What's going on in Israel?

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Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
There are so many toolbags like you here that clearly have no sense or rationale for public debate.

Christ, go back to grade-school.
Says the troll douchebag who never argues with any sense, logical rationale, or even any attempt at good faith.
Reactions: s0me0nesmind1


Nov 11, 1999
It's interesting how Israel's American defenders lean back into the usual historical tropes & misdirection about anti-semitism. It never even crosses their minds that our Israeli friends have lied about their intentions towards the Pals since forever. Even when Bibi throws it straight in their faces they go straight to denial-

They've talked a two state solution for decades even as they've endeavored to make it completely impossible. They intend to leave nothing for the Pals.
Reactions: hal2kilo


Apr 8, 2013
I'm just observing that your comments here are no different than those of any racist. If only the 'Palestinian community' would clean up their own act, then the Israeli govt wouldn't have to murder them in the streets!

You have again failed to respond to any of my points. Yet again you are throwing around empty demagoguery. At first your only response was that because I'd rather live in California than Gaza, then oppression of the Palestinians must be, what, genocide? An absurd logic and fact free argument which makes no sense at all. I don't want to live in Haiti either, or Bulgaria. Doesn't mean there is a genocide going on there either.

Now calling me a racist. If you are unable to coherently debate these points, then just say so and there is no need to proceed any further.


Jan 14, 2013
Some Palestinians were kicked off their land in '48, after which they went to live in refugee camps run by the occupying Jordanians (west bank) and Egyptians (Gaza) for 20 years. No one ever complained about mistreatment of the Palestinians then. It was only after Israel took control of those territories in '67 that there was a peep of protest. This was literally the first ever talk of Palestinian nationalism.

The idea that this whole conflict is all about displaced people being kicked off their land is a crock. This is a culture/religious war and always has been.

Completely false. There was a fight for Palestinian Arab identity much earlier, separate from just an Arab identity. You are very dishonest.

"Following the arrival of the British a number of Muslim-Christian Associations were established in all the major towns. In 1919 they joined together to hold the first Palestine Arab Congress in Jerusalem. Its main platforms were a call for representative government and opposition to the Balfour Declaration.

The Faisal-Weizmann Agreement led the Palestinian Arab population to reject the Syrian-Arab-Nationalist movement led by Faisal (in which many previously placed their hopes) and instead to agitate for Palestine to become a separate state, with an Arab majority. To further that objective, they demanded an elected assembly.[33] In 1919, in response to Palestinian Arab fears of the inclusion of the Balfour declaration to process the secret society al-Kaff al-Sawada’ (the Black-hand, its name soon changed to al-Fida’iyya, The Self-Sacrificers) was founded, it later played an important role in clandestine anti-British and anti-Zionist activities. The society was run by the al-Dajjani and al-Shanti families, with Ibrahim Hammani in charge of training and ‘Isa al-Sifri developed a secret code for correspondence. The society was initially based in Jaffa but moved its headquarters to Nablus, the Jerusalem branch was run by Mahmud Aziz al-Khalidi.[34]"

The Palestinians were offered statehood by the British in 1939, the UN in 1947, and Israel in 1999. The rejected it each and every time.

again, you are completely dishonest by making such flippant statements - they did not accept what was basically imperialism being forced upon the natives, Jewish immigration and the formation of a Jewish state was a decree of all those 'statehood' offerings.

I mean the Palestinians and Arabs have made many mistakes, but you certainly misrepresenting history dramatically certainly isn't making a good case for Israel and the West. Just shows what most of us know about Zionist sympathizers that blame everything on the Palestinians, they are full of shit and intellectually and morally bankrupt.


Apr 8, 2013
It's interesting how Israel's American defenders lean back into the usual historical tropes & misdirection about anti-semitism. It never even crosses their minds that our Israeli friends have lied about their intentions towards the Pals since forever. Even when Bibi throws it straight in their faces they go straight to denial-

They've talked a two state solution for decades even as they've endeavored to make it completely impossible. They intend to leave nothing for the Pals.

What you're saying is true of Netanyahu. It wasn't true of Yitzhak Rabin or Ehud Barack. Rabin was assassinated in 1995 by Arab extremists who were unhappy with the Oslo peace accords, and Barack's offer of statehood was rejected by Arafat without any serious attempt at negotiation. That was in 1999. Then came 2000, when the suicide bombings started. The Likud party has been in power since.

