What's the craziest thing you've ever witnessed?

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No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
I'm suprised no one has offered any anectdotal alien encounter story yet.


Jun 4, 2005
i was at a concert one time and this dude started beating the living piss out of his girlfriend. he punched her in the face and she was completely dazed and her hair whipped around... then he threw a hook with the other hand and flung her face in reverse. she fell to the ground and he got on top of her and continued beating her about the face. then, he got up and took off. i chased after him to show him what it felt like to be someone's bitch, but my friends stopped me whenever they saw 3 cops chase him.

i went back to the girl and picked her up and carried her to the medic area. she was in BAD shape. she had at least two broken teeth and her face was completely bloodied and swollen. she had to keep spitting the blood out of her mouth to breathe because her nose was flattened.

another one of the craziest things i've seen was whenever i was helping my friend dissect his group's cadaver. the whole group didn't know what the hell they were looking at, so i went to help. it turns out that the guy had total situs inversus. it was nuts.


Senior member
Mar 16, 2005
These are all people I ran across in Las Vegas years ago.

I saw a guy take off his clothes in front of a store, run inside, and then he crashed through a plate glass window, and cut the hell out of himself, trying to get away from the store security, and the cops when they arrived. He went ballistic after the manager of the store told him he would have to stop trying to sell copies of some whacky religion book in front of the store. He had to have hundreds of stitches. I had to testify in court weeks later, after he had healed up. He ended up pleading guilty, then losing control in court when the judge ordered a psych exam. He really screamed great.

The McDonalds I worked across the street from was a known "Moonie Place" Managed by, and most of the employees were Unification Church members, and well, were downright peculiar. One girl would run across 4 lanes of traffic every day when she got off work, without looking at all. We started making bets with each other, "Ok, today, she gets it!" "Nope, not today!" The bet was for a buck, and it was mostly a joke, but we knew it was going to happen, sooner or later. One day, I said, "Today is it, I can feel it!" She comes out, and makes it across two lanes, but a green Camaro hits her, Luckily, she mostly gets hit by the windshield and is just missed by the car following behind. The first thing she says is, "Call the Unification Church!" She tried several times to get up, but we wouldn't let her. She finally did let them take her to the hospital. My ex-GF worked with her, and told me she tried to come to work the next day, with a broken wrist, but the manager sent her home. She went right back to running across the street again as soon as she was able to run. My GF said she told her that god wouldn't let her die from getting hit by a car before she met the Reverend Moon. Sheesh.

A guy that used to come into the hotel I worked at seemed to be a normal guy, but then began acting strangely. He comes in one morning, and then went to the bar, ordered a drink, and said some crazy stuff to the bartender about how he's being "persecuted". The bartender asks why, and he shouts, "Don't play stupid, you are part of the group trying to destroy me!", and then slammed the glass down on the bar, and pieces go flying everywhere. We (security) get called, and end up fighting with him for a while, then he just gives up, and we trespass him and send him on his way. About an hour later, one of the change girls comes up and tells me to look out the door. The guy is across the street, naked, and shouting about something. We call 911 and the fun begins. He does a pretty good job resisting arrest at first, but eventually, he gets cuffed and hogtied. In the paper, it says he got a 90 day psych evaluation. About a year later, he's inside and I toss him out. He's a full fledged street person at that point, and is totally out of it. He fights a little and then calms down. We just put him out the back door, and he seems to leave. About an hour later, he's at one of the front doors, naked, and trying to come back in. I try to be reasonable with him, but he gets all wound up, and I tell him to leave or the cops will deal with him. He starts yelling at the top of his lungs about the CIA and other stuff, and puts his hand through the front window. He screams about how his blood will cleanse him of his sins, and there's all kinds of it, spraying out of the sliced up artery in his arm. The cops suddenly arrive, and by the time he stops fighting, he and the cops are totally covered in blood. He was giggling away when they put him into the ambulance.



Apr 30, 2004
Maybe not *too* crazy, but me and some friends are sitting at a stoplight on a long uphill. Across the street in the other lane is a bus full of passengers, seemingly parked. Next thing I know, the bus is starting to move downhill, and some guy jumps out of the door and starts rolling on the ground. I look through the windshield and THERE'S NO DRIVER! The bus rolls down the hill, gaining speed, rolls right over the divider, and shoots across the street about a car length in front of us, slamming into a telephone pole and causing all these sparks to fly all over the place as the power goes out throughout the whole neighborhood. I both heard and felt the visceral 'CRUNCH' as the thing smashed the windshield, bent the bumper, and pulverized the concrete telephone pole simultaneously. Turns out the guy who had thrown himself out of the door was the driver...yeah.


