what was the worse trouble you got into, in school...


Oct 14, 1999
i was presuspended once... i accidentally shot a girl with a hand-sling shot (rubber band on fingers as the sling, and a folded piece of paper as the projectile). the thing slipped out of my fingers. thankfully she was not hurt. <<insert comment on her being cute>> we were in 4th grade.

vice principal then followed with a racially disciminatory comment. needless to say, i did not really think anything of this comment until a few years ago...


May 27, 2000
I used to get sent to detention every day for teasing my teacher. He always had his hands under his desk...and his whole body always shaked.
Of course I never went. Once I even got In School Suspension (ISS). I thought it was fun, and would have rather spent my school days in there. I was all alone, and there was no one to harrass me. That was in 8th grade.

In 9th and 10th I skipped every day of my last hour math class. The teacher was a dink, I failed, I went outside and smoked. Never got in trouble...I think he was a little intimidated by me...whenever I came in the room he would get this funny look on his face, and ignore me.

I loved school!


Feb 24, 2000
I got demerits once. My friend came up to me and said &quot;Yo Evan, you got my drugs&quot; as a joke. My teacher heard and came over. She asked if I was being facetious. I asked if facetious was the stuff that comes out your a$$. That was stupid. It was my first offense and my vice-prinicpal was an idoit so I pleaded and he didn't suspend me.


Senior member
Oct 11, 1999
Got kicked out from elementary at fourth grade due to homeworks cheating (It was going on for about 4 months or so).


Jul 1, 2000
I've never gotten in trouble bad at school, but I've done stupid ass stuff that I shouldn't have done:

1) In english class while we were going around the room writting stuff on these papers for this assignment, me and a group of people were writting stupid stuff on the paper - guess we thought we wouldn't get caught

2) In my typing class this year, in the log in screen I put &quot;Michael Dillon likes to f**k dogs&quot; Of course the word wasn't censored. Now, I wouldn't have gotten in trouble if the guy hadn't decided to be a dick and tell on me.

3) On a screen saver in the same typing class I typed &quot;F*ck you the mother f*cking piece of God Damned sh*t&quot; except it was cesnored just like that. Ok, I was feeling retarded that day and thought I wouldn't get in trouble since it was censored out. Wrong


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
In third grade I wrote the &quot;F&quot; word on someone else's paper :Q

On my last day of school mid year 8'th grade when my family was moving out of state I lit up a cigarette in social studies class :Q (I was trying to get suspended ) The teacher went to the principals office, didnt do or say a thing when he came back

Some much worse stuff I dont want to post


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2000
Once I was suspended for smoking in the bathroom when I was in 9th grade. Also, I got suspended for skipping school a couple of times.

Overall, I didn't get in much trouble in HS.


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2000
I left a half pint carton of chocolate milk in the back of the room in 8th grade, hidden behind this cubicle divider thing. About a week later, yellow stuff was dripping.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
I was on the edge of getting kicked out because I was too lazy :Q luckily I was allowed to stay


Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
May 27, 2000
Got into a fight my senior year, my wrestling coach then decided that I was not tired enough when he found out, so I had to run the bleachers until I dropped.


Golden Member
Feb 1, 2000
Got into a fight in the 7th grade where I was challenged by some d00d. I won and spat on his face... got a few days of after-school detention for that.

Did some serious tagging when I was in 8th grade, got to go to school at 6am and help the janitors remove markings on the walls ... two weeks of that.

I was a good boy in high school, and now I'm going into my Junior year at UC Berkeley - double majoring in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science - with a 3.62 GPA.

I'm glad how things worked out.


Golden Member
Oct 25, 1999
first day of my senior year of high school I was sitting in my last hour math class when the dean and our new school detective walked into our classroom. I leaned forward to the girl infront of me and said &quot;what dumbass could have gotten in trouble the first day of school.&quot; they then asked me to come to the dean's office, the girl just smiled when they called my name.

so there we were walking down the hallway, and I thought it was weird the way the detective was walking behind me and the dean infront of me. when we got the the office, they sit down and ask me if I have any weapons on me, I said yes and handed over my knife (I have carried a pocket knife since I was knee high to a grass hopper). it hung off my belt loop, and the blade had serrations. well they went into this big deal about how it was illegal, the dean was cool, he knew I carried it (gotten caught once or twice before), but the detective asks me what the serations are for, I told him to make things easier to cut. then he replies &quot;like skin?&quot; :Q thats when I came to find out &quot;someone&quot; had overheard me threaten another student, and had also seen a knife on my belt... (to this day I still do not remember that moment, because IT NEVER HAPPENED)

anyhow, I got 5 days out of school suspension, my mom just laughed at the detective when he said the police felt the weapon should be destroyed, she knew it was my favorite knife. the suspension was a nice extension to my summer vacation.

