When does a job become not worth it?

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Sep 25, 2001
Originally posted by: amdhunter
Originally posted by: Goosemaster
I stayed at my last job way too long and it too affected me in the ways you have discovered above. I alienated friends and family, my personal life died, and as a result I was very unhappy.

If you have other prospects get out now, but otherwise just calm down and work to get out of there.

But you got a free whistle.

god damn it. what did he blow the whistle on!?!?


Aug 14, 2000
Can you go on disability for stress and take some time to relax and figure out what you want to do? If you can afford to, try taking a leave of absence or something.

Do you have a family? Can you relocate or work abroad?


Dec 5, 2000
Originally posted by: eakers
Can you go on disability for stress and take some time to relax and figure out what you want to do? If you can afford to, try taking a leave of absence or something.

Do you have a family? Can you relocate or work abroad?

I've only been a permanent employee of the company for a month, but I was on as a contractor for 6 months prior to that. I don't know if they offer any disability for stress or anything like that. Even if they did, how do you prove you are stressed and need time off?

I am single, no SO, no kids etc.

I could relocate but not sure if I want to.


Sep 25, 2001
Originally posted by: eakers
Can you go on disability for stress and take some time to relax and figure out what you want to do? If you can afford to, try taking a leave of absence or something.

Do you have a family? Can you relocate or work abroad?

wait.. thought eakes = hazel eyed girl?!

didnt u create yagt.org?


Dec 5, 2000
Called off again today. haven't had any more panic attacks or breakdowns since yesterday. Who knows what Monday will bring.



Aug 9, 2002
I guess that's a rhetorical question. For me it's when I have to bring myself to his office just to lay the f-bomb on him.

There was one job I had when I was younger when I just could not bring myself to care anymore. Was not productive, did not want to work anymore, and even if I did the work and completed the task, I still felt bad about myself. That's when you know you had it.

You sound miserable, and I don't like that. Do whatever you can to improve your quality of life. ANYTHING. No excuse. Fuck you I don't want to hear it. At least then you can start taking a little bit of control back into your life and you won't feel as stressed. Setting goals through out your life is very important for your mental health.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2005
if your job is the sole source of panic attacks and stress, I'd quit.

Occasional stress should be expected but to the point you're describing, fuck that.

I can't think of any job worth that, much less one paying 15 bucks an hour.

You obviously care and want to do a good job, no one can fault you for that, otherwise you wouldn't be having these stress related issues.

It is kinda hard to just go numb and half-ass your job but you get used to it...



No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
When it costs more to clean the grease out of your McDonalds uniform than you get paid weekly...


Jan 29, 2005
Originally posted by: pontifex
Originally posted by: Xanis
That sounds exactly like my job, except it's actually shittier and I get paid less than you do. Have I ever thought about just quitting? Hell yes. Will I do it? Probably not. I don't want to burn any bridges, and let's face it... the way things are these days, I'm not about to be picky.

exactly my issue here, although even i do quit or move on, i hope to never have to work at this place again. The 1st and previous time I worked call center I swore I would never do it again. After this, I have to make good on that promise to myself.

I talked to another staffing agency about 2 weeks ago and they have some jobs coming up that they think i would qualify for, but no idea what that entails yet, and i would still be a contractor. there's also no guarrantee that i'll get any of these jobs either. at least with this agency i can get health/eye/dental insurance.

think you need a change of scenery altogether. Save up and move to a city with more prospects. Either that or go back to school get a degree and move to a new city with your new degree.


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2000
Originally posted by: JEDI
Originally posted by: eakers
Can you go on disability for stress and take some time to relax and figure out what you want to do? If you can afford to, try taking a leave of absence or something.

Do you have a family? Can you relocate or work abroad?

wait.. thought eakes = hazel eyed girl?!

didnt u create yagt.org?



Elite Member
Mar 3, 2000
Keep the job till something better comes along and work on stress management/detachment from the job. You shouldn't be leaving with work on your mind. Just go to work and do what you can do. If something doesn't get done and it's not because you're incompetent, don't sweat it. Your employer likely knows you have too much on your plate.
It sounds like you may have some self-esteem issues and may benefit from counseling. Maybe there is something free in your area?


