What would you do if you found out that God wasn't real

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Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2006
Originally posted by: Descartes
Originally posted by: Praxis1452
Originally posted by: Homerboy
Originally posted by: pontifex
what do you mean if i found out? i already know he isn't real.

saw that coming a mile away

why must all atheists crap on religious threads?
Why can't people just accept others have different beliefs? So fvcking stupid.

And please tell me how you "know"

as an agnostic I've got to say that the thought of the fanatics of any religion being right is unacceptable. The fact that they exist and are often an accepted part of a religion is enough to prove it's worth to me. You Can judge a religion by it's followers.

That's a ridiculously fallacious assumption.

Howso? A religion is spread by it's followers. It's ideas are emulated by them. If the followers of a religion are not supposed to represent the religion itself then what USE is the religion unless it's for aesthetical purposes. Written scriptures are all good and well but if in actuality the followers do something different then it says something about how well the religion can be either manipulated or about what type of people the religion attracts either of which should be looked at as it is.

edit: adding a bit more in. Is it ok to simply ignore the followers of a religion instead for the scriptures itself. As all scriptures are interpreted(I don't believe there is simply 1) the followers of the religion call themselves X. If your interpretation of the scripture is different the your not really following religion X as they are the majority here. You are following religion Y. It may come from the same scripture but different beliefs make different religions. Therefore the people are the representation of the religion not the scripture itself.


Diamond Member
May 27, 2005
I wouldn't change a thing, becasue I know he is real. Simple as that. Pointless question IMO.


Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2006
Originally posted by: tealk
I wouldn't change a thing, becasue I know he is real. Simple as that. Pointless question IMO.

I wouldn't change a thing, because I know he isn't real. Simple as that. Pointless question


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
If there were indeed some way to prove a negative and it was proven that there is no God, then I would feel no need to have any moral constraints, as morals would be nothing more than opinions. Since we would all be nothing more than collections of particles, with no inherent meaning or worth, I would try hard to de-brainwash myself of believing that people matter.

The logical thing to do would be to commit whatever crimes I could be sure to get away with. Feeling bad about hurting people would be illogical, since they are no different than a rock, with the exception (on a cosmic scale) of having momentary animation. I would love those who could help me and try to use them whenever I could get away with it. I would do whatever I wanted in life, since nothing would matter.

If we really are no different than animals, and we only live for a short period of time and then go into oblivion, I'd take advantage of every opportunity to make my life easy, regardless of expense. Life would mean nothing, people would mean nothing... everything would mean nothing because there is not inherent meaning.

If we have no reason for "being", why bother living by artificial rules setup by other who don't have your personal interests in mind? Sure... the lemmings can go around saying that we have some sort of societal instincts through evolution, but one could rise above whatever silly instincts and live for one's self! If the rest of the foolish people continued to live like life meant something that that good and evil actually existed... so much the better, since it would give one a nice stable society from which to take what one could.

I think Stalin is just one such example of a logically convinced atheist. He thought of himself above all. He was his own god and live to that end. And, if there is no God, then Stalin won! He lived a life of wealth and power and now is simply gone, no remorse or punishment. He got what he wanted and then died as he'd have to one day anyway. From a "no God, no afterlife" perspective, I can't find a reason to think that Stalin didn't live a nearly perfect life.

But I do believe in God. I do believe that life has inherent purpose and meaning, that people are important, that God loves us and that when this body dies it is not the end of the person.



Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2006
Originally posted by: Netopia
If there were indeed some way to prove a negative and it was proven that there is no God, then I would feel no need to have any moral constraints, as morals would be nothing more than opinions. Since we would all be nothing more than collections of particles, with no inherent meaning or worth, I would try hard to de-brainwash myself of believing that people matter.

The logical thing to do would be to commit whatever crimes I could be sure to get away with. Feeling bad about hurting people would be illogical, since they are no different than a rock, with the exception (on a cosmic scale) of having momentary animation. I would love those who could help me and try to use them whenever I could get away with it. I would do whatever I wanted in life, since nothing would matter.

