What were some of the finest hours you've had with a game?

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Senior member
Apr 26, 2007
Ultima Online, there were countless moments that I could consider as oh-so-fine. But off the top of my head, picture this - before the split of the world between Felucca & Trammel, I was training my lowly woodsman near Delucia, at the City of the Dead. Suddenly PKs & thieves showed up & slaughtered everyone! Everyone but me! I immediately hid as I had no Magery skill to transport myself out of there. I then used my weak Stealth skill to creep away from the scene whilst hidden, towards Delucia. It was far. Just then they came in on horseback & started casting firewalls all over the place. They knew I was there, oh shit! When you cast firewall, it created a wall of fire on the ground, and if you were hiding there, you'll receive damage & reveal yourself to them. But out of sheer luck I managed to creep away from the fires, and managed to place myself into a small crevice in a wall. I was trapped & had nowhere to go, so I stayed hidden & waited. My heart was pounding. I waited & waited, all the while those fools spoke the rustic language of kewl-talk. After several very very close approaches, they gave up & ran away. I stayed hidden for 10 more minutes before I gathered up my courage to creep out of there. At the end of it, I managed to sell the wares I collected from the undead city & net myself a tidy profit of a few thousand coins.

Next scene, several years later. Trammel facet of the world, where murder & thieving was impossible. Looting was illegal, but there were ways around that. I walked a very thin line on that path. My unbelievably awesome character Modrid was wondering around Dungeon Deceit on the Pacific shard. Deceit is a place of all things undead, situated on a cold island north of the world. Down below in the dungeon it's warmer, the still air & torch fires keep the place warmed & nice. The first two levels were filled with useless creatures. I didn't bother with those. I stayed on level 3 where most folks go to. They come because of easy kills. Liches lurk in the dark hallways, and each carry a good amount of gold. Warriors can easily slay one with just two or three hits, assuming they wield a silver weapon. Such things do double damage to undead. Otherwise two or three spells kill them for those with the Magery skill.

So there I was, calmly walking around & chatting with these poor folks. Little did they know I had achieved Grandmaster level on my Provocation skill, something that was exceedingly rare back then. Those with such a skill were considered to be the most powerful self-supporting character in all of UO. The only exception were tamers, who tamed powerful dragons, and dragged them around the world. The twerps. Anyway many of these warriors in the dungeon were sortof idiots. I convinced them I was a GM, and was able to control liches at will. For example, I would say I had just finished creating a liche, and was about to place it in front of those warriors. I'd tell them to get ready, I timed it just right & shouted "NOW!". Like magic they'd appear & attack those warriors. Funny shit. After a while of getting friendly, I'd go around looking for a spinning vortex. Those familiar will know of what I speak. The Poison Elemental, a devastatingly powerful entity capable of killing anyone sometimes instantly, of such speeds that only those on horseback could have a hope of escape. I lured it near the place where the warriors were, then sped off. Now I couldn't lure it all the way to let it kill them, that's considered illegal. So I lured it close enough for it to wander randomly towards the warriors, but far enough away that I can claim ignorance of its existence. Before long, it blasted its way through & slayed 5 warriors instantly. They were but ghosts now, and I hurriedly 'provoked' 4 liches to attack the poison elemental. Keep them busy with each other. Easy stuff. Next thing I hear are "oOOoOooOOooo", the voices of the ghosts. Now there's another thing these poor hapless souls didn't know about me, I also had the "Spirit Speak" skill. How awesome was I? Almost no-one had the skill as it was considered useless, the skill let you understand ghosts. But I did, and I counted on that little fact to... pretend I didn't understand the utterances of those fallen players whilst in ghost form.

Now, as I was in Trammel, players couldn't loot another corpse directly. You had two choices, let a monster semi-loot it & you killed it for the loot, or wait until the bodies were bones. As these fallen warriors were alone, I pretended not to understand them whilst I bought time to get to their stuff. I could've been the good guy & cast a portal spell back to town. But that would've meant they could quickly gather equipment & come back to the dungeon before their corpses turned to bones. Nope, I waited & asked them questions. Three letters for portal gate, two letters to ask for help, one letter to get revenge from the nasty monsters. "OoO!", "OOo", "oo" were the responses. Nope sorry, the votes had to be unanimous, so I asked again & again, whilst pretending not to understand them. Before long they started to accuse me of being a looter. I was shocked, and I expressed this to them, much to their surprise! Lol. After a frank talk, I opened a portal back to... somewhere close to Britain & let them be freeeee. Meanwhile I'm picking the bones completely clean. A good day.

