What source control you like the best?


Sep 10, 2001
I am wasting a lot of time with my private coding projects without some kind of source control. At work we use Borland Star Team but I really dont like it. I want something light weight which can be run from my home server (php/mysql preferred).

What suggestions would you have? Which do you like best for simplicity and performance?


Apr 8, 2000
I could care less as long as my IDE (IntelliJ Idea) integrates with it. I barely ever have to access source control system outside of the IDE, so it doesn't make much difference to me.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
We use Subversion at work, it has a few quarks every now and then, but nothing serious. I would suggest it.


Senior member
Nov 2, 2008
+1 for subversion. Its not that difficult to setup and really easy to use. Especially with the windows client.



Apr 18, 2001
svn, just due to the fact that it's everywhere.

Although I hear rumblings that mercurial is the shit these days, I've never used it.


Diamond Member
Mar 8, 2005
IMHO subversion is garbage. I've used it for years and really just found it in the way.

My company has moved to git after extensive testing. It is freaking awesome. Here's the founder of linux talking about why you should use git http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XpnKHJAok8

Mercurial and Bazaar are also both great and have better windows tools (imho bazaar has better tools the Subversion does for windows). But if you are ok with the command line, go with git (There are also TortoiseGit tools just like svn has). The advantages are huge.

Distributed source code management is where it is at.


Golden Member
Jan 23, 2004
Currently at work we use CVS, I wish it were different, but that's how it goes. The SmartCVS tool makes it work a little better.

If it were up to me, I'd switch to git.


Senior member
Nov 2, 2008
IMHO subversion is garbage. I've used it for years and really just found it in the way.
Distributed source code management is where it is at.

It's tempting to start a flame war, but a more constructive avenue would be to advise the OP to decide between centralized and distributed version control systems. If he's a beginner, I recommend a centralized system.

sourceninja, what company do you work for? This is the first time I'm hearing of a corporate using distributed VCS.



Elite Member <br>Moderator Emeritus
Sep 16, 2005
If SVN is garbage where does that leave CVS? Is there a lower category than garbage?

We use SVN/Tortoise to support a team of 20 scattered across the country, and have few complaints about it. I don't know GIT well, but SVN has served us well.


Elite Member <br>Moderator Emeritus
Sep 16, 2005
IMHO subversion is garbage. I've used it for years and really just found it in the way.

My company has moved to git after extensive testing. It is freaking awesome. Here's the founder of linux talking about why you should use git http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XpnKHJAok8

Mercurial and Bazaar are also both great and have better windows tools (imho bazaar has better tools the Subversion does for windows). But if you are ok with the command line, go with git (There are also TortoiseGit tools just like svn has). The advantages are huge.

Distributed source code management is where it is at.

Ok, I actually watched thirty minutes of that rambling, incoherent sermon. To sum up: the distributed SCM model is better because it's obviously better and it's the way Linus works naturally and that's why it's better. A subtheme was: if you don't already know why it's better Linus pities you because you're an idiot.

I loved when the one Googler asked a practical question about merges, and Linus goes off on the "network of trust." At some point, someone, somewhere, still has to merge and reconcile all these free-floating repositories into a single official version. The Googler said that specifically: massive code base, thousands of different versions and flavors, how do you manage this? Linus' response? Well, in his world everyone pulls from his branch so it's all cool. He in turn pulls from the branches of a few people he trusts (and presumably does the same manual merge/regression test cycle we all do regardless of what SCM we're using).

I don't get it, and Sourceninja I'd love to hear more about how your company is actually using Git. How many developers, what the cycle looks like, etc. At my outfit we have about 20 devs on SVN. At a team level we're responsible for making sure our commits build and pass test. We do a nightly integration build off head (typically), and this enforces a mindset where you work in smaller, manageable pieces. Our repo is in one place, so we know that the work we're paying developers to do is backed up and safe, and the integration build tells us that what is being committed to that repo works and has value.

I'm interested in anything you or anyone else can share with us about how Git is used to accomplish these goals in a distributed manner. Unless the last thirty minutes of that video is much more informative than the first, I'm not going to get it from Linus .