If we really are no different than animals, and we only live for a short period of time and then go into oblivion, I'd take advantage of every opportunity to make my life easy, regardless of expense. Life would mean nothing, people would mean nothing... everything would mean nothing because there is not inherent meaning.

If we have no reason for "being", why bother living by artificial rules setup by other who don't have your personal interests in mind? Sure... the lemmings can go around saying that we have some sort of societal instincts through evolution, but one could rise above whatever silly instincts and live for one's self! If the rest of the foolish people continued to live like life meant something that that good and evil actually existed... so much the better, since it would give one a nice stable society from which to take what one could.

I think Stalin is just one such example of a logically convinced atheist. He thought of himself above all. He was his own god and live to that end. And, if there is no God, then Stalin won! He lived a life of wealth and power and now is simply gone, no remorse or punishment. He got what he wanted and then died as he'd have to one day anyway. From a "no God, no afterlife" perspective, I can't find a reason to think that Stalin didn't live a nearly perfect life.

But I do believe in God. I do believe that life has inherent purpose and meaning, that people are important, that God loves us and that when this body dies it is not the end of the person.

a perfect life is meaningless as life is meaningless and therefore stalin's life is exactly = to everyone else's. The only real relevance anyone's life has is one the future and other's not yourself in actuality.

Also you show a very naive view of what a lack of belief in god entails.

As a person who denies god exactly for the reasons mentioned I think it is quite fine for me to state how I actually act. It's not the different from you I would love to bet, well except for the religious rituals and the aesthetical value. The only major difference is I recognize things differently.

I'm an egoist. Basically I state that everything anyone does is for themselves and that there is no inherently unselfish act. People probably like you deduct from me that this means that I act with no regard to other people and that I manipulate as I like. I'd like to counter that from that belief you cannot possibly draw that conclusion. The only conclusion you can draw is that as I stated everyone acts out of self interest including your unselfish actions. If you take that as the truth then friends are an agreement between people as a means of social interaction and a intrinsic human need that we have. That everything we do such as help out someone else is always with an intent for us. For example if I basically decide to help my friend out with some problem I'm doing it because it's going to make me feel good. Because in fact it's a tradeoff between him being my friend and me being his. You help each other. The aim of friendship or an alliance of anything is to be mutually beneficial. If a friend was anything but "useful" to you never helping you if you needed it and always being a hinderment or just their personality why would you be friends? You wouldn't.

Your last sentence of your first paragraph is totally off. Why would you de-brainwash yourself of anything. Last I checked noone actively tries to brainwash themselves of anything nor de-brainwash. To do either it is always an outside influence rather than our conscious self. We as humans tend to like to be stable and be change averse. Simply because we believe that their is no god does not contend that people are worthless. That person you were friends with because they helped you out and gave you support in times of need is still going to be that person that helped you out and gave support. They don't become meaningless either way. I have friends because of their usefulness. Yes usefulness and I don't dare throw them away as they were nothing. Whether I believe in god or not I love to have people to talk to and interact with. That's their usefulness and I view it as such yet it doesn't change my actions toward them. It is the sociopath that tosses people away without meaning not simply the agnostic/atheist.

Committing crimes have consequences which you seem to not understand. Killing someone means that their family will seek some form of revenge. Murdering someone is almost universally looked down upon and the community may institute some form of punishment. It's not simply "hey I can do whatever I want because nothing matters". Sure you can do what you like atleast once but the consequences to your actions will catch up with you. Your manipulation of people will eventually either fail or someone will catch up with you. If you simply manipulate your friends eventually they will see and then what friends will you have? Noone will be their to help you when you need it. That tradeoff depends on what you make.

Now compare what I said to a normal person. A person who for all intents and purposes believes in god. He has a friend who never helps him out who never cares and is always a drag. Does he ditch his friend? Then why is he a friend? So he will dump this so called friend. That is different from an atheist's prospective how?

An atheist commits more crimes as well you contend because if you don't believe in god you won't follow rule.s I proved it'schildish reasoning as atheists know that their actions have consequences as well. To simply ignore everything is stupid whoever's side your on.

As to the life of stalin it really means nothing. Perfect life is nothing when you are dead. The reality of the matter is the only thing that matters is the end effect you have on people or the future.