the best was when I figured out that it was a sign language teacher (she signed for a girl in our class) that had made up this story. so I took pleasure in staring at her durring class, she faced us while the teacher taught. she would glance nervously at me, and squirm, which for some reason made me feel better about her getting me in trouble.

ulfwald, I know all about wrestling coachs making me run stairs for being in trouble


Senior member
Mar 27, 2000
I was the ultimate goody-goody. It was a joke in my elementary school to say &quot;HorB did it&quot;. It was kind of humiliating. One day in the 4th grade everyone in the class had his or her name on the board (the teacher was crabby that day), so I deliberately spoke to my neighbor but my voice was so low that neither my neighbor or the teacher heard me.

Then, when I was in high school, we had one of those &quot;everybody line up and have your gym locker searched&quot; incidents (someone's wallet was stolen). When they got to my locker, they skipped it! You can imagine how popular that made me.



Diamond Member
Nov 19, 1999
I got suspended once and I was not guilty of the offense I was accused of. It was during my junior year in high school. We had a half-day because it was the last day of school before Christmas vacation. Anyhow, we had homeroom, something called &quot;activity period&quot; which was a weekly period of time when you could work on whatever extracurricular stuff you were involved in (in my case it was hanging out in the computer lab because I was in the so-called computer club), and then there was an assembly. Well, as soon as the assembly was over, they dismissed the fresmmen and sophomores. Me and my buddies wanted to get back up to the computer lab to get back to what we were working on, so we split at that point. I was acutally in the computer lab until almost 4PM, which was 5 hours after school was dismissed. It turns out, they took roll of the juniors and seniors before dismissal from the assembly. The reason for this, was alot of people cut the assembly and went home at like 10AM. Apparently the principal/faculty noticed alot of people missing. Since many juniors and seniors drove, this was a relatively easy thing to do. You could cut and not have to worry about how you'd get home.

Two days into Christmas break, my parents get a letter from my school (complete with a nice Seasons Greetings postage stamp) saying that I cut school on such and such a date and was suspended upon my return to school after the break. Needless to say, my parents freaked. At the time, I had no clue what this was about. That made them even more pissed because they thought I was flat-out lying. I got to spend 2 weeks at home, grounded, with my parents yelling at me on a daily basis about it. I was able to clear it up once I got back to school after the break. I went to the discplinarian and basically asked him WTF this was about. He explained it to me. I then told that I did leave after the assembly with the underclassmen, but I went back up to the computer lab. He said if I could find a faculty member who could vouch for me, he would lift the suspension and call my parents for me. After a few seconds, I realized I had it covered. I went to look for my homeroom teacher. Luckily, he remembered seeing me at like 2PM on the day in question. I ran downstairs to grab a soda from the machine in the cafeteria. Luckily for me, I bumped into him on the way back up and we had like a 10 minute conversation. I dragged him to the disciplinarian's office and had him get me off the hook. I insisted at that point that he call my father at work to get me out of trouble on the parental front.

I can laugh about it now, but it really sucked when it happened.

It's ok, it kinda makes up for the stuff I did that I never got busted for.


Jan 26, 2000
You know those stupid insurance forms they make you have your parents sign, and you have to turn them back in...well, in 10th grade I didn't and I got detention for 3 days. My Algebra taecher was a real bi-atch.:|

Much funnier though is the story of how I didn't get in trouble...

It was 9th grade...and a couple of days into the school year...new in highschool...and I was in band.... WOOHOO ....LMAO...I played flute <insert raunchy American Pie joke here>...and we were all on the bus ready to leave for a game in Austin. Right before we leave, a man gets on the bus to give us some words of encouragement...and pump up our school spirit...people started asking quietly...&quot;Who is that?&quot;....even the Soph., Jr's, and Sr's didn't know. Well, me being who I am...I quickly yelled out..&quot;Could you tell me something? Who the heck are you?&quot;....the silence was deafening. He paused for like a minute as if taking in what I said, and then said simply...&quot;I'm Principal Mauer, and you are....?&quot; I thought, &quot;Oh sh!t, I've done it now.&quot; I said, &quot;I'm Crystal, sir, and am glad to meet you...sorry, none of us have ever seen you and had no clue who you were. I thought maybe we were getting a new Band Director.&quot; <sheepish grin> He then came to the back of te bus and shook my hand in greeting, and said..&quot;It is nice to meet you too, young lady. And I am sure I will be seeing and hearing a lot more from you.&quot; I thanked him and blushed justalittle as he walked away...we did have a game to get to afterall. I can promise you this...after that day I could do no wrong in Principal Mauers eyes. I didn't suck up, but he always treated me just bit differently than the other students. Fair...no, it wasn't. But, hey it was highschool...any little bit of acceptance counted BIG TIME. I really had a good time in HS, never getting in much trouble with the teachers.. and never getting in trouble ever with the Administration. I still wonder why?



Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
I'm gonna be a senior and I never got in anything even remotely considered semi-serious.

Well, other than this

Freshman year, I had study hall right before lunch and I was always hungrier than heck, so my stomach would growl. Well the teacher wouldn't let us talk, so the entire class got to hear my stomach. Kinda embarassing.
Anyway, one day I realized that she never took roll, so I just skipped study hall and went my merry way to lunch. Hehe, I skipped more times than I was there! tee hehehe

Also, my junior year I got into some issue with my teachers and counselor because I would always be a little tardy to my first period class. The reason was NOT drugs or alcohol or whatever, but I could never get up on time. I got a major offense, and my parents thought that if I got one more tardy (after my 4th one), that I'd get expelled from school (my parents are complete retards when it comes to school.. and they misunderstood from the warning letter the administration sent home)

Also, freshman year first semester, my study hall class was the last class of the day, so often I would go from 6th period (second to last) to the band room and get my instrument so I could take it home. I would go to study hall after I got my instrument, but I was always like 2 minutes late. Stupid biatch counted me tardy every single time, even though I had my instrument. She got the entire adminitration involved, and they were like &quot;unless you have a viable excuse, study hall still counts as a class&quot;.. ok genius, explain my grade in there then..


Oct 9, 1999
My senior year I had my teachers keys (to get into computers ect.) So me and a bud decided to skip second to last period go to Burger King........with the teacher's car


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2000
When I was a freshman at Drury College in Springfield, Missouri (or, as we called it, Dreary College in Springfield, Misery,) I was the movie/book/drama critic for the school newspaper. Toward the end of the second semester I got a little carried away and wrote a brutally honest review of one of the school plays (it was really a stinker.) The head of the Theatre Department became so abusive that I dropped out of Drury altogether, and went back to my native Oklahoma. I sometimes wish I hadn't been such a wuss, but I was 16 years old, and was easily convinced that adults were immensely powerful and intimidating creatures. If the incident happened today, that professor would be sorry he ever took me on.


Diamond Member
Nov 19, 1999
That reminds me of another story. As a practical joke, a bunch of us decided to move our biology teacher's car between two trees. It was a small car, an AMC Hornet or something. Anyhow, we had like 20 people physically PICK UP the car. We positioned it between two trees, with about a foot between each bumper and the respective tree. I don't know how they got it out. But, it was funny. I think we even got a picture of it.


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
I've been suspended for smoking on school grounds (in a deep ditch that runs parallel to the parking lot - out of site ( we weren't THAT dumb ) ), but I like most of you have gotten away with a helluva lot more then I got busted for. One day in particular, a couple of friends had just picked me up from home and on our way to school we smoked a joint. Well, everyone knows what you do after you get high, smoke a cigarette of course. Since people smoking at our school was about as bad as putting your head down in class we continued to smoke our cigarette ( we were sharing one ) as we walked into the school. For the first time in a long time, a teacher seen us and caught us as we got in the school, hauled us down to the principals office and completely wigged out saying that we were smoking a JOINT while walking in to school. My eyes were beet red but luckily I convinced them that it was just because I had just woke up. Thank god, I'd have gotten one hell of an ass chewin' (parents these days, soo strict ) for that!

Bleeding Jawa

Golden Member
Feb 3, 2000
When I was in second grade, my mom had to come &amp; take me home because I was running a business buying &amp; selling &quot;Go-Bots&quot; (Precurser to Transformers...remember ) As you can see, things have changed very little...now it's just my wife that gets on my back about buying/selling stuff.


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
On the 2nd day of school my freshman year my SOB History teacher sent me to the vice principal for forgetting my book. Here is my conversation w/ the VP.

VP: Why are you here?
Me: I forgot my history book.
VP w/ odd look on his face: Oh i see. Uh, was there a cover on it?
Me: Yep
VP: OK, go get it and go back to class.

Apparently forgetting a book on teh 2nd day of school was not as serious of an infraction as my history teacher would have you believe.
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