Apr 2, 2001
I once watched a fighter jet fly around for about 5 minutes with NO BODY in it until it finally came straight down out of the clouds and CRASHED in a HUGE fireball.


May 9, 2001
I watched my drunk roommate from college brag about doing a pig while his brother held it. He thought we would all think it was hilarious when in fact we were all horrified and never let him live that down. Witnessing your college roommate admit to doing a farm animal... priceless. :laugh:

The only thing worse than that would have been to witness the actual act but I thank God I never had to see that. :laugh:

As far as something I actually saw... I was sitting at a stoplight in south central LA and saw a cop-car get t-boned with lights and sirens going while he was chasing some dude and totally ran the light. He died on the spot.. airbag went off and all that but a lot of good it did him. I've seen lots of crazy stuff but that comes to mind first.



Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2006
Saw a man try (and almost succeed) in ripping his own nuts off. Took 6 deputies to get him to the ground. Blood streaming from his sack, him trying to bite us. Was kinda weird and crazy I suppose.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Ronstang
Originally posted by: Schadenfreude
Originally posted by: Ronstang
I guess I would have to say cleaning up the mess left behind when my girlfriend's friend's boyfriend decided eating a bullet was the thing to do on a nice Sunday afternoon.


Why were you responsible for cleaning it up?

No one close to the guy could. I was disconnedted so I just went out on the back porch and cleaned up the mess when the police/coroner were done to spare them the pain and trouble.
:roll: You mean you cleaned up the skull pieces and brain matter? Hmmm most times they have specialist do it.


Golden Member
Feb 9, 2004
Originally posted by: eits

another one of the craziest things i've seen was whenever i was helping my friend dissect his group's cadaver. the whole group didn't know what the hell they were looking at, so i went to help. it turns out that the guy had total situs inversus. it was nuts.

That is wicked sick.


Senior member
Feb 1, 2006
While working at a local Toyota dealership back in the early 90's as a tech one of the used car salesmen came down and starting bothering me while I was tuning a Land Cruiser (these clowns are were supposedly forbidden from entering the shop), I was just aiming a timing light at the crank pulley when he came up from behind me and leaned over to see how far I had gotten on prepping this vehicle for the customer, his tie swung out and got caught in the P/S pump belt/pulley.
What happened next occured so fast that I did not have enough time to push him away, the tie wrapped itself up and yanked his head down incredibly fast and violently smashing his forehead into the radiator cap and fan shroud ripping the tie right off his neck, he stood up, his eyes rolled back and and passed out cold, he fell backwards slamming his head on the concrete floor.
I ended up jumping out of the way, his head smashed the top of the radiator so hard that it shattered the upper radiator support brackets thus plunging the raditor into the spinning fan which causing hot coolant to spray everywhere.
I leaned over him yelling at my fellow techs to cal 911, in that short span of time I watched in amazement as his forehead swelled up and turned purple.
The ambulance showed up and they carted him off to the emergency room, he eventually returned to work about a month and a half later (incredible that he sustained no permanent injuries), from that day on the service writer effectively stopped all the salesmen from entering the shop during working hours.


Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2004
I once worked in the head trauma ward for a short time. There was one guy who had been reduced to the mental state of an infant. Just watching him grovel around on his bed moaning like some kind of gollum was painful.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Nothing to rival some of the above stories, but anyway..

Was walking to lunch, down a street that had parking along the curb. Heard an engine revving very fast, then *CRASH*. Across the street I saw three cars parked along the curb. The back of the middle car was now up against the front of the car behind it. While I looked, the revving started up again, then *CRASH* as the middle car smashes into the car in front of it. Revving....*CRASH*... smashing again into the car behind. Revving....*CRASH*... into the car in front.

At this point an elderly man got out of the middle car and walked around his car, looking at the two cars he just smashed into. I don't think he had any idea what had just happened, he seemed mighty confused. I ducked into a store and asked them to call 911. Cops came and they called an ambulance for the guy. I gave the cops my name and told them what I saw but never heard anything about it.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
I witnessed some guy on a full dressed Harley get nailed by some teenage bitch right right on the street where I live. The bike and the guy went flying in the air and skidded for a while on the street. He seemed like he was going to be OK but I heard he died of injuries suffered a few days later. What sucked even more is that he was just coming back from a funeral home around the corner where services were being held for another biker killed on his ride.


Apr 10, 2006
a 14 yo drinking 3 quarts of whole chocolate milk (he was going for a gallon) and projectile vomiting.


