What's better? GeForce 2 Ultra or the new ATI Radeon?

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Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2000

<< we never said the Geforce wasn't a good card too, but he and a couple others decided to make it a war. >>

yep. happens when you try to talk graphics with an nvidiot. It's not a computer hardware choice, it's a religion. Mention that something else MIGHT be better for YOUR needs, and they go apesh|t

<< Really, well the GF2/GF2 Ultra also excell in 32 bit colour too and kill the Radeon. Guess that flushes your theory down the toilet >>

are you really trying to compare a card that hasn't shipped yet to a card that is $200 cheaper and is shipping NOW?
and &quot;kill&quot; is a strong word. The GTS-U doesn't even &quot;kill&quot; the Radeon in 32-bit.

<< a GF2 MX is able to achieve higher fps in low resolutions which the Radeon can't. >>

that's nice. So who cares? I'm not going to spend $300 on a card so I can run low-res. WTF?

<< If I play UT and I don't play Q3, then please explain what relevence Q3 scores are to me. How about because they show realistic benchmarks? >>

again, if I don't play Q3, then of what relevence are the Q3 scores to me? They say nothing at all about my performance in UT or NFSU. There is more to life than a Q3 benchmark.

<< Please tell me how many D3d games w/T&amp;L optimizations you play.
More than the $600 V5 6000 is going to run.

that didn't answer the question. The 6000 will still run all those games, but they won't run with T&amp;L enabled. Please answer the question. Or better yet, name the games now. Here's all the space you'll need, Good luck: There. Short list I see.

<< Maximum lifespan of the V5 6000: 3 months. And you were saying nVidiots replace their hardware often? Sheesh! >>

I can guarantee that i&quot;ll be playing Q3, UT, Deux Ex and NFSU for longer than 3 months. Nice try tho.

<< Yes. That is with TC enabled. The GF2 has the ugliest excuse for TC going. I have a GTS 64MB and the TC is sorry-a$$. I turn it off, so those benchmarks mean NOTHING to me.
True, but who is to say that driver updates won't fix this?

this has been an issue since Detonator 2, and it has not come even close to being fixed. nvidia doesn't even acknowledge it. Don't hold your breath. I'm not.

<< I want raw fps anyway so I would play at low resolutions which will minimise the requirements of TC. >>

er.....WTF? why not just buy a cheapo GeF SDR then? Are you really going to pay more than $100 for a video card to play in low resolutions? Hey man, your $$$. Spend it however you want *laff*

<< Once again, I prefer to live in the present. >>

so leave the GTS-U out of it. It's vaporware until it's released.

<< Also, the Voodoo has nothing to do with this thread either, so what are all you zombies doing here? Go home and play your FSAA games and leave the arguments about real video cards to someone else. >>

yep. an nvidiot and proud of it. at least you don't try to hide it.

<< Uh.... yeah sure.... is that mixing up... or messing up??... By that sentince you made it sound like you were trying to say the Radeon had some kind of (vram) better memory then the Geforce2 and still couldn't compete.
Gosh you Radeon guys are so smart but you don't even know what synonyms are.

VRAM is a specific type of RAM used in older graphics cards. At the time it was quite advanced, as it was &quot;dual-ported&quot; and allowed information to be read and written to the card at the same time. In its day, it was considered &quot;better memory&quot;. So you didn't use a synonym, you unwittingly used a computer-specific term incorrectly. Perhaps if you knew more than the words to the GeForce Bible, you'd realize this you silly fella you.

<< I will be getting a GF2 MX for 1/2 - 1/3 the price of your board and outperforming your &quot;super&quot; Radeon at 640 * 480 and 800 * 600 resolutions >>

oh lord dude. WTF do you even care then? Your needs are *very* specific. YOu want 640x480 and 8x6xUGLY. Why do you even bother looking at cards like the 5500, the Radeon, the GTS or the GTS-U? If you spend that much $$$ to play in low resolutions, you're nuts. Go away.....


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Excuse me but lack of vision? Get your eyes checked pal, I never said anything about a list of T&amp;L games.

If anything i have a bigger &quot;vision&quot; then you do, which is why i been saying the Radeon has more features the just T&amp;L.


