What's the craziest thing you've ever witnessed?

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Jun 4, 2005
Originally posted by: LoKe
Isn't situs inversus when your organs are...backwards? Like, your heart would be on the right? I couldn't imagine that looking too weird at all.

yeah, that's what it it is.

and i guess to someone non-medical, backwards organs wouldn't really look too weird at all.


Mar 30, 2001
Not realy crazy but kinda strange, saw a newer Chevy Cavalier, completly burned out, sitting in a gulch west of Phoenix on I-10. The car looked as if it had been driven to that spot and torched, not crashed..


Platinum Member
Dec 20, 2002
Originally posted by: eits
totally... it was like finding an entire field of all four-leafed clovers

Actually, the occurance of both is about 1 in 10,000.

Four Leaf Clover
It has been estimated that there are approximately 10,000 three-leaf clovers for every four-leaf clover.

Situs inversus
The prevalence of situs inversus varies among different populations but is less than 1 in 10,000 people.



Feb 25, 2004
Originally posted by: chuckywang
I was playing Mario Kart 64 with my friends and we were in battle mode on the Donut course. I threw a red shell at one of my friends, but another friend threw a banana at us. THE FREAKING RED SHELL HIT THE BANANA HE JUST THREW AND THE RED SHELL DIED!!! He only had one balloon as well, and I ended up losing that one.

Thats not that amazing, I used to toss bananas out the back all the top to block red shells that were tracking me. But that was in original MK.


Platinum Member
Apr 14, 2004
I was in Taipei a few summers ago, driving down past si ling, the night market. Tourist season + late afternoon + night market = pretty heavy traffic. I guess one couple absolutely couldn't wait, and was gunning their moped between cars, other mopeds, etc. This moped was one of the heavier types, maybe 250-300cc, so I figure they were doing almost 60. Which is ridiculous in bumper-to-bumper traffic. I saw them in my rear view mirror. They were weaving in and out of lanes, when suddenly there's an audible BANG, which I could hear even above the din of taipei traffic. I look back, the moped had slammed HARD into the back of a car, the guy and the girl went flying, literally over the car and probably one or two in front of it. I don't hear it, but I see it. There's a sickening whack when one of them hits the rear glass of a vehicle probably 2-3 cars up, looks like the neck breaks or something cause the angle of impact is almost direct. The other one isn't so lucky, hits all pavement. Blood everywhere, people are getting out of their cars, I can't see anymore. This is all happening less than 5 cars behind me. Cops on foot arrive pretty quick, the area isn't like an interstate or anything, push all the cars ahead of the accident forward.

Later in the news; traffic behind me got held up for like 3 hours. Ambulances coudn't even get there, so they ran stretchers in. No luck, both were dead when they hit the ground. Pretty nasty mess. It's damn disconcerting to see a body fly through the air like that, not even flailing, just a piece of airborne meat, connecting hard with a body of metal or asphalt.

I have a moped license in Taiwan, but hell- since then, if I can find parking, it's my car all the way.


Platinum Member
Feb 25, 2005
Originally posted by: Schadenfreude
Originally posted by: Powermoloch
This morning..there was a guy trying to pour engine oil in the engine. What happened was that he accidentally spilled some of that oil on his hot engine, and it caught fire lol. Luckily we were quick enough to get water to stop the fire.

. . . water can put out oil fires?

. . . motor oil will ignite when poured on a engine?


Platinum Member
Apr 14, 2004
Ah another one:

When I was at Grand station in manhattan one night with my cousin, we were buying passes when we heard some commotion at the turnstiles. stupidly, the exit and entry turnstiles aren't divided, you can exit and enter the station from a single turnstile. Some kid is screaming at some older man to "get the fvck out of the way", and let him pass first, but the guy won't budge. He pushes him back. The kid pulls out a k-bar (or some other short, blunt object), and pops him in the neck. The guy falls back, on the floor. There's a LOT of blood. People aren't even screaming, they're just staring. The kid runs through and jets out, nobody tries to stop him. A few people try to help the guy, but he's bleeding bad. The station attendant doesn't do sh!t, i didn't even see him pick up a phone. We end up being the ones that call it in, and then we get the fvck out of there.

Don't know if they ever caught him, but they're still doing that stupid both-way turnstile crap the last time I was in the city. Too much pride, not enough sense, and the opportunity to boot -- in c-town, that's just asking for trouble.


