Whats the deal with Keith Olbermann?

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Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: nick1985
Keith Olbermann is truly something special...he can't go two sentences without mentioning at least one of the following:

1) Something negative about Bush
2) Something negative about Bill O'Rielly (Is he pissed he gets trashed in the ratings?)
3) Something negative about Republicans in general.

Yeah, he's like the human form of ATPN.

ATPN and Keith Obermann have a well known liberal bias...........


well, you could take some time to make a case instead of crying "bias."

But, then - that would demand that you think instead of knee-jerk responding.....

Wait, are you seriously claiming that someone needs to "make a case" that Olbermann is a flaming liberal? I thought that's common knowledge? Or should we follow your shining example by just quoting stupid comedians?

I personally don't really have a problem with Olbermann. Obviously being a conservative I find him pretty damn annoying, but I'm sure the left finds Oreilly just as annoying. But it's their job to be biased political commentators, so meh....

Edit - Maybe you're just talking about ATPN being biased, but there's really no way to prove that either way...


Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Genx87
Olbermann is another loser leftie who thinks of himself as unique and amusing on the air. At least John Leibowitz can be legitmately funny.

LOL. I see what you did there.


Nov 4, 1999
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: nick1985
Keith Olbermann is truly something special...he can't go two sentences without mentioning at least one of the following:

1) Something negative about Bush
2) Something negative about Bill O'Rielly (Is he pissed he gets trashed in the ratings?)
3) Something negative about Republicans in general.

Yeah, he's like the human form of ATPN.

ATPN and Keith Obermann have a well known liberal bias...........


well, you could take some time to make a case instead of crying "bias."

But, then - that would demand that you think instead of knee-jerk responding.....

Wait, are you seriously claiming that someone needs to "make a case" that Olbermann is a flaming liberal? I thought that's common knowledge? Or should we follow your shining example by just quoting stupid comedians?

I personally don't really have a problem with Olbermann. Obviously being a conservative I find him pretty damn annoying, but I'm sure the left finds Oreilly just as annoying. But it's their job to be biased political commentators, so meh....

My comment was focused on the claim that ATPN has a liberal bias, which is moronic of the face of it....

ATPN is what it is. If the views of all these "libs" don't suit you, then go elsewhere - or present a solid viewpoint about what you stand on....



Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: nick1985
Keith Olbermann is truly something special...he can't go two sentences without mentioning at least one of the following:

1) Something negative about Bush
2) Something negative about Bill O'Rielly (Is he pissed he gets trashed in the ratings?)
3) Something negative about Republicans in general.

Yeah, he's like the human form of ATPN.

ATPN and Keith Obermann have a well known liberal bias...........


well, you could take some time to make a case instead of crying "bias."

But, then - that would demand that you think instead of knee-jerk responding.....

Wait, are you seriously claiming that someone needs to "make a case" that Olbermann is a flaming liberal? I thought that's common knowledge? Or should we follow your shining example by just quoting stupid comedians?

I personally don't really have a problem with Olbermann. Obviously being a conservative I find him pretty damn annoying, but I'm sure the left finds Oreilly just as annoying. But it's their job to be biased political commentators, so meh....

about the claim that ATPN has a liberal bias, which is moronic of the face of it....

ATPN is what it is. If the views of all these "libs" don't suit you, then go elsewhere - or present a solid viewpoint about what you stand on....

Ahhh...see my edit. Even still, ATPN has to be biased one way or the other. Hard to prove either way though.


Nov 4, 1999
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: nick1985
Keith Olbermann is truly something special...he can't go two sentences without mentioning at least one of the following:

1) Something negative about Bush
2) Something negative about Bill O'Rielly (Is he pissed he gets trashed in the ratings?)
3) Something negative about Republicans in general.

Yeah, he's like the human form of ATPN.

ATPN and Keith Obermann have a well known liberal bias...........


well, you could take some time to make a case instead of crying "bias."

But, then - that would demand that you think instead of knee-jerk responding.....

Wait, are you seriously claiming that someone needs to "make a case" that Olbermann is a flaming liberal? I thought that's common knowledge? Or should we follow your shining example by just quoting stupid comedians?

