Whats the purpose of patriotism?

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Golden Member
Mar 28, 2005
Originally posted by: cwjerome
Originally posted by: Promethply
Originally posted by: Malfeas
Here's an interesting quote from Hermann Goering:

Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.


Do we have to be told we're being attacked :roll: (Well, maybe the Libs never got the memo)

Pacifists SHOULD be denounced, in war, in peace, and anytime in-between.

Here, let me put on my LeftWing Nut cap: "OMGosh, like, fervent nationalism has been used to advance violence, like.... wow dude, PATRIOTISM IS SO BAD!!!!!!!1111111"

That hurt my brain just typing it //tosses cap in the garbage

much obliged :frown:



Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
As far as I can tell, nothing good has ever come from patriotism. In my opinion is is a means to coerce people into doing (or accomodating, etc) acts that are against their and the collective good. Patriotism serves as nothing but a divider between groups which should have no problem with each other, such as the Great war, and has served to facilitate some of the greatest crimes in human history. Why exactly should I, or anyone else, be "patriotic", or in any way subserviant to the state, when logically and morally it is not in my interest?

Well, you know I have to say it.... but that's a fairly Liberal attitude I see and hear quite often, mostly by younger people. Cynicism is like a poison. I guess we all sort of assumed the world and this country was they way they were just by chance. What you may or may not learn someday is, it's not about being subserviant, it is logical, it is moral, and it is in your interest.

Back in the day when I was young and thought I knew everything, I was profoundly self-centered like most people at that age. I was a big bad adult and I was all about me. Pretty hardcore individualist... I wasn't about to suck up to old fashioned ideas of "country" and crap like that.

You reach a point in your life though when you realize it's not all about you. I call it the "second birthday." As I got older, mellowed, matured, learned, got a wife and settled down, I discovered there are things more important than yourself. You begin to value things you never really understood. You realize that the impact you have on other people is your legacy. And you recognize that some things are indeed worth dying for.

As Martin Luther King, Jr. said, ?A man who won?t die for something is not fit to live.? There are things I love, and things I value, and things I respect in the deepest sense. America is one of them. The US was established because the founding fathers were willing to die to establish this great country of ours, and the world is better for it. Certain ideals, principles, and concepts transcend a single life. Such ideas bring goodness, life, and serve all of humanity. There are few things as noble and honorable as the things America represents and what she continually strives to achieve.

I am thankful to the country, and humbled by the people before me who have lived and died to make America what it is today. I would never let their sacrifies be in vain. I love the US, believe it to be the greatest country and highest hope, and am devoted to its well-being. If that makes me patriotic, then I guess I am.


Golden Member
Mar 8, 2005
It's just a way to control under-educated people, hitting their emotions and imaginations. Educated people think for themselves and need nothing more than their brain.

So I will support my country ONLY if I agree with its decisions, otherwise is just plain stupid to do it.
I don't even have a nation I call home, spent my whole life travelling and hold two passports... so I cannot identify myself with something so silly as a "patria" in the old roman meaning of the world. Why should be the place where one has born so important? What is important is what I think is right or wrong to do, no matter what the opinion of a particular government is. I don't feel any particular link to people that only have in common with me the fact that they born in a specific place on the earth... I choose my emotive links with the people I like, and nationality is not a factor.

And the germans too were told that was patriotic to fight for Germany in WWII, while in fact they were only fighting for Hitler... was it a smart move to fight and die patriotically for your county, if this meant protect a dictator?


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
first i'm not sure how much patriotism did to spare britian The british could have been as patriotic as they wanted and they wouldn't have been saved w/o the channel. Also imo resistance to an invading force is not necessarily patriotism.

also, what was patriotism ment to facilitate?

I suggest reading a little on the subject. The Germans could not guarantee safe passage of troops across the channel because they could not establish air dominance over the British. If you dont think the British fought for King and Country you are mistaken. Without patriotism what would they care if their leaders were British, Irish, German, or even American?



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Patriotism is a chimpanzee behavior where the women and kids climb trees and hurl sticks and taunts and the men go down and kill the leopard.

Cleaver chimps, us humans, turn their neighbor who has a better banana tree into a tiger.

Patriotism is human inborn communism, 'from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs', twisted to become 'from each according to his cunning to each according to his greed.'



Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2001
Originally posted by: raildogg
Patriotism is taking pride in one's country. If you wish well for your country, you are a patriot. I wonder why people here seem to have a problem with patriots?

Nationalism is great and will always be great.

I realize that many people associate nationalism with the Nazis, but they forget that the Nazis hijacked it. if the nazis really cared for their country, why did they burn down many of the buildings and destroy their own as they were being beaten in ww2?

The Nazis were not patriots. Get real.

I don't wave the flag, I don't have a flag on my car or at my home, but I consider myself a patriot because I put country first. I want best for America. I want America to always be #1, never #2.