The one thing I do admit is that we all do look for bliss in our lives and maybe stalin did find it. If so does that honestly make you want to be anything like him?

Overall, your scared and that's why you refuse to believe. Your first assumption was false and that was that everything you mentioned above is evil. Is it cohesive to living? Not really. If that is in fact the driving force of life then in the subjective sense it is evil but your trying to apply it to a broader spectrum. The second thing you were trying to do is to make that above look so evil that noone would possible believe it. Simple fact is I believe it but I still act majorly different than what you have described. As a living example your post is full of crap. Thirdly you're scared and in a sense we all are but you are lying in order to justify your beliefs. IF most atheists were good people and normal then you would have to accept that our belief has these so called "morals" however they generally don't go named as "morals". they are simply a way we live our lives. Atheism is a religion as much as most try to deny it.

btw I took the atheist side today because your just being a dumbass. I'm an Agnostic who really just doesn't care if god is there or not because we WILL ALL find out and to have your decisions limited and also your view by something we cannot see, cannot prove, and cannot fully imagine while also being omnipotent, omniscient, and all loving is foolish. I will live my life to the max but don't think you aren't trying to do the same thing.

edit: If anyone disagrees with this pls respond since descartes hasn't yet.

Howso? A religion is spread by it's followers. It's ideas are emulated by them. If the followers of a religion are not supposed to represent the religion itself then what USE is the religion unless it's for aesthetical purposes. Written scriptures are all good and well but if in actuality the followers do something different then it says something about how well the religion can be either manipulated or about what type of people the religion attracts either of which should be looked at as it is.

edit: adding a bit more in. Is it ok to simply ignore the followers of a religion instead for the scriptures itself. As all scriptures are interpreted(I don't believe there is simply 1) the followers of the religion call themselves X. If your interpretation of the scripture is different the your not really following religion X as they are the majority here. You are following religion Y. It may come from the same scripture but different beliefs make different religions. Therefore the people are the representation of the religion not the scripture itself.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
As to the life of stalin it really means nothing. Perfect life is nothing when you are dead. The reality of the matter is the only thing that matters is the end effect you have on people or the future.

The one thing I do admit is that we all do look for bliss in our lives and maybe stalin did find it. If so does that honestly make you want to be anything like him?

Before I repond, let me say that I appreciate your long and well thought out post. I'd also like to say that I DON'T think atheists in normally act as I have outlined, but instead, act as you stated, about the same as theists. My point is that if there is nothing but this life, then the only logical thing to do is to get the most out of it. Perhaps it even goes farther than no God... Descartes said "I think, therefore I am" (though he said it in French)... what if that's all there is? What if everything outside of you doesn't exist? You cannot prove otherwise...

I would argue that the ONLY thing that means anything in godlessness is personal enjoyment... "bliss" as you put it. The future means nothing, since you aren't there to take advantage of it. As you said, the perfect life means nothing when you are dead, so too the future means nothing when you are dead. Crimes have consequences, as you said... and therefore the logical thing to do is only commit crimes that are well thought out and have an extremely high potential degree of success without detection.

Having spoken to a lot of atheists about this subject, most have come to something like this "the meaning of life is whatever we make of it, but life does have meaning for each of us". If that be the case, then the "meaning" of life is just the individual flights of fancy of each person. If we approach the "meaning" the same way atheists approach the existence of God, then one must come to the conclusion that there is no meaning, just people deluding themselves into thinking there is meaning to make themselves feel better... just like is said about theists believing in God. Just because we want something to exist and believe in it doesn't mean it is true, right?

So if then, there is no raison d'etre or meaning other than "we're exist"... why does it not make sense to live like the beasts if we can? Most of society will go on living in the "matrix", but if one has truly come to the conclusion that there is no meaning or importance beyond one's self, then they should shed all these emotional notions about people and society and live stealthily like a cat... preying on people and society to get the most out of this meaningless existence while providing for their own comfort.