Sep 19, 2000
I use the DSU method for my private projects (don't screw up ). Though, I hear good things about git, I like the fact that it is pretty easy to setup your own private git branch.


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
git bisect and the fact that a local git repo is a full copy is awesome. You don't need any access at all to the "main" repo until you want to merge.


Diamond Member
Mar 8, 2005
Ok, I actually watched thirty minutes of that rambling, incoherent sermon. To sum up: the distributed SCM model is better because it's obviously better and it's the way Linus works naturally and that's why it's better. A subtheme was: if you don't already know why it's better Linus pities you because you're an idiot.

I loved when the one Googler asked a practical question about merges, and Linus goes off on the "network of trust." At some point, someone, somewhere, still has to merge and reconcile all these free-floating repositories into a single official version. The Googler said that specifically: massive code base, thousands of different versions and flavors, how do you manage this? Linus' response? Well, in his world everyone pulls from his branch so it's all cool. He in turn pulls from the branches of a few people he trusts (and presumably does the same manual merge/regression test cycle we all do regardless of what SCM we're using).

I don't get it, and Sourceninja I'd love to hear more about how your company is actually using Git. How many developers, what the cycle looks like, etc. At my outfit we have about 20 devs on SVN. At a team level we're responsible for making sure our commits build and pass test. We do a nightly integration build off head (typically), and this enforces a mindset where you work in smaller, manageable pieces. Our repo is in one place, so we know that the work we're paying developers to do is backed up and safe, and the integration build tells us that what is being committed to that repo works and has value.

I'm interested in anything you or anyone else can share with us about how Git is used to accomplish these goals in a distributed manner. Unless the last thirty minutes of that video is much more informative than the first, I'm not going to get it from Linus .

We recently (because of constant begging) started to look at something better than svn. The 3 choice we identified were mercurial, bazaar, and git. We tested each one by using it for a normal workflow, we created a repository, did a checkout, made some changes, then tried to merge in a huge bunch of changes (as if some developer did a major checking after you did your checkout). All of them handled it with flying colors, the only real difference between the three was a little bit of speed (but nothing the user could notice) and how they handled branching. The differences between them and svn was the fact that they were much more flexible in terms of workflow.

I'll break down our workflow with svn.

You checkout from the server, you make your changes and test them. You merge any changes after your checkout, and you commit. This workflow works and it's really the only way you can do it with svn. It's flawed. I'll break down the flaws we identified.

1) People were hesitant to commit. They didn't want to commit incomplete or broken code. This is because making new branches to test something, or for experimental features that may not make it into head is hard as hell and impractical with svn. Ever read the documents on merging branches for svn? It's pages long.

2) Because of 1 we ended up with a Trunk(HEAD/production) branch, a Test branch (for QA) and then every single developer having a single branch with their name on it. Even then people still were not committing anything until stuff was finished, so all history was basically lost and commits were large commits done daily or weekly. QA would check out the user's branch, verify it, merge it into test (a pain in the ass), test it, then move it to production.

3) It was impossible work without access to the network. You can't commit if you are not on our network. Well you can work, but you can't commit and thus are losing revision history. This means either you keep dozens of copies of your working directory, or you just hope you never screw anything up and need to diff. If I decide to go do a few hours working a coffee shop and don't have vpn access I could have just one commit (after I got home or back to work) for hours of work and multiple new features.

4) We were using svn as one repository for many projects. We have over 100 projects. Each one has it's own folder with trunk, tags, branches inside of it. When the repository got corrupted and we restored from backup, we lost history in quite a few projects. If they had been separate repositories, then we would have only lost history in the one that went sour.

5) We were dependent on the server for our code. This is a problem because I have interns and work studies. I do not want them to have commit access, but I want their revision history. This was a very annoying problem as they had to email me diffs for each revision to approve before I did the commit.

6) SVN invades your project. Take a look at how many .svn folders you can find in a single checkout. Seriously, why?

There were other issues, but git solved the major ones and improved each developers workflow. Our current workflow looks like so (and hopefully you will see how it fixed the 5 problems).

