Whats The Most Painful Thing YOU Have Experienced?..

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Dec 11, 2000
Physical? shrug, 4in spiral fracture of my fibula, dislocation fracture (volar surface) of my left pinky are about the worst I've gotten and neither one really hurt too badly. Played football (HS) on the fib fracture for a few weeks before I decided it just wasn't a sprain and after I reduced the dislocation, it was just annoying. I've been very, very lucky.

Gotta say chicks have caused more grief than any physical ailment.


Sep 3, 2004
had a bad ulcer/acid reflex
working construction i accidentally squirted+ 500 degree hot glue on me arm and entirely burned through the skin over a thumbsized area. Never got it treated it but took a while to heal but it never got infected and didn't leave much of a scar.

the one the didn't was when i stepped on a hard wooden rake and it went though my foot, for some reason it pinched off the nerve or something so i couldn't feel my foot period.


Senior member
Jan 2, 2004
In no particular order:

Kidney stone - hurt to pee

Broken collarbone in bicycle accident - hurt to breathe

Two herniated discs in lower back - hurt to move


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2000
I was having some difficulty urinating so I had one of these done recently - Cystoscopy. The doctor was trying to get me to relax because he was having some trouble getting the scope thing far enough up my urethra to see my bladder, etc. What he didn't realize was there was a significantly sized fleshy growth/blockage part of the way up my urethra that was causing him the difficulty of pushing the tube further up there. Well, he just decided to push really hard and it WOOSHED past the blockage and I swear, I really thought he had like busted through the wall of something up in there. I had been watching the monitor that had the video signal output from the camera and was really expecting to see a huge flow of red/blood after that point, but fortunately that didn't happen.

So just imagine, you're already having a very uncomfortable procedure done anyway, some dude shoving a long, fairly girthy tube thing up your urethra, telling you to relax... (yeah right) and then he pushes really hard and breaks past that blockage, OWEEEEE. That was rough.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Had a boil on my ass that was really inflamed a few years ago. It hurt, but that wasn't the worst part of it.

I took the family on a trip up to NY (from TX) in our conversion van. We stopped in Nashville for the night. The next morning I was feeling ill from the boil, so we went to a local hospital to get the damn thing lanced. They gave me a shot of Demoral and something else, but the drugs hadn't kicked in. I could feel them cutting my skin and vacuuming out the puss and blood. I was actually facing the clear vacuum container and watched it fill up about two inches high by 4 inches in diamater. It wasn't until they were done and I was practically in tears that the Demoral kicked in. I felt pretty good for about 3 hours.

Two nights later, my wife attempted to replace the packing (they put strip gauze packing to keep the inside dry, clean and soak up any blood occumulation. Well when she went to pull the guaze out, it had apparently clinged itself to a scab inside the hole and I felt a ripping/tearing feeling, next thing I know blood comes squirting out of my lanced boil hole. As I'm sweating and crying from the pain, I scream at my wife to just push the guaze back in and replace my patch. I went to another hospital the next day to get it professionally changed.

A year later, I had to do the some with a boil that formed on my left facial cheek. It was not fun, but less painful than the one on my ass.


Feb 11, 2005
Originally posted by: BrownTown
whatever the fancy name is for the hernia between your chest cavity and your ball sack.

I had a strangulated one when I was 4. Worst pain I've ever felt. I can't even describe it.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Not sure.
Quite a few things in the Navy. Several times I found my hand pinched in places they should not have been pinched. With at least one of those situations I was sure I was gonna lose half my hand. Amazing escape with a small scratch to show for it.
Once I sprained my calf and got a charley horse at the same time. For some reason it hurt BAD, almost as if my tendon had been cut and the calf muscle was trying to curl up under my skin.

Never been shot or seriously stabbed so I cant make a comparison there.