Nothing wrong with patriotism per-se but you have touched on something here. You want what's best for America and so does every other person who claims they are a patriot. The problem is when what one person or faction thinks is best for a country conflicts with what another person or faction feels is best. What each group tends to think is best are the things that serve their interests and preserve their way of life. Who is right? Nobody. It's all in the interpretation. Some beliefs and values coexist easily with others but some are polar opposites of each other and thus, cannot coexist. Therefore, when one faction terms a certain belief as a "patriotic" one, and that belief cannot coexist with a belief firmly held by the opposing faction, you get the makings of unrest and the beginnings of war and revolution as each faction labels the other "unpatriotic." It comes down to people arguing over positions and not being flexible or willing to accept or tolerate the practices of others if it means sacrificing a part of what they hold near and dear for the greater good.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2002
Patriotism brings people together, if it weren't for american patriotism, the country would be at war due to very different ideologies on what is right and wrong. This has a very positive effect in every country domestically. Unfortunately the loyalty to the country on the international stage is counter productive as somehow our own people are held above others in other countries. Therefore patriotism allows people with very different views to come together, it sometimes allows many people to rally around something that may not be just.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: Stunt
Patriotism brings people together, if it weren't for american patriotism, the country would be at war due to very different ideologies on what is right and wrong. This has a very positive effect in every country domestically. Unfortunately the loyalty to the country on the international stage is counter productive as somehow our own people are held above others in other countries. Therefore patriotism allows people with very different views to come together, it sometimes allows many people to rally around something that may not be just.

In other words, patriotism is a prejudice that operates for the good or bad depending on the situation. It is therefore something that is outgrown with deeper understanding.


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
Many people who think patriotism is a prejudice are people who cannot make value-judgements. They are subjectivists... unable to distinguish good and bad, which in effect, makes everything bad (which in turn validates their malevolent outlook on reality).

Such people can never experience genuine love, since love is an immense personal demonstration of value. To the self-hating individual, cynicism is the dominant trait... attachments are seen as ignorant, primitive, and scary. They are reactionary to the sight of people demonstrating a characteristic that seems so foreign to them.

My feelings for America are not nationalistic bromide. They aren't because I was born here. They are derived from a full psychological and philosphical understanding of our history, ideals, and aspirations. This is possible because I not mired in moral paralysis and not incapable of making the necessary value judgements to determine good, bad, or otherwise.

Because patriotism is not good or bad. Patriotism is like love or democracy... it's a concept, it's conceptual, which means its amoral and its goodness (or badness) must be judged contextually. Can someone be patriotic and be engaged in evasion and ignorance? Yes. Can someone be patriotic and be engaged in honesty and reason? Yes.

The knee-jerk reaction by emotionaly stunted people is often to deride or dismiss something based on its unreasonable usage by some, precisely because their values (since they are subjectivists) are implicit, and the product of a motley default- full of subconscious feelings and random associations.

The emotionally advanced people can choose their values consciously because they have a rational commitment to introspection- discovering the source of their feelings and determining the premises from which they come. If the premises are wrong, they correct them. In the end, such people have the capacity to understand where a feeling -like patriotism- comes from and whether it's a valid response... using the mind as a guide.

The man who will follow his country down any evil path is a patriotic fool. This does not mean I think patriotism is foolish... it means it CAN be. But the man who uses logic, reason, and best possible evidence to agree with the sum total of what a country is (and what it stands for) will seek to cherish, uphold and defend such a country. He may not always agree with what the government does, or with certain social aspects, but he will always attempt to keep the country true to the virtuous ideals he sees at its core.


Sep 3, 2004
Originally posted by: cwjerome
Originally posted by: Promethply
Originally posted by: Malfeas
Here's an interesting quote from Hermann Goering:

Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.


Do we have to be told we're being attacked :roll: (Well, maybe the Libs never got the memo)

Pacifists SHOULD be denounced, in war, in peace, and anytime in-between.

Here, let me put on my LeftWing Nut cap: "OMGosh, like, fervent nationalism has been used to advance violence, like.... wow dude, PATRIOTISM IS SO BAD!!!!!!!1111111"

That hurt my brain just typing it //tosses cap in the garbage

so what you're saying is that your a big toughguy war-mongerer?


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
Originally posted by: cwjerome
Originally posted by: Promethply
Originally posted by: Malfeas
Here's an interesting quote from Hermann Goering:

Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.


Do we have to be told we're being attacked :roll: (Well, maybe the Libs never got the memo)

Pacifists SHOULD be denounced, in war, in peace, and anytime in-between.

Here, let me put on my LeftWing Nut cap: "OMGosh, like, fervent nationalism has been used to advance violence, like.... wow dude, PATRIOTISM IS SO BAD!!!!!!!1111111"

That hurt my brain just typing it //tosses cap in the garbage

so what you're saying is that your a big toughguy war-mongerer?

I'm sure in your mind that's exactly what I'm saying. There ain't a law against being stupid... have at it.


Platinum Member
Jul 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: piasabird
Patriotism has to do whith belonging to a group and defending the rights of a group even with your life. You might try watching the move "The Patriot" to help you to understand it. It is kind of like a gay person standing up for the rights of other gay people or the Christian standing up for the rights of other Christians.

Patriotism also has to do with loyalty to the government and the society that exists in the land in which you live. In the USA we have a very unique situation. We declared to the King of England that we had certain unalienable human rights. As a country we stood against tyrany so people would have the right to attempt to live in freedom. Freedom to live, freedom to own property, and freedom to beleive and worship as each of us chooses within the common laws we established. Our actions shaped our nation and started a revolution that is still rolling, as it covers the whole earth.

Many people think that our way of life is worth dying for.

You almost got it right, except for that part I bolded. Unless you mean loyalty to the principles upon which this government was founded, you are dead wrong. Americans throwing off the rule of the King of England were patriots, because they stood against tyrany for their country and their principles. Governments are just men, loyalty to men above loyalty to principles is misplaced patriotism. Or were the founding fathers not patriots at all?