This notion that no Israeli leaders have ever made good faith efforts at peace is a flat out lie.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
You have again failed to respond to any of my points. Yet again you are throwing around empty demagoguery. At first your only response was that because I'd rather live in California than Gaza, then oppression of the Palestinians must be, what, genocide? An absurd logic and fact free argument which makes no sense at all. I don't want to live in Haiti either, or Bulgaria. Doesn't mean there is a genocide going on there either.

Now calling me a racist. If you are unable to coherently debate these points, then just say so and there is no need to proceed any further.

You're apparently just clueless as to the meaning of your own words. If you're going to advocate a negative treatment towards a group of people, it is more than reasonable for someone to ask you if you would like to be treated that way yourself, all else being equal. And as your answer was, no you would not, but yet you continue to advocate that treatment with sweeping generalizations about how "they" deserve it, and those generalizations about that "them" and the treatment they supposedly deserve are based entirely upon the accident of their birth, then it is entirely appropriate for people to call you what you are.

Logic is a bitch.


Apr 8, 2013
Completely false. There was a fight for Palestinian Arab identity much earlier, separate from just an Arab identity. You are very dishonest.

"Following the arrival of the British a number of Muslim-Christian Associations were established in all the major towns. In 1919 they joined together to hold the first Palestine Arab Congress in Jerusalem. Its main platforms were a call for representative government and opposition to the Balfour Declaration.

The Faisal-Weizmann Agreement led the Palestinian Arab population to reject the Syrian-Arab-Nationalist movement led by Faisal (in which many previously placed their hopes) and instead to agitate for Palestine to become a separate state, with an Arab majority. To further that objective, they demanded an elected assembly.[33] In 1919, in response to Palestinian Arab fears of the inclusion of the Balfour declaration to process the secret society al-Kaff al-Sawada’ (the Black-hand, its name soon changed to al-Fida’iyya, The Self-Sacrificers) was founded, it later played an important role in clandestine anti-British and anti-Zionist activities. The society was run by the al-Dajjani and al-Shanti families, with Ibrahim Hammani in charge of training and ‘Isa al-Sifri developed a secret code for correspondence. The society was initially based in Jaffa but moved its headquarters to Nablus, the Jerusalem branch was run by Mahmud Aziz al-Khalidi.[34]"

Couldn't have been all that significant of a movement, or they'd have accepted a state any of the three times it was offered to them. You know that the first time they were offered statehood, in 1937, it would have encompassed all of the West Bank, all of Gaza, and a portion what is now modern day Israel? But they didn't accept it, because as you admit below-

again, you are completely dishonest by making such flippant statements - they did not accept what was basically imperialism being forced upon the natives, Jewish immigration and the formation of a Jewish state was a decree of all those 'statehood' offerings.

I mean the Palestinians and Arabs have made many mistakes, but you certainly misrepresenting history dramatically certainly isn't making a good case for Israel and the West. Just shows what most of us know about Zionist sympathizers that blame everything on the Palestinians, they are full of shit and intellectually and morally bankrupt.

Ding ding, they didn't want any Jews there, and certainly not a predominantly Jewish state, no matter how small the size. Bear in mind that leaving their land was not part of the plan. The Peel Commission simply apportioned territory based on current populations, with the portion containing predominantly Jews becoming Israel and the portion containing predominantly Arabs becoming Palestine. 3/4's would be an Arab state.

So it was just the idea of any state with a Jewish majority that was a deal breaker for them. Bear in mind that these Jews were fleeing from oppression and slaughter, mainly in Russia and the Ukraine, and later, after the war, from Europe. And you defend this? You defend the notion that them not wanting to be around Jews was a justification for rejecting three statehood offers?

Funny how it is claimed that the Jews there didn't want Arabs among them. If that was true, the feeling was clearly mutual. But that was OK, for the Arabs to hate the Jewish settlors, because they were there first, right?

If you think the "they were there first argument" really holds now as justification for continued conflict which has really been going on since the 1890's, you're nuts.

This is a culture/religious war which has been going on forever and it isn't going to end with more rockets, suicide attacks, or Israeli reprisals. In fact, it isn't going to end until all of that stops. And it will not stop until two things go away: Hamas, and the Likud. Each has been feeding and propping up the other for at least 15 years now.