Much much later that day, I was in my off time. I had no desire to loot anyone & I was looking for some R&R at level 5, the insane part of the dungeon where liches, lich lords, & super fast silver serpents lurked. I wasn't looking for money, just a challenge. Suddenly two ghosts appeared in front of me & I recognized them immediately. They were the two saps I had cleaned out hours earlier! They initially asked me for help, but one of them recognized that I was a looter. They were about to give up. Apparently these two fools had gone down there to prove something, I don't know what. Those monsters probably picked them clean, spread between each other. It was going to be a pain tracking & killing them all down. So I pretended to not wanting to help them. I want them to believe I was going to loot them again. I made them watch my awesome whilst they were still ghosts. Last thing I need were two idiots dying constantly & me wasting resources resurrecting them. So in I went. The problem with that part of the level is the speed at which monsters respawned. It was too fast sometimes. I acted quickly, the biggest threat were the twin silver serpents, so I made them attack each other. Next, I lured two liches out into a hallway, made them attack each other. I hid & did the same on 4 more liches. I see one lich lord, but where's the other? Damn, it's really deep inside the chamber. So in I go, into a death trap, all the while the ghosts watching. I lured both lords to each other & wham! They started going at each other like crazy. Powerful things indeed. I looted the bones of the warriors, nothing left but junk. I went back & checked on the liches. 4 were dead, two were left. I looted them & found the warriors things. I quickly hid & tracked 4 more creatures before I'm done. Suddenly a poison elemental wandered into the hallway where I was! Shit! If I move or do anything, it'll come straight for me. My only hope to surviving it was to use another skill called "Peacemaking" to make it non-aggressive towards me, but that was deadly as then I'd be surrounded by monsters no longer attacking each other! I had to think fast. Okay, I ran towards the two fighting lords & it followed me almost immediately. I hid & waited. I then provoked the elemental on both lords! It killed them & looted whatever was on them. Suddenly a new lord spawned! I lured the elemental to the two remaining liches & had it kill both. Once again looted whatever were in the liches. I didn't know what was happening with the silver serpents, but when I was just about to lure the elemental away so I could kill it, one of them spawned next to me whilst I was unhidden! I guess one of them died in the chamber, so I ran like a maniac & very nearly died from its bite. I went back in, because I'm so awesome, and provoked the beastly elemental to kill them all!! It was a tough slog, and towards the end, the thing had killed more than a dozen creatures. I slayed it with all of my might, as my powerful character *also* had Grandmaster Magery. I looted it all, everything. I then looked at those two ghosts, no doubt picking up their spectral jaws off the ground, and pretended to run away lol! They followed but I was faster as I was on my portable horse. I met them in the level above, it was empty. Instead of portaling them back home, I resurrected them to full health, and gave them everything minus gold. They asked why I had given them back everything, and I told them "...because I'm off for the night...". As I was teleporting away, the last thing I see was one of them saying "you magnificent bastard". I entered my tower o' riches, blew off the lamp light, and slept like a baby in the bed which I made. The end.


Diamond Member
May 9, 2005
Dark age of camelot. First and only MMO i played i liked most of the game.

I remember actually leveling and quests..the day i dinged level 50 berzerker . I then decided "hey i'm level 50 i'm going to craft me some %100 quality axes (hard to do) in a Frontier keep(RvR happens here)..after 150+ tries i get both of them!

Then i happens..! The NPC guards (each keep had a few guards for basic defense) turn and face front of keep as i'm standing in courtyard crafting. I stop and run up on ramparts..the lag is intense..so i know lots of people are outside. I announce in /realm that keep in Odins gate is under attack and looks like relic force. The keep is weak (no upgrades) so i run to lord room knowing first door will fall fast with ram on it. I plan on taking out some before they kill me and then kill lord.