I personally don't really have a problem with Olbermann. Obviously being a conservative I find him pretty damn annoying, but I'm sure the left finds Oreilly just as annoying. But it's their job to be biased political commentators, so meh....

about the claim that ATPN has a liberal bias, which is moronic of the face of it....

ATPN is what it is. If the views of all these "libs" don't suit you, then go elsewhere - or present a solid viewpoint about what you stand on....

Ahhh...see my edit. Even still, ATPN has to be biased one way or the other. Hard to prove either way though.

Ahhh... but how easy it is to say "bias" and then run away when asked to have something to back it up....

The people that cry "bias" have no real ground to the argument they present and then make that claim when they can't find others that feel the same as they do....

I'm looking for discourse - ideas to be shared, even if I agree with them or not.


Jun 4, 2005
Originally posted by: RaistlinZ
Originally posted by: nick1985
I watch a lot of cable news shows, which means I have also seen my fair share of partisan blowhards. But this guy is truly something special...he can't go two sentences without mentioning at least one of the following:

1) Something negative about Bush
2) Something negative about Bill O'Rielly (Is he pissed he gets trashed in the ratings?)
3) Something negative about Republicans in general.

Does MSNBS try to portray this guy as unbiased? (Im asking because I honestly dont know). I know Fox openly states that Hannity is conservative (duh), but does MSNBC say anything about this tool?

I dont even know why im posting this, I sometimes get a kick out of his show because its so blatantly biased its almost comical. I like how almost all of his guests are reporters for either the NY Times or the LA times offering their "unbiased" opinions. I have to admit though, I feel genuinely embarrassed for the guy when he tries to crack a joke. He has got to be one of the most un-funny people in all of TV...he could give hillary a run for her money.

/2 cents

Rush Limbaugh does the same thing, only to Democrats. Each side has their extremist partisan wacko's.

except olbermann isn't an extremist partisan wacko. he's just a liberal-leaning journalist who gets pissed at people like o'reilly who hack the truth into little distorted chunks.

i do agree that his crusade against bill-o is a bit ridiculous, but whatever... fuck o'reilly.


Jun 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Olbermann trashes the right for the disgusting swine that they are, but how will that help in the long run. Those disgusting swine are swine because they were made to feel that way as children and putting them down only cauterizes their wounds, makes them more defensive and more deeply asleep. Some day some how the left, also filled with swines, will have to love the right who is their reflection. A prelude to healing will be an ending of blame. The sickness of self hate is universal.

well, he also calls democrats out who are swine.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
I'm looking for discourse - ideas to be shared, even if I agree with them or not.

Much like you were in the Clinton conspiracy thread you ran from? No thanks. I'd rather save the time of having ot spell it all out for you.


Sep 15, 2002
nick1985, you do understand that many feel the exact same way you do about Hannity,O'Reily,etc?


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
I'm looking for discourse - ideas to be shared, even if I agree with them or not.

Much like you were in the Clinton conspiracy thread you ran from? No thanks. I'd rather save the time of having ot spell it all out for you.

You could link to that thread......

but, it doesn't help your case...

No case trying to be made here. Youve already proven you run from threads you cant handle. I'm not wasting my time again. Move along...


Nov 4, 1999
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
I'm looking for discourse - ideas to be shared, even if I agree with them or not.

Much like you were in the Clinton conspiracy thread you ran from? No thanks. I'd rather save the time of having ot spell it all out for you.

You could link to that thread......

but, it doesn't help your case...

No case trying to be made here. Youve already proven you run from threads you cant handle. I'm not wasting my time again. Move along...

The only waste is between your ears...


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
I'm looking for discourse - ideas to be shared, even if I agree with them or not.

Much like you were in the Clinton conspiracy thread you ran from? No thanks. I'd rather save the time of having ot spell it all out for you.

You could link to that thread......

but, it doesn't help your case...

No case trying to be made here. Youve already proven you run from threads you cant handle. I'm not wasting my time again. Move along...

The only waste is between your ears...

When all else fails, attack! How old are you? Grow up.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Originally posted by: nick1985
Originally posted by: eskimospy

Why don't you take a minute to look these things up for yourself before posting something?

I'm sorry you don't like him, but lots and lots of people do. In fact since the start of his show his ratings have gone through the roof... he has one of the fastest growing audiences in cable news. His show has been so successful that it's actually caused MSNBC to change a large amount of its programming to revolve around him.