In addition to that, "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the patriots and tyrants." ~Jefferson. I would like to think that the founding fathers had their liberty trampled upon and thus had to refresh it with their blood and the blood of the tryants.
I agree that patriotism has to deal with the principles of of the country, and not the leaders of it.

I like to think that i'm as patriotic as the next person. I dont have to follow masses to show my patriotism with flags, and yellow ribbons on my car. But i still have strong feelings for this Country and I don't think i have to show them off with objects.

I think somebody said before about using Patriotism to divide america. Depending on how passionate people can be, i think it could have been construded as Jingoism.



Senior member
Jun 8, 2005
I'm patriotic in that I value the sacrifices of my forefathers, and the ideals for which they fought. In this sense my dissent of certain current political policies stems from my patriotism.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Much of the patriotism afoot today is jingoism. Waving the flag is not patriotism. Supporting amendments that protect the flag is not patriotism. Saying 'America - Love it or Leave it' is not patriotism. A patriot knows his duty it to love it AND fix it.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I think poor cw's dream is that his mastery of blowing smoke out his ass will imply that I do the same. Let us hope he doesn't fall in love with his own BS:

cw: "Many people who think patriotism is a prejudice are people who cannot make value-judgements. They are subjectivists... unable to distinguish good and bad, which in effect, makes everything bad (which in turn validates their malevolent outlook on reality)."

M: You should try to actually read and understanding what you write so you can come to grips with the fact that you don't really say anything. Subjectivists do make value judgments, subjective ones. Nothing here in your 'rant' I will call it, since it is not a rational discourse, demonstrates or shows in any way how subjectivity leads to making everything bad nor do you tell us how it is that subjective people have a malevolent outlook on reality. Care to make an actual case? Clearly you enjoy spewing nonsense.

cw: "Such people can never experience genuine love, since love is an immense personal demonstration of value.

M: Oh no, you mean personal value as in subjective? Goodness me!

cw: "To the self-hating individual, cynicism is the dominant trait... attachments are seen as ignorant, primitive, and scary. They are reactionary to the sight of people demonstrating a characteristic that seems so foreign to them."

M: You characterize yourself well here.

cw: My feelings for America are not nationalistic bromide.

M: Whatever that means.

cw: They aren't because I was born here. They are derived from a full psychological and philosphical understanding of our history, ideals, and aspirations. This is possible because I not mired in moral paralysis and not incapable of making the necessary value judgements to determine good, bad, or otherwise.

M: My my, you are very impressive. Ever stop to wonder how you got so high on the horse?

cw: "Because patriotism is not good or bad. Patriotism is like love or democracy... it's a concept, it's conceptual, which means its amoral and its goodness (or badness) must be judged contextually. Can someone be patriotic and be engaged in evasion and ignorance? Yes. Can someone be patriotic and be engaged in honesty and reason? Yes."

M: As I pointed out in a post before you. >In other words, patriotism is a prejudice that operates for the good or bad depending on the situation.

cw: The knee-jerk reaction by emotionaly stunted people is often to deride or dismiss something based on its unreasonable usage by some, precisely because their values (since they are subjectivists) are implicit, and the product of a motley default- full of subconscious feelings and random associations.

M: Here I think you were so intent on sounding as though you knew what you were talking about that you wound up saying nothing. Perhaps you would like to say it simply. I am curious, for example, how values can be both subjective and implicit.

cw: The emotionally advanced people can choose their values consciously because they have a rational commitment to introspection- discovering the source of their feelings and determining the premises from which they come. If the premises are wrong, they correct them. In the end, such people have the capacity to understand where a feeling -like patriotism- comes from and whether it's a valid response... using the mind as a guide.

M: How very rational. I guess you too know that patriotism is not a valid response.

cw: "The man who will follow his country down any evil path is a patriotic fool. This does not mean I think patriotism is foolish... it means it CAN be. But the man who uses logic, reason, and best possible evidence to agree with the sum total of what a country is (and what it stands for) will seek to cherish, uphold and defend such a country. He may not always agree with what the government does, or with certain social aspects, but he will always attempt to keep the country true to the virtuous ideals he sees at its core."

M: No he won't. "That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."

The founding fathers were not patriots, they were revolutionaries.

Patriotism is an emotional disease, the act of identification with an abstraction and irrationally idolized entity like the state. The real patriot is patriotic to truth and follows it wherever it leads. Your words are the gas of unexamined assumptions. As every dwarf in World of Warcraft will tell you, "Keep yur feet on the ground."



Golden Member
Jun 26, 2005
"My affections were first for my own country, then, generally, for all mankind" -Thomas Jefferson

"Every good citizen makes his country's honor his own, and cherishes it not only as precious but as sacred. He is willing to risk his life in its defence and is conscious that he gains protection while he gives it." -Andrew Jackson



Platinum Member
Jul 8, 2002
Originally posted by: daveshel
Much of the patriotism afoot today is jingoism. Waving the flag is not patriotism. Supporting amendments that protect the flag is not patriotism. Saying 'America - Love it or Leave it' is not patriotism. A patriot knows his duty it to love it AND fix it.

I concur.
Also, shoud that last sentance be "A patriot knows his duty is to love it AND fix it"?

