What should I do with some heatware feedback?


Oct 30, 2000
Okay, here's the updates and the facts.

1) I made a post looking to trade items for 1GB PC3200 computer memory

2) Another trader messaged me wanting to trade his item.

Here's the PM made 10/07/2005 02:37 PM:
I have a pair of Patriot dual channel PC3200 (2X512MB) sticks that I'll trade you.

3) He wants the 1GB Sony Duo memor I have that is still brand new in the box. I check the heatware and reference, mostly all good. Message back to him, we can cross-trade, but I won't be able to get mine to the post office today and it's closed monday so I'll ship on Tuesday. Once it's past lunch I can't get to the post office before it closes. 10/07 for those that don't remember is the Friday before Columbus Day. Columbus day was that Monday on 10/10 and it's a federal holiday so the post office is closed.

4) He messages back that he'll ship out today. Which means he's shipping that Friday on 10/07.

5) 10/11/05, that following Tuesday comes. I mail my item out. Sent him message about mailing confirmation. I PM'd him 10/11/05 09:37 AM.

6) I get no response from him.

7) I check tracking for the item I sent that following Monday 10/17. My item sent to him arrived 10/13. I asked for information or tracking number for the item he sent him.

8) He responds on 10/17, I'll check on it.

9) Next day, on 10/18 I message him again, since I received no word the previous day on the item he sent me. He asks for my phone number when I ask about my package.

10) I message him back my number.

11) He calls, tells me he's wanted to call so that I could hear his voice and know I'm not dealing with a troll. He said he's been busy and that he sent out my package that Friday when we last talked. He said he can't find the tracking number but is still looking for it.

12) I assumed at this point, busy meant too busy to message me back earlier. If what he meant by "busy" was the lack of message in regards to messaging me back the status of the package, that's one thing. If he meant busy in that he didn't send the package out already, that's something else. Time of the phone conversation was 1PM our time. He's in same time zone and fairly close to me.

13) Two days pass. It's 10/20/05. I PM him again. I get the excuse that he can't find the tracking number yet and is still looking for it.

14) Next day, which is last Friday and 10/21. I message him again. I ask where's the package or the information. He messages me this:

I have a DC number for you, but I unfortunately can't find it. The memory was shipped to you. I will happily return your memory to you, if you like. I can also zip you money via paypal.

However you would like to do it. Just let me know.

I would think someone that sent me something wouldn't offer to trade me back what I sent so readily nor pay for it if the item was originally sent when it was suppose to be. That made me a bit suspicious. He called me again and I asked what was going on. He said he's been busy, and lost the number. He knows he shipped out but can't pove it and will send my item back or pay me for what I paid for the item. Since my item was new in the box, I didn't want him to send it back if he opened it already. So I showed him a screenshot of the invoice of what I paid for the memory and he promptly paypal'd it to me.

15) Saturday rolls around, I check my mail. I got a package from the trader. Inside is the Patriot 1GB PC3200 computer memory sent by the guy. I check the date and time of sale. 10/18 3:04PM.

So what happened was..... the guy forgot to ship on 10/07. When I asked about it, he didn't say, I forgot, or got too busy to ship out. He said he shipped it and couldn't find the tracking number. Instead, the NEXT DAY and after I talked to him two more times about it, through PMs and on the phone, he finally ships out.

I wouldn't have minded the fact he shipped at a later date if he had told me TRUTHFULLY. He did not. He kept saying he shipped when he had not. That's not miscommunication. That's LYING. Someone willing to lie about something so trivial as forgetting to ship out an item when they said they would isn't exactly a stellar person in my book. I would have had ZERO PROBLEMS, ZERO ISSUES and this thread would NEVER HAD BEEN MADE had he simply said on 10/17 that he forgot to ship, or got too busy to ship it out when he said he would before. Instead, he told me a bold face LIE. Said he shipped when he had not. Said he lost the tracking number when he didn't have one at all.

Also, during this time, he goofed on several OTHER trades with other people who were making public claims. I won't post their stories, but we have been messaging each other about the screws this guy has had in dealing with several of us over the last few weeks. Yes, he's made "up" with each of us but not in the way everyone wanted.

