what would be the best way to eliminate isis/al queda

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Dec 7, 2009
those were also bushs' fault.

everything is GW fault. Obama being in power the ~7 years is not responsible for anything.

Something is wrong with your record player. It keeps skipping and playing the same notes over and over again.


Jun 19, 2000
The first step is to cut off their funding to the greatest degree possible. That means either taking control of the oilfields they have under their control or damaging them to the point that they can only be made operational through specialized equipment. They are making between $1 million and $2 million per day from oil fields they've taken control of in northern Iraq and northern Syria.

But they have a huge war chest built up and how long it will take for an action like that to actually hurt them is probably anyone's guess.

It should be done soon through airstrikes while public sentiment will support it.


Super Moderator | Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Probably won't happen until the oil money is gone.


Apr 8, 2013
The best way to stop them has come and gone...

Going forward it's important to leverage the nearby Countries' self interest and get them to do more since more overt western interference inflames ISIS.

Rapprochement is now something that we may be on the way to reaching now that the Iran Nuclear deal is mostly agreed upon. Funny how certain members of the U.S. government still want to fuck it up.

Just because Iran is an Islamic country doesn't mean that they are natural allies of ISIS.

Remember, it took the U.S. several decades at least to find common military, economic, and political objectives with the U.K.

afaik it was the late 1800's to early 1900's for that to finally really happen.


I support the Iran nuclear deal and I think it might be a start toward rapprochement but its only a bare beginning. There is too much hard line opposition to the US there for us to have friendly relations with them all the sudden.

So far as ISIS, Iran is an enemy. ISIS is Sunni. Iran is Shia.

Not sure about your historical reference. I recall from my admittedly decades old history classes that our relations with the UK were pretty good right from the time we ended the War of 1812 and agreed to the Treaty of Ghent and have been ever since.


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
Absolutely in life there is a limit to the freedom of speech. There is no absolute freedom to abuse a private forum to incite hatred and terrorising crimes of extermination of a people simply out of generalised hatred for their associated religion/race/culture/etc... .

Still the impunity to advocate genocide and generalised hatred to exterminate a targetted group - Muslims:
Why don't you make some sort of argument in favor of pacifism and multicultural "understanding" instead of mindlessly posting the same drivel again?

In your view ideas you disagree with should be banned from expression on the Internet? Do you think the government should tell people what they can and cannot say? Are you hoping to impose some sort of communist dictatorship where the government controls every aspect of people's thought? You sure sound like it. Heck, what you're suggesting is just as bad as or worse than ISIS.

Whiskey16 is an opponent of free speech! He wants to control your thoughts and eliminate your freedom of expression. He wants to tell you what you can and cannot say on the Internet. He's the kind of guy who would send the police to your door because you posted a politically incorrect thought on the Internet. Whiskey's intolerance of free expression and debate should not be welcome in a shared community and he should be soundly ostracized. We should have zero tolerance for the chilling effect his proposed political correctness would have on political discussions.

This guy thinks he's some sort of genius social justice warrior, advocating political correctness, but he's actually a complete moron.

So a war against a nation that is attacking is you a "high crime"?

I stand by the birth control agents comment, too, at least as it applies to territories controlled by ISIS. Preventing people from breeding irrationally and indoctrinating children with a poisonous ideology is a form of self defense and more humane than simply killing all the people. The world would be a better place without the Muslim religion. Sorry if the truth hurts.People can renounce Islam and choose to become atheists or non-Muslims if they don't like being viewed as a potential threat. (Of course, their neighbors would probably kill them for that, what a beautiful "religion of peace".)

Still the tolerating silence from the active membership. Complicit acceptance? .

Stormfront is what this forum is again presenting itself to be.
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Oct 30, 2004
Absolutely in life there is a limit to the freedom of speech. There is no absolute freedom to abuse a private forum to incite hatred and terrorising crimes of extermination of a people simply out of generalised hatred for their associated religion/race/culture/etc...

Of course Anandtech is a private business free to engage in censureship. But what's disgusting is that you're encouraging it. If every forum did that, it would have the same effect as government censorship. In essence, you're trying to tell people what they can and cannot discuss. If you ran the government, you would pass laws to imprison anyone who expresses a politically incorrect point of view.

It's OK to hate a bad religion that's resulted in oppression for hundreds of millions of people and that poses a threat to other people. No apologies for that. People make a choice as to what religion to believe in, and they've picked a rotten one, which makes them a threat to civilized people.