Originally posted by: johnnobts
"My affections were first for my own country, then, generally, for all mankind" -Thomas Jefferson

"Every good citizen makes his country's honor his own, and cherishes it not only as precious but as sacred. He is willing to risk his life in its defence and is conscious that he gains protection while he gives it." -Andrew Jackson

Those are good quotes and most appropriate.


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
Leave it to the mystic who found the secrets of the universe within a mental trance on a therapist's couch :roll:

Just because you cannot understand doesn't mean you should ASSUME what I say is wrong... and it is clear you do not understand because your reply was nonsensical. Maybe you should seek understanding instead of damning something... wait, I'm an infidel to your one-man religion, and anything that appears as a threat to your supernatural dogma must be opposed. I forgot that you have already reached a Jesus-like state through your psychotherapeutic exercises.


cw: "Many people who think patriotism is a prejudice are people who cannot make value-judgements. They are subjectivists... unable to distinguish good and bad, which in effect, makes everything bad (which in turn validates their malevolent outlook on reality)."

M: You should try to actually read and understanding what you write so you can come to grips with the fact that you don't really say anything. Subjectivists do make value judgments, subjective ones. Nothing here in your 'rant' I will call it, since it is not a rational discourse, demonstrates or shows in any way how subjectivity leads to making everything bad nor do you tell us how it is that subjective people have a malevolent outlook on reality. Care to make an actual case? Clearly you enjoy spewing nonsense.


A subjectivist as I'm using the term believes that reality is not a firm absolute. We have had this discussion... you are subjectivist and I'm not. You believe reality is a plastic, arbitrary substance that can be altered or defined by the perceiver's feelings, experiences, wishes, or whims.

In epistemology (how we arrive at truth), the subjectivist dispenses with facts, since truth lies inward. So "Good" (a value judgement) bears no relation to the facts of reality... Good is the product our our consciousness they claim. So when I say they cannot distinguish good or bad, I'm saying that cannot distinguish an across-the-board, objective good or bad since everyone's consciousness decides their own. Since in their fantasyworld, "good" and "bad" are individual inventions, any idea or concept or principle could be contrued as bad.


cw: "Such people can never experience genuine love, since love is an immense personal demonstration of value.

M: Oh no, you mean personal value as in subjective? Goodness me!


So thinking about what I just said, the subjectivist lives by the primacy of his emotions, experiences, and lower consciousness. He is not in control. What he values is based on the whims of this conglomeration of inner forces. He cannot experience true love when he does not consider the valid values based on an external, rational, real existence. He is a zombie, an underdevloped automan living a life with blinders, ruled by the machinations of his mental dreamworld and giving what can only be described as a causeless love.

To love is to value, and this value must be based on a rational estimation of objective reality. Only this person is capable of authentic love by holding firm, consistent, uncompromising values... and those are the types of values a subjectivist -by definition- cannot hold.


cw: "To the self-hating individual, cynicism is the dominant trait... attachments are seen as ignorant, primitive, and scary. They are reactionary to the sight of people demonstrating a characteristic that seems so foreign to them."

M: You characterize yourself well here.


Your skills of observation are... lacking, to say the least. And disengenuous, considering YOU have said attachments are bad (ie. ignorant, primitive, and scary). And you succumb to your own cynicism: I express my attachments (specifically to America in this thread) and you post a reactionary reply, just as I explained they do.


cw: My feelings for America are not nationalistic bromide.

M: Whatever that means.


Bromide is platitude. My feeling for America are not trite, nationalistic platitudes.


cw: They aren't because I was born here. They are derived from a full psychological and philosphical understanding of our history, ideals, and aspirations. This is possible because I not mired in moral paralysis and not incapable of making the necessary value judgements to determine good, bad, or otherwise.

M: My my, you are very impressive. Ever stop to wonder how you got so high on the horse?


Great response, couldn't think of anything to say?

As if you - the P&N Buddha himself- have room to talk. At least I base my assumptions and conclusions on reasoned thinking of best possible evidence. You have arrived at your godlike wisdom through some psychic breakthrough :roll:


cw: "Because patriotism is not good or bad. Patriotism is like love or democracy... it's a concept, it's conceptual, which means its amoral and its goodness (or badness) must be judged contextually. Can someone be patriotic and be engaged in evasion and ignorance? Yes. Can someone be patriotic and be engaged in honesty and reason? Yes."

M: As I pointed out in a post before you. >In other words, patriotism is a prejudice that operates for the good or bad depending on the situation.


I would not call it a prejudice, because that implies forming an opinion (or acting on feelings) without knowledge, thought, or reason. Sorry, I cannot buy into your loaded definition.


cw: The knee-jerk reaction by emotionaly stunted people is often to deride or dismiss something based on its unreasonable usage by some, precisely because their values (since they are subjectivists) are implicit, and the product of a motley default- full of subconscious feelings and random associations.

M: Here I think you were so intent on sounding as though you knew what you were talking about that you wound up saying nothing. Perhaps you would like to say it simply. I am curious, for example, how values can be both subjective and implicit.


It only seems as if I said nothing because you evidently needed more explanation. Hopefully you now understand that I'm talking about. The (false) "values" held by the subjectivist is implicit because they are inherent ... they are a subconscious default, not real values based on the external, real, objective, universe.


cw: The emotionally advanced people can choose their values consciously because they have a rational commitment to introspection- discovering the source of their feelings and determining the premises from which they come. If the premises are wrong, they correct them. In the end, such people have the capacity to understand where a feeling -like patriotism- comes from and whether it's a valid response... using the mind as a guide.

