Whats The Most Painful Thing YOU Have Experienced?..

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Platinum Member
Jul 22, 2005
1. Huge sunburns. Blisters on my shoulders the size of half-dollars.
2. Ruptured appendix.


Golden Member
Aug 18, 2006
Originally posted by: ryan256
1. Huge sunburns. Blisters on my shoulders the size of half-dollars.
2. Ruptured appendix.

My appendix was a day from rupturing when I had surgery. Was it more painful before or after it ruptured?


Platinum Member
Jul 22, 2005
Originally posted by: trOver
Originally posted by: ryan256
1. Huge sunburns. Blisters on my shoulders the size of half-dollars.
2. Ruptured appendix.

My appendix was a day from rupturing when I had surgery. Was it more painful before or after it ruptured?

The rupture was pure torture. Looking back I have no idea why I didn't go to the ER. I just laid in bed rolling in pain. Took 6 acetaminophen tablets over a 5 hour period trying to get to sleep.

Never again.


Sep 15, 2003
Originally posted by: ryan256
Originally posted by: trOver
Originally posted by: ryan256
1. Huge sunburns. Blisters on my shoulders the size of half-dollars.
2. Ruptured appendix.

My appendix was a day from rupturing when I had surgery. Was it more painful before or after it ruptured?

The rupture was pure torture. Looking back I have no idea why I didn't go to the ER. I just laid in bed rolling in pain. Took 6 acetaminophen tablets over a 5 hour period trying to get to sleep.

Never again.

had the same thing happen. You can't get in a comfortable position to sleep. you think it's some sort of stomach virus, so you clean out the medicine cabinet and the drug store trying to fix it. then you go to the ER and writhe in pain on the floor, untill they take you to the CT scan, where they shove a tube in your rear and flush a cool fluid up through your intestines so they can determine that it is, in fact an appendix issue.

then the morphine , the surgery, and the 2 to 7 days afterwards where you have 2 tubes in your mouth, one for breathing and one for removing the bile. not being able to control your bowel movements, and intense pain from even sitting up, let alone walking to the bathroom. all while being doped up on morphine...

then the fun part, the $50k bill. thank god for insurance.

I've also been stabbed in the eye, had a broken ulna and radius bone poking through my arm, and had a swollen appendage on one of my manberries. none of those compare to a ruptured appendix.


Senior member
Oct 25, 2006
1. Ran into a flag pole (catching a football pass) and knocked my teeth out. . .the marks are still on the pole to this day, some 15 years later.
2. Shoulder surgery. . .out of the 8-9 procedures I've had done, this was by far the worst pain ever.


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2002
nothing major so far. I really feel for the burn victims as that is one of the most painful both injury and recovery.

- Was in 6th grade when burnt the index finger of my left hand. half of the finger was burnt. Never went to a doctor and let it heal on its own. Was painful but only one finger. Took ~2 months to heal fully and still has a mark that only i can notice or if you look closely (Cant even imagine what Darwin went through)

- Was in 7th grade and was playing when I fell and was laying on the ground. Another classmate fell on my right foot and the foot turned 90 degrees in an instant. Couldnt even stand or walk for few minutes. Managed to get back to classroom (classmates carried me) but pain worsened. Went to a family doctor in the evening and he said it was a sprain (lucky that the bone was ok). The sprain took ~1 month to go away (couldnt even wear shoes on my right feet) and took few months before I could walk without hurting. Took an year or so before I could run without feeling any pain. Even after ~15 yrs, i can still feel the pain sometimes (I think its probably a crack in the bone or something but never cared to get it checked)

- Was in 8th grade when I fell on a metal drum (those big big metal containers). Broke one of my teeth in half and had to get stitches inside my mouth. Couldnt speak/eat for a week (was on liquid diet) b/c acc. to family doctor, if i moved my lips too much, the lips could be disfigured and I had to give proper healing time for the stitches inside my mouth to heal. That was a hard week when I couldnt even speak. I did got my stitches removed in 5 days (was not fully healed but was enough)

- oh..had terrible stomach ache one morning (again was in 7th or 8th grade). My mom was out of town and my dad got really scared. He thought it was Appendix or something. Took me to a doctor asap but doc found nothing wrong. Probably was something that I ate the previous day or so but it was a terrible ache.

nothing much except for occasional falls etc.


Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Darwin333
3rd degree burns over 1/3rd of my body caused by 700 degree roofing asphalt when I was 16 years old and working a summer job. Basically, I was hauling some material backwards and the crane driver, who was acting foreman while our normal foreman was on vacation, pushed a mop cart directly behind me without warning me. I hit the back of my knees on the cart and fell backwards into the hot asphalt. My right hand instinctively went back to brace my fall and actually sat in the asphalt for a good 60 seconds. I was leaning back to far to stand straight up so I rolled over to get out of it and the whole thing basically dumped on my back and arms.

