What would you do if you found out that God wasn't real

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Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: thraashman
As far as what I'd do if I found out God wasn't real. Well I'll start by saying that I'm an Atheist, so quite frankly not much would change for me. I have a feeling I may end up having to spend time with some friends who have trouble if it was a worldwide everyone finds out God isn't real thing.

Now, if I were religious and I was present with incontravertable evidence that God didn't exist. I think first I'd brow beat Pat Robertson. Then I'd do everything I could to continue living a good life. I guess I feel that people who live their life for God aren't actually living their life. Sometimes it seems like people don't think straight about God. They think "hey, God gave me this great gift called life and all he wants me to do with it is thank him." That's like if a friend gave me a really really cool gift but told me the only condition upon which I could keep it is if I thanked him constantly .... and made sure that I only used the gift when he was around and always let him use it first, and basically didn't get to enjoy the gift for what it is.

It's as simple as this. If a god exists and it's benevolent, then God doesn't care if you believe or not so long as you live your life by good principles. If a god exists and wants you to spend all your life praising him and would punish you for not believing regardless of your acts, then that god is not benevolent and is in fact the most evil being in existence. So even if I was proved God did exist, but it was proved to me that God would punish non-believers, even if I knew for a fact that God existed, I would dedicate my life to destroying the belief in that God. Not because I want people to suffer, but because the more people that are in the end NOT on the side of that evil god, the better chance of there being enough souls to depose God and put in a benevolent leader. Kinda like a military coup, but without the natural totalitarian dictatorship that follows. Truthfully, most of the time it seems to me that God is presented as the most vicious, horrible, totalitarian dictator there is. Most "believers" are simply afraid NOT to believe in God, which is a sad, sad existence.

At least you have some basis for your reasoning, and aren't just saying it because you can.

I don't mean to insult you but I did want to clarify some things.

They think "hey, God gave me this great gift called life and all he wants me to do with it is thank him.

I do not recall a passage in the Bible stating that you should spend your entire life thanking him. It says that Jesus came to save us and that we are supposed to live in his image. We are supposed to (yet we always fall short) of leading a sin-less life.

Additionally we (And by we I mean Christians) are supposed to spread God's word so that all may know of his compassion and glory.

If a god exists and wants you to spend all your life praising him and would punish you for not believing regardless of your acts

The Bible never states that you will be punished if you don't spend your entire life praising God for every waking moment of the day. Not only that for people who don't believe it states that Jesus died to save us from out sins. He was the ultimate sacrifice. He died so that we (We meaning everyone) may not perish but have eternal life.

There is no expiration date. All one would need to do is ask for forgiveness.

Truthfully, most of the time it seems to me that God is presented as the most vicious, horrible, totalitarian dictator there is.

Do you have any evidence for this? I don't mean to offend you in any way, but what leads you to believe this?

Most "believers" are simply afraid NOT to believe in God, which is a sad, sad existence.

People who believe in God are not afraid to believe in something else. It is our choice to believe in God. And we believe that our choice is right with every bone in our body. Being scared has nothing to do with it...where did you get this idea?



Golden Member
Dec 17, 2004
I am a Christian. Hypothetically, if there was proof God didn't exist, I would not go to church anymore.

It is really hard for a Christian to explain to someone why we believe. The evidence of Christ is within ourselves. Sometimes I really wish I could just somehow open myself up and show people, but its impossible.


Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
I wonder if any of the people here bashing religion have any basis for their arguments. Have you studied any of this information at all...or are you saying that you read about some science and instead of looking into it just said Religion is wrong and this is right.

I dare say that I have spent more time evaluating religious concepts and philosophical arguments than a sizable majority of the posters on this forum -- particularly the ones that represent themselves as Christians. I don't think that I "bash" religion in general, however there certainly are religious modes (young-earth creationism, for example) that deserve all the bashing that they get.

Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
Originally posted by: Juddog
Originally posted by: AMDZen
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
Science and Religion can definitely compliment each other. Answer this. In the alps (I believe it is the alps) they found the remains of a huge boat, an ark. The only conceivable way, even scientists agree, that it could have gotten there was by a great flood.