A few friendly stealth show up and archers show up..and one shammy, they kill a few on ramparts. I tell them to come to lord room for last stand...

Then about 100+ hibs start to run up ramp to top to lord room, a shammy got in the keep without being killed and gave me buffs, so I'm pumped. They hibs know some are in lord room i'm sure of it because of all the healing/buffs going on they can hear sounds..but they are not prepared for me

I peek down into courtyard and see all of them streamed inside the keep, so i jump down behind the hibs and as they are running up to lord, i come in behind them..then i go berzerk on their asses! IT WAS A FIREFIGHT! I transformed into a huge bear, and was hurling up the stairs with two axes one hitting casters to death..and luck was with me because all the healing classes was in back thinking it was safer. /relic chat was going "OMG OMG DRANZERK" "WTF!" I was getting so much deathspam the chat window announced every time i got a kill. lol

I killed so much in just like 30 seconds after it was over i could not believe it because the stupid hibs did not even turn around..the lord NPC killed 20 or so of them because he was buffed from the shammy that buffed me. I killed everyone. LOL

The only other time that happened to me was on another server when i played Bors/hib and have a lvl 50 Animist that killed 50+ in a tower defense. But that was 5 years AFTER the zerker when game was newer.

That story made me sad, because I will never see another game like that
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Diamond Member
Jul 29, 2004
World first arthas kill was probably my most fav moment, followed by killing the end boss in mega man x


Senior member
Dec 3, 2007
Jagged Alliance 2...probably have beaten it a dozen times on all the different variations.

Baldur's Gate, Half Life, C&C and Diablo...all completely different styled games that got me into PC gaming and got me hooked onto each respective genre


Senior member
Jun 20, 2004
Games I spent my finest hours, in order of course:

Doom- played on my uncle's x486. My cousin and I couldn't figure out how to boot the game in DOS so we would have to wait for my uncle to come home from work to launch it for us. We nicknamed all te characters in the game- fireball shooters were called "babels" to us. Took turns playing, first time at the computer playing

Quake- played on my dad's work computer in his office late at night. First game to actually scare me.

Flight Simulator- black and white on a windows 3.1 laptop. always flew the cessna

Red Alert- tesla coils and tanya

Rogue Spear- first online game I played. Logging into the zone or whatever on dial up and getting d/c'd constantly because the phone rang.

Counter-Strike 1.3- the life-changer. played from 56k to cable modem, what a difference. Reason i bought a videocard- GeForce 2.

Diablo 1/2- nonstop co-op online, finding out about 9/11 while in game. addiction at its worst

Age of Empires II- Gave birth to lan parties for me. 8 player battles

Baldur's Gate 2: Best single player experience on PC

Battlefield 1942- first time I upgraded my computer and got a semi high end system-Instant action with bots

Jedi Outcast- Most fun I've had lanning a game ever

*and i need to throw this in*

NOX- westwood studios' finest game. Amazing game, sp and mp. Co-op and versus. The first game I ever bought because the cover was cool.


Diamond Member
Aug 20, 2004
chopper command: every minute of the repetative atari game was glorious to a five year old me.

x-wing: destroying a nebulon B frigate in an x-wing without cheats was a big moment for me.

warcraft II/starcraft: "zworboo" and "fired up" are all i have to say. countless hours played on both

diablo: that game was epic.

mario kart: finally getting gold on 150cc star cup (FU rainbow road)

Halo CE: system linking with a person that i just met. it was the start of a great friendship. "oh my god", "this is awesome", and "holy crap" were about the only words spoken.

Halo CE: sniping two hunters with one shot after they came down from the elevator. having a friend see it was a bonus.

americas army: the only MMOFPS that i really played. that game got my heart racing during clan matches. ^USA^

for the past 5 years i haven't really got much gaming in. Halo: Reach was the last game that i've really put time into.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2004
Halo CE during freshman and sophomore years in college with friends in the dorms.

FarCry. The single player gameplay and graphics were amazing.


Senior member
Jul 11, 2004
Oh, and...