Most would never do this though... they don't believe in God, but somewhere deep down they still feel the need for label things as right or wrong, good or evil...etc. Those things don't actually exist either, they are just opinions, so they should be ignored as they cannot be proven, just like God cannot be proven. Then why believe in them? Because... if we don't delude ourselves with thinking that things matter, we kill ourselves. Ask anyone who's gone through really severe depression what the feeling of "nothing matters" does to a person. Most can't handle it, so theists and atheists alike make things up to convince themselves that there is some meaning to all this, even though without a God (or at least some judged continuing of life) there is no meaning.

I just with that people would really reflect and acknowledge that whether a theist or atheist, everyone lives by faith that there is some meaning and relevance to reality.

BTW... in general I agree with your assertion that there is no altruism, except that it doesn't explain the guy who jumps on a hand grenade to save his friends. He has no time to weigh the pros and cons... he will not gain favor from his friends for future usefulness... he will simply be dead.



Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2001
Originally posted by: Netopia
even though without a God (or at least some judged continuing of life) there is no meaning.

Spoken like a true believer. For those who truly believed in David Koresh's divinity there was no meaning to life without him. For those that truly believed in Jim Jones' divinity there was no meaning to life without him. Etc. Etc. Etc.

If you brought up your children to worship a coke bottle they will eventually feel there is no meaning to life without their coke bottle.

I'm sorry you feel that you need some 'threat' of reprisal from your God to behave yourself. I find that common assertion frightening. If true please stay caged by God so the rest of us can live without fear of you.


Senior member
Aug 9, 2006
Wow I've only read the first page in this thread and I'm shaking my head...do atheists have nothing better to do than try and make themselves feel good by denying God in a thread that was in no way trying to prove that He exists. It was a simple question, regradless of your beliefs...stop being imbeciles....


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: FrancesBeansRevenge
Originally posted by: Netopia
even though without a God (or at least some judged continuing of life) there is no meaning.

Spoken like a true believer. For those who truly believed in David Koresh's divinity there was no meaning to life without him. For those that truly believed in Jim Jones' divinity there was no meaning to life without him. Etc. Etc. Etc.

If you brought up your children to worship a coke bottle they will eventually feel there is no meaning to life without their coke bottle.

I'm sorry you feel that you need some 'threat' of reprisal from your God to behave yourself. I find that common assertion frightening. If true please stay caged by God so the rest of us can live without fear of you.

Please then... enlighten me with the purpose for and meaning of, life. Please don't give opinion, but fact, just as theists are asked to provide fact. If there is in fact neither meaning nor purpose to life, why do you constrain yourself?



Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2006
Originally posted by: Netopia
Originally posted by: FrancesBeansRevenge
Originally posted by: Netopia
even though without a God (or at least some judged continuing of life) there is no meaning.

Spoken like a true believer. For those who truly believed in David Koresh's divinity there was no meaning to life without him. For those that truly believed in Jim Jones' divinity there was no meaning to life without him. Etc. Etc. Etc.

If you brought up your children to worship a coke bottle they will eventually feel there is no meaning to life without their coke bottle.

I'm sorry you feel that you need some 'threat' of reprisal from your God to behave yourself. I find that common assertion frightening. If true please stay caged by God so the rest of us can live without fear of you.

Please then... enlighten me with the purpose for and meaning of, life. Please don't give opinion, but fact, just as theists are asked to provide fact. If there is in fact neither meaning nor purpose to life, why do you constrain yourself?


The fact of the matter, as you like to ask, is that the species in general does what is good for the survival of that species. To breed, to continue their genetic offspring, and to see it succeed so that it too can have more offspring. That is the goal of life, to perpetuate itself. Rather simple view, but holds true to natural law. If a species becomes overcrowded in a given area, they typically fight amongst themselves in order to reduce the population, to prevent overabundance and depletion of natural resources. When the resources call into question, then competition arises for that resource.

This is the natural flow of life. The rise and fall of the tides. It has gone on long since before humanity was born. Life feeds on life except on the most base level (microorganisms which are capable of consuming raw inorganic material). Example: If there are too many wolves, and not enough rabbits within a small ecosystem, then the wolf population cuts back on it's own because there is simply not enough food. If the wolves are cut back, then the rabbit population explodes until there is not enough food for it. If the rabbit population explodes, then the wolf population will rise fast as it has all the food it needs, until the rabbit population is trimmed down, and once again the wolf population falls. In this way, the natural harmony is maintained throughout the generations.