Feb 25, 2004
Originally posted by: Xanis
Originally posted by: pontifex
Originally posted by: Modelworks
If you get up in the morning and do not want to go to work or hate work while you are at it, then it is time to look for something else. NOTHING is worth your happiness. I would rather sleep in a tent than spend 40 hours + a week doing something I hate just to so I can keep up with the neighbors with a mortgage, car payments, etc.

I went from a very high paying ($350K +) engineering job to doing art (under $75K) for that very reason. I could still do engineer work, put up with corporate and worry about work or I can spend my time on earth doing what I enjoy. I may not have as nice things in material possessions, but I eat what I want, have clothes to wear, and can kick back and relax when I want to and just let the world do its own thing without worrying every day.

Are you working to live or are you living so you can work ?

The one thing I should have added is don't wait too long to make a decision. I did. I ended up driving my car off a interstate overpass at 65mph because I couldn't take it anymore . I felt like I had the whole department depending on me and I was letting them down if I didn't perform 110%. Obviously I lived, and it took a lot for me to walk into the office and tell them I quit. Should have seen the looks like " well what will you do now, are you serious" , but I did it.

I lost the home, car, and my credit went to hell. But I don't regret it. I'm glad I'm not a slave to work anymore.
jesus, even doing art you're making twice as much as I am...

You just missed the whole point of what he was saying. He's the quintessential example of "money doesn't buy happiness". His philosophy (and mine too) is that he'd rather be doing something he loves for less money, rather than something he absolutely hates for more money. Material possessions are a nonissue.

They're an issue when you can't pay your fucking bills and you want to sleep in a house and eat food! Fuck yes they're a issue!


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: pontifex

At what point is it not worth it? When does your happiness and health come before a job?

Health > happiness > job.

If you can't complete the work in 8 hours - then you can't complete it. Don't worry about it - management will obviously see this and do something about it. Redistribute the workload, hire additional help, etc.

Once your 8 hour shift is over - it's YOUR time - time to go do what you enjoy.

I say keep working at the job if you need the income and continue to look for work elsewhere - broaden your scope to different lines of work - you might actually find a job you'll enjoy that you otherwise thought you wouldn't...


Aug 22, 2004
Originally posted by: theprodigalrebel
I'm talking about people that are mean, abusive, hateful, loud, obnoxious, racist and just shameful abominations of mankind.

This is what finally made me quit doing call center work - even though I'm good at it (top performer in the center). The last straw was some complete douchebag who called me a "fucking stinking little shitbag" and that he "makes more in a month than you do in a year". I asked him if he thought it was smart to mouth off to somebody who has complete access to his home and work addresses, all phone numbers associated with him and banking information. He sputtered a bit and demanded a sup. Since, at this point, I had already decided to quit, I stayed on the line, muted, listening to him berate and racially smear the supervisor (using the N word and others - the sup was far from black as could be). The call escalated to the floor sup who upheld both mine and the escalations sup decisions of no credit. His account was flagged for abuse, and possibly even shut off. All this over about $110 of overages, which he could've gotten away with paying about $20 of had he accepted a rerate of his bill. I notated, logged out, clocked out turned in my badge and mic reciever, and left never to return.

Originally posted by: Bateluer
Bring a gun to work, holstered on your thing in plain sight, and tell everyone not to piss you off today.

And then be escorted out by the polite city Police officers, be held for a period of time and possibly lose your weapon.


Golden Member
Dec 14, 2007
I put happiness very high on my priority list. However, one does need to pay the bills or learn to live off the land. Obviously you are not at the breaking point as you havent broke.
Things you could do:
Write a letter to your supervisor that you require more $/hr or at least the right to walk out of the door at your 8hr mark w/o negative repercussions. You can also point out how the company/branch is in a downward spiral if it keeps doing business as usual (losing employee's and not being able to replace them, even in this economy).

Walk out, no notice

Give your 2 week notice, make finding a new job a priority and not finishing the tasks for the day at current job.

Tell your boss to take this J-O-B and shove it.

Stop doing any real work and see how long it takes them to fire you (free money for a day or 14+).

Keep doing what you're doing, it's working right?


Dec 5, 2000
At work now. Took break around 7:30 and felt like quitting again. Had this weird feeling in my gut that I've had lately from working here. Came back and I feel a little better but I don't think the feeling will go away forever. I still need to get out of here and will keep looking for something else. I still think if I can find something low stress and simple, but lower pay, I may just do it and go to school at the same time.