Gothic 1 - great game all around, and I fondly recall staring up at the night sky and looking at the barrier.

The first thing that came to mind was Gothic 1 as well. Was in that wizard's tower where I had to go to the pinnacle of a mountain but the only way you could get out was to jump down and take some serious damage. Suddenly it hit me that I had the blood fly spell. So I cast and flew all the way under a clear sky, full moon It was a long trip and it was awesome. The game developers caught the lighting and washed out colors and contrasts perfectly.


Platinum Member
Oct 15, 2010
mine have to do with WoW, since i played that so much and is the only game i ever really took screenies. i spent a lot of time getting achievements, so getting those, some on my own, but most with the help of my friends, were some of my finest gaming moments.

Screenies (so i can brag )
Getting Frostbitten for killing all Northrend rares. Was a total pita due to the number of hunters trying to tame the rares in sholozar basin ( which i later went and did on my hunter, lol)

Getting classic raider. i know it was way past the time to get it done when i did it, but mostly it was awesome because the group of us that ran them all together.

Getting exalted with Ramkahen and thereby getting my guild the United Nations Achievement.

Killing the whale shark with just me and a DK friend....just because.
Took us over an hour to do, was the biggest waste of time, but we had a blast and it was fun.

Getting Insane in the Membrane before they changed the requirements. This took one hell of a long time to do, I had tons of help from my really good friends, and it was THE best gaming moment for me.
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Senior member
Apr 12, 2011
Dark age of camelot. First and only MMO i played i liked most of the game.

I remember actually leveling and quests..the day i dinged level 50 berzerker . I then decided "hey i'm level 50 i'm going to craft me some %100 quality axes (hard to do) in a Frontier keep(RvR happens here)..after 150+ tries i get both of them!

Then i happens..! The NPC guards (each keep had a few guards for basic defense) turn and face front of keep as i'm standing in courtyard crafting. I stop and run up on ramparts..the lag is intense..so i know lots of people are outside. I announce in /realm that keep in Odins gate is under attack and looks like relic force. The keep is weak (no upgrades) so i run to lord room knowing first door will fall fast with ram on it. I plan on taking out some before they kill me and then kill lord.

A few friendly stealth show up and archers show up..and one shammy, they kill a few on ramparts. I tell them to come to lord room for last stand...

Then about 100+ hibs start to run up ramp to top to lord room, a shammy got in the keep without being killed and gave me buffs, so I'm pumped. They hibs know some are in lord room i'm sure of it because of all the healing/buffs going on they can hear sounds..but they are not prepared for me

I peek down into courtyard and see all of them streamed inside the keep, so i jump down behind the hibs and as they are running up to lord, i come in behind them..then i go berzerk on their asses! IT WAS A FIREFIGHT! I transformed into a huge bear, and was hurling up the stairs with two axes one hitting casters to death..and luck was with me because all the healing classes was in back thinking it was safer. /relic chat was going "OMG OMG DRANZERK" "WTF!" I was getting so much deathspam the chat window announced every time i got a kill. lol

I killed so much in just like 30 seconds after it was over i could not believe it because the stupid hibs did not even turn around..the lord NPC killed 20 or so of them because he was buffed from the shammy that buffed me. I killed everyone. LOL

The only other time that happened to me was on another server when i played Bors/hib and have a lvl 50 Animist that killed 50+ in a tower defense. But that was 5 years AFTER the zerker when game was newer.

That story made me sad, because I will never see another game like that

I'm an Ex-DAoC player as well.

I've never played anything that came close. I had so many great moments in that game I could never write them all out. Any given night in Thidranki with a /leveled toon. Nights spent getting silly with my guildies and a bottle of wine while I worked on crafting. Hunting for glowies in Dartmoor. Defending a relic from the Hibs - talk about a slideshow.

Everything about DAoC was awesome.


Aug 22, 2004
My finest hours were probably spent playing Homeworld and Homeworld: Cataclysm. I still rank these two as the best PC Games I've ever played.

That tear-jerker of an in-game cutscene where the Taidanii set your planet's atmosphere on fire after you successfully test the Mothership's hyperdrive.