Senior member
Sep 13, 2006
Originally posted by: FrancesBeansRevenge
Originally posted by: Netopia
even though without a God (or at least some judged continuing of life) there is no meaning.

Spoken like a true believer. For those who truly believed in David Koresh's divinity there was no meaning to life without him. For those that truly believed in Jim Jones' divinity there was no meaning to life without him. Etc. Etc. Etc.

If you brought up your children to worship a coke bottle they will eventually feel there is no meaning to life without their coke bottle.

I'm sorry you feel that you need some 'threat' of reprisal from your God to behave yourself. I find that common assertion frightening. If true please stay caged by God so the rest of us can live without fear of you.

I'll pray for you, thats all I have to say.


Diamond Member
Jun 28, 2001
Originally posted by: Scarpozzi
Originally posted by: slsmnaz
Originally posted by: BD2003
Originally posted by: Scarpozzi
Christians tend to beat their bibles so loud that they wouldn't hear the news that God isn't real. They would warp the message to what THEY believe and it'd be a lost cause.

A perfect example of this is the Darwin vs Bible discussion....if you can call it a discussion. Either you believe in science or you believe in a book that was written by people that lived 2000+ years ago. You can debate that it was God that wrote the bible, but the human element exists in its writings... I don't doubt that it's a great document and that it instills great moral values. What I really don't doubt is that the world is 4.6 billion years old and that the rock record proves that dinosaurs DID exist.

Allow me to degenerate the thread further in an instant with two words:

Big Bang.

You can believe in God and science. A very loud, small minority of Christians are the ones everybody concentrates on.
Even the quiet ones seem to be extremists when it comes to this. My Aunt is an example....she was taught in her church (Southern Baptist) that "Radio Carbon Dating isn't as accurate as scientists originally thought...." Last time I checked, the half-life of uranium is precise enough when it comes to BILLIONS of YEARS.

that's funny, cause radio carbon dating doesn't deal with uranium...



Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by: RapidSnail
Originally posted by: loic2003
Originally posted by: RapidSnail
Because what reason is there to live a life abstaining from alcohol and keeping one woman and doing all that is good if there is no God? Tell me where the morals that you keep in your conscience have originated from. Why shouldn't we kill? We're only animals after all, there is no sanctity of life among them. What about adultery, homosexuality, and incest? The animals do it and I am one of them, correct? What am I rewarded for living a clean life on earth if God is dead? Nothing. I might as well enjoy myself for the very short time I'm on the planet and live out my worldly desires.

Listen to this nutter!

You think 'the animals' are living by rape and murder all the time? Are you freaking *BLIND*? Just look at the social structures of pack animals: dolphins, elephants, kookaburras, meerkats, apes, etc etc etc etc etc.... they all live together working as a team and don't go around murdering each other. They show compassion (yes, tests have shown that many animals display empathy) and altruistic behaviour. Are you fvcking crazy? you think the *only* thing that stops you from going out and raping a baby is that you believe there's a god watching you? Dude.... you are fvcked up. Go seek help, for the safety of those around you. Please!

Hey, I don't believe in god, yet for years I've been volunteering at local youth projects in the evenings, because it feels good to give something back (if you have your own computer, chances are you're in the top ~1% richest people on the planet). I don't do it because it'll get me into a magical afterlife world, and would hate to feel that the only reason I do good things are to suck up and please some magical feller, who returns people's good deeds with famines and tsunamis.

Start thinking, dude.

Nowhere did I say animals are living by rape and murder, that should be painfully obvious. What I was attempting to accentuate was the very lack of morals in the animal kingdom. And while animals will, at times, exhibit emotional reflexes, the point is there is no guilt of conscience in them when they do something that would be utterly appalling to us; the ultimate idea being that we are much more than highly evolved animals.