Aug 14, 2000
This issue has totally been blown out of proportion. This is my opinion:

I don't deny the Radeon is a good board. The board is a nice, well-rounded card which in my opinion comes in at an easy second place among PC video cards. My real problem is with 3dfx and their Voodoos, which are totally inferior to anything else.

As a gamer on the budget I want a card with the best bang for buck. No-one here can deny that the GF2 MX has this, so that is what I will replace my V3 2000 with. If I did have $300 to spend, I would certainly consider a Radeon but I would choose a GF2 in the end. I would never even think of a Voodoo though.

I want speed anyway and I don't mind running at 640 X 480 or 800 X 600 to achieve high fps. Once again you cannot deny the MX isn't the best price/perfomance card at these resolutions.

The DXTC issue in Q3 does not concern me or most other nVidia users because it is only in one game (that I play), can be avoided, and it is also very likely to be fixed. The other games play just fine.

For gamers I believe the GF based boards are simply better at gaming than the Radeon. The Radeon certainly has other attractive features but I buy video cards for gaming and for at least a decent 2D picture quality. DVD is not really an issue for me.

That is not to say the Radeon is a useless gaming board. But I still think nVidia's boards are simply better at gaming overall.

Now, on to the responses...

Whatever.... Simple fact is you made that sentince sound like the Radeon had something that it doesn't. It wasn't a &quot;oh it was Video RAM&quot;... I had a bunch of my friends read that sentince and they all agreed you tried to make it sound like something else then &quot;oh mixing up the english to be cool and say video ram.&quot;

I can't believe there are so many paranoid readers in this forum. I can see I will have to be careful with choosing my words or you will think it's a conspiracy to confuse you or something.

BTW don't give me tips about english when you can't even spell. There is no such word as &quot;sentince&quot; my friend.

I am not a die hard Radeon fan. This is my first ATI card. If anything I am more of a Nvidia fan then anything, last cards i had before this Radeon was a TNT, TNT2 Ultra, then the Geforce. This card just simply beat the Geforce GTS in features as well as speed (when the DET2 drivers were all that were out)

OK fine, I don't have problem with that. I would still say the GF2 is better a better gaming card overall. For features certainly the Radeon, but all I am after is gaming (and decent 2D too).

Your post up above (unless you edit it out so that you can say you never said anything) talked about how it was a joke to think ATI could produce any driver updates with any tweaks. Well moron, i just told you they came out with 2 beta drivers that not only made the Radeon a little bit faster but, also made the image quality even BETTER. Sorry if your to stupid to figure out that is what is called a &quot;tweak&quot;. So you just wasted your own time telling me that i wasted mine.

Well that's fine. Based on ATI's track record that is surprising but I certainly believe you. nVidia are also working on new drivers as we speak.
Should be interseting indeed.

Well... My hat is off to you and your 640*480 and 800*600 G2MX. Oh yeah you will whip my Radeons butt (Techno stop laughing).... but, but, but wait... I don't play games at those resolutions. I play at 1280*1024 or at 1600*1200. And thats why (besides having better features) the Radeon was made in the first place. Not only for the user of 640x480 and 800x600 (ATI saw it was fast ENOUGH at those resolutions and moved on) but mostly for people that play at 1024x768 and UP in 32BIT.

Well I am happy with this kind of performance for 1/2 - 1/3 the price, as I mentioned before. As for $300, the GF2 edges out the Radeon at high res and demolishes it in low res. Once again I am after raw fps which is why I would go with an nVidia board.

As to the pricing. I wasn't talking about YOU.. i was talking in &quot;general&quot;. If a person goes out and buys a $500 card and then 4 months down the road they buy a game that uses a few features not on the Geforce2, and the person really wants to have those features, he has to buy a new card ($200-$325) and hope that someone is dumb enough to buy the $500 video card off him.

You mean like a V5 6000?

The only reason the geforce2 beats the radeon at the moment was because Geforce2 cards were getting spanked by the Radeon when it first came out and the Geforce2 only had DET2 drivers then. So Nvdia reacted by coming out w/ DET3. Do you really think Nvidia would have been in such a hurry to make the DET3 unless they saw a problem on the horizon (a competing card).

Just tell me one thing: do you really think that ATI's driver updates will boost the Radeon to beat a GF2 Ultra? I don't think so. Thus nVidia will remain the speed king yet again until the NV20 comes out.