First, we have a git server that we use to hold our main code trees. Each project is now it's own git repository. Now when users checkout (clone) a repository, they have their own local copy. This means they can make any branches they want for features, do checkin's as often as they want etc. None of that will ever effect the server. In fact none of them can actually do commits to the server.

The server now only holds two branches, master (HEAD/production) and Test (for QA). The user can use whatever workflow they want on their own copy of the repository. I for example make a new branch for each feature I need to add. I have a project right now that has 5 branches in my local copy. When finished, I merge them back to master and ask QA to do a checkout from my computer. Some people just do all their work in master and when finished ask QA to do a checkout from them. QA then takes the code, verifies it and merges it into TEST and pushes it up to the server. Once test has been passed, it is then taken and merged into master on the server.

Because of the local repositories, we are also not tied to the server. In fact, the server could crash and we could still do pulls, commits, and pushes by just using one of the other developers. After the system admins rebuild the repository server one of us could just push our changes up.

This has other advantages, my interns can checkout from the server. They make their changes and when finished they ask me to do a checkout from them. I can do a checkout from them, verify it and push it on up.

Originally we had the developers just pushing their changes to the server to the test branch with a tag set for the 'official test' version. This worked great, but eventually the QA guys decided they liked doing the checkouts directly from the developers. Granted our developer team is small. We have 6 developers and the QA people are really just myself and the other senior programmer. In addition to our normal programming work, it's our jobs to verify any code before it is released for general consumption. We agreed that if we had more developers, we would probably not be pulling from them directly all the time, but having them all merge themselves into a branch that we could then just test and release.

Merging is dead simple in git. Merging in SVN was a major event for us. Merges were planned, prepared for, and usually done as a team. As I've said before the documents on the merge situations in svn could fill a small book. In most cases where only one or two developers did work on a project, the merge was simple. But in our larger projects where we had 4, 5, sometimes 8 or 9 people (interns) working on a project, the merge could be overwhelming. I can do most merges in git by myself. In fact many projects are just fast forward merges and require no commits. Also, because having a local repository has encouraged more commits, our revision history is more meaningful, more updated, and it is easier to see who, when, why, and where a piece of code was changed, added, or deleted. If I find a merge with a conflict that I can't easily resolve just by looking at a quick diff (which has been actually fairly rare), I just tell the developer to checkout test and try to merge his master into it. Once he works it out, I checkout from him, test it and push it into the server's test branch. It hasn't happened yet however.

I haven't had to merge more than one repositories together at the same time. Usually we are on top of it enough that after you merge one, you can get everyone to pull the changes to their repo, rebase their project and then let us know when they are ready for us to pull from them. However, the merge tools are very smart, and I'm confident it would be easier then it would be in subversion. Because of the pace of commits in subversion (and the annoyances of merging branches frequently) we were constantly trying to merge two branches into the test branch at the same time.

Other things we now enjoy.

1) The fact that git only has one .git folder for the entire repository. You want to stop tracking a work directory, just delete that .git folder.

2) How git handles working directories. You don't need another working directory for each branch. Switching branches changes the files in your working directory to match that branch. I find this very intuitive to work with. Some of our other developers do not and still do a separate work directory per branch.

3) git is fast. Nuff said

4) git is powerful. There are tons of commands for git that we have never used. But I can see situations where they could be useful. For example, you can commit parts of files, shelve work in progress, merge from multiple repositories, etc.

5) Building a git repository/working with git is easy. Go into a directory you want to track and type "git init". Boom it's now tracked by git. You want a new branch, go into that same directory and type git branch branch_name. Boom new branch. Want to merge that branch back to master, switch back to the master branch (git checkout master) and type git merge branch_name. That's it. You want to delete that branch now because it's merged and no longer needed, git branch -d branch_name. The branch is gone.

6) We found out some of us were already using git. Seriously we were using git-svn to do our svn checkouts and using git locally anyway. This gave us the advantages of git without anyone else being the wiser.