Asphalt isn?t like cooking grease. Grease gets on your skin at 500 degrees and a minute later its at room temp. Asphalt on the other hand just keeps on cooking so the crew threw two water coolers full of ice water on me to shock the asphalt. That saved my hand but presented a new problem. When I got into the burn clinic the asphalt was basically fused to my skin and they only had one way to get it off, by peeling it off (along with the skin it was fused too). Think being flayed alive. They couldn?t put me to sleep because I was in shock and they couldn?t give me massive doses of morphine for the same reason. So, for 4 hours they peeled my skin off while I screamed like a bitch in more pain then I thought the human body could endure before shutting down. It was so bad that, even though I didn?t want to die I wouldn?t have thought twice about shooting myself at the time simply to make the pain stop.

Unfortunately the story doesn?t stop there. The treatment for burns like that is almost as bad as the injury itself. Every morning they woke me up and brought me to a room with a stainless steel chair that sat on a pedestal with all kinds of hoses coming out of it. There I went through my daily debreedment (sp?). That is where they basically take a steel brillo pad and scrub the hell out of your fresh burn wounds. The point is to remove all the dead skin to avoid infection and to allow new skin to grow. The mental and physical pain is unexplainable. I tried to stay awake at night as late as possible because I knew as soon as I went to sleep I would awake to that god forsaken room. I begged and pleaded with the nurses to not bring me to that room everyday but every god damned day they would wake me up and take me in there.

The two skin graft surgeries that I got while in the hospital where a cakewalk compared to the rest.

/thread (I've worked with asphalt and know how painful it can be)


Platinum Member
Jul 22, 2005
Originally posted by: daveymark
had the same thing happen. You can't get in a comfortable position to sleep. you think it's some sort of stomach virus, so you clean out the medicine cabinet and the drug store trying to fix it. then you go to the ER and writhe in pain on the floor, untill they take you to the CT scan, where they shove a tube in your rear and flush a cool fluid up through your intestines so they can determine that it is, in fact an appendix issue.

then the morphine , the surgery, and the 2 to 7 days afterwards where you have 2 tubes in your mouth, one for breathing and one for removing the bile. not being able to control your bowel movements, and intense pain from even sitting up, let alone walking to the bathroom. all while being doped up on morphine...

then the fun part, the $50k bill. thank god for insurance.

I've also been stabbed in the eye, had a broken ulna and radius bone poking through my arm, and had a swollen appendage on one of my manberries. none of those compare to a ruptured appendix.

Whoa! Damn dude, mine wasn't quite that bad. Yes the rupture was painful as hell. But after I finally went to the ER. I drank 2 glasses of lemonade/chemicals for an MRI. Then got hospitalized for a week while they pumped me full of almost every antibiotic known to man. Went home for 4 weeks with some strong pills then came back for the actual appendectomy. 2 more days in the hospital and a week home recovery and I was basically back to normal.


Nov 18, 2001
Broke my thumb when I was a kid, playing around on the swingset. Parents didn't believe me and made me go to baseball practice. Catching 100+ pitches with a broken thumb = pain.


Senior member
Jun 30, 2004
Muscle contusion on the left bicep (falling while snowboarding)...
Having my right pinky nail get ripped off (managing to slam a car door shut on it)...

Nothing too serious, just painful for a day or two =P


Golden Member
Apr 8, 2005
Toss up between:

a) feeling my right humerus (thats the arm between the elbow and shoulder) snap in a complex spiral fracture when pitching a baseball; and

b) falling on top of my arm right after it was broken in said pitch.

Feeling my right post medial epicondle tendon tear in the middle of a pitch (seperate incident) was pretty bad too. The physical pain was bad, but knowing that any hope of a career in baseball died that day scarred me emotionally for life (3 weeks earlier I received offers from both Georgia Tech and Witchita state for a full scholarship if I would pitch for them...)


Golden Member
Apr 8, 2005
Originally posted by: IsLNdbOi
Getting the surgical staples pulled out of my head after brain surgery.

that hurt? I had 107 staples in my side after major shoulder/lymph node sugery and they came out in a pinch. Taking the drain out hurt like hell though.


