What to do with drug addicted neighbors who like to keep you out of your sleep by using high pitched sound, 14kHz to 16kHz.

May 11, 2008
As you might know i have drug addicted neighbors who like to harass people until those people get irritated.
Since half 2022 i have been woken up every night at 3:AM in the morning. Of course the housing corporation did nothing.
As it turns out, the drug addicted neighbors with ther antisocial psychic disorders probalby aquired some arduino or other electronic device, or circuit to create high pitch sounds.
My guess is that they placed for example a high power (Piëzo) tweeter or that they placed Piëzo elements on the wall or ceiling and connect a power driver with an adjustable frequency generator, hardware or a programmable one like an arduino.
And switched it on in the night while others are asleep to fuck with their neighbors.
Also, banging on walls, throwing with doors, shouting, provoking. Trowing with windows during the night, that wakes up other neigboring people in the building.

Totally anti social. You know : "As long as i get my fix man". Obviously if that is through drugs or irritating the hell out of other people and then claim compensation because the victim lost his or hers temper.

As you know , i have long covid and hearing issues.
And i have a pet that also was very restless at those times.
I asked around, but of course the neighbors lied and told me it was not them. But of course it is.
I cannot just enter a home and the police will not even have a look.

I am in a real predicament. I do not want to become hostile, but i am forced to and i do not want to become a criminal.
As usuall, the police is useless as is the housing corporation.

Also, it is fine here where i live to harass and to taunt who have chosen to vaccinate against COVID.
Vaccinating, which i have done as well as to increase my chance to become healthy again and at the time(2021 ,June to December) to be able to visit my mother in the hospital when she was still alive but sick and brought into the hospital and there was a strict policy : You had to be vaccinated to be able to visit patients in the hospital.
Because you know, drugs is fine : pills, meth, cocaine, cbd oil, booze, sigarettes. All of unknown origin but every vaccine ever made is dangerous.
That is how they are. And they even told people that was my opinion as well. Which is a big lie.
Crazy asses here even belived the mRNA vaccine had nanobots in it.
Way too much drugs for the last 4 years for those people.

What can i do. I am desperate.
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No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
Fight fire with fire, get your own unit and run it during the day when they're presumably sleeping?
Or literal fire, I would never condone arson, well, I might, but I'm not condoning it right now. Just... you know, sometimes fires happen? Especially in houses full of drug users.
May 11, 2008
Fight fire with fire, get your own unit and run it during the day when they're presumably sleeping?
Or literal fire, I would never condone arson, well, I might, but I'm not condoning it right now. Just... you know, sometimes fires happen? Especially in houses full of drug users.
I could do that, but i have a pet. Need to make a sound proof cage first then.
When i start, i really start in a serious way and i rather not do that.
I almost believe the police has made some character rapport about me.
I see them way too often.
I am just a sick long covid guy, but there are some elements who are heavy drug users who keep saying that COVID is fake.
And my opinion after experience is that the police here , some agents have unhealthy hobbies in their free time .
Which causes bias towards citizens.

I have sort of proof with respect to my suspicions :
There was even a dutch news article here in the Netherlands that is not surprisingly hard to find these days, about that policeofficers and detectives have at monday more drugs in their blood than the common citizen.
Lot of outrange , especially amoung Chief officers. Because you know... It makes the image of the police look very bad.
Amsterdam was the article mainly about but the problems is also present in other villages and cities.
Reactions: nakedfrog


Nov 19, 2015
You need proof of these things
Can normal microphones or smartphones pick up high frequencies effectively? How would they be calibrated to measure the sound levels?
You could document all the other disturbances.

Hospitals have a cheek with that vaccine nonsense when they could have provided sterile suits to visitors which would have covered patients for other variants of the disease.

Torn Mind

Nov 25, 2012
Neighbor disputes usually don't get resolved. That's the cold reality. Because, there is a tolerance to everyone's right to possess their property. You can try to navigate the treacherous waters of making direct contact and asking them to refrain...doesn't sound like they're approachable or willing to negotiate.

Also, with current tendencies towards marijuana, do not expect a court to rule against the smell or the users. It might be a nuisance to you but not the state, even with lawyers, proper notice etc.


Memory & Storage, Graphics Cards Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 13, 2008
The cops might not care much about the noise, but depending on where you are, you might be able to get them in trouble for drug possession if you tip the proper authorities off right. It is not a nice thing to do really, but given their attitudes, it might be a smart move, assuming they have a fair amount of hard drugs. They might end up going to jail/prison for a long time. Time to plan the sting.