M: How very rational. I guess you too know that patriotism is not a valid response.


And why wouldn't patriotism be a valid response? Because the little pixie in your "unconscious" told you so?


cw: "The man who will follow his country down any evil path is a patriotic fool. This does not mean I think patriotism is foolish... it means it CAN be. But the man who uses logic, reason, and best possible evidence to agree with the sum total of what a country is (and what it stands for) will seek to cherish, uphold and defend such a country. He may not always agree with what the government does, or with certain social aspects, but he will always attempt to keep the country true to the virtuous ideals he sees at its core."

M: No he won't. "That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."

The founding fathers were not patriots, they were revolutionaries.


The founding father's weren't patriots? Wow.....

As I said, a patriot seeks to cherish, uphold and defend a country that they believe to be honorable and noble. Obviously... duh... if they no longer see the government as representative of such high ideals, they will no longer seek to do those things. They are patriots to the notions and principles, which are merely emboddied by the country.


Patriotism is an emotional disease, the act of identification with an abstraction and irrationally idolized entity like the state. The real patriot is patriotic to truth and follows it wherever it leads. Your words are the gas of unexamined assumptions. As every dwarf in World of Warcraft will tell you, "Keep yur feet on the ground."


I would rather identify with abstractions (which takes human effort) than concretes (which animals can do). As one person has said, an animal can perceive two oranges or two apples, but cannot grasp the abstraction of "two." I can understand your aversion to abstractions, because that takes reasoned application of external facts of reality, not whatever your pixie-friend whispers into your mind's eye.

What I think you should realize is we believe different things and just won't agree on much. I will normally stick to expressing my ideas, and people can take them or leave them. But your favorite tactic of dissecting quote-by-quote my posts in a frenzy of indignation begs the question: What are you scared of (if your so comfortable with your belief system?) Spend a little time on the old shrink couch with that... what are you scared of?



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
cw: "Leave it to the mystic who found the secrets of the universe within a mental trance on a therapist's couch :roll:

Just because you cannot understand doesn't mean you should ASSUME what I say is wrong... and it is clear you do not understand because your reply was nonsensical. Maybe you should seek understanding instead of damning something... wait, I'm an infidel to your one-man religion, and anything that appears as a threat to your supernatural dogma must be opposed. I forgot that you have already reached a Jesus-like state through your psychotherapeutic exercises. "

Nah, just trying to save you from your assumptions.


cw: "Many people who think patriotism is a prejudice are people who cannot make value-judgements. They are subjectivists... unable to distinguish good and bad, which in effect, makes everything bad (which in turn validates their malevolent outlook on reality)."

M: You should try to actually read and understanding what you write so you can come to grips with the fact that you don't really say anything. Subjectivists do make value judgments, subjective ones. Nothing here in your 'rant' I will call it, since it is not a rational discourse, demonstrates or shows in any way how subjectivity leads to making everything bad nor do you tell us how it is that subjective people have a malevolent outlook on reality. Care to make an actual case? Clearly you enjoy spewing nonsense.


cw: "A subjectivist as I'm using the term believes that reality is not a firm absolute. We have had this discussion... you are subjectivist and I'm not. You believe reality is a plastic, arbitrary substance that can be altered or defined by the perceiver's feelings, experiences, wishes, or whims. "

M: Yes we had this conversation in which you claimed that the reality is reality is reality, a totally tautological and useless assertion. You make appeals to reality but cannot tell us what it is except in a meaningless way. The way you define reality is completely subjective to you. Reality is what you claim it to be. Not.

cw: "In epistemology (how we arrive at truth), the subjectivist dispenses with facts, since truth lies inward. So "Good" (a value judgement) bears no relation to the facts of reality... Good is the product our our consciousness they claim. So when I say they cannot distinguish good or bad, I'm saying that cannot distinguish an across-the-board, objective good or bad since everyone's consciousness decides their own. Since in their fantasyworld, "good" and "bad" are individual inventions, any idea or concept or principle could be contrued as bad."

M: Pray, what is the good?


cw: "Such people can never experience genuine love, since love is an immense personal demonstration of value.

M: Oh no, you mean personal value as in subjective? Goodness me!


cw: So thinking about what I just said, the subjectivist lives by the primacy of his emotions, experiences, and lower consciousness. He is not in control. What he values is based on the whims of this conglomeration of inner forces. He cannot experience true love when he does not consider the valid values based on an external, rational, real existence. He is a zombie, an underdevloped automan living a life with blinders, ruled by the machinations of his mental dreamworld and giving what can only be described as a causeless love.

M: What are the valid values based on an external, rational, real existence.

cw: To love is to value, and this value must be based on a rational estimation of objective reality. Only this person is capable of authentic love by holding firm, consistent, uncompromising values... and those are the types of values a subjectivist -by definition- cannot hold.

M: You are an idealist in love with your theory of what you value in a thing. You have no love for the thing itself at all. You are in love with a story you tell. But don't assume that you will see this.


cw: "To the self-hating individual, cynicism is the dominant trait... attachments are seen as ignorant, primitive, and scary. They are reactionary to the sight of people demonstrating a characteristic that seems so foreign to them."