Golden Member
Apr 8, 2005
Originally posted by: rudder
rotator cuff surgery. Although the surgery itself was not bad. It was the 2 days after when I was on a plush couch and had to get up to take a leak. Every which way I rolled it felt my shoulder was about to burst open. I had to wait until the wife came home and helped my up... but that was still no less painful.

arg, don't say that. I'm having that done soon

A Casual Fitz

Diamond Member
May 16, 2005
Originally posted by: slsmnaz
Originally posted by: Darwin333
Originally posted by: Bryophyte
Originally posted by: Darwin333
3rd degree burns over 1/3rd of my body caused by 700 degree roofing asphalt when I was 16 years old and working a summer job. Basically, I was hauling some material backwards and the crane driver, who was acting foreman while our normal foreman was on vacation, pushed a mop cart directly behind me without warning me. I hit the back of my knees on the cart and fell backwards into the hot asphalt. My right hand instinctively went back to brace my fall and actually sat in the asphalt for a good 60 seconds. I was leaning back to far to stand straight up so I rolled over to get out of it and the whole thing basically dumped on my back and arms.

Asphalt isn?t like cooking grease. Grease gets on your skin at 500 degrees and a minute later its at room temp. Asphalt on the other hand just keeps on cooking so the crew threw two water coolers full of ice water on me to shock the asphalt. That saved my hand but presented a new problem. When I got into the burn clinic the asphalt was basically fused to my skin and they only had one way to get it off, by peeling it off (along with the skin it was fused too). Think being flayed alive. They couldn?t put me to sleep because I was in shock and they couldn?t give me massive doses of morphine for the same reason. So, for 4 hours they peeled my skin off while I screamed like a bitch in more pain then I thought the human body could endure before shutting down. It was so bad that, even though I didn?t want to die I wouldn?t have thought twice about shooting myself at the time simply to make the pain stop.

Unfortunately the story doesn?t stop there. The treatment for burns like that is almost as bad as the injury itself. Every morning they woke me up and brought me to a room with a stainless steel chair that sat on a pedestal with all kinds of hoses coming out of it. There I went through my daily debreedment (sp?). That is where they basically take a steel brillo pad and scrub the hell out of your fresh burn wounds. The point is to remove all the dead skin to avoid infection and to allow new skin to grow. The mental and physical pain is unexplainable. I tried to stay awake at night as late as possible because I knew as soon as I went to sleep I would awake to that god forsaken room. I begged and pleaded with the nurses to not bring me to that room everyday but every god damned day they would wake me up and take me in there.

The two skin graft surgeries that I got while in the hospital where a cakewalk compared to the rest.

If this was a contest, you would easily win.

Too bad there isn't a cool prize.

I didn't even go into the year of almost daily physical therapy I had to go through just to be able to hold a pencil.

You make me feel bad for even posting in this thread. Sorry to hear you went thru that.

I'm almost in tears after reading that.


Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2007
I haven't had anything major yet *knock on wood* and everything I'm reading makes me feel like I'm a wuss.
just minor stuff

I've cut my fingers to the bone twice
hit by a 60 mph lacrosse ball in the crotch with NO cup (on the ground, out for the game, and the next week).
2nd and 1st degree burns all up and down my arm from a 600 deg pizza oven (granite stone)
extreme cramps that cause me to collapse. feels like nothing known to me
bad knees from lacrosse and snowboarding injuries. can seize up and cause me to fall down mid-stride
tendonitis in both wrists/hands (not painful, but annoying)
left middle finger crushed by machinery (young, can't remember what) so that the two pieces touched together with a click (flat finger, anyone?)
a broken foot that was never reset so it has a calcium growth on it and it cramps up now and then so i fall, much like my knees.
strange case of "hand, foot, and mouth" disease. couldn't swallow for a week. felt like i was swallowing nails.
104 def fever on a hot summer day

having my most trusted girlfriend ever sleep with my best friend behind my back. haha. that one hurt.

EDIT: Props to all that have suffered. I feel for you. I can't imagine some of the pain you guys and girls have gone through.


Platinum Member
Jan 5, 2000
Six guys with clubs and pipes attempting to use my head for batting practice..


Platinum Member
Apr 16, 2005
Passed out standing in a science classroom, hit my mouth on a stone counter on the way down almost knocking out my 4 front teeth, hit the ground and my teeth went through my lower lip needing 1 stitch, also needed 4 root canals for my front teeth.


Senior member
Mar 24, 2003
Years ago...when my then gf cheated on me with her ex. Pain quickly evolved into anger though.


Aug 3, 2006
Originally posted by: Ricemarine
Shin splints for 3 months...
Had to run everyday with them too, and it sucked...

I had them so bad that I was galloping when I ran, but I'd blocked the pain out two or so months ago, so I didn't notice. However, before I blocked it all out, and after I'd tried to start running after taking the summer off, I definately could tell something was wrong.

Funny thing is, once I'd blocked it all out, I couldn't tell what was wrong. It was actually extremely frustrating, being passed by JV freshmen after expecting to move up on the varsity team, all while having no idea why I just can't make myself run faster.


Jul 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Geekbabe
looking in the mirror every morning is pretty painful.

And wow, you're pretty and you know it (at least from that pic thread), so don't post that
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