OH CRAP! I forgot about the kidney stones.
Had 3 so far. All were miserable. It feels like a horrible back ache, like you got hit in the kidneys with a ball pean hammer.
The first was the most painful because I didnt know what the hell it was. I went to the can and pissed blood. First thing on my mind was "HOLY CRAP I GOT AN STD!!!"
Then I was like: "wait a sec, I havent had booty in over a month ".
"Did my roommate rape me or something? Should I get a blood test?"
Next morning I found I had passed a stone.
The next time it happened I knew what it was and went straight to the hospital. They gave me morphine immediately so I wont count that as the most painful experience ever, it was much shorter in duration.
3rd time I was getting used to it so it wasnt as painful. Even managed to keep the stone from that one.
Sep 29, 2004
3) I play ice and roller hockey. For ice, a cup is a given. For roller hockey, I used to wear one about 95% of the time. Not term, used to. Well, today I do that 100% of the time. I got hit in the goodies with a oil filled ball (a typical roller hockey ball). Ya, I didn't know a nut could get that big.

2) Lyme disiease. For about a year I had chronic headaches. Turns out it was lyme disease. But what symptom got me? It was when I couldn't open my mouth due to my jaw having its joint enflamed. WOW. That was painful. Hard to describe. Imagine not being to open your mouth without pain and then things like sneezing happen. Ya. that sucked.

1) back in college, I was playing basketball and came down funny. I slept about 10 hours in 4 days till I got it fixed by a doctor. I was bascally told that my spine was out of alignment. One of the vertibrate got twisted out of place. The doctor (a sports medicine guy) fixed it. Till it was fixed though, worst thing ever.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2003
Back before I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease, every time I ate something I'd have diarrhea 2-3 times about 30-45 minutes after I began eating. This is no normal diarrhea, this was stomach acid pouring out of my ass diarrhea. I lost 15-20lbs simply because the food I ate was passing through me so quickly, my body couldn't absorb any of it. The only painful thing was the knowledge that I'd be on the toilet in half an hour if I wanted to eat something. Kind of sucked.

Now to the most painful thing:
Last summer I was working in a concrete/soil testing lab. It was my job to test the compressive strength of the various samples from concrete pours throughout the city. We also tested grout and mortar. To test the concrete cylinders (4" dia, 8" tall), we put steel caps with rubber pads on the top and bottom to make sure the pressure was distributed evenly. Testing the grout was a PITA. They were 3.25 x 3.25 x 6. We had to cut off the top and bottom with a masonry saw because they were made in cardboard molds (as opposed to the plastic molds the concrete cylinders were made in). After the top and bottom were cut off, we had to cap the grout prism with a sulfur-silicon compound. This shit stank up the entire lab for hours as it had to be kept at 400F.

Anyway, you pour the capping compound into a small mold and then place the grout prism in the mold and viola, in 5 minutes you have a capped prism. Well, I had 1 prism that was smaller than normal; the person who made it screwed up and I had to cut off more than normal to get a good edge to place it in the mold. I poured the compound into the mold and then placed the short prism into the mold. Along with my pinky. I don't think I've reacted faster in my entire life. Holy crap. I immediately poured cold water on it but the damage was already done; I had a huge blister on half of the length of the left side of my left pinky. This hurt enough that I think I went into shock, I started shaking, I had cold sweats, and I was nauseous.

However, by the next day, it was completely painless.

Completely irrelevant to the topic:
Those grout prisms were a huge PITA. Preparing the cylinders for testing took ~10 seconds/each to get it out of the mold. The prisms took about 15 minutes each. Burning my finger because of them only solidified my hate.


Dec 26, 2004
Originally posted by: Darwin333
Originally posted by: MrWizzard

That?s pretty incredible, I am not sure I would have made it, I sometimes wonder where the line is when the human mind just gives up and the body soon follows. How did you cope day to day did you just tell yourself it was going to get better? Where you staying alive because people didn't want you to die?


The first day when they where pealing the tar off was by far the worst. I begged them to put me to sleep. Then I begged for any blunt object to knock my damn self out. Then I simply hoped and prayed that my body would just shut down. I honestly thought that I physically couldn't take anymore and I would just shut down and I actually wanted that.