That is not to say that git is some kind of holy grail. Honestly, in testing mercurial, bazaar, and git, the only advantage git had was the way it handled branching. Most of us liked the branching method git used vs each branch having it's own folder. There are also great reasons to use a central source code repository. None of them met our workflow however. We tend to encourage developers to be flexible and come up with their own workflows that improve their performance. Because of this we have guys running linux, windows, and osx. Sometimes they work alone and sometimes in teams. Forcing them into a central repository workflow was limiting. Now I can checkout from my co-worker to help him with a bug, and he can checkout from me after I fix it. We can take our notebooks to pizza hut and work though lunch and still do commits. The repository has gone from a place we keep production code and testing builds, to a place we store a history of changes and a tool we use for tracking down bugs, bailing ourselves out when we screw up, and keeping a detailed history of our work. I've gone from doing once a day (or in a lot of cases once a week) commits to multiple commits a day with one push to the main server only when it makes sense (IE for testing).

However, we have lost some things. For example: the server is backed up nightly. My notebook is not officially backed up (I run my own time machine, but that's it). This means we have very loose control of where our source is. If the server goes down, I lose at most a day of work. If someone's notebook died, and they haven't committed in 3 or 4 days, we could lose 3 or 4 days of work. We however had the same problem either way, as our developers did not do commits to the server until the code was not in a broken state. Thus commits were very rarely every single day. At least with local repositories we have a history that can be pushed up to the server.

Git is not exactly 100% windows friendly. There are hundreds of tools to use svn on windows. Git has about 3. They work, but their not awe inspiring. However, bazaar (which is just as good imho) has wonderful windows tools.

Beyond my job, I use git for my own private projects. I don't have a server. I have a local repository on my notebook, and a 'bare' repository on a usb drive. I push changes to the usb drive when they are 'production' ready and make branches on my notebook and develop from there. This gives me a great revision history and backup with no need for a server. I initially tried this with subversion, but found a quick problem. Subversion doesn't work over the afp:// protocol (my usb drive is plugged into my airport extreme). Git, bazaar, and mercurial all work in this use case. I also have a start up company I'm working for, all 3 of the developers (including myself) are at remote locations (ie, our homes across the country). Having a central repository would mean we would need to lease hosting or rent an office. We have neither, instead we just checkout from each other. I'm sure this isn't sustainable in the long term, but as we ramp up for our initial release, this works just great.

For a company, it will depend on their culture. For an individual or small group, you would be stupid not to use a distributed system.
Oct 27, 2007
I don't want to sound flippant sourceninja, but it sounds to me like the majority of the issues you were facing with SVN were caused by incorrect setup and poor practices.


Senior member
Nov 2, 2008

You make a strong case. In those scenarios, I can understand why svn would be frustrating. In fact, there's no real point in even trying to convince you to adopt svn again.

But regarding git (or any of the 3 you mention), to be straight up - I just don't get it. It's probably due to lack of understanding, but I've tried using git and mercurial before; it's most certainly convenient how git handles branch swapping. In fact, the first time I used it, I was left wondering for an hour if anything actually happened!

svn, I found is real easy to understand and pick up. And it's worth it when you have ready access to your network. (something, you don't seem to have)

But, with git or mercurial, I have never found any good tutorial or explanation on how to use them. Sure, I know what DCS vs centralized is all about, but beyond that my knowledge is -nil- .


If anything, I think sourceninja is someone who fully knows how to properly setup a VCS system. Poor practices ? Well, it would be frustrating not be be able to do "test" check-ins, but to each his own.


PS - I agree with Markbnj. That video with Linus is NOT informative. Amusing, but most certainly NOT informative/useful for our discussion.


Senior member
Jul 3, 2008
I don't want to sound flippant sourceninja, but it sounds to me like the majority of the issues you were facing with SVN were caused by incorrect setup and poor practices.

Reading his article, I could ask you: how does "correct setup" and "better practices" make up for inability to work offline (point 3), lack of proper merging (point 2), or not having individual repositories (point 6)?

Merging is really the big problem for me with SVN. You see, "svn merge" is effectively equivalent to running the "patch" command with a diff that is generated by comparing two points in history. This completely loses the meta-information surrounding the merge. This is a big problem, and even the SVN manual recommended writing "an informative commit message" whenever you merge. Some projects were spawned on top of SVN to address this kind of thing, even. But what you really want is what distributed version control systems (not only git) offer: coherent change-sets with history, that can be unioned in different manners to form merges.