The absolutely EPIC introduction of the Defenders of Kadesh.

Capturing every Ion Cannon frigate in sight and having, literally, 100+ ICFs in the Ball 'o Death.

In Cataclysm:
Releasing the Beast parasite by detaching the entire lower decks module of the Kuun-Lan.

Shaming the Bentusi into helping you by throwing dozens of ships into the path of their ion cannons.

Almost being destroyed by your sister ship because they think you are the Beast!

Firing that gigantic cannon at the Beast mothership for the first time: "Burn."

Both these games still hold up well and are extremely playable. The sequel was not so hot though, honestly. It had it's moments, but it was largely forgettable.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2000
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault.

Man that was an experience to play through the single player the way they did the mini documentaries and briefings that tied into the level you were playing was outstanding. There was one sniper level that had me restarting over and over again and when I finally got through it I felt like I accomplished something.

MP was chocolate frosting on top of the cake. Playing with 4-5 friends was a blast especially the hours we would sink into the tug a war gameplay of the V2 rocket.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Halo CE during freshman and sophomore years in college with friends in the dorms.

FarCry. The single player gameplay and graphics were amazing.

Far Cry is the last shooter I remember with a truly excellent campaign. Before that it was Red Faction.
I think thats why I was so desperate to love Fallout 3. Needed a shooter with some depth and the next best thing was an RPG is first person.


Senior member
Dec 16, 2009
I would have to say the legedary Battle of Bloodfin in Star Wars Galaxies on the server that kept the game interesting - Bloodfin.

It is pvp like this that doesn't exist hardly anymore except maybe in Eve Online. The game had plenty of faults but just the sheer number of people duking it out was something I wont forget. My radar was just a big blob of red. I remember sprinting into a huge pack of rebels unloading poison ( combat Medic ) and watched like at least 10 of them drop. There was alot of more to this that I could go on and on but thats another story.

This was the golden age of the game before Jedi flooded the server and the dreaded CR ruined the game.

Awesome times.


Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2004
Mechwarrior 3, but I go back a ways. No game since has, for me, created that kind of ambiance or immersion. True, it's primitive by today's standards, and Microsoft's attempt to continue the franchise with MW4 was a failure, but I do miss it. Wish I could get it to run on Win7 64 bit; no luck so far.


Senior member
Jun 10, 2009
Baldurs Gate 2, when you finally put Irenicus down for the last time. When the demons dragged his soul to hell was awesome!


Senior member
Sep 15, 2010
I used to play MoH:AA competitively. I'd say I had well over 5000 hours.
Mass Effect 2 was one of the games I enjoyed the most.


Oct 9, 2009
Unreal Tournament.

That was my first online game and man did I pour hours into it. Plenty of nights going to bed with cramping fingers, I probably could have run thru the maps with my monitor turned off picking up the power ups.

After I finally gave up on UT (the last one was underrated IMO but nobody was playing it online) I spent about a year instinctively trying to double-dodge in other games.


Platinum Member
Mar 28, 2004
Quake 1...it was my first online gaming experience and it felt surreal when I started out. I was one of the few with a cable connection at the time and on some mPlayer servers showed a '0' ping. I was not a well liked lpb.


Junior Member
Aug 18, 2011
I remember playing Ikari Warriors The Arcade at the corner store before school started in '84-'85.

I remember Street Fighter II hitting the scene and wondering where Street Fighter I was...

I remember playing EverQuest and starting from Qeynos as a warrior. Leveled to level 5 in front of the gates. Leveled to 9 in Qeynos Hills. To 14 in Black Burrow and grouping here for the first time; having a blast. THEN, when I finally entered Northern Plains of Karana, I finally realized that the game was massive and there was a sense of freedom that came with that which just had me sit back and take in what I was playing. That night was the best experience I had had in a game: literally just zoning from Qeynos Hills to Northern Plains of Karana, going through that small valley and see the plains stretch out as far as my video card and clip-plane would allow it to go. ALSO: I was scared for the first time in a game. I knew that dying had consequences to it (something I miss A LOT) and that this place was "new." The respect for value in life makes a game!
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