M: You characterize yourself well here.


cw: Your skills of observation are... lacking, to say the least. And disengenuous, considering YOU have said attachments are bad (ie. ignorant, primitive, and scary). And you succumb to your own cynicism: I express my attachments (specifically to America in this thread) and you post a reactionary reply, just as I explained they do.

M: Yes but that does not change the fact that you describe yourself well. My skill of observation are lacking because you lack the observational skill to see them,


cw: My feelings for America are not nationalistic bromide.

M: Whatever that means.


cw: Bromide is platitude. My feeling for America are not trite, nationalistic platitudes.

M: I know what a Bromide is, and that helps not to decipher your meaning. It is that fact that you make claims for which no evidence is forthcoming that makes it incomprehensible. You are stuffed full of Bromides and platitudes in the form of unexamined assumptions that you know the good.


cw: They aren't because I was born here. They are derived from a full psychological and philosphical understanding of our history, ideals, and aspirations. This is possible because I not mired in moral paralysis and not incapable of making the necessary value judgements to determine good, bad, or otherwise.

M: My my, you are very impressive. Ever stop to wonder how you got so high on the horse?


cw: Great response, couldn't think of anything to say?

M: I have a great deal to say but almost none of it will do you any good. You are profoundly defensive. I think it's important to show the extent to which you will exaggerate. It's just more hot air where you claim to know stuff about which is clear you haven't the faintest idea.

cw: As if you - the P&N Buddha himself- have room to talk. At least I base my assumptions and conclusions on reasoned thinking of best possible evidence. You have arrived at your godlike wisdom through some psychic breakthrough :roll:

M: On the contrary your words are an endless series of assertions with no proof or demonstration at all. You simply propound a ton of cabbage and say what a good boy am I. You are so sure of yourself you fail to note you provide absolutely no evidence for your claims.


cw: "Because patriotism is not good or bad. Patriotism is like love or democracy... it's a concept, it's conceptual, which means its amoral and its goodness (or badness) must be judged contextually. Can someone be patriotic and be engaged in evasion and ignorance? Yes. Can someone be patriotic and be engaged in honesty and reason? Yes."

M: As I pointed out in a post before you. >In other words, patriotism is a prejudice that operates for the good or bad depending on the situation.


cw: I would not call it a prejudice, because that implies forming an opinion (or acting on feelings) without knowledge, thought, or reason. Sorry, I cannot buy into your loaded definition.

M: Then please show me how logic thought or reason yield patriotism.

cw: The knee-jerk reaction by emotionaly stunted people is often to deride or dismiss something based on its unreasonable usage by some, precisely because their values (since they are subjectivists) are implicit, and the product of a motley default- full of subconscious feelings and random associations.

M: Here I think you were so intent on sounding as though you knew what you were talking about that you wound up saying nothing. Perhaps you would like to say it simply. I am curious, for example, how values can be both subjective and implicit.


cw: It only seems as if I said nothing because you evidently needed more explanation.

M: I will let others judge that for themselves.

cw: Hopefully you now understand that I'm talking about. The (false) "values" held by the subjectivist is implicit because they are inherent ... they are a subconscious default, not real values based on the external, real, objective, universe.

M: Nope, no idea what you are talking about. And you are the subjectivist, again, not me. Your values are based on your opinion of what constitutes the external real objective universe, not the one that exists in fact. They are only words and ideas you have created about reality, dead and from the past.


cw: The emotionally advanced people can choose their values consciously because they have a rational commitment to introspection- discovering the source of their feelings and determining the premises from which they come. If the premises are wrong, they correct them. In the end, such people have the capacity to understand where a feeling -like patriotism- comes from and whether it's a valid response... using the mind as a guide.

M: How very rational. I guess you too know that patriotism is not a valid response.


cw: And why wouldn't patriotism be a valid response? Because the little pixie in your "unconscious" told you so?

M: No, because that is the conclusion reached by advanced people of the kind you described, of course.

cw: "The man who will follow his country down any evil path is a patriotic fool. This does not mean I think patriotism is foolish... it means it CAN be. But the man who uses logic, reason, and best possible evidence to agree with the sum total of what a country is (and what it stands for) will seek to cherish, uphold and defend such a country. He may not always agree with what the government does, or with certain social aspects, but he will always attempt to keep the country true to the virtuous ideals he sees at its core."

M: No he won't. "That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."

The founding fathers were not patriots, they were revolutionaries.


cw: The founding father's weren't patriots? Wow.....

M: The founding fathers were British. Ask the British if they were patriots.

cw: As I said, a patriot seeks to cherish, uphold and defend a country that they believe to be honorable and noble. Obviously... duh... if they no longer see the government as representative of such high ideals, they will no longer seek to do those things. They are patriots to the notions and principles, which are merely emboddied by the country.

M: But your words, which you pay so little attention to were: " but he (the Patriot) will always attempt to keep the country true to the virtuous ideals he sees at its core.


M: Patriotism is an emotional disease, the act of identification with an abstraction and irrationally idolized entity like the state. The real patriot is patriotic to truth and follows it wherever it leads. Your words are the gas of unexamined assumptions. As every dwarf in World of Warcraft will tell you, "Keep yur feet on the ground."


cw: I would rather identify with abstractions (which takes human effort) than concretes (which animals can do). As one person has said, an animal can perceive two oranges or two apples, but cannot grasp the abstraction of "two." I can understand your aversion to abstractions, because that takes reasoned application of external facts of reality, not whatever your pixie-friend whispers into your mind's eye.