Also, this just shows your not with it. Yes, carmack and the other guy uses a Geforce... Yes... they are very good programmers.. but guess what hot shot?

I think you forget that Carmack is the single most influential game programmer in the industry. What he says often influences video card manufacturers to put those features on their boards. I think we all remember the rush that all the graphic card companies had last christmas to update their OpenGL drivers. This was exclusively so they wouldn't miss out on running Quake 3.

EDIT.... Looks like ATI just came out with another beta driver update for Win2K. So... 2 for Win2K and 2 for Win9X. And still... with in 1 month of release.

Big deal. nVidia at one stage were updating their drivers once every two weeks as well.

What???... huh???... They didn't use the exclusive NVIDIA CARD? The SAME Nvidia card that goes in the X-box? The SAME Nvidia that is working SSSOOOOO close with Microsoft? Oh my god!!!!!

I'd be interested to see if they run any benchmarks on it and compare it to a GF2 Ultra.

yep. happens when you try to talk graphics with an nvidiot. It's not a computer hardware choice, it's a religion. Mention that something else MIGHT be better for YOUR needs, and they go apesh|t

The same applies for zombies and FATIs.

that's nice. So who cares? I'm not going to spend $300 on a card so I can run low-res. WTF?

I was talking about the MX which costs $100-$150.

again, if I don't play Q3, then of what relevence are the Q3 scores to me? They say nothing at all about my performance in UT or NFSU. There is more to life than a Q3 benchmark.

Oh so you're a zombie. How come you are agreeing with Techno then? He says he likes the Radeon better than the GF boards because it has more features like DX 8 support (I understand his point).

But what about 3dfx? Not only will the V5 not have DX 8 support but it won't have T&amp;L either. So what happens when it tries run a game with both? I'll tell you what: both of those VSA (very suckful addons) chips will drop off the board like dead flies.

that didn't answer the question. The 6000 will still run all those games, but they won't run with T&amp;L enabled. Please answer the question. Or better yet, name the games now. Here's all the space you'll need, Good luck: There. Short list I see.

T&amp;L titles.

Thanks for the link Weyoun!

See the point above. Again I don't see how you can agree with Techno. His points directly contradict yours. He wants features but your board has a lack of features. Stop trying to hitch a ride on his back and argue for yourself.

I can guarantee that i&quot;ll be playing Q3, UT, Deux Ex and NFSU for longer than 3 months. Nice try tho.

Meanwhile GF and Radeon owners will be playing Q3, MDK2, Unreal 2 and the other hundred T&amp;L games either in development or already out there. See the link above.

this has been an issue since Detonator 2, and it has not come even close to being fixed. nvidia doesn't even acknowledge it. Don't hold your breath. I'm not.

Of course they don't acknowledge it. The driver updates are supposed to be unnofficial anyway with no support from nVidia. That's not to say they won't fix it.

er.....WTF? why not just buy a cheapo GeF SDR then? Are you really going to pay more than $100 for a video card to play in low resolutions? Hey man, your $$$. Spend it however you want *laff*

I am getting a cheapo GF2 MX! Do you keep missing the MX or something?

VRAM is a specific type of RAM used in older graphics cards. At the time it was quite advanced, as it was &quot;dual-ported&quot; and allowed information to be read and written to the card at the same time. In its day, it was considered &quot;better memory&quot;. So you didn't use a synonym, you unwittingly used a computer-specific term incorrectly. Perhaps if you knew more than the words to the GeForce Bible, you'd realize this you silly fella you.

VRAM as I used it is Video RAM, a simple abbreviation of two words. If I had used Video RAM instead would I still be under interrogation? If all you have to cling to is argueing over semantics and interpretations of wording you are argueing for a lost cause.

oh lord dude. WTF do you even care then? Your needs are *very* specific. YOu want 640x480 and 8x6xUGLY. Why do you even bother looking at cards like the 5500, the Radeon, the GTS or the GTS-U? If you spend that much $$$ to play in low resolutions, you're nuts. Go away.....

Because somebody who wants raw fps will not find it with a Radeon and will certainly not find it with a Voodoo. I have already admitted I am a gamer on a budget. Somebody who wants to spend $$$ for performance can consider the GF2 Ultra.