So basically, we did a trade, I sent item, and he sent item AFTER asked over a week later. He lied to me about shipping item and continued to lie. However, the item did arrive. I did have to deal with the hassle though of buying some crappy PNY memory from CC and then having to return it.

I guess I'll add a poll.

original message thread

Not going to mention names, except well mine at this juncture. I sometimes use the for sale/trade forums on this site off and on for the last few years. Have only had good experiences thus far. Bought a few items and sold a few items and never had a problem until recently.

About 3 weeks ago, I was advertising on the forums for some computer memory. I needed a GB of pc3200 memory for a computer I was going to put together this weekend. I had all the other parts but the memory. The computer is for my parents, which is neither here nor there really, but the reason I needed to have the memory by this weekend was because they were going to be out of town. This way I could strip off all the old data from their old computer for them without messing up their schedules. Still can do the job, just going to be trickier on my part.

Anyhow, so in preperation to this weekend I advertsied for some cheap memory. I had a bunch of stuff laying around and I offered it all up. Someone bit and was willing to trade straight up for a brand new in the box 1GB stick of Sony PSP duo memory I had extra.

This was on Oct 7, at the end of the day when someone responded. Basically 2 weeks ago. We made the deal to cross-trade. I said I wouldn't be able to make it over to the post office that day and since the following monday had been a holiday, I would send my memory out on that following Tuesday, 10/11. He said no big deal, that was acceptable, and he'd get the computer memory out that day with a tracking number for me.

10/11 rolls around, I never geta tracking number from him but no biggie at this point. I mail mine off to him and send him a tracking number.

10/13 comes and what I sent him, arrives. Beaware, the guy lives within driving distance, the next major town over from me, so the delivery time shouldn't take long. It didn' take that long at all with my stuff to him. less then 2 days.

Well, 10/17 starts the new week and I haven't heard word from him nor seen any package. I start asking. He says sure he sent it, and he'll get me the tracking number. No response. This basically goes on all week until today. At tis point I issue an ultimatum. Either, he sent it and HAS a number and it's late. Has a number and it got lost, or didn't send it and needs to do something about it now like paying me cash.

He didn't send it as far as I can tell. No number. So he then paypals me the money I originally paid for the product. He asked that if I get the memory in the mail from here I send it back or refund the money.

So at this point, he did at least conclude the deal. I have Money for the item, which is good but not what I oiginally wanted. I'm still SOL on having computer memory and am probably going to have to rush to a retail store after work to pay crappy retail prices for a GB of memory.

Should I leave neutral or negative feedback in this case? Also, if he does something stupid, not saying he will, but if he does like leave me negative or neutral feedback, is that correctable? I executed my part of the bargain flawlessly, which deserves positive feedback, but at most I'm probably not going to get any feedback. I am hesistant to leave him negative and have him retailiate with negative like the a$$hats on ebay do when just to "get back."


Aug 22, 2001
So you paid him, the item didn't arrive, and he paid you back? I'm not familiar with the trading scene, but it seems to me that nothing worse than a neutral is deserved in this situation.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
Unlike eBay, the Heat folks are good about removing retaliation negatives.

Leave a neutral and report the person if they try leaving neutral or negative.


Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: MrChad
So you paid him, the item didn't arrive, and he paid you back? I'm not familiar with the trading scene, but it seems to me that nothing worse than a neutral is deserved in this situation.

No, the trans action was a cross trade. I send him something at the same time he sends me something.

I sent him 1GB Sony PSP Duo memory card.

He was suppose to send me 1GB PC3200 DDR computer memory.

What I sent to him was shipped out on the promised date and received within 2 days.

I never received an item from him. I never received a tracking number from him. For over a week, he's been screwing around and leaving all sorts of excuses. Such as, "I've been busy at work." What the hell does him being busy have anything to do with the post office if he's already shipped the items??? That's just one of many. This was from a guy with more positive heatware feedback then myself, so I didn't think this would have happened, but it did.

I'm asking, do I leave neutral or negative? If I leave either, and he retaliates, is it going to be a pain in the butt to get it off?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2001
Originally posted by: MrChad
So you paid him, the item didn't arrive, and he paid you back? I'm not familiar with the trading scene, but it seems to me that nothing worse than a neutral is deserved in this situation.