Stormfront is what this forum is again presenting itself to be.

And if you had your way this would be a politically correct forum where any dissenting view against politically correct orthodoxy would be outlawed. It would be as though it had been turned into a Marxist-Feminist forum or SJW forum.
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Jun 19, 2000
Stormfront is what this forum is again presenting itself to be.
This is the continuing theme out of you. You surface, you get flustered, you berate, you get a case of the vapors and then you start lashing out in the exact same pattern every time like your shit doesn't stink.

Quit trying to change the rest of us so that you can feel you're in a safe space. Instead just leave. None of us will miss you. We voted to have this forum the way it exists and you don't mesh well with it. Make yourself happy and all the rest of us along with you and vamoose. Everybody wins.

WhipperSnapper and I don't usually ever get along but we're in agreement on this. That speaks volumes.


Senior member
Sep 5, 2012


Golden Member
Nov 3, 2009
Increased number precision air strikes and cutting their ability to fund their terror with oil exports would be a good start. Eventually someone is going to have to get in there and kill every last one of them, but let's just leave that part to the arabs themselves.


Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2004
those were also bushs' fault.

everything is GW fault. Obama being in power the ~7 years is not responsible for anything.

How does that reconcile with this from that link :

"Osama bin Laden's declaration of a holy war against the United States, and a 1998 fatwā signed by bin Laden and others, calling for the killing of Americans,[11] are seen by investigators as evidence of his motivation."


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
but let's just leave that part to the arabs themselves.
This is basically a Wahhabi vs all other Sunnis battle. The killings of westerners are a means to an end. The US perversely supports the Wahhabi regimes that sponsor ISIS and Al Qaeda. We kill their foot soldiers and sleep with their monarchs.


Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001

Quote from German newspaper:

The Russian president supports Syrian dictator Assad and intervenes directly on his side for more than a month. The official reason from Moscow: the fight against the terrorist militia ISIS. In reality, however, Putin's air force is not bombing primarly ISIS, but Syrian rebels fighting against both Assad and ISIS. The Kremlin is publishing success stories about allegedly bombed ISIS positions located in rebel territory.

ISIS benefits from this: Thanks to the Russian air raids on the rebels, ISIS was able to achieve some territorial gains in Aleppo and Hama and the province of Homs. Despite the fact that ISIS could spread further since the start of direct Russian intervention in Syria, Putin presents himself as a staunch opponent of the terrorist militia - and faces only timid protests from the West.


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
We voted to have this forum the way it exists and you don't mesh well with it.

Rules? Adequate decorum and respect for civility and law?

WhipperSnapper and I don't usually ever get along but we're in agreement on this. That speaks volumes.
On record to support previous vile presentations?

I stand by the birth control agents comment, too, at least as it applies to territories controlled by ISIS. Preventing people from breeding irrationally and indoctrinating children with a poisonous ideology is a form of self defense and more humane than simply killing all the people. The world would be a better place without the Muslim religion. Sorry if the truth hurts.People can renounce Islam and choose to become atheists or non-Muslims if they don't like being viewed as a potential threat. (Of course, their neighbors would probably kill them for that, what a beautiful "religion of peace".)

The enlarged part in green represents indiscriminate hate speech and is not acceptable here.

Forum Director

What about biological warfare? Ebola? Plague? I've also wondered if there might be some sort of a way to put a birth control agent or something that causes sterilization in the water.

Your clarification in a later post that you advocate this wholesale against civilian populations is simply beyond the pale.

Forum Director
boomerang, your choice for the side of the fence you support. You're on record for where you stand and for advocating support for explicit calls for extremist hate speech and high crimes such as genocide.

The practiced facts are that the xenophobic and violently hate spewing likes of Whippersnapper are so ironically moronic as being enables for the terrorising agenda of ISIS.

Terrorist acts in the west have become effective recruiting and propaganda tools to display the power to extreme criminal activity of such organisations. Either by direct coordination or inspiring loosely affiliated groups and lone nut jobs to act.

The more instances of such terrorism also inspires a greater level mirroring extremist flashback from the far-right and violent radicals such Whippersnapper. This moronic reaction of generalised hatred against all Muslims greatly increases the societal marginalisation upon long resident populations of Muslims. Only a minute few local and disgruntled youth are desired as active foot soldiers to return propaganda coups well beyond their effective numbers.