Platinum Member
May 28, 2000
Techno: ATi will never be able to catch up nvidia in driver speed and game compatiblity. NVidia is years ahead due to their unified driver sets.

Also Win2k is a great gaming os with nvidia cards but its not true with radeons. With the radeon in win2k you get horrible performance and very little game compatiblity.

Also ATI is WAY behind is FSAA. NVidia's FSAA is very good now whereas ati's is crap in comparison.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999

i am sorry but i have to let you in on a secret..... I am sorry to break this to you but, Windows 2000 was NEVER ment to be a PURE gaming OS!! Oh, Its True, Its true. See, Windows 2000 is AKA NT5.0. Yes, yep, i know its a shocker. NT is a BUISNESS OS. Made not for you or the commin user but MADE FOR BUISNESS!!! Not for 60% of the people on Anandtech (sorry guys). Oh its true, its true. And if the commin you or joe blow at work was cought playing a game wile on the job in Win2000, they'ed be fired on the spot.

EDIT: Also, as to your Unified drivers. Hhhhhhhhhhhhh The Geforce has been out since December 99. Can you put that in your head? ATI's Radeon has been out for 1. Does this compute also? Nvidia, has had 10 months to work on the &quot;unified&quot; drivers. Please, Please, Please. Do not comment on &quot;Geforce is better then ATI in Win2K blah blah blah&quot; and wait 9 more months to see what ATI does!!

Also, do you know what the word Unified means? I am being serious i am not trying to pook fun at you, i am seriously wondering, do you know what the word Unified means?! If not let me let you in on this secret as well, Unified drivers means ALL cards run on the same driver. The Geforce Series of cards are all the exact same in technology. Only difference is Clock and Memory speed. So yes its no wonder why when they come out w/ DET drivers the Geforce Series cards can be a bit faster in Win2K because Nvidias been working on them for 10 months. ATI on the other hand doesn't do this because with each card they are trying to make better features and technology, not just trying to up the core and memory speed and BOOM Radeon GTS Ultra Pro Extreme 9000 MAXX!! If they did that, ATI would have Unified drivers also.

Now.. i again am sorry for breaking this news to you, i can see how much snot and tears are coming down so hold on and let me get you a cleanex!!


Aug 14, 2000
Weyoun, it was Robotech who denied the existance of T&amp;L games, not Techno. Just edit/delete your posts and you will be sweet.


Senior member
Aug 7, 2000
one thousand apologies to you my friend, but i got a bit used to this BFG10K &amp; etc/techno &amp; etc fight...



Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999

Also i haven't read the whole thing you posted yet cause i want to repond to the kid who got my name wrong. But i will just say theres a difference between &quot;damn i can't believe how many paranoid people there are&quot; and you making yourself sound like an idoit!!!

Whats next? Next your going to start saying oh Anandtech i have 2048 of cache for my processor!!! What one should i go for? And when poeple call you on how stupid you just sounded, you will say, &quot;ooohh no no no.. i might CASH.. not cache...... You see i was trying to use my Nvidia/BFG10K to English Dictionary and be cool!!&quot;


Aug 14, 2000
Sorry Techno but I fail to see what your last post was about. I was simply pointing out that RobotTECH was the one questioning T&amp;L titles.

When I said &quot;sweet&quot; I meant Weyoun will be because he will be able to correct his mistake.


Senior member
Aug 7, 2000
im sorry if you feel that way about my position techno, but i wasnt making excuses for what i did

i might make the odd mistake or two, but im not a f*cking idiot


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999

I know it was a mistake. I'm just busting on you a little!! It was a &quot;joke&quot;! See my southern NY charm?

BFG10K, i was busting on you as well, with your &quot; gosh is everyone on anandtech paranoid&quot; liner, i simply made a post of YES!!! I AM POSTAL!!!!!! I am just busting your chops as well.

Next time i will make a disclaimer &quot;warning, following text should be taken as joke&quot;.


Senior member
Aug 7, 2000
lets get back on topic people, or has enough been said already (now how did i know that'd get BFG &amp; techno fired again? )


Aug 14, 2000
I've said my bit and I am waiting for replies. I have even admitted in my last post that there was nothing wrong with the Radeon.