Read much?

OP traded his Sony mem stick for the other dude's computer memory.

OP sent his off and other dude received it.

Other dude said he sent it, but his communication was horrible and he never gave a tracking# to OP even though the dude kept saying he had it, yet never gave it to him.

OP said "look, since I do not have the computer memory like you promised, I think you should pay me some $$"

Dude says "ok here's some $$, but if the computer memory comes, please mail it back to me"

Now OP wants to know how to leave feedback? OP did everything for a positive but he's afraid that if he leaves neutral/neg, the dude will retaliate.

Got it?


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2002
Hold up. He paid you, and shipped you the memory, and your complaining...? Hes out both things. Your only out a little bit of your time. Its an inconvenience... sure. But its not like he stiffed you. Honestly, i have done the same thing (sorta) and i recieved a neutral for it. Even though i refunded the person their money and gave them their item. There is no question what i would give him. Sounds like a stellar trader to me and maybe the post office near him sucks. you are down there where a few hurricanes took a huge dump. Things happen. Dont sweat the small sh1t.


Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: Tbirdkid
Hold up. He paid you, and shipped you the memory, and your complaining...? Hes out both things. Your only out a little bit of your time. Its an inconvenience... sure. But its not like he stiffed you. Honestly, i have done the same thing (sorta) and i recieved a neutral for it. Even though i refunded the person their money and gave them their item. There is no question what i would give him. Sounds like a stellar trader to me and maybe the post office near him sucks. you are down there where a few hurricanes took a huge dump. Things happen. Dont sweat the small sh1t.

Incorrect, no hurricanes have taken a dump near me or near him. He has no proof that he shipped out. I have no item, and he has no tracking number. Given that I shipped out "supposedly" 3 days later when I said I would and he recieved my item, it's easy to conclude something screwed up.

I'm willing to wait a little bit longer to see if the package he sent me shows up. If it does, I can easily check the number on the item from the shipping service and determine the day and time it was shipped. If it was shipped within on or within that first week of him saying he shipped it. It's all well and good. We just bot got screwed over by the shipping company. He would get positive for that. That would not be his fault.

If I never get the item, he can never prove he sent it with either a receipt or tracking number.... well it could still not be his fault BUT, it was his item to send to me. His responsibility. His fault for losing any and all proof. Yah that sucks... if that's the case I may leave no feedback. Or I would, had I been the ONLY case I found out this has happened with in regards to this trader. The fact this same scenario, with different excuses used, has happened to others in the exact same time frame plus some unsettling revelations I've come to find out... at best in this case he gets a neutral.

If he tried to be sneaky, and sent out the item like within the last day or too, and had been dealying the shipment for whatever reason... that's a negative. That's just bold face lying to me and I don't stand for that. If he couldn't ship out the time frame he said he did, all he could have done was TOLD me. It wouldn't have been to hard. I understand perfectly fine. It's not too hard to say, "Sorry man, couldn't get int the post office today, had a last minute <insert excuse> I promise by such and such date to get it out to you." That's all it would take to have made it a good trade with a slight hiccup. Saying, "I shipped it... let me get you the tracking number" several times a week and then never responding back... yah. That's lying. That screws up MY plans.

As I said, there is still a chance for this to end up favorably with him having positive feedback. I get what he was suppose to send me all in good order and I verify the date it was sent to show that it was indeed a screw up by the shipping service. Or, if he can produce proof that somehow the package got lost but still shipped. Proof such as a receipt or tracking number I can verify and that he is pursuing a resolution with the shipping service to fix the malfunction.

Those are about that can be done at this point to get a positive feedback. If I get no package, he provides no proof, I still have the money.. I think it's going to net him a neutral. Which means, there was a malfunction in the deal, something didn't turn out like planned but he did the best he could. You only get a gold star if it comes out perfect. Close only counts in horseshoes and handgernades and we weren't trading either of those ;P

I somehow magically get a package in the next few days from him though and the date shows it was shipped out some time AFTER 10/17. I'll promptly refund his cash and give him a negative for bold face lying to me. For lying, I don't cut slack with anyone.