Apr 8, 2013
You're apparently just clueless as to the meaning of your own words. If you're going to advocate a negative treatment towards a group of people, it is more than reasonable for someone to ask you if you would like to be treated that way yourself, all else being equal. And as your answer was, no you would not, but yet you continue to advocate that treatment with sweeping generalizations about how "they" deserve it, and those generalizations about that "them" and the treatment they supposedly deserve are based entirely upon the accident of their birth, then it is entirely appropriate for people to call you what you are.

Logic is a bitch.

I never advocated "negative treatment towards a group of people."

Now you're just lying.
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Jan 14, 2013
Couldn't have been all that significant of a movement, or they'd have accepted a state any of the three times it was offered to them. You know that the first time they were offered statehood, in 1937, it would have encompassed all of the West Bank, all of Gaza, and a portion what is now modern day Israel? But they didn't accept it, because as you admit below-

Ding ding, they didn't want any Jews there, and certainly not a predominantly Jewish state, no matter how small the size. Bear in mind that leaving their land was not part of the plan. The Peel Commission simply apportioned territory based on current populations, with the portion containing predominantly Jews becoming Israel and the portion containing predominantly Arabs becoming Palestine. 3/4's would be an Arab state.

So it was just the idea of any state with a Jewish majority that was a deal breaker for them. Bear in mind that these Jews were fleeing from oppression and slaughter, mainly in Russia and the Ukraine, and later, after the war, from Europe. And you defend this? You defend the notion that them not wanting to be around Jews was a justification for rejecting three statehood offers?

Funny how it is claimed that the Jews there didn't want Arabs among them. If that was true, the feeling was clearly mutual. But that was OK, for the Arabs to hate the Jewish settlors, because they were there first, right?

If you think the "they were there first argument" really holds now as justification for continued conflict which has really been going on since the 1890's, you're nuts.

This is a culture/religious war which has been going on forever and it isn't going to end with more rockets, suicide attacks, or Israeli reprisals. In fact, it isn't going to end until all of that stops. And it will not stop until two things go away: Hamas, and the Likud. Each has been feeding and propping up the other for at least 15 years now.

You are right about there being a culture war, you just left out the primary antagonist.

There was a culture war, Christians against Jews. You admit that above but omit it from your calculations. The culture war was Jews being forced from Christian nations in Europe to that area, and then Christian nations who ran the world saying we will now create a Jewish state so we can be absolved of our sins. Then they taught history that if anyone disagrees with this that lived their already, we will paint them as evil non compromising natives.

And here you are, carrying that water like a champ.


Apr 8, 2013
You are right about there being a culture war, you just left out the primary antagonist.

There was a culture war, Christians against Jews. You admit that above but omit it from your calculations. The culture war was Jews being forced from Christian nations in Europe to that area, and then Christian nations who ran the world saying we will now create a Jewish state so we can be absolved of our sins. Then they taught history that if anyone disagrees with this, we will paint them as evil non compromising natives.

Yeah, you're correct that it started with a 2000 year war against the Jews in Christian Europe. The fact that the Jews were being slaughtered in Europe created a real, moral case for a Jewish homeland. You can call it "absolution" or whatever you want - there was a real case for a Jewish homeland. The Holocaust only heightened that case - 2000 years of constant oppression and slaughter culminating in 1/3 of world's Jewish population being annihilated.

There wasn't a better solution. I'm sorry that the Arabs didn't like the Jews any more than the Christians in Europe did, but that was not a reason to turn away Jews who were fleeing from oppression. Unless you just don't give a shit about Jews.

Liberals used to understand all this. Then Israel got big guns, which made them the bad guy.

The idea of a Jewish state in Palestine wasn't the problem. Because things did not have to go the way they did. The problem was the behavior of many people on the ground, on both sides. And including the British.

If there hadn't been a culture war between Jews and Arabs starting from the moment Jewish immigration picked up in the late 19th century, today we'd have two states in what was Palestine. A smaller state which was 3/4's Jews and 1/4 Arab, and a larger state which was 3/4's Arab, one quarter Jews. There was and is nothing inherently unworkable about it.


Nov 11, 1999
What you're saying is true of Netanyahu. It wasn't true of Yitzhak Rabin or Ehud Barack. Rabin was assassinated in 1995 by Arab extremists who were unhappy with the Oslo peace accords, and Barack's offer of statehood was rejected by Arafat without any serious attempt at negotiation. That was in 1999. Then came 2000, when the suicide bombings started. The Likud party has been in power since.

This notion that no Israeli leaders have ever made good faith efforts at peace is a flat out lie.