Platinum Member
Mar 23, 2001
When I was 15 I worked at a local grocery store, one night after work, I was standing outside waiting to be picked up when security escorts this lady and her two daughters (I'd guess they were in the 8-12 range) out of the store for shoplifting.

The lady heads for her car, and the security guy stops to talk to me and to have a smoke.

Not 2 minutes later the lady is trying to run us (him and me because I was standing there) down with her car. She made 2 passes before running into a light post.

I don't remember the cops showing up at that time, but they must have at some point because about a month later I was summonsed to court to testify.


Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: IGBT
..on the freeway I saw a box spring mattress fly off the top of a station wagon. Idiot was trying to hold it down wit one hand and drive with the other. It flipped thru the air a few times and landed in front of me. I drove over it at about 60 mph. I had no where to go but over it. gawd awful sound of wood and springs flying apart under my truck (ranger)..in the rear view all I saw were mattress smitherenes flying all over the freeway. there was mattress junk and wood stuck under my truck and the rear shocks were all dented up. can't help but think there must have been something in that mattress to cause all that damage. the guy in the station wagon just kept going. must have been a fire and forget mattress.

lol. I had a good laugh
Jun 19, 2004
Personally I've seen nothing too abnormal, outside of my ex-wifes C-section when my son was born. They pretty much cut the woman open then lay her guts on her stomach while they pull the baby out.

Considering I get really squeamish at just watching the surgery channel I thought for sure I'd pass out. However it didn't bother me a bit. My concern for my wife (at the time) and son trumped all else I suppose.


Feb 11, 2005
Originally posted by: Powermoloch
This morning..there was a guy trying to pour engine oil in the engine. What happened was that he accidentally spilled some of that oil on his hot engine, and it caught fire lol. Luckily we were quick enough to get water to stop the fire.

water doesn't put out oil fires


Diamond Member
Oct 26, 2000
Some dude fell off a bike on the freeway without a helmet and his brain came out.


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
lol @ some of the replies!

I'd say the craziest thing I've ever witnessed was when we were going on vacation to cape may NJ, about a 5 hour drive from where we lived at the time, and we had our cat in the cage. All was fine until we reached a really busy intersection, and the cat decided we were going back home. He broke the front door of the cage off, jumped on my dad's lap, stood up, and leaned his paws on the wheel. This was a tall cat and it was blocking my dad's view. The cat was driving and he threw all his weight on the left side of the wheel, turning us to the exit that would take us home. We got him off just in time for my dad to turn the car around before we got on the ramp.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2003
Originally posted by: Accipiter22
Originally posted by: Powermoloch
This morning..there was a guy trying to pour engine oil in the engine. What happened was that he accidentally spilled some of that oil on his hot engine, and it caught fire lol. Luckily we were quick enough to get water to stop the fire.

water doesn't put out oil fires

I was just thinking that. Anyway, great stories right before my final, time to go study.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2001
Originally posted by: Looney
In grade 7, a german sheperd jumped on my friend's back and tried to hump him at recess.

Heh, that reminds me. Me and two friends were hiking a trail in Missouri. Part of it was down a dirt road with houses. The other two idiots decide to mess with a very large black lab who proceeded to break his chain. The dog the chased down one of the guys, knocked him down, and humped the hell out of him.


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2004
Well, mine are really lame compared to a lot of these, but anyway:

Driving up to Burlington from Waltham on 128 in MA. A black pickup goes flying by me with a bed full of furniture (couch, two chairs, and a table). They were starting to repave this section at the time. When he hits the bump where the grooved pavement ends, the couch flips out of the truckbed and slides across the highway into the left lane. I managed to just get by the couch before it hit the guardrail and blocked the lane (and stopped all the traffic behind me). I called *SP and had to tell the Staties three times that there was a couch blocking the left lane of the highway before they believed me.

My neighbor's cat jumped THROUGH the third story window to catch a bird. I was working on my car under said window and was covered in a rainstorm of glass. Miraculously, the cat managed to land on the metal bulkhead door, which acted kind of like a springboard, and suffered only a broken tooth. The scream from that cat on the way down will haunt me forever, though.

EDIT: Oh, yeah forgot this one. I was about ten, I think. A friend and I were walking back to his house from the corner store when we hear this loud PING! like an iceball hitting a fencepost. We didn't think much of it, because it was winter and there were a bunch of kids playing nearby. All of a sudden, the light pole next to us starts creaking and falls over, completely smashing a car parked under it. It shattered the rear windshield and basically crushed the right side of the car. We both just stood there scared sh!tless. I think that was the first time I ever spoke with a police officer.


Oct 10, 1999
Three tornadoes at once all within half a mile of where I was. It was an open field, so I saw them without obstruction.
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