Physically it was never quite that bad but mentally it just got much worse. I don't know how I got over the mental part but I did. My mother helped me through it a lot. She stayed with me all day at the hospital. She even slept there at first but she couldn't take hearing us in the debreedment room which was just down the hall. I'll admit that I screamed like a baby in that room just like the other 12 people in the burn unit did. I guess its not too manly to say that I was screaming like a girl but reflecting back it doesn't embarrass me a bit considering.... At any rate, my mother would show up at 10 am or so and bring lunch (Hospital food is cruel and unusual punishment) and wouldn't leave until after she helped me from my recliner type chair back into my hospital bed and either went to sleep or pretended to go to sleep so she could go get some rest. If it wasn't for her I highly doubt that I would have made it.

The nurses helped a great deal as well. I tell ya what, they are a special breed of people that do a job I could never imagine doing. In order to do their job and help heal people they must cause them immeasurable pain. Yet they where some of the most compassionate people I have ever known.

Other than that, I really don't know.

Holy hell man. That's an incredible story. The way you told it just gave me images like I was there or something. How long has it been since that incident? In any case...

:thumbsup: for moms and nurses.
:thumbsdown: for hospital food.
:beer::beer::beer: for you.


Platinum Member
Jan 17, 2000
Originally posted by: Jeff7
where you just lie in bed, hoping to pass out, crying slightly - slightly so as to not make the pain worse, and rocking back and forth a little, to provide some distraction.

That's exactly what I did last year when I had an infected tooth and needed a root canal.
I was taking 6 advil every 3 hours.. at first it helped, but then it stopped working.

It wasn't the worst pain I've experienced, but it was so persistent and ruthless...



Dec 11, 2006
Originally posted by: CraKaJaX
Originally posted by: Darwin333
Originally posted by: MrWizzard

That?s pretty incredible, I am not sure I would have made it, I sometimes wonder where the line is when the human mind just gives up and the body soon follows. How did you cope day to day did you just tell yourself it was going to get better? Where you staying alive because people didn't want you to die?


The first day when they where pealing the tar off was by far the worst. I begged them to put me to sleep. Then I begged for any blunt object to knock my damn self out. Then I simply hoped and prayed that my body would just shut down. I honestly thought that I physically couldn't take anymore and I would just shut down and I actually wanted that.

Physically it was never quite that bad but mentally it just got much worse. I don't know how I got over the mental part but I did. My mother helped me through it a lot. She stayed with me all day at the hospital. She even slept there at first but she couldn't take hearing us in the debreedment room which was just down the hall. I'll admit that I screamed like a baby in that room just like the other 12 people in the burn unit did. I guess its not too manly to say that I was screaming like a girl but reflecting back it doesn't embarrass me a bit considering.... At any rate, my mother would show up at 10 am or so and bring lunch (Hospital food is cruel and unusual punishment) and wouldn't leave until after she helped me from my recliner type chair back into my hospital bed and either went to sleep or pretended to go to sleep so she could go get some rest. If it wasn't for her I highly doubt that I would have made it.

The nurses helped a great deal as well. I tell ya what, they are a special breed of people that do a job I could never imagine doing. In order to do their job and help heal people they must cause them immeasurable pain. Yet they where some of the most compassionate people I have ever known.

Other than that, I really don't know.

Holy hell man. That's an incredible story. The way you told it just gave me images like I was there or something. How long has it been since that incident? In any case...

:thumbsup: for moms and nurses.
:thumbsdown: for hospital food.
:beer::beer::beer: for you.

Its been 11 years or so since it happened. And as I said before, I wouldn't have made it without my mother and those nurses. As much as I still wonder how I got through it, it is amazing how they can do that job day after day.


Golden Member
Mar 18, 2005
Hmmm, probably when I had strep and it migrated from my throat into my gums. All my back teeth were covered with gum tissue from the swelling, and I had to keep gauze in at all times to help stop the bleeding. My gums are still a little messed from it, and somehow I developed chronic jaw pain from it.

Aside from that, I would say migraine that lasted 3 days, hospital visit, mild amnesia during it and 2 t3's every 2 hours. Would take a broken anything to not have to experience that again.