Reactions: MrPickins


Apr 8, 2013

I didn't lie. I got my facts wrong, as I was going off memory.

But since we're going with "liar", are you going to explain how your post that I replied to was accurate in the least? None of this changes the fact that both Rabin and Barack were actively working towards peace. The Jew who assassinated him did so precisely because he was working towards peace. Something you claimed never happened among Israeli leaders. That entire post was true only of Netanyahu and the Likud. It was not true during the 90's when Labor was in power. So who is lying here?


Nov 11, 1999
I didn't lie. I got my facts wrong, as I was going off memory.

But since we're going with "liar", are you going to explain how your post that I replied to was accurate in the least? None of this changes the fact that both Rabin and Barack were actively working towards peace. The Jew who assassinated him did so precisely because he was working towards peace.

So what? Deeds matter more than words. The Israelis have been working their slow motion lebensraum against the Pals since 1947. If it's not what all of them want, or ever wanted, it's obviously what enough of them want for it to keep happening. And we manage to condone it. Trump gave them the green light long ago when he made this guy their ambassador-



Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
I never advocated "negative treatment towards a group of people."

Now you're just lying.
Really? What was the reason that we're supposed to be okay with bombing women and children again?


Apr 8, 2013
Really? What was the reason that we're supposed to be okay with bombing women and children again?

Really? What was the reason that we're supposed to be OK with firing rockets at civilians again?

You're the one justifying violence, not me.


Apr 8, 2013
So what? Deeds matter more than words. The Israelis have been working their slow motion lebensraum against the Pals since 1947. If it's not what all of them want, or ever wanted, it's obviously what enough of them want for it to keep happening. And we manage to condone it. Trump gave them the green light long ago when he made this guy their ambassador-

Nice generalized assertion, without facts to back it up.

Oh, and I got your barely veiled Nazi comparison with the "lebensraum" comment. Enjoy baiting Jews much?

You might explain why you think the bulk of the Jews in the world were hellbent on exterminating all the Arabs. Because most of world Jewry supported the Jewish state, certainly back then. But hey, you certainly conceded the point that while most were bloodthirsty racists, some, you assume, were good people.

Man I guess we can well understand why the Europeans were slaughtering them all those years. With their ideas of racial superiority and penchant towards violence. It's no wonder no one wanted the take in the Jews all those years.



Nov 11, 1999
Nice generalized assertion, without facts to back it up.

Oh, and I got your barely veiled Nazi comparison with the "lebensraum" comment. Enjoy baiting Jews much?

You might explain why you think the bulk of the Jews in the world were hellbent on exterminating all the Arabs. Because most of world Jewry supported the Jewish state, certainly back then. But hey, you certainly conceded the point that while most were bloodthirsty racists, some, you assume, were good people.

Man I guess we can well understand why the Europeans were slaughtering them all those years. With their ideas of racial superiority and penchant towards violence. It's no wonder no one wanted the take in the Jews all those years.


You poor thing. Putting words in my mouth is an admission you have no argument. Tarring me as some kind of Jew hater won't work. If you'd care to characterize the ongoing Israeli confiscation & appropriation in some other way, have at it. Tell us what it is other than what I said. They covet what little the Pals have & intend to take it all.


Apr 8, 2013
You poor thing. Putting words in my mouth is an admission you have no argument. Tarring me as some kind of Jew hater won't work. If you'd care to characterize the ongoing Israeli confiscation & appropriation in some other way, have at it. Tell us what it is other than what I said. They covet what little the Pals have & intend to take it all.

I'm not tarring you. The tar is already there. You said, and I'm going to quote you to avoid any confusion:

The Israelis have been working their slow motion lebensraum against the Pals since 1947.

That project, the Zionist project, was and is supported by the vast majority of Jews in the world, then and now, even most of those who are critical of current Israeli policy.

The idea that Zionism was not really an attempt to escape persecution but instead was a racist project meant from its inception to either displace and/or exterminate Arab populations is another big fat anti-semitic lie which could just as well have been ripped right from the pages of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Really? What was the reason that we're supposed to be OK with firing rockets at civilians again?

You're the one justifying violence, not me.
I merely said it was natural for an oppressed people to want to fight for their freedom. And of course, the fault for that always lies with the oppressors.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
You poor thing. Putting words in my mouth is an admission you have no argument. Tarring me as some kind of Jew hater won't work. If you'd care to characterize the ongoing Israeli confiscation & appropriation in some other way, have at it. Tell us what it is other than what I said. They covet what little the Pals have & intend to take it all.
He's simply clueless to that fact that the war for Israel's right to exist was over decades ago and that Israel won. Decisively. And that the issue now is that Israel has subsequently determined to follow an extremely illiberal post-war resolution with the losers.