M: Point is,,,,abstractions are pxie dust and subjective words and ideas with no reality at all but with the power to cause you to die for your fantasies. As I said, you are an idealistic dreamer and I am the realist. For the love of ideas you can kill real men,,,,and call it love. And all because you live with the illusion you know what is good.

cw: What I think you should realize is we believe different things and just won't agree on much. I will normally stick to expressing my ideas, and people can take them or leave them. But your favorite tactic of dissecting quote-by-quote my posts in a frenzy of indignation begs the question: What are you scared of (if your so comfortable with your belief system?) Spend a little time on the old shrink couch with that... what are you scared of?

M: The world will die from the good intentions of idealists as one patriot mows down another.



Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
Holy italics! Your post is almost incomprehensible, and that's without the Moonbeam-ish meanderings. I am going to focus on your first and last statements for clarity.

"Nah, just trying to save you from your assumptions"

Like the good priest you are, Father Moonbeam. Like all good born-agains who think they've found truth through some spiritual epiphany, you want to share the wisdom you've discovered. But it makes no difference to me if it's a Catholic, a Muslim, or someone like you who has journeyed through the inner recesses of your "unconscious" mind to find universal truth, I don't want to be saved by your cabalism, so quit knocking on my door!

"The world will die from the good intentions of idealists as one patriot mows down another"

Once again this is where your subjectivism overwhelms your mind and cripples your soul. This is the crux of the problem. In your made-up subjectivist universe, one patriot is as good (or bad) as the other. There is no objective right (or wrong), no real difference between good and evil. Everything's relative. Proper value judgements cannot be made since each person determine's their own morality. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter, blah blah

So the subjectivist has checked out, packed up, given up. He cannot face the reality of the world. He cannot challenge himself to seek objective truth. He has thrown his hands in the air at the difficulty of reason, and the honest intellectual effort -and moral strength- it takes to always be critical, to always face facts, always seek the best ideas and best principles... to never give up in the quest for better understanding of the world and desire to make progress for man.

To do those things takes characteristics the subjectivist in incapable of or unwilling to nurture. The subjectivist sees people fighting and dying for "good" so they seek to abandon the concept instead of using their human responsibility to seek and determine what is objectively the "good." The subjectivist would like to tear back all progress and understanding, to renounce the ideals and principles that have built civilization, and drag man down to the level of unthinking beasts who cannot determine what might be good for man because that'll lead to objective ideas of "good" which will lead men to conflict.

You see for me, it's actually quite easy. The "Good" is that which sustains and promotes Man's Life. I could argue the philosophic and logical reasons why that should be the good.

From that moral premise, I can argue the philosphic and logical reasons why some ideas and principles and better than others: those ideas and principles that sustain and promote human life are better than those that don't.

From that argument, I can argue the philosophic and logical reasons why the people who support such ideas and principles in their country are good patriots, while those that support a country that is opposite of such ideas and principles are only patriots of human misery.

This is the path to understanding and progress. This is the responsibility we have to the people before us, the people today, and tomorrow's men and women. Just because there could be disagreement, or people can be ignorant and cruel, doesn't mean we just shirk that responsibility and retreat into an artificial reality constructed by a weak mind.

Yes, it's so much easier to give up and pretend everything will be A-OK by thinking the real world would be better off if everyone gave up on objective ideas of good and bad, right and wrong. We can sit back and wag our finger at those in the mud, still trying to push, pull, and will mankind forward. The subjectivist gets to enjoy a free ride while the men of courage and rationality deal with reality and prop humanity up from animalistic agony.

The subjectivist is a moral parasite, living off the juice of those who refuse to give up, until there's enough of them and they suck all the life out of their host... which is when civilization dissolves and a dark age takes over. This scenario is playing out as we speak, and the parasites may be closer to killing the engine of human advancement than most people think. That, not patriotism, is what will kill this world.

EDIT: spelling


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: cwjerome
Holy italics! Your post is almost incomprehensible, and that's without the Moonbeam-ish meanderings. I am going to focus on your first and last statements for clarity.

"Nah, just trying to save you from your assumptions"

Like the good priest you are, Father Moonbeam. Like all good born-agains who think they've found truth through some spiritual epiphany, you want to share the wisdom you've discovered. But it makes no difference to me if it's a Catholic, a Muslim, or someone like you who has journeyed through the inner recesses of your "unconscious" mind to find universal truth, I don't want to be saved by your cabalism, so quit knocking on my door!

"The world will die from the good intentions of idealists as one patriot mows down another"

Once again this is where your subjectivism overwhelms your mind and cripples your soul. This is the crux of the problem. In your made-up subjectivist universe, one patriot is as good (or bad) as the other. There is no objective right (or wrong), no real difference between good and evil. Everything's relative. Proper value judgements cannot be made since each person determine's their own morality. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter, blah blah

So the subjectivist has checked out, packed up, given up. He cannot face the reality of the world. He cannot challenge himself to seek objective truth. He has thrown his hands in the air at the difficulty of reason, and the honest intellectual effort -and moral strength- it takes to always be critical, to always face facts, always seek the best ideas and best principles... to never give up in the quest for better understanding of the world and desire to make progress for man.