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
If you can find out who their dealer is, you could try to report the dealer to the police. Start messing with their supply chain. Cops don't really care about drugs anymore these days though... It's gotten so bad everywhere. So might not go very far. We have drug dealers here at practically every corner and it's just normal.

Another fun thing is If you have access to the electrical panel that feeds their unit, shut off the breaker for their unit and put a lockout tag on it. It might also stop the beep depending what's powering it.

Torn Mind

Nov 25, 2012
The cops might not care much about the noise, but depending on where you are, you might be able to get them in trouble for drug possession if you tip the proper authorities off right. It is not a nice thing to do really, but given their attitudes, it might be a smart move, assuming they have a fair amount of hard drugs. They might end up going to jail/prison for a long time. Time to plan the sting.
Cops usually need to see unusual foot traffic to justify an investigation(a sign dealing is occuring). Also, a "snitch" to help them build the chain so they can investigate. If they just barge in, find nothing, but cause damage and detain the guys, it's the cops that have to pay up legal fees for violation of rights.

If it's a civil dispute, the cops will cop out and leave the tenants be.


Senior member
Feb 3, 2011
Forgive me for what seems like an obvious answer, but have you tried getting ear plugs for the noise?

If you can sleep with small earplugs that may be a better alternative to starting an escalating war of obnoxiousness with your neighbor. (If you do want to start a war of obnoxiousness though you could buy a large stereo and cultivate a love of German opera. If German opera does not help, switch to Chinese opera).

As far as a long-term solution, I would recommend politicking with your other neighbors and start a collation against your "bad neighbor". I don't know how large your apartment building is, and how many people live there, but if you could get most of the building complaining and threatening the management to move out, that might be more productive than just you complaining.

The issue is it sounds like you are one of the odd ones out, and not in good terms with many of your neighbors. If that is the case, then you may just have to look for a new place and get out of that bad situation.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2006
Cops usually need to see unusual foot traffic to justify an investigation(a sign dealing is occuring). Also, a "snitch" to help them build the chain so they can investigate. If they just barge in, find nothing, but cause damage and detain the guys, it's the cops that have to pay up legal fees for violation of rights.

If it's a civil dispute, the cops will cop out and leave the tenants be.

-You don't live in the US, do you?
Mar 11, 2004
Convince them that they're being haunted by playing infrasonic sound.

Joking aside, OP, I really think you're grossly overestimating what is happening. That you're resorting to believing they are buying niche geek stuff deliberately to program it to do this is pretty absurd (and ignores they wouldn't even need to bother with that). In fact, for that issue specifically, since you mentioned hearing issues, I have a hunch it might be tinnitus (d'oh beat by brianmanahan), or you're hearing noise that is likely regularly occurring but during the day is masked by other sounds, such that it becomes apparent at night (and might be more apparent due to tuning of a hearing aid that is amplifying those frequencies). This could be power supplies and other devices (lots of people are sensitive to that, although a decent chunk is more their mind making things).

Most likely, they don't know they're being loud and/or that's just how they are so to them its normal but to someone else it might be obnoxious levels of noise. I've lived in apartments and other close living situations, and have had roommates or others claim the neighbors above are being loud (when they aren't, or at least aren't doing anything egregious). But I've also been around people that are obnoxiously loud and have no self awareness of it. And then also some people who are just assholes and seeking attention (and you might have given it to them).

It sounds like you've been under a lot of stress and have some not great, but sadly typical for this day and age, neighbors. And things have gone not well. Kinda sounds like you've discussed this issue with them, and others, as well as other topics, and its led to things getting worse. Even if you know they're drug addicts, I personally wouldn't talk about it to them or other people. And if they're flippant about the noise talking to them isn't going to accomplish much of anything. And sounds like that's led to some other issues so recognize when communication isn't going to accomplish anything.

I say this as nice as I can, be mindful of where you're thinking is leading you, as it sounds like you have some notions that are likely not legitimate (thinking they're buying Arduinos and specialized speakers to torment you), which isn't as far off their anti-vaccine beliefs as you might think (and they probably ended up there with small steps like it sounds like you're beginning to take - that really sounds like you projecting your own knowledge onto others and a bit of paranoia). Just accept that you're probably gonna live around people you aren't going to agree with some things on. When it comes to disputes, if no one else is doing anything about it it probably means either things aren't as you think (i.e., they probably are not buying specialized equipment and going to the trouble of programming it just to bother you), aren't as bad as you think (aren't being so noisy its bothering other people), or you're around people who agree with them more (if office management, either they are friendly with them, or maybe it doesn't meet whatever they'd need to do anything about it per the complex's policies, or if you've filed a lot of complaints they'll start to ignore you or treat you as the antagonist in the situation). That leaves it so you basically have 3 choices, move, deal with it and just live your own life (find things to deal with the sound), or escalate it (which will likely not end up well for you even if it leads to the outcome you think you want. but if the noise is that bad you should easily be able to get recordings or it be bad enough that you could call police or file formal noise complaints with your apartment management; get proof of everything).