However the GF based boards are simply better at gaming perfomance.

As for 3dfx, well, I don't think anyone has any doubts as to how good they are.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
I do have a bunch of stuff for BFG10K, but most of his post above was to another person not just me so i will wait for them to reply first. Funny enough my mood has shifted for &quot;now&quot;. Now i'm more on Doomguy then BFG10K. I know i handed his ass to him (doomguy) with my reply to his post up above but i'm still just waiting to see if there is a comeback?!

Oh ppppsssstt.... Hey BFG10K.....Over here....SSSSHHHHHHH. I must say i am sorry for spelling. See I am one of those people in america that suffers from Dislexia. SSSSHHHHH.. don't pass it around......... keep this between you and me........!!

Oh..... sorry i am replying out of order BFG10K. But in reply to your &quot;do you really think ATI will make the Radeon fast enough to beat the ultra&quot; question. I will admit, there could be a problem with RAW speed when your putting a card that is clocked at 183/183 to another card that is clocked at 250/230.

But again (and again and again and again) the Radeon has features that the Geforce simply doesn't have or can't in hardware. When they are enabled, and games use them, the Radeon will have a better time w/ the game then the Geforce Ultra card. Like with the 3rd texture unit, Vertex Mapping, Vertex Skinning, 3d Texturing, blah blah blah...... Just read TimTims post.

The Radeon was never ment to complete with the Ultra. Just the GTS. But ATI is making the MAXX version of the Radeon that is suppose to complete with the Ultra/V6000 cards.

EDIT. Maximum PC did a review on the Radeon. Should look at it sometime. Tells a nice story vs. the Nvidia cards.

Also BFG10K, just skim over to the forums at Rage3d.com. 1 person reported with the new Win2K *beta* driver a 600 point boost in 3DMark. Oh yes nothing to Ultra Powerfull, but proves that ATI is making faster drivers.


Platinum Member
May 28, 2000
Win2k was intended to be a decent gaming os. If it wasent why was DX7 built in? LOL Ati dosent have a good history with drivers. NVidia is known for excellent drivers whereas ati is known for horrible ones. By the time ati catches up in drivers or if they do no one will care about the Radeon or GF2.


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2000

<< As for 3dfx, well, I don't think anyone has any doubts as to how good they are. >>

Yes. Most of the people who bought one and played their games (opposed to just running benchmarks) know that the 5500 kicks some royal ass.

Unfortunately, most peeps haven't done this, and have only read short-sighted reviews of the card and made their decision based upon this.

for you people, I have some nice oceanfront property in Kansas I would like to sell cheap. Are you interested? <g>


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Doomguy, NT5.0 is a BUISNESS Operating System. Got it? As to your &quot;then why did they include DX7&quot;.... Let me break this down for you sssslllooooowwwwwwlllllyyyyy..

When a Programmer.... like..... lets say..... a person from ID Software..... is making your next Q3A kind of game and they compile all the code to your next game, in NT4.0, (am i getting to fast for you?) they couldn't run most of the game because guess what?? It wasn't intended for games. So programmers had to have something called a &quot;duel boot&quot; system. YES YES ITS TRUE ITS TRUE. And they had to go into the other OS just to run the game, see what wasn't working, then reboot the system again and go back into NT4.0. So, MS felt it was in there best intrest to include some functions of Win9X in NT (or wait.. i got to over your head... i ment WIN2000) so programmers wouldn't have to go threw so many steps. It wastes less time, and since time is money, the games gets finished sooner and you get to blast the bad guys!! Also Win2000 can be used for companys that are into Audio and Video editing. If you would please go to www.soundforge.com you will see that most of there software works with DIRECTX. Another reason spanky, why Win2000 was made the way it was. Microsft saw that NT4.0 couldn't go past DirextX 3 because the Operating system wasn't intested for games and microsoft didn't know just how much of a bang Audio Editing, Video Editing, 3D Processing would be, so NT was limited because MS didn't know. The Kernel wasn't the same as Win9x. So Microsoft could only do so much with &quot;in its days technology&quot;.

If you would like to know any further information just ask. I have a subscription w/ MSDN.