To do those things takes characteristics the subjectivist in incapable of or unwilling to nurture. The subjectivist sees people fighting and dying for "good" so they seek to abandon the concept instead of using their human responsibility to seek and determine what is objectively the "good." The subjectivist would like to tear back all progress and understanding, to renounce the ideals and principles that have built civilization, and drag man down to the level of unthinking beasts who cannot determine what might be good for man because that'll lead to objective ideas of "good" which will lead men to conflict.

You see for me, it's actually quite easy. The "Good" is that which sustains and promotes Man's Life. I could argue the philosophic and logical reasons why that should be the good.

From that moral premise, I can argue the philosphic and logical reasons why some ideas and principles and better than others: those ideas and principles that sustain and promote human life are better than those that don't.

From that argument, I can argue the philosophic and logical reasons why the people who support such ideas and principles in their country are good patriots, while those that support a country that is opposite of such ideas and principles are only patriots of human misery.

This is the path to understanding and progress. This is the responsibility we have to the people before us, the people today, and tomorrow's men and women. Just because there could be disagreement, or people can be ignorant and cruel, doesn't mean we just shirk that responsibility and retreat into an artificial reality constructed by a weak mind.

Yes, it's so much easier to give up and pretend everything will be A-OK by thinking the real world would be better off if everyone gave up on objective ideas of good and bad, right and wrong. We can sit back and wag our finger at those in the mud, still trying to push, pull, and will mankind forward. The subjectivist gets to enjoy a free ride while the men of courage and rationality deal with reality and prop humanity up from animalistic agony.

The subjectivist is a moral parasite, living off the juice of those who refuse to give up, until there's enough of them and they suck all the life out of their host... which is when civilization dissolves and a dark age takes over. This scenario is playing out as we speak, and the parasites may be closer to killing the engine of human advancement than most people think. That, not patriotism, is what will kill this world.

EDIT: spelling

See, cw, you retreat behind an endless series of abstractions never saying anything concrete or absolute that has objective measure:

"The "Good" is that which sustains and promotes Man's Life."

Is it now, but what is that which promotes man's life, pray tell? Who decides what promotes means and what man's life is? These are all fanciful notions you throw out with out examination of the underlying implications that you assume yourself to already have the answers. For example I could tell you that the good is what makes things better and the bad what makes things worse, but I'm only giving you definition which is all you've done. The good is that which promotes man's life, well duh!!!! Problem is you will subjectively decide what that is based on your subjective opinion and on your subjective notion as to how the analysis should take place.

Far more dangerous that a true subjectivist who modestly admits to opinion is the subjectivist who masquerades his subjectivity as behind the veneer of absolute truth. You see the danger, but not whom it applies to.



Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Moonbeam

"The "Good" is that which sustains and promotes Man's Life."

Is it now, but what is that which promotes man's life, pray tell? Who decides what promotes means and what man's life is? These are all fanciful notions you throw out with out examination of the underlying implications that you assume yourself to already have the answers. For example I could tell you that the good is what makes things better and the bad what makes things worse, but I'm only giving you definition which is all you've done. The good is that which promotes man's life, well duh!!!! Problem is you will subjectively decide what that is based on your subjective opinion and on your subjective notion as to how the analysis should take place.

Let's make a few things clear. As an admitted subjectivist, you do not share my morality that I stated above. You may think you do, but that's only because you don't understand the consequences and meaning behind your ideas.

When we break down the essence of morality, there's 3 (maybe 4) major schools on the nature of "good": Intrinsic, Subjective, and Objective. I believe there are across the board truths and universals that apply to all people, since I believe reality is external of our consciousness. So when I say the "The "Good" is that which sustains and promotes Man's Life" that means this good is objective and applies to everyone.

Your theory, Subjectivism, says that the "good" has no relation to the facts of this external reality. Since truth and reality are individual contructs to the Subjectivist's mind, the "good" is the product of a person's consciousness... created by feelings, desires, intuitions, whims, and whatever else is going on inside that person's mind.

So you cannot believe the Good is "the ideas, principles, concepts, and activities that sustain and promote human life." For you, Good is a blank check to be written by whoever is taking that psychotherapeutic trip through their own mind. What if their truths are different from yours? What if they discover things inside themselves that don't jive with your discoveries?

Far more dangerous that a true subjectivist who modestly admits to opinion is the subjectivist who masquerades his subjectivity as behind the veneer of absolute truth. You see the danger, but not whom it applies to.

So you are a "modest" subjectivist. Fine.

But I do not claim to know absolute truth... only that it exists. And it's our job to induce and deduce our best, most reasonable, and most honest observations and analysis of this external, objective reality that we live within, and not evade this reality and invent our own contrived mental wonderland through bio-feedback, counseling, or any other psychological technique.

Whatever tricks and explorations we play on our minds will affect perspective, but it won't alter or create reality. If sustaining and promoting human life is our goal, then we ought to try and learn about this reality, since the closer we live in accordance to reality the better off we'll be. The doctors who perform laser surgery are dealing with reality much more so than a shaman casting his "medical" spells on a patient through chants and trinkets. The society that accepts the universals of Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness is living closer to reality than the society living in tyranny and slavery.

This is the true meaning of the Age of Reason. This is the idea that fueled the Enlightenment. I can do without the mental witch doctors trying to reverse this progress by coaxing us to forget the real world and enter some sort of mystical, unreal realm. Moonbeam, you cannot fake reality. We can evade it, but we do so at our own peril.

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