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
On the Railroad platform a guy stepped off the platform in front of the morning Long Island Railroad to New York City Express train doing 70.

Splattered everyone and everything all around.

Nice, that's worth smiling about. You really are nuts, aren't you?


Diamond Member
Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: jaedaliu
Originally posted by: Schadenfreude
Originally posted by: Powermoloch
This morning..there was a guy trying to pour engine oil in the engine. What happened was that he accidentally spilled some of that oil on his hot engine, and it caught fire lol. Luckily we were quick enough to get water to stop the fire.

. . . water can put out oil fires?

. . . motor oil will ignite when poured on a engine?

Personally, I've never known of motor oil to actually ignite, either. Over my 50 years I have spilled literally GALLONS of motor oil on hot engines, and it always seems to end up on the exhaust manifolds.
I've always heard that it wouldn't actually burn, flamewise, only smolder(?)

n yusef

Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2005
When I was in fifth grade this kid slid down the railing of the stairs and fell five stories down the area in the middle of the stairs. He broke both his legs .


Platinum Member
Jan 30, 2002
I was driving into work with a very bad hangover one morning when the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile ran a stoplight and almost T-boned me.

Iron Woode

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 10, 1999
I have 2.

1. some stupid driver lost control of his car about 500 feet away and took out a utility pole and the transformer. This knocked out power to 5 square blocks at 9:00 PM, including a large community college and my store. I called my boss and told her what happened. She said if power isn't restored in 1/2 hour go home. Power came on with 2 mins left. But just my store had power. It was darkness everywhere else. All the police, ambulance, firefighters and hydro trucks with their flashing lights was a sight to behold.

2. My friend getting splattered on his motorcycle. While I did not actually witness the collision; I was 2 blocks away when it happened. I saw all the police and ambulances and saw the road cordened off. Not knowing what had happened I decided to find out myself. My friend was cut off by a woman driving a Fiero. She turned directly in front of him on the street trying to make a U-turn. He hit her driver's door at 60 kms/hr. He went flying nearly 30 feet. This happened right in front of our Police Station. It was her man's car and she was drunk, had no license and no insurrance. She was arrested at the scene. My friend was hauled away in critical condition. The road had to be washed down due to blood everywhere. He lived, but has severe back injuries and could hardly walk. Road rash was nasty, but he had his full leathers on and his helmet. That was the second scariest thing I have seen.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2004
my jaw dropped when Sony announced that they were stealing Nintendo's idea to implement a gyroscopic controller in their PS3


Senior member
Mar 13, 2006
Originally posted by: n yusef
When I was in fifth grade this kid slid down the railing of the stairs and fell five stories down the area in the middle of the stairs. He broke both his legs .

Wouldn't a five story drop do more than break both legs?


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2005
Originally posted by: FallenHero
Saw a man try (and almost succeed) in ripping his own nuts off. Took 6 deputies to get him to the ground. Blood streaming from his sack, him trying to bite us. Was kinda weird and crazy I suppose.

That's gross


Diamond Member
May 4, 2001
Originally posted by: eits
Originally posted by: LoKe
Isn't situs inversus when your organs are...backwards? Like, your heart would be on the right? I couldn't imagine that looking too weird at all.

yeah, that's what it it is.

and i guess to someone non-medical, backwards organs wouldn't really look too weird at all.

I thought the reveal that Fortune? In Metal Gear Solid 2 had her heart on the right side of her chest was garbage. Didn't know that there was a condition that allowed this to be possible.


Platinum Member
Dec 24, 2004
The other day I was at school, and a guy rode by on a unicycle carrying a box in one hand and walking his dog with the other.


Golden Member
Mar 7, 2005
1. Seeing a guy right after he got hit by a commuter train. He looked like Jello, as if every bone in his body was crushed.
2. Seeing a guy on a bike right after he got hit by a car. His teeth and a whole lot of blood were puddling around his head.
3. Seeing true hate in the eyes of a Neo-Nazi and having to deal with it.
4. Seeing true hate in the eyes of a Taliban fighter while in Turkey and having to stop him from doing something stupid to me.
5. Seeing a guy nearly cut off his thumb with a Shear. Thing swelled bigger than I thougt humanly possible and it was just hanging there. He had it saved though.
6. Seeing a guy get jumped into a gang and have cigarettes smoked on his body.
7. Having 5 nine foot grey reef sharks circle me.