What I find with most people who use SVN is that they simply workaround the problem by just avoiding the use of branches. This is self-defeating. History and branches are the raison d'etre of version control.

If you want a more concrete example of why I decided that I had to move away from SVN, consider the following:

-- Suppose you have stable and experimental branches. If you fix a bug in one branch, it is easy to merge or cherry-pick it over to the other in git. You can do this for all the changes you want to make at any time. In SVN, this kind of behavior leads to a tangled mess of conflicts. I used to advise people who used SVN this way to just periodically merge, re-branch, and re-apply their experimental changes in order to keep up with fixes to the trunk. Incredibly awkward. Branches in SVN are essentially unusable unless they are completely independent of each other.

-- I publish a read-only repository for outsiders to clone. They can do work on their own, easily integrate my changes when I make them. Then when they want to pass their work on to me, either I can pull it directly from them, or they can package their changes up and e-mail them to me. Git (and other systems) support ways of exporting and importing fully versioned sets of changes. Then I can review them and merge them into my repository just as if it was another branch.


Diamond Member
Feb 21, 2004
Ok guys, he said private projects not 100-person, 50000 line projects.

For projects with just one or a few people Tortoise SVN is great. We ran our senior project off Tortoise from a server at my friend's house, all of us could work on different parts of the code, and backups were easy (we all had copies plus the server did automatic backups too).

We also did our documentation in Latex with SVN which was perfect as well - different people worked on different sections and it all merged together perfectly.

We've also been using SVN at work with great success (small business, up to perhaps 5 people on one project's code).


Sep 10, 2001
Wow, thank you guys for all these recommendations and good discussion!

What exactly does it mean if it's a distributed system? My gut reaction is it sounds like complexity which would not benefit me but I do not know. As far as I know I have only used centralized systems and I assume they are the simplest to setup and manage, so that's likely the direction I would go.

I have used Star Team, Visual Source Safe and CVS. Out of all of those I think CSV was my favorite only because it made more sense than VSS and it was not a bulky behemoth like Star Team.

I just need something to manage my personal projects quickly and efficiently as right now I am zipping up projects and plopping them on a web site if I plan to work on it from another location, and I have no ability of course to review my revisions and roll back if needed to. This is huge functionality I miss and want badly.

I have several projects I work on, several of which I distribute freely and I want them to be reliable. Having a good source control to review changes and quickly rollback is essential for that.

But I dont want to be bogged down with several hours of reading tech documents just to set up something. VSS was nice in that it was foolproof to set up. Pop in the CD, a few quick wizard sytle windows and boom, you're done.

And as such it will need to be windows based from server to client, I unfortunately do not have any linux boxes

So would I be right in concluding that TortoiseSVN is probably my best bet? I'll start looking into that.



Diamond Member
Mar 8, 2005
For private/personal project, distributed systems like git have an advantage of being able to share without a server ( everyone is a server ). I'm on my phone ATM. So I'll comment more when I get back to a computer. My last post was disjointed because I wrote it really fast between meetings today.


Diamond Member
Mar 8, 2005
One last thing. IMHO bazaar, git, and mercurial are way easier to setup and use then svn. No server required. Your "server" could be a network share, a computer, a web site, etc. Just download one of the installers, install it, go to your source and type git/bzr/hg init. Boom instant scm.

Honestly, for ease of use and simplicity I suggest bazaar with tortoiseBzr.


Sep 10, 2001
One last thing. IMHO bazaar, git, and mercurial are way easier to setup and use then svn. No server required. Your "server" could be a network share, a computer, a web site, etc. Just download one of the installers, install it, go to your source and type git/bzr/hg init. Boom instant scm.

Honestly, for ease of use and simplicity I suggest bazaar with tortoiseBzr.

Ok, that doesn't sound bad then. It's all completely private and secure right?

When I heard distributed I was thinking shared hosting of my files like bit torrents. but the way you describe it it just sounds like it's platform independent. install anywhere.

did I understand correctly?
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