Apr 8, 2013
He's simply clueless to that fact that the war for Israel's right to exist was over decades ago and that Israel won. Decisively. And that the issue now is that Israel has subsequently determined to follow an extremely illiberal post-war resolution with the losers.

LOL you literally just said that to the guy who claimed that "The Israelis have been working their slow motion lebensraum against the Pals since 1947" and you called me clueless? His comment was not limited to current Israeli policy. He claims that whatever bad things the Israelis have done started literally before they were even invaded. While another poster I'm debating is claiming the entire idea of a Jewish state was a nefarious plot to oust the Arabs. And you think I'm the one stuck in the past?

You really ought to try justifying your use of the word "genocide" in this context and your utter failure to justify it after I've repeatedly and through various forms of links and evidence proven the remark to have been completely absurd. You're the last one who should be casting aspersions here when you make statements like that and refuse to even attempt to substantiate them.
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Jun 23, 2004
People who have been imprisoned since birth because of who they were born will have a natural tendency to fight back against their imprisonment. That is normal human behavior. As such, the fault in such cases does not lie with those fighting for their freedom, but with their jailers.


Egypt and Jordan are both equally responsible for creating the walls of this prison.
Yes, Israel bears responsibility for pushing in against their land and taking more rather than letting things settle down. But it takes 3 parties in this situation to keep these people trapped where they are. Their fellow Arabs should have long ago taken stewardship of the Palestinian land in exchange for a peaceful and unchanging border.


Apr 8, 2013
I merely said it was natural for an oppressed people to want to fight for their freedom. And of course, the fault for that always lies with the oppressors.

The "fighting" has not and has never been necessary. It's completely self-defeating. Those Palestinians who are dying, are dying in Israeli reprisals for suicide attacks (in 2000-2008) and now rocket attacks. In the Second Intafida, 1000 Israelis died to suicide attacks. 3000 Palestinians died in Israeli reprisals.

Their aim was to use the Palestinian deaths to convince other nations to pressure Israel into, what, I'm not sure. They don't seem interested in a two-state solution. And in any event, it didn't work. Instead, Israel elected right wing hard liners and built a wall. Yet the attacks continue to this day.

There was a time in the 80's and 90's where violence between Israel and the Palestinians was minimal. There were peace talks then and there was steady, uneven progress.

While it may seem "natural" to you for them to continue blowing themselves up on school buses, and firing rockets at Israeli towns - all targeting a country with a first rate military - it sounds a lot more like the classic definition of insanity to me. Trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.


Jun 23, 2004
While it may seem "natural" to you for them to continue blowing themselves up on school buses, and firing rockets at Israeli towns - all targeting a country with a first rate military - it sounds a lot more like the classic definition of insanity to me. Trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

They understand the world is weak, and their suicidal sacrifices may one day bring about formal condemnation and sanctions, even a blockade against Israel. They are desperate but not necessarily stupid about the objective. Far too many people play into the "but they are dying" trope for it not to be a real stratagem.


Apr 8, 2013
They understand the world is weak, and their suicidal sacrifices may one day bring about formal condemnation and sanctions, even a blockade against Israel. They are desperate but not necessarily stupid about the objective. Far too many people play into the "but they are dying" trope for it not to be a real stratagem.

It may be, that they think these attacks are playing the long game. I doubt it will ever accomplish whatever it is they want to accomplish. Israel will not disband and go way, with all the Jews departing and leaving everything to them. Nor will they live in a single state ruled by Arabs, not with all the historical bad blood between the two peoples. They'd be insane to accept such a proposition. The Jews have lived in countries where they were despised by the majority, and they aren't going through it again.

If what they really want is their own state, all these attacks are doing is delaying any sort of peace talks, like the ones which happened in the 90's. They have empowered the Israeli right and put the Israeli left into the political wilderness, which was an entirely predictable result. This violence has been a 21+ year detour from any sort of peace process.

Violence does not beget peace. Like I said up thread, liberals used to understand things like this. But now, they are so convinced of this ludicrously one sided narrative where there is only one bad actor here that they support attacks against Israeli civilians because they are claim that Palestinians literally have no other choice. Except it's false. They do have another choice and always have.
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