Platinum Member
Apr 28, 2001
Weirdest thing in recent memory for me happened last May in Las Vegas. Myself and the GF were heading to Home Depot from our home around 2 in the afternoon. As we were leaving the house I was looking to the south and noticed what appeared to be a a smoke or missle trail with a curly-Q in it heading from south on the horizon to a northwest direction. It was approximately a couple of miles long. It was a clear day with only a couple of clouds in the sky to the east.

It was very odd in appearance and looked like carbon based smoke, not water vapor, something like I've never seen. As we were driving along I decided to dismiss it but it sure seemed odd. A couple of minutes later as we were approaching the Depot we came to a red light. I was driving and after coming to a stop, I looked straight up through the sun roof and couldn't nearly believe what I was seeing. Before my eyes were 6 parallel contrails forming in a north to south direction. The contrails were not solid but would break simultaneously and then reappear a second later with the pattern repeating itself, much like a scram jet contrail.

The contrails were very high and I could not identify what was forming them. I kept my eye on them until we pulled into the Depot parking lot. I got out of the car and watched these contrails form in perfect on/off unison all the way to the very southern horizon where they appeared to have no intention of stopping. They had to be at least 100 miles from where they started above me in only a few minutes time. I am an airshow/airplane fanatic, and I've never seen anything remotely close to what was going on. It kind of disturbed me. I checked the airshow circuit (Blue Angels, T-Birds, etc..) to see if there was anything locally scheduled but they were all back east at the time. I probably would have wrote off the event as airshow aircraft except for seeing that first disturbing missle trail. I believe the events were related as they happened minutes apart, but to this day I'm perplexed.

I called the local news to see if there were additional reports. There were no reports and I never heard of a single report of it anywhere, on the web or anywhere locally. The people that did see it probably wrote it off as airshow aircraft, but I don't believe to this day that was the case. One of the weirder things that we've witnessed in our lives for sure......



Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2001
I saw an RV do a barrel roll and fly into a million pieces. Happened in Montana about 8 car lengths behind us. We were in the far left lane doing about 85mph my my dad noticed a car in the same lane doing 35. He swerved into the next lane and just missed it. A couple of cars behind us did the same but the RV behind them didn't swerve in time to miss it. They clipped the suv(I believe it was an older Jeep Cherokee), went sideways, the tires bit into the road, it went into a barrel roll. Rolled about 4 times at 80mph with pieces flying everywhere. It was the coolest thing I'd ever seen(I was 16). My father pulled over and went back to check on the people. The passenger in the RV was ok but the driver of both the RV and suv were life flighted to the nearest hospital.


Golden Member
Aug 24, 2005

An RGP hit a tank that didn't do any damage to the tank, however the spare fuel containers on the outside of the tanks erupted & burn cooking 2 men to death that (I saw) tried to to get out/off the tank while on fire.

There are many other graphics incidents that I don't want to recall.


Senior member
Sep 22, 2004
Well, to continue with the funny animal stories theme, I was at a zoo once looking at the camel exhibit. It had a wooden sign next to it saying "Camel Rides, $3". There were two camels in the cage next to the sign humping each other. Needless to say I did not take up the opportunity to ride the camels.


No Lifer
Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: scrawnypaleguy

Last summer my family and I were at home at about 11 o clock in the evening when suddenly we heard a huge crash outside. Some guy from down the street was drunk and crashed into my car, knocking it back 10 feet. His car bounced off mine, and went into the tree that was planted there. Knocked it over at a 45 degree angle. My dad and I were outside moments after it happened, and I don't know how the guy was still conscious (the airbags deployed) but he tried to escape. Kept gunning the engine and squealing the rear tires but the car was totaled, he wasn't going anywhere. When he stopped this, he decided he had to get out of the car, even though the driver side door was nearly pinned shut against the tree he had just destroyed. We tried to get him to sit still in the car and wait for the ambulance, but I don't think he understood us. He then spent the next ten minutes stumbling around our front lawn. At several points we got him to lie down and my sister was trying to keep him conscious by asking him questions, but he kept getting up and stumbling around. At one point while standing, he declared "MY KNEES ARE BROKEN." Another one of my favorites was "I THINK MY BRAIN IS FALLING OUT." Once the police came, it took 8 cops to restrain him and get him on a stretcher to go to the hospital, where (from court) I learned that he also tried to escape.

Yeah, that was a messed up night.
well alcohol was involved, what do you expect? :|
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