This forum is again presenting a portion of active membership generally targeting Muslims as security threats, incitement to deny their movement, expel your fellow citizens from their home country out of zealot xenophobia, through to Whippersnappers inexcusable terror to enact genocide against Muslims.

The balanced facts are, the present extremist right wing lot at AnandTech are not empowering a fight against ISIS, but are practicing encouraging and enabling support for ISIS' influence and growth.

A best way to fight and eliminate ISIS/al Qaeda is to welcome and respect Muslims as equals in our collective and heterogeneous society rather than perpetrate generalised hate and discrimination.
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Apr 8, 2013
This is the continuing theme out of you. You surface, you get flustered, you berate, you get a case of the vapors and then you start lashing out in the exact same pattern every time like your shit doesn't stink.

Quit trying to change the rest of us so that you can feel you're in a safe space. Instead just leave. None of us will miss you. We voted to have this forum the way it exists and you don't mesh well with it. Make yourself happy and all the rest of us along with you and vamoose. Everybody wins.

WhipperSnapper and I don't usually ever get along but we're in agreement on this. That speaks volumes.


To Whiskey, there are two kinds of people in this world. Those who agree with him on every issue, and those who are evil. Anyone who feels the need to paint every person they disagree as some sort of fascist, advocate of genocide, or white supremacist doesn't belong anywhere where even semi-civilized discussion is taking place.


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
Few care here to learn such fundamentals, but the learned and practiced indigenous terror in Iraq under the US occupation was in part to radicalise divisions. Provoke more extreme responses for the occupying USA and Shia led government in order to promote a unified rallying point for Sunni regions against the external influences.

This learned strategy greatly promoted the growth and power of the new group of ISIS in Syrian and Iraqi Sunni regions.

.....On a more global scale, western alienation and marginalisation of some domestic Muslims, provided an already disgruntled population of potential for recruits. Wasn't it only a year ago that a good proportion of ISIS's active recruits came from the west? The likes of radicals extremists as Whippersnapper and other members here contribute the radicalising enabling of such recruits.

Whippersnapper and his extremist right-wing ilk are present here. ISIS is not. A threat to discuss the defeat of ISIS? An start to that is to defeat Whippersnapper's call for genocide against Muslims and shared calls to terrorise your fellow neighbours into deportation......


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
There's sense in continuing with tactical bombing and support of local troops on the ground, but we're talking tens of thousands of kilometres of territory and a level of ideology that is well suited to waiting out a long, low-level war of insurgency.

COIN doesn't work from what I've read to date - never has. So forget a ground invasion. The only other pure military tactic on the books is the old British-style colonial pacification route, which involves use of concentration camps and mass starvation. That's unlikely as well then (at least today).

Ultimately you need to make life with Daesh less attractive to the populace in that area. Right now they're choosing Daesh over the Syrian regime (killing / torturing / gassing their own people en masse) and the Iraqi regime (entirely incompetent and corrupt). That could actually be the most logical decision to make for locals; fake or mouth the words of religious piety and maybe Daesh is the least likely to kill you.


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
Anyone who feels the need to paint every person they disagree as some sort of fascist, advocate of genocide, or white supremacist doesn't belong anywhere where even semi-civilized discussion is taking place.
woofle9998, your defence of Whippersnapper and ignorance of genocide is presented:

What about biological warfare? Ebola? Plague? I've also wondered if there might be some sort of a way to put a birth control agent or something that causes sterilization in the water.
The crime of "genocide" defined in internation law

"Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
No hyperbole. No "painting every person they disagree as some sort of fascist..".

Woolfe9998, your glaring misrepresentation of the recorded record is a dark stain upon your integrity.

Concise and precise targeting of Whippersnappers own words as an abuse of this forum and society for propagating a hateful and genocidal agenda.

Explicit incitement to generalised hatred and GENOCIDE is recorded and present.

Woofle9998, you are an embarrassment as fellow Jew to support such equally and vile calls for the extermination to a people as violently happened to our kin.... Woofle9998, supports the crime of above.
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Dec 7, 2009
" what would be the best way to eliminate isis/al queda"

Probably only with a full scale war against the Islamic State, culminating with the end of the Caliphate. Either by his suicide, death in battle, or capture, trial and imprisonment for war crimes.

But my guess is your thread was inspired by the recent attack in France. The case there has been perpetrated by religious extremists. Similarly for the previous attack on Charlie Hebdo.

I propose a new strategy for fighting these religious extremists. Bait them. Make fun of their religious beliefs because that is what incites their violence. Then be ready for them when they attack and ambush them.