"In the age 25-54 demographic, O'Reilly had 507,000 viewers versus Olbermann's 250,000,[11] and O'Reilly's overall viewer pool was larger than Olbermann's (2.2 million viewers a night this year versus Olbermann's 710,000 viewers).[12]"


Wow...through the roof indeed! I mean, he has almost a third of the viewers as his counterpart!


I mean it's not like it's a secret that you started this thread because you were mad at Olbermann and wanted a venue to talk trash about him... yes O'Reilly has a significantly larger audience then Olbermann does. What's your point? My point was just that his show, so far as MSNBC goes has been fantastically successful and his audience has been growing rapidly. There's really no refuting this. Face it, you're just whining because you don't like the fact that there's finally a successful liberal opinion show on TV that tells you things that you don't like to hear.

Oh and MORPH, you're an idiot. I don't even watch Keith Olbermann and if you had been paying the slightest bit of attention to what I write you would know that despite the fact that I voted for Obama I've spent a great deal of time here defending Clinton.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
I'm looking for discourse - ideas to be shared, even if I agree with them or not.

Much like you were in the Clinton conspiracy thread you ran from? No thanks. I'd rather save the time of having ot spell it all out for you.

You could link to that thread......

but, it doesn't help your case...

No case trying to be made here. Youve already proven you run from threads you cant handle. I'm not wasting my time again. Move along...

Wait a minute, Corbett, are you really referring to the OP admitted PARODY thread where you made a complete ass of yourself taking it all seriously -- the one where all the points have already been fully debunked on Snopes, no less?

Wow, you're one dense tool, fellah.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Yeah he's definitely biased against Bush but then what decent citizen who's pissed at the damage Bush has done to the country whether he be liberal or conservative wouldn't be?


May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: nick1985
Keith Olbermann is truly something special...he can't go two sentences without mentioning at least one of the following:

1) Something negative about Bush
2) Something negative about Bill O'Rielly (Is he pissed he gets trashed in the ratings?)
3) Something negative about Republicans in general.

Yeah, he's like the human form of ATPN.

ATPN and Keith Obermann have a well known liberal bias...........




Senior member
Jun 14, 2003
Liberal, conservative. Whatever those labels mean anymore, they both spend far too much of my money.


Dec 29, 2002
Maybe I didnt explain myself well....

I see that half the people in here are swinging from Olbermann's nuts. I have no problem with liberal shows, heck I find hardball to be quite entertaining and its pretty well known Mathews is a liberal. But Olbermann is a different kind of breed...he foams at the mouth for an hour and comes with with the most un-funny jokes trying to knock down the same conservative people night after night. Does that not get old?



Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: Perknose
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
I'm looking for discourse - ideas to be shared, even if I agree with them or not.

Much like you were in the Clinton conspiracy thread you ran from? No thanks. I'd rather save the time of having ot spell it all out for you.

You could link to that thread......

but, it doesn't help your case...

No case trying to be made here. Youve already proven you run from threads you cant handle. I'm not wasting my time again. Move along...

Wait a minute, Corbett, are you really referring to the OP admitted PARODY thread where you made a complete ass of yourself taking it all seriously -- the one where all the points have already been fully debunked on Snopes, no less?

Wow, you're one dense tool, fellah.

Your lack of reading comprehension is no excuse to call me a dense fool. Good try though.


No Lifer
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: nick1985
Maybe I didnt explain myself well....

I see that half the people in here are swinging from Olbermann's nuts. I have no problem with liberal shows, heck I find hardball to be quite entertaining and its pretty well known Mathews is a liberal. But Olbermann is a different kind of breed...he foams at the mouth for an hour and comes with with the most un-funny jokes trying to knock down the same conservative people night after night. Does that not get old?


No, it never gets old. I don't watch O'Reilly for the same reason you don't like Olbermann. Olbermann appeals to my ideals, O'Reilly doesn't.


Sep 15, 2003
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: Genx87
Olbermann is another loser leftie who thinks of himself as unique and amusing on the air. At least John Leibowitz can be legitmately funny.

LOL. I see what you did there.

Bwahaha :laugh:
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