Sep 1, 2004
Almost broke my femur taking a bike off a jump when I was like 12, took a big chunk of flesh off my leg.

Dislocated my shoulder when I was 14 playing football.

Sprained the shit out of my knee when I was 15.

Stepped on a 1/4 diameter screw while working on a job site, it went through my work boots and punctured my foot by about 1.5-2 inches, I could not pull it out because it was jammed into the rubber sole, so I had another guy on the job back it out with a drill...

My foot has a nice little mark where I stepped on that but doesn't hurt anymore, my knee still hurts sometimes, and I have since re-dislocated my shoulder twice. To make matters worse, I now have frozen shoulder in the same shoulder, so it pretty much hurts all the time.


Senior member
Feb 19, 2004
Kidney stones were THE absolute worst pain I've ever experienced. Put up with 'em for two weeks before I finally figured out that cranberry juice and vodka weren't going to get rid of the problem. My god painkillers were such a blessing at that point...

I've also broken my middle knuckle on my right hand 3 times. Two while attempting concrete breaks, the third was a successful speed-break of a pine board. Ow-eez. Still hurts to even lightly hit anything with that knuckle to this day.


Oct 14, 1999
Originally posted by: Beau
hyper-rotation of lower back causing stress fractures/fusing of 3 lumbar vertebrae
I know your wife's hot, but you didn't have to let your lust get the best of you, you know.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Probably the day that Mary Sue Rottencrotch broke my heart...I've never quite gotten over that...(but I did get over the clap she gave me...sort of anyway...)


Sep 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Darwin333
Originally posted by: Sasiki

Props to Darwin333. I commend you for being such a strong human being!</blockquote>

I wouldn?t consider myself a strong human being, at least not in or because of that situation. Hell, I took a massive dose of painkillers knowing full well that it could very likely cause me serious harm or even kill me just to not feel the pain for a few hours. Long after I was out of the hospital the I allowed the mental part of it to negatively affect my life. I got out of the hospital about a week before I started a new school. I couldn?t play football anymore so I just felt sorry for myself. I even had to enrole in special education because I could not write at all. Personally, I think the school just wanted the money as it barely affected how they taught me. The teachers made me copies of their notes and I dictated tests to them. Most homework I could type with my left hand. It still gave me more to feel sorry for myself about. The previous year I was in a school with tons of friends and starter on the football team. All of a sudden I was a ?special ed student? and I didn?t know a soul in the school. A stronger person would have overcame that but I did not.

Took me a while to stop using it as a crutch.

Thanks, I appreciate that.

Damn, dude... What a fucking cool ass story, scary as hell, but cool nonetheless


fucking wild stuff!


Senior member
Mar 16, 2006
Sunburn for me. Last summer I worked as a camp counselor, and we took the kids to a water park for a Saturday. No shade, cloudlessly sunny day. I was out there for the entire day in the sun. On the bus on the way back home I started feeling sick, my friend who was sitting next to me saw my back and was shocked at how red it was. That night I felt nauseous with pain and of course as sunburns do, it only got worse for the next couple of days (this was the first time I had ever been really sunburned). During my periods off I would just sit in my room with my shirt off and tons of aloe all over the place. UGH. It blistered like heck too. Plus... my campers wouldn't stop calling me "strawberry" since I was so red.


Jan 25, 2008
Age 14 or so. Dislocated my right knee for the second time, had to wear a full length leg cast (the ones that cover your toes).

During showering throughout the 8 weeks I apparently didn't cover the cast with a trash bag tight enough so water couldn't get in, so my foot was wet up to about the ankle.

When I went in to get the cast removed, they noticed this and had to slowly peel off the cast from my toes to my ankle. Bacteria had formed from the moisture and dark and ate a few layers of my flesh from my toes up to my ankle.

I had to go home and wash my blood red, nearly skinless foot in steaming hot water with soap and a wire sponge. Otherwise it could have gotten worse and require amputation.

Enough layers of skin were eaten that after it healed, my foot's skin was nearly transparent in hot water for about 8 months afterwards.
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