The next Charlie Hebdo cartoon can be something like this:

Frenchman: "Hello"
Muslim extremist: "Allahua Ackbar!"
Frenchman: "God is great? Nope. Allah sucks! After all he made you didn't he?"
Muslim extremist: *triggered*:twisted:
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Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000

To Whiskey, there are two kinds of people in this world. Those who agree with him on every issue, and those who are evil. Anyone who feels the need to paint every person they disagree as some sort of fascist, advocate of genocide, or white supremacist doesn't belong anywhere where even semi-civilized discussion is taking place.

The great irony is that it's people like him who best resemble the Hitlers and Stalins of the world. Oh so sure of the righteousness of their ideology, and the rest of us who disagree even slightly? We're vermin.

I also put him on ignore ages ago so I'd appreciate it if fewer of you quoted him.


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
The great irony is that it's people like him who best resemble the Hitlers and Stalins of the world.
Wow, I'm the problem,? I'm a "Hitler and Stalin..."

yllus, ironically you find motivation to post and personally chastise myself for daring to have the nerve to specifically and precisely condemn the following:

Inherent to islam is an intense violence; muslims have been waging war in the prophet's name for one and a half millennia. When you remove isis, if you still have large muslim populations you still have the sectarian violence and hatred.
1 - Stop using smart bombs and start carpet bombing/shelling indiscriminately, destroy all the modern infrastructure and access to resources..


What I bolded is over the top.

Forum Director

Deport all muslims back to the middle east. secure the border so they cant leave and tell them to have it out. if the radicals win then we can kill whats left. or something like that lol

What about biological warfare? Ebola? Plague? I've also wondered if there might be some sort of a way to put a birth control agent or something that causes sterilization in the water.

Your clarification in a later post that you advocate this wholesale against civilian populations is simply beyond the pale.

Forum Director

I stand by the birth control agents comment, too, at least as it applies to territories controlled by ISIS. Preventing people from breeding irrationally and indoctrinating children with a poisonous ideology is a form of self defense and more humane than simply killing all the people. The world would be a better place without the Muslim religion. Sorry if the truth hurts.

The enlarged part in green represents indiscriminate hate speech and is not acceptable here.

Forum Director
No apologies. In the future, if again such as above is written, then I will continue to correctly identify, quote, and condemn it. Spoken members wish to banish me for have the moral nerve to stand up to say no to present hatred and terrorism. Members are responsible for what they write. Take ownership. Justly, receive the repercussions.

There we have it. According to yllus, I'm the "Hitler and Stalin..." The sad irony is great.

Wow...just wow. yllus, you chose to ignore the above all to single out and mischaracterise myself as the present evil scourge of the forum?????????????

There, with the majority condemning myself while offering active or complicit support for the above quote, we're getting the message. The membership of this forum, ignoring the enforced rules and expected decorum, truly is actively fighting for this place to be another Stormfront.

You will NOT refer to ATF as stormfront, ever again.

Anandtech Forum Director

Muslims in some western eyes are this century's new Jews to be generally vilified, deported, sterilised, and even exterminated.... Regulars at AnandTech regularly advocate such an agenda or offer active moral support, while many more in complicity stand by in silence, despite the admirable efforts of the power at be to do what is right. Some membership at AnandTech actively participate in furthering ISIS' strategic agenda to mirror such a terrorist's group hatred, yet against all Muslims, thereby degrading a sufficiently miniscule number of our neighbouring citizens away and into the foot soldiers of ISIS.
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Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2008
Not sure about your historical reference. I recall from my admittedly decades old history classes that our relations with the UK were pretty good right from the time we ended the War of 1812 and agreed to the Treaty of Ghent and have been ever since.


I was referencing that. Supposedly around the late 1800's and early 1900's U.S. and U.K. interests truly aligned across many aspects including politics, economics, diplomatic and military interests.

Sure there were treaties beforehand but the world situation supposedly made it a truly natural fit around that time.



Jan 2, 2001
Education. Jobs. Some degree of prosperity.

This is what would keep this shit at bay. You don't see to many people blowing themselves up if they had something else to look forward to. Unfortunately that simply is not possible to achieve. So we are left here pondering what to do, I feel what needs to be done is not possible this day and age, and based on some of the edits in this thread, proves that point. People think they are all highfalutin types, but the I feel the reality is that in order preserve our security in the current world, things are going to have to happen that ain't going to be pretty.
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