I should mention that I am speaking purely hypothetically on this matter, because it is my very strong belief that God created man in his own image (Genesis 1:27). Of course I also oppose the doctrine of evolution: that we have evolved from lesser beings to what we are today. Therefore, I know that God is not dead and that whether you believe in him or not, the conscience and inherent morality of mankind is not a result of evolutionary processes but an attribute given us by God. I can then safely say that had God not existed and had we evolved from nothingness, that man should not carry those virtues which we clearly possess. Accordingly, the only thing that would be separating us from our supposed predecessors would be a greater capacity to survive along with higher intelligence.
I don't agree with you. Animals typically conserve their energy, and to randomly go out and savage other creatures for no particular reason doesn't sound quite right with me.

On the contrast, a quick google brings up this list of choice quotes, from your supposed set of moral guidlines. Is this what we should be teaching the youth of today instead of the scientific method?

I don't think so, matey.

Finally, the whole 'I feel or just know god exists' to me sounds very much like something people want to believe or have been indoctrinated (mindwashed) into thinking this. If I had a kid, and every day from birth taught him a magic wizard had created the planet, by his teen years, even if someone told him otherwise, I bet you he'd 'know' the magic wizard existed.

It's all very, very obvious 101 psychology.


Senior member
Dec 3, 2006
Science and Crhstianity can co-exist. Many educated people are Christian. I would reckon, many educated people are religious in some way or another while the uneducated are atheists.
Atheists are ignorant of that fact.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
Originally posted by: eojinlim
Science and Crhstianity can co-exist. Many educated people are Christian. I would reckon, many educated people are religious in some way or another while the uneducated are atheists.
Atheists are ignorant of that fact.

From your post:
Christians are a subset of educated people.
Religeous people are a subset of educated people.
All uneducated people are atheists.
All atheists are unaware of the above.

Adding to this:
All people start out uneducated.

Therefore, all people start out as atheists.


Golden Member
Feb 24, 2006
im not religious at all and if i found out god wasnt real id keep on living my life while dodging the protesters and bullets from the other side of the street...


Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2006
Originally posted by: ironwing
Originally posted by: eojinlim
Science and Crhstianity can co-exist. Many educated people are Christian. I would reckon, many educated people are religious in some way or another while the uneducated are atheists.
Atheists are ignorant of that fact.

From your post:
Christians are a subset of educated people.
Religeous people are a subset of educated people.
All uneducated people are atheists.
All atheists are unaware of the above.

Adding to this:
All people start out uneducated.

Therefore, all people start out as atheists.

Unless you're baptised as a baby. ^^


Golden Member
Feb 24, 2006
eojinhim wing your reading way to much into this. people who are uneducated are not all athiests. its called freedom iof religion. try reading the Constitution of the god dam US. just because your an idiot doesnt mean you dont believe in god. like you for example, you are highly uneducated and i am guessing you beleive in some sort of god.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
Originally posted by: covert24
eojinhim wing your reading way to much into this. people who are uneducated are not all athiests. its called freedom iof religion. try reading the Constitution of the god dam US. just because your an idiot doesnt mean you dont believe in god. like you for example, you are highly uneducated and i am guessing you beleive in some sort of god.

I have been defeated.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2004
I find this all very fascinating. I am a 16 year old kid. I am a Christian. I have faith, along with facts. I don't want to try and be a jerk to anyone but let me say a few things.

-One to answer the question. If I found out God wasn't real, I would probably not care about being so kind and living for him. My faith would be pointless. I would live for myself like so many others do, "religious" and non-religious alike.

-Two, I believe in the big bang. I believe parts of evolution, but not most of it. I have done my research. I've read many books on evolution and on faith. It is all quite interesting to me.

-Three, no matter how much I say about evolution being untrue, or how much you say it is true, I don't think it will change anyones viewpoint. God shows himself to people and that is what they base their faith upon, not on facts.

-Four, I would like to say a saying I came up with "Science is the study of God's creation. The problem is, evolution is the study of using God's creation to disprove him" So basically whenever I read evolution material and "facts" about it, it just helps me build my faith in God because I can't help but see his fingerprint.

-Five, it was nice that you read this. Thanks for the discussion. See you in the end of all things!
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