Also please take your Nvidiot glasses off. I told BFG10K for &quot;argument&quot; that ATI has released another set of drivers. If your to dumb to look up above at almost everyones post, ATI came out with a good set of drivers when the Radeon shipped. It also had less compatibility problems then the Geforce when it first came out. I seem to remember when i frist got my Prophet DDR-DVI back in X-mass 99, i had to wait 2 months for driver updates to fix problems in games and also took Nvidia 2-3 months to come out with COMPLETE win2K drivers. I remember being on that damn Developer Release 1 driver they came out with for a long damn time. Had no TV-OUT or any feature to use on my DDR-DVI. Also, just would like to ask you something: If Nvidia is ssssooooo great at driver updates... Why did it take so damn long for them to complete there Win2K drivers the first time? Huh? I mean Win2K betas were out for what.... a year or more?? Long enough for Nvidia's great developers to make a damn driver that worked on release of Win2K. I remember I began feeling sorry for companys that do Video editing and Programing who had to buy a Gateway 2000 system that came with a Nvidia card, Win2000 and only had a beta driver, and i can tell your not a buisness type of a guy (maybe a kid?) or you would know exactly why Win2K was made in the first place and in buisness a company that takes a long time to come out w/ a driver can...(can) hurt the companys rep.

Also btw, have you ever heard of the phrase....... *If it ain't broke, don't fix it?* Why (even w/ Nvidia) should a company come out with more drivers when the first driver build that they came out with basicly rocks? I mean if Nvidia (or Matrox, or 3DFX) came out with a Geforce 4 GTS in june of 2002, and had the best damn drivers on release w/ the card.... every single game works flawlessly, the drivers work for all OS's, why should they come out w/ a driver next month?? Why even come out with a driver in the next 6 months. If a driver a perfect... its perfect. So oh yes, ATI might not come out w/ a driver in December of 2000. So what? Can i play Q3A perfectly? yes. Will i be able to play Quake 4 or Unreal 2 or Flight Simulator 2003? Yes. Does your Geforce have the features of my Radeon? No. Will these features be enabled when DX8 comes out? Yes. Should i worry about there next driver release when i am having the best damn time in Games, CADD, Video Editing and 3D Enhanced image Processing? NO.

Most likley the reason they got so cought up in driver updates is because 1 guy starting bi*ching at the fact that some other company came out w/ v1.1 of drivers for there products wile he was till on his 1.0.... even though his 1.0 was good enough he still wanted to have rights to say &quot;hey i got v1.1 of my drivers too!!!&quot; and then that cold cought on by a bunch of other people.

Are you threw w/ you first box of cleanex or do i need to get you another one?

BTW, i am not trying to say that everyone is stupid, i am just stating some facts.


Platinum Member
May 28, 2000
Techo: You're the worst ati zelaot i've seen. You downplay the best microsoft OS ever made just because your radeon sucks in it. Anyone who has actually used win2k knows how great it is. How old are you honestly? Your english isnt very easy to read. Are from a 3rd world country? ATi is not likely to ever match NVidia or 3dfx in drivers because of their past history.

All NVidia users enjoy win2k's stability and speed with their cards. LOL you're so stupid!!! You complain about nvidia's first win2k drivers?YOU'RE A DUMBASS . NVidia had the best win2k drivers then and now except everyone had poor drivers back then. 3dfx has mae decent win2k drivers but ati's lazy driver developers dont care. Hell they didnt even bother making win2k drivers for the MAXX.

ATI's Win2k drivers are so horrible. Speed is half its win98 performance and game compatibility is horrible.

Also NVidia's new drivers increase speed and compaiblity with VIA chipsets. The radeon seems to have ALOT of VIA problems/


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Was i down playing Win2K? No i don't think so. I was just stating some simple facts as to why and how Win2K was developed and who Win2K was developed for. Where did you hear your information some game magazine? I am running Win2K right now. I also do say Win2K is the best damn OS they ever came out with. I mean yeah sure i can't play my Die Hard 1,2 and 3 game because it keeps coming up saying it wants Win95 but i never bashed Win2K saying it sucked. If anything i am saying facts that Win2K wasn't ment to be a Consumer Gaming OS. It was for Buisness. Not for the Buisness of gaming, but for Database Programs that can't crash, Buisness's like banks, so when you go there tomorrow morning there computers won't get that evil blue screen and you have to wait 4 hours to maybe 3 days for a computer guy to come there and reboot the system, buisness's that do make your next disney cartoon so you can watch the Prince of Egypt part 2, and buisness's that are in the buisness for making money, not making a bunch of people get blasted in 4 million peices. I might also add that NT is certified w/ the government too. See the government blasts the real bad guys... not the ones on there screen.

