out before I suffered and injuries. The shoe was ruined though. Damn neighbor, we were fine until she told us to put it out.


Dec 5, 2000
back shortly after i got my driver's license i was working part time. one day i was running late for work so i was in a hurry. i got down to the bottom of our driveway (long driveway) and realized i didn't have my wallet. no big deal but for some reason i thought it was at the time.

so i throw the car in reverse and start backing up the driving. being in a hurry, i'm going fast. i end up sideswiping a tree along the driveway. scrapes up the car pretty bad and rips off the passenger mirror. this was my parent's car at the time. we got it fixed and then my parents bought a new car and sold me this one.

one time i was playing with matches and gasoline. i found a colony of ants at the edge of the forest (we live surrounded by forest) so i decided to light them on fire. well, there were tons of dead leaves nearby and they caught fire. ended up causing a forest fire and had to call the fire company. it wasn't too bad but it was fvckin scary at the time.


Dec 17, 2001
Originally posted by: SacrosanctFiend
Probably when I tried to steal a cop car with a cop sitting in the passenger seat. Just for reference, the cop was asleep, and I was young (read: dumb) enough to think that I could successfully steal the car with him still in it.

That's hilarious


Feb 14, 2005
ROFL :laugh: Some of these stories are quality.

I used to be a real nuisance when I was younger, getting upto all kinds of stuff.

I?ll have to post some of the stuff we used to get up to while me and my mates were younger. God I wish I was in my teens again, those were the days.


Senior member
Nov 21, 2006
Two things:

1. Married my first wife

2. Drove from Las Vegas to L.A. at 4AM while extremely tired. I never made it to L.A. and my car had $3k in damage.


May 27, 2002
Originally posted by: clamum
Originally posted by: StrangerGuy
Doing a FF7 victory dance in an elementary school love quiz.


Originally posted by: sao123
was trying to send a private message through the company network using net send...
typed the command incorrect, and instead of it going to my friend, it went to the whole domain.

The question must be asked... what did the message say?

hey bitch, your sugardaddy called, call him back.


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
Originally posted by: Kev
Originally posted by: SacrosanctFiend
Probably when I tried to steal a cop car with a cop sitting in the passenger seat. Just for reference, the cop was asleep, and I was young (read: dumb) enough to think that I could successfully steal the car with him still in it.

That's hilarious

The cop sure thought it was. He just drove me home and let my momma deal with me. I prefer juvie over momma.


Diamond Member
May 25, 2004
hmm...i'd have to say, either fcking my ex girlfriend (we were still going out, i just regret everything that had to do with her) or causing $2200 dollars in damage to my car 2 weeks after i got my license. one of those.


Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2006
1. Caused a grass fire with fireworks. Left the house to throw the fireworks in a dumpster but the cops called me to find them. My friends each got a ticket and I got away scott free.

2. Went down a dirt bike ramp on inline skates and broke my wrist.

3. Me and a co-worker jumped one of these Ez go cart off a ramp and when we landed I bounced out and my legs hit the dash. I could not walk for a few minutes it hurt so bad. But it was so damn fun.

Also we flipped a cart over once playing around.


Golden Member
Jul 28, 2005
Getting addicted to Diablo II in middle school. That led to some hardcore PC gaming for a while...


Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2005
When I was little (around 7 I think) I was throwing a wrench up and down. Don't ask me why, I was bored. I also happened to be laying down on my back. Now I made the first couple catches, but when I threw it a little higher, I completely missed it, hit my nose, ****** it up. Didn't go to the hospital or anything, but it hurt like crap.


Jul 3, 2004
was into aggressive inline skates (roller blades are for n00bs) and was doing some tricks off stairs without helmet.

and the next thing, i woke up laying on the ground. i went home and my brother discovered a huge bump on my head. i learned i had concussion for 15 minutes. i retired few years ago. if i didn't, i would've applied for x games.

now there's a small bald spot on my head where it was struck.

edit: i was 12 when it happened and stopped at 17. now i'm 22.
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