Dec 5, 2000
tonight was fairly decent, low volume, until i got chewed out by a field engineer. I didn't really do anything wrong, but I could have done more.


Sep 25, 2000
Originally posted by: pontifex
At work now. Took break around 7:30 and felt like quitting again.

seriously.. go to a doctor... get classified with some Stress Disorder.. take some STD ..

if you are asking yourself "when is this job not worth it" .. you've already passed the point of no return.



Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2002
Mine was the day they tried to write me up for being 2 minutes late... I quit that day and went back to school. I'm now 6 months from graduating with a bachelors in EE!


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
In this economy the only job you leave without another lined up is one that you can press charges for and expect to actually win. I know a girl with only a couple years IT experience who just gave notice to her employer and has nothing lined up. The employer sucked but come on that was a terrible move.


Senior member
Jun 10, 2009
First thing- Stop stressing yourself about work, it's just a job, do the best you can then don't sweat it. Unless someone is actually going to die, don't sweat it. I deal with stress all the time, and for the most part, it's what you impose on yourself that fucks you up. If you're ready to quit anyway, you have nothing to lose, so just do your best, then say fuck it. You will find that if you don't really give a shit, it will stress you less.


Mar 16, 2001
yea man~ just don't worry too much about~
what you do at work atleast stays there and you're free to do whatever the hell you want after.

if you care too much about it... you're gonna feel much shittier.
care less~ do what needs to be done and just don't worry too much.
Nov 29, 2006
Originally posted by: pontifex
I've never just upped and quit a job before. I've been at every job I've had for 4 years before moving on to something better or being laid off.

After tonight, I don't feel like going back in on Monday.

I've been working 2nd shift in a call center for the last 6 months. $15 an hour on contract, no vacation time, no benefits.

I've had multiple panic attacks over the last few weeks. Stress levels are through the roof. I've even had panic attacks outside of work just thinking about it.

We've had several people leave over the last few months without replacements brought in.

Because so many people have left, the workload has been greatly increased amongst the remaining employees.

I seem to be working later and later each day because there is too much work and
I can't get it all done in a normal 8 hour shift.

They keep adding more and more bullshit stuff for us to do when creating cases. I see no point for at least half of it, if not more.

Very little training is provided to begin with (which sucks ass and doesn't prepare you for the job) and training afterwards is extremely sparse and we're required to deal with more and new issues every day, things we've never been trained for.

I can't get overtime and if I can't get out of work on time, there's no way i'll be able to get everything done and leave early on comp time.

I'm feeling even more depressed than I usually do and what little motivation I had before is totally gone now.

I get irritable extremely easily lately. I lose focus and I've been talking to myself during work just to keep track of the things I need to do.

2nd shift sucks. What little social life I had is no completely gone because of this and the stress levels. I haven't talked to my best friend in weeks. I don't feel like doing anything but watching TV and movies. I barely even touch my video games any more.

I've had very few decent, fresh meals since taking this job. Most things I eat for lunch before work are frozen and I am eating a lot of fast food for dinner at work.

At what point is it not worth it? When does your happiness and health come before a job?

The only thing keeping me here this long is that I've only had 1 interview over the last 6 months or so for any job I've applied to and that was a $10 hour PC repair shop. I've applied to entry level jobs, jobs at my skill level, and even jobs above my skill level. It seems stupid to quit now without any prospects but I don't know how much longer I can deal with this job.

Answer: Always!


Golden Member
Oct 24, 2008
Originally posted by: Skoorb
In this economy the only job you leave without another lined up is one that you can press charges for and expect to actually win. I know a girl with only a couple years IT experience who just gave notice to her employer and has nothing lined up. The employer sucked but come on that was a terrible move.

Yeah this is kind of a bad time to just up and quit w/o another offer.
Nov 29, 2006
Originally posted by: pontifex
At work now. Took break around 7:30 and felt like quitting again. Had this weird feeling in my gut that I've had lately from working here. Came back and I feel a little better but I don't think the feeling will go away forever. I still need to get out of here and will keep looking for something else. I still think if I can find something low stress and simple, but lower pay, I may just do it and go to school at the same time.

I had fun working at one of the local bigger liqour stores when i was younger. Pay wasnt great but pretty much anyone buying alcohol is in a good mood. Can take your time working there while going back to school. Little stress and discount liqour and a new degree in a few years. Win Win
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