I guess I made my decision to give it a week before leaving feedback. Seems like the fairest solution to me.


Super Moderator | Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Personally, I would leave positive for that, but mention that the trade didn't go as expected, but still turned out OK.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2001
I agree with what OP says.....lying gets a neg. in my book too.

And the fact that the other dude kept saying he will get a tracking # to him and never does is just downright neg material there.

I absolutely hate people who 1) says one thing, but doens't follow through or does something/lie, 2) does not communicate...yeah not everyone checks email everyday, but if you're in a fscking transaction/deal, then you MAKE IT your responsibility to keep in constant contact. Being away w/o responding to my emails/PM for more than 2 days = unacceptable UNLESS they tell me before hand they will be out of town or won't have access to a computer.

OP, I like your plan, wait a little, verify if the package comes and check the date shipped. If he's lying, slap a big fat neg on him.

Good luck.


Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: HonkeyDonk
I agree with what OP says.....lying gets a neg. in my book too.

And the fact that the other dude kept saying he will get a tracking # to him and never does is just downright neg material there.

I absolutely hate people who 1) says one thing, but doens't follow through or does something/lie, 2) does not communicate...yeah not everyone checks email everyday, but if you're in a fscking transaction/deal, then you MAKE IT your responsibility to keep in constant contact. Being away w/o responding to my emails/PM for more than 2 days = unacceptable UNLESS they tell me before hand they will be out of town or won't have access to a computer.

OP, I like your plan, wait a little, verify if the package comes and check the date shipped. If he's lying, slap a big fat neg on him.

Good luck.
Well, looky here. I check my mail today and what do I find? The package sent by the other guy. DATED middle of this week. GRRRR.... bold face lying to me. Was told it was mailed off 2 weeks ago and it wasn't. All he had to say, "Ooops, I forgot and got busy, I'll hit the post office up by XX date or within XX time frame."

That's all it would take. Instead he says, "I sent it out, just lost the tracking number." And then sends it out AFTER saying that. Grrr...


Jan 9, 2004
who cares, he still sent it, you got it in 2 weeks, not unreasonablve at all, and you got money back, AND he maintained good communications

that's a lot better than some etailers I've dealt with

you'd better refund his money.


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2002
gotta love the fact that newbies are expecting people to be perfect. like nothing happens in real life. nothing should matter at all except the deal. i cant believe you would even feel this way when he even gave you the money to pay for it and shipped you the item. i can tell ya, that there is absolutely no way you will find your way into my list of people i will trade with regularly with issues like that. DNT list ya go....

Peace love and hair grease!


Platinum Member
Feb 27, 2000
Originally posted by: MrChad
So you paid him, the item didn't arrive, and he paid you back? I'm not familiar with the trading scene, but it seems to me that nothing worse than a neutral is deserved in this situation.

if this is what happened i would go with a neutral.


Jan 9, 2004
Originally posted by: CitizenDoug
Originally posted by: MrChad
So you paid him, the item didn't arrive, and he paid you back? I'm not familiar with the trading scene, but it seems to me that nothing worse than a neutral is deserved in this situation.

if this is what happened i would go with a neutral.

This is what happened, except he shipped the part, too!


Feb 8, 2001
I'd say neutral.

I purchased a motherboard from an established ATOTer. It arrived noticeably warped and the mouse port wasn't working. I pmed the guy and no response(Mods gave him a vacation). He's been back now for a week or so, but still hasn't replied to my pm...


Diamond Member
Aug 20, 2001
I'd leave POSITIVE just to prevent furthur complications. At least he refunded you and didn't leave you hanging


Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2001
"What the hell does him being busy have anything to do with the post office if he's already shipped the items?"

If he used the Post Office, i.e. USPS, they DO NOT provide tracking numbers. You can purchase Delivery Confirmation but I have found that to be sometimes worthless.

If you buy something, and you want the capability to track it then specify that you want it sent either UPS or FedEx.

As for what HEAT you should leave, my head hurt so bad from reading your post and follow-ups that I have no opinion other than just leave what you wnat and be sure to back it up with an explanation.
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