Its a buisness OS. Plain and simple and because its ment for Buisness, companys don't really have to make there drivers run any faster then they all ready do. A company doesn't give a sh*t that Doomguy or Techno or BFG10K or even Anand is getting 4923823 FPS in Win2K, they care that MetaCreations are getting the best 3D Colors, They care that Sound Forge isn't getting a halting problem in Video editing, they care that they get there job done w/ stability and ease.

Also, i hate to get into a pissing contest of &quot;oh i have this degree and that one&quot;. That is just a stupid childrens game. All i will say is i been in this buisness since 12 years old when my *Daddy* upgraded from his 286 10Mhz computer to a 386 SX 16Mhz.

Please.... look above... please... i told BFG10K. I suffer from dislexia. I won't hide it. I do. So do millions and millions of people around the world. But hey... i am on my knees to you, for you know that I goes before E except after C.

Also i am not a ATI fan. This is my first ATI card. Infact. I don't have it at the moment. Its getting shipped back up to ATI because of a small hardware problem. The DVD worked half a$$ed and i was getting a tearing problem in...uh oh.... in....in..... in...(Techno.. no.. please don't say it...)..in...in....in GAMES!!!!!! But unlike most people i don't cry and wine saying &quot;damn this card sucks because it was DOA when it come to my door... Damn... this company sucks.. i am going to get a different card... yeah... that will show them.... that will show them that i mean buisness!!!!&quot;. With my card, it wasn't even ATI's fault that i got a bad card, it was Egghead.com. They shipped the card w/ these air pillows and one of them popped wile in the hands of UPS. So wile on the air plane and truck the package got thrown around and because one of the pillows popped and the card was going back and forth in the box.

I am not loyal to 1 company. When i see technology i like, i grab it. All i am doing now, is just stating some simple facts about a company called ATI. They have come out with a better card in technology and features. When Nvidia or 3DFX or maybe even Matrox come out with a technology that distroys the pants off of ATI... Yeah, i'll go for it in a heart beat. I won't stick with a company and give my hopes up that there next card will beat the hell out of everyone elses. Witch is why i went for Nvidia to ATI. I thought to myself &quot;Lets see, stick with technology that was made in september of 99 or get a card that was desinged for this year and next years games (and features)&quot;. Please look up and see that my last 3 cards before this one were all Nvidia. I would have kept my Geforce card for the next year if i had too. But i was given the chance to off load the geforce and get something better and i did.

Now, also as to your &quot;oh you are such a ATI troll&quot;. Come out with simple fact about Nvidias Geforce Technology that ATI doesn't have (not talking speed, thats just making the clock and memory go faster, ATI could do that. i am talking TECHNOLOGY) and i would support Nvidia. In fact.... wait... i will come up with one for you... as it was told to me. Nvidia has better FSAA... oh goody.!!!!!! Yes.... i admit it they have it... I don't use it.... but Nvidia has it... YES.. Nvidia has better FSAA then the Radeon.

Is that better? Or did i just turn into a Nvidia Troll just then?

Also... the MAXX (yes i admit its funny how 3DFX did it yet ATI couldn't) was intended for Win98 and GAMES. ATI even knew EXACTLY what Win2K was designed for and they didn't wan't to rack there brains in making a driver.


Platinum Member
May 28, 2000
Sorry I went a bit overboard. I didnt know you had dislexia. I'm not as patient as I used to be because i'm very stressed all the time. You may think i'm loyal to a brand. This isnt true. Back when I had a voodoo 1 and had the decision between the v2 or the tnt I switched over because I saw the TNT was superior. So far I havent seen another brand worth switching over to from nvidia.

The Radeon has alot of potential but it needs more mature drivers. Its better than the geforce 2 for dvd and vivo. Win2k is a great gaming os. You just need a video card with good drivers for it and you'll never go back to 98.

I apologize for my harshness. I love a good debate but they stress me.
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