My best advice:
Buy some ear plugs for sleeping and/or some noise cancelling headphones/earphones, research cheap ways to address noisy neighbors (can buy acoustic panels pretty cheap these days and there's other things you can do that could help with sound). Go to an audiologist and see if it might be tinnitus or other issues that are exacerbating things (they likely can offer some suggestions).
Don't confront the neighbors. Either ignore them completely (unless they're actively harassing you then get proof of it), or be cordial but otherwise limit contact with them. If you have proof of egregious noise, file formal complaints with your apartment complex management and submit proof. If they repeatedly ignore it, you can likely file something and get out of your lease, and move, as there's likely not going to be any benefit to you staying there as the management is not going to do anything about the neighbors. If you're financially constrained and moving would be unfeasible or too much of a hardship, unfortunately not a lot you can do, although you might see if there's a housing authority that could help you find better living accomodations.
Mar 11, 2004
are you sure it's not tinnitus?

i hear high pitched sounds during some nights, but it is just one of my ears going crazy

Yeah, I'm not trying to be mean to the OP, but that was my thought as well. Or its either sound that you normally wouldn't hear because other sounds overpower it, but in the middle of the night, it becomes much more discernible. I have a mini-fridge that occasionally makes a weird sound (like a popping followed by like a whirring). Since they mentioned hearing issues, I wonder if it might even be a hearing aid that is amplifying certain frequencies exacerbating it, or they maybe should have a hearing aid to balance things out and their hearing deficiencies are making those noises much more discernible).

Lots of people use white noise generators (or other that serves same purpose, fans, etc) to help mask sounds when sleeping.

I've even seen speakers that you put under your pillow (basically a flat bluetooth speaker, but I believe it can also provide vibrations which can help with say alarm clock like functions; I actually am surprised we haven't seen a boon of like vibrating blankets or something, acting sorta like how rocking cribs or driving helps babies fall asleep quicker with some vibrations).


Dec 15, 2015
Yeah, I'm not trying to be mean to the OP, but that was my thought as well. Or its either sound that you normally wouldn't hear because other sounds overpower it, but in the middle of the night, it becomes much more discernible. I have a mini-fridge that occasionally makes a weird sound (like a popping followed by like a whirring). Since they mentioned hearing issues, I wonder if it might even be a hearing aid that is amplifying certain frequencies exacerbating it, or they maybe should have a hearing aid to balance things out and their hearing deficiencies are making those noises much more discernible).

Lots of people use white noise generators (or other that serves same purpose, fans, etc) to help mask sounds when sleeping.

I've even seen speakers that you put under your pillow (basically a flat bluetooth speaker, but I believe it can also provide vibrations which can help with say alarm clock like functions; I actually am surprised we haven't seen a boon of like vibrating blankets or something, acting sorta like how rocking cribs or driving helps babies fall asleep quicker with some vibrations).
I mean, it's really easy to check, just go to sleep with some earplugs in. If you still hear it, it's not your neighbors, it's your busted brain.
Reactions: Ken g6 and Pohemi

Torn Mind

Nov 25, 2012
-You don't live in the US, do you?
My mom's rental house did get drug busted. I saw the search warrant that the offending tenant. The did observe the property for a month or more prior to the bust. Unusual foot traffic and frequency of visitors was observed. There was indeed a "caught" individual(completely unrelated to the house) who got snagged and agreed to engage in a transaction. The police gave the snitch $5000 cash to spend.
Police were able to obtain a no-known warrant on the grounds of the dealer's previous domestic violence case history, even those where the cases were not convictions or against him. In addition, there may be the matter of whether the property was licensed coloring the police's decision, as it was unlicensed at the time of the bust because my mom is extremely averse to paying fees. The house was bought in remodeled condition, so the licensing department did not send out any inspector or further probing, just the need to pay and obtain the license.

But my mother never reported the tenant because the police does not ever interfere with landlord-tenant and they likely have the direction from the County Executive to do favors for tenants.

Furthermore, OP's nature of communication is not something that will grant him any favors in treatment from "neutral professionals". If he talks to the police like he does in the OP, they'll treat him as a guy with a tinfoil hat.
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