I'm chiming in simply because most people have seen the picture of the supposed ark and not just scientists, but most religious people agree that its just a rock. Its been an ongoing issue, don't get me wrong it hasn't been proven either way - but chances are there is no boar there.

What is this boat that you are talking about? I haven't heard anything about it.

Do a Google search for Mount Ararat Ark and you will get millions of articles on it. The ark is supposedly the ark from Genesis which was used to protect the animals and a few people when God flooded the earth (He flooded it because the people had become "bad" to put it in simple terms and for lack of a better word lol).

I'm chiming in simply because most people have seen the picture of the supposed ark and not just scientists, but most religious people agree that its just a rock. Its been an ongoing issue, don't get me wrong it hasn't been proven either way - but chances are there is no boar there.

Well judging by the pictures I have seen it doesn't look natural. But to each his own. I am particularly talking about this. It just doesn't strike me, again I am no expert on this or anything I am merely giving my opinion, that this is natural. It looks like something man made.

Additionally I have read reports, whether they are credible or not I don't know, that wood chips and what not have been found.

Again, I honestly don't know, I only know what Google has told me about this evidence lol.




Jul 1, 2001
Originally posted by: meltdown75
Originally posted by: ultimatebob
I don't think that you could convince a hardcore Christian that God isn't real, no matter how hard you tried or how good the evidence is.

Keep in mind that these folks already ignore millions of pages of scientific data that shows that the world is more than 6,000 years old, simply because they've decided to take a literal interpretation of Genesis 1.
"Science" is nothing more than a man-made set of ideas and concepts used to catalogue, measure and test phenomena that we perceive with our five senses. To assume that we are the ultimate beings and our science is the ultimate tool for gaining wisdom is quite a tough cookie for me to swallow. It would be quite the feat for a species as young as ours to be so intelligent though! Such a feat, in fact, that I would never place faith in such a feeble construct.

I like science because you can often work out the formulas yourself and Prove that they're true. You simply can't do that with religion... you need to take most of it on faith. Perhaps I'm a just a cynic, but prefer to choose hard numbers and facts over a gut feeling when I have a choice.


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2006
Originally posted by: Garth
Originally posted by: RapidSnail
If God wasn't real, I would live a lascivious life filled sex and drugs; I would do all the carnal things that my heart desires. After all, I would just rot into the ground when I die.

The only thing keeping me from doing those things is the promise of eternal life given to those who believe in Jesus Christ.

It does not automatically follow from "God doesn't exist" to "I would just rot into the ground when I die."

And why don't you find virtue to be it's own reward? What a sad, sad life you must lead.

Because what reason is there to live a life abstaining from alcohol and keeping one woman and doing all that is good if there is no God? Tell me where the morals that you keep in your conscience have originated from. Why shouldn't we kill? We're only animals after all, there is no sanctity of life among them. What about adultery, homosexuality, and incest? The animals do it and I am one of them, correct? What am I rewarded for living a clean life on earth if God is dead? Nothing. I might as well enjoy myself for the very short time I'm on the planet and live out my worldly desires.

Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: RapidSnail
Originally posted by: Garth
Originally posted by: RapidSnail
If God wasn't real, I would live a lascivious life filled sex and drugs; I would do all the carnal things that my heart desires. After all, I would just rot into the ground when I die.

The only thing keeping me from doing those things is the promise of eternal life given to those who believe in Jesus Christ.

It does not automatically follow from "God doesn't exist" to "I would just rot into the ground when I die."

And why don't you find virtue to be it's own reward? What a sad, sad life you must lead.

Because what reason is there to live a life abstaining from alcohol and keeping one woman and doing all that is good if there is no God?
I need to be able to look myself in the mirror every morning.

The fact is that there are as many reasons as you want there to be. The sad part is that you can't seem to think of any.

Tell me where the morals that you keep in your conscience have originated from. Why shouldn't we kill? We're only animals after all, there is no sanctity of life among them. What about adultery, homosexuality, and incest? The animals do it and I am one of them, correct? What am I rewarded for living a clean life on earth if God is dead? Nothing. I might as well enjoy myself for the very short time I'm on the planet and live out my worldly desires.
I suggest you start a new thread if you are dissatisfied with the answer I've already given. If you think my answer through, you will see that it directly addresses all of your questions.



Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2006
Originally posted by: Garth
I need to be able to look myself in the mirror every morning.

The fact is that there are as many reasons as you want there to be. The sad part is that you can't seem to think of any.

Garth, no living thing on this earth is willing nor does want to die. The issue is that since evolution reduces us to nothing more than glorified animals, yet nonetheless animals, why would it wrong (once again something that is determined by morals) for one to take the life of another?

I suggest you start a new thread if you are dissatisfied with the answer I've already given. If you think my answer through, you will see that it directly addresses all of your questions.

Since I do not understand, could I bother you to expound on your previous answer?

Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: RapidSnail
Originally posted by: Garth
I need to be able to look myself in the mirror every morning.

The fact is that there are as many reasons as you want there to be. The sad part is that you can't seem to think of any.

Garth, no living thing on this earth is willing nor does want to die.
I have no idea what relevance his is supposed to have, and as a point of fact suicides would seem to contradict you.

The issue is that since evolution reduces us to nothing more than glorified animals, yet nonetheless animals, why would it wrong (once again something that is determined by morals) for one to take the life of another?
Already answered.

I suggest you start a new thread if you are dissatisfied with the answer I've already given. If you think my answer through, you will see that it directly addresses all of your questions.

Since I do not understand, could I bother you to expound on your previous answer?
We each have our own reasons for conforming to a set of ideals. It is just sad that you have so few while the rest of us seem to have so many.


Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: Garth
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
Originally posted by: Juddog
Originally posted by: AMDZen
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
Science and Religion can definitely compliment each other. Answer this. In the alps (I believe it is the alps) they found the remains of a huge boat, an ark. The only conceivable way, even scientists agree, that it could have gotten there was by a great flood.

I'm chiming in simply because most people have seen the picture of the supposed ark and not just scientists, but most religious people agree that its just a rock. Its been an ongoing issue, don't get me wrong it hasn't been proven either way - but chances are there is no boar there.

What is this boat that you are talking about? I haven't heard anything about it.

Do a Google search for Mount Ararat Ark and you will get millions of articles on it. The ark is supposedly the ark from Genesis which was used to protect the animals and a few people when God flooded the earth (He flooded it because the people had become "bad" to put it in simple terms and for lack of a better word lol).

I'm chiming in simply because most people have seen the picture of the supposed ark and not just scientists, but most religious people agree that its just a rock. Its been an ongoing issue, don't get me wrong it hasn't been proven either way - but chances are there is no boar there.

Well judging by the pictures I have seen it doesn't look natural. But to each his own. I am particularly talking about this. It just doesn't strike me, again I am no expert on this or anything I am merely giving my opinion, that this is natural. It looks like something man made.

Additionally I have read reports, whether they are credible or not I don't know, that wood chips and what not have been found.

Again, I honestly don't know, I only know what Google has told me about this evidence lol.



Ok so one person disproves of it -_-

I dare say that I have spent more time evaluating religious concepts and philosophical arguments than a sizable majority of the posters on this forum -- particularly the ones that represent themselves as Christians. I don't think that I "bash" religion in general, however there certainly are religious modes (young-earth creationism, for example) that deserve all the bashing that they get.

Perhaps, but then again, a lot of people claiming to be Religious do not act like it nor do they conduct their lives like it- Therefore they fit into those hasty generalizations that people always use against that particular religion.



Mar 31, 2003
Finally, David Fasold suggested that, although the structure is not Noah's Ark, it may very well be the site which the ancients regarded as the ship of the Deluge and may have played a role in the Flood story. As a geologist, I find this to be a interesting speculation.

I am still skeptical as he is the only one to have come to this conclusion. But despite that, he says the above quote.


Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
Finally, David Fasold suggested that, although the structure is not Noah's Ark, it may very well be the site which the ancients regarded as the ship of the Deluge and may have played a role in the Flood story. As a geologist, I find this to be a interesting speculation.

I am still skeptical as he is the only one to have come to this conclusion.
But he isn't. He is just the one to publish the conclusion.

But despite that, he says the above quote.



Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: RapidSnail
If God wasn't real, I would live a lascivious life filled sex and drugs; I would do all the carnal things that my heart desires. After all, I would just rot into the ground when I die.

The only thing keeping me from doing those things is the promise of eternal life given to those who believe in Jesus Christ.

Why? The reason not to live that kind of life is not because you might be punished in some afterlife, but because they are punishing to mind and body in THIS life. No offense, but you missed the whole point of what the Teacher was trying to teach you.

Luke 17:20-21
Once, having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, "The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation,
nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you."


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
BTW, the question is illogical under any circumstances. It's like asking, what would you do if you found out reality wasn't real?

However, I will let the various opposing radicals go back to flinging poo made out of straw at each other.

Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Vic
BTW, the question is illogical under any circumstances. It's like asking, what would you do if you found out reality wasn't real?

However, I will let the various opposing radicals go back to flinging poo made out of straw at each other.

While I get your meaning, I think you're being sneaky with your own definition of God.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Garth
Originally posted by: Vic
BTW, the question is illogical under any circumstances. It's like asking, what would you do if you found out reality wasn't real?

However, I will let the various opposing radicals go back to flinging poo made out of straw at each other.

While I get your meaning, I think you're being sneaky with your own definition of God.

How do you define God? I haven't seen anywhere in this thread that we are supposed to stick to the exact definition according to the dogma of some particular religion. And there are religions (large ones, in fact, like Hinduism) that do define God as reality itself.

So I don't need to be sneaky. This is a concept with no exact definition except that which individuals choose to give it. As such, the individual's perception of God (and not God per se, real or not) says more than a lot about their perception of themselves and the world.

Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: Garth
Originally posted by: Vic
BTW, the question is illogical under any circumstances. It's like asking, what would you do if you found out reality wasn't real?

However, I will let the various opposing radicals go back to flinging poo made out of straw at each other.

While I get your meaning, I think you're being sneaky with your own definition of God.

How do you define God?
It is irrelevant how I define God.

I haven't seen anywhere in this thread that we are supposed to stick to the exact definition according to the dogma of some particular religion. And there are religions (large ones, in fact, like Hinduism) that do define God as reality itself.
But there are definitions of God for which the question is not illogical, so your claim about the OP's question is false.

So I don't need to be sneaky. This is a concept with no exact definition except that which individuals choose to give it. As such, the individual's perception of God (and not God per se, real or not) says more than a lot about their perception of themselves and the world.
That doesn't affect my point.



Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Garth
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: Garth
Originally posted by: Vic
BTW, the question is illogical under any circumstances. It's like asking, what would you do if you found out reality wasn't real?

However, I will let the various opposing radicals go back to flinging poo made out of straw at each other.

While I get your meaning, I think you're being sneaky with your own definition of God.

How do you define God?
It is irrelevant how I define God.

I haven't seen anywhere in this thread that we are supposed to stick to the exact definition according to the dogma of some particular religion. And there are religions (large ones, in fact, like Hinduism) that do define God as reality itself.
But there are definitions of God for which the question is not illogical, so your claim about the OP's question is false.

So I don't need to be sneaky. This is a concept with no exact definition except that which individuals choose to give it. As such, the individual's perception of God (and not God per se, real or not) says more than a lot about their perception of themselves and the world.
That doesn't affect my point.
Okay, whoa... so you get to create your own definitions in the other thread, but I have to abide by your definitions here in this thread? I don't think so, Tim.


Jun 19, 2003
Originally posted by: Juddog
Originally posted by: DainBramaged
Same thing now, except the going to church thing once every few weeks.

Why stop going to church? Wouldn't you miss the social network that you had from going?

None of the girls ever put out, anyway.


Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: DainBramaged
Originally posted by: Juddog
Originally posted by: DainBramaged
Same thing now, except the going to church thing once every few weeks.

Why stop going to church? Wouldn't you miss the social network that you had from going?

None of the girls ever put out, anyway.

Oh darn -_-....maybe you should rethink your priorities there big guy.



Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: DainBramaged
Originally posted by: Juddog
Originally posted by: DainBramaged
Same thing now, except the going to church thing once every few weeks.

Why stop going to church? Wouldn't you miss the social network that you had from going?

None of the girls ever put out, anyway.

Huh? What's up with you? They did for me.
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