When Is Anandtech Going To Expose Gigabyte's Failure To Support Its Products?

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Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Evening Mr. Gary & Everyone.

As many of us have stated (each in our own way), Mr. Gary is an upright guy and a credit to Anandtech. No one ever intended to imply that Mr. Gary was withholding anything from the members/posters on account of Gigabyte's advertising dollars, etc - quite to the contrary, we all wouldn't have anywhere near the volume of knowledge about the GA-N680SLI-DQ6 board if it had not been for the faithful performance of duty by Mr. Gary over the course of many, many months. Mr Gary has been bitching at Gigabyte concerning exactly these issues with the 680i board (and other issues as well) for a long, long time. However, his voice was only within his technical contacts at Gigabyte and not within a published article laying open the full truth. As I stated before, it would likely take Anand's personal "blessing" to develop and publish a full investigative report.

However, it is equally true that provoking a sleeping giant is not a necessarily good idea, and should probably be avoided when possible. Indeed, it brings to mind the story of the lion tamer from the traveling circus.

As the tale goes, the lion tamer (who was quite famous for his stunt of putting his head in the lion's mouth as part of his act during the show), after finishing the evening performance, went down into the neighboring town to have a few cold beers. Unfortunately, the lion tamer had a few too many beers.

Now, upon returning to the circus area very intoxicated, he staggered into the lion's cage, and engaged the lion to open its mouth. The lion complied. However, the lion tamer improvidently upped the ante a bit by kicking the lion in the balls while he had his head in its mouth. The rest is history. The lion tamer had a very nice funeral, and the lion didn't need to be fed for a week.

The moral of that tale is that once aroused, the giant may act with vengeance. Corporate entities are no different, and rarely acknowledge their shortcomings - nobody is ever REALLY accountable for anything that goes wrong. It's always someone else's fault. You see it on the news every day. Right now, that exact type of "circus" is being played out by the Mayor of Detroit, Michigan in front of the national and international media - it's a joke, and it's pathetic.

For many months the whispers of discontent concerning the failed performance of the 680i board have been steadily increasing. However, that discontent has now borne an emerging FIRESTORM of true rage and resentment against Gigabyte. Many of the corporate types never seem to "get it." Those corporate types live in their own little world and study their balance sheets for a way to make a bigger profit and hopefully get a bigger bonus - screw the little guy.

Then we have the various publishing houses, both print and digital. Those publishers cannot survive very long, if at all, without regular, big-bucks corporate advertising - that's just a fact of life. Therefore there is always a very fine balancing act going on between attempting to fulfill their ethical duties as journalists and being able to keep the doors to the business open. The cliché "horns of a dilemma" might be one way to put it.

However, I believe that there just might be another answer to the delay in fully reporting the cause and effect of the failed GA-N680SLI-DQ6 motherboard. Just suppose Anandtech was waiting for just the ground swell reaction that has developed lately to be the journalistic "justification" to fully develop and publish the full story about this board. Of course, it would require Gigabyte to "come clean" about WHY the board failed to meet the clearly advertised performance specifications as they relate to the 1333FSB Quad Core 2 Extreme processor. From a PR standpoint, it's ALWAYS better to fully tell the WHOLE truth in a situation such as this, rather than take the chance that the part that you "failed to mention" will come to light later on.

I will be rather fascinated to finally learn that WHOLE TRUTH about this board if Anandtech ever gets around to publishing it. In the meantime, it is really good to hear the early news from Mr. Gary about some sort of accommodation for the 680i board owners that are sick and tried of trying make this cow flop fly. Hooray for Mr. Gary - Once again!

Best regards to everyone. Have a nice evening. TheBeagle :beer:



Sep 14, 2007
Good early Morning all!

Mr. Beagle(sorry I always spell it wrong!)
I think that if that be the case then a site should open, who has the nerve to put it's head into the lions mouth and make him accountable, as stated the flock would eventually follow. And in turn so would community respect of the said tamer......... I have a buddy we had a lot of people who were hanging out over at a site (hardware) and the site started to shall we say let things run-a-muck. After much flexing of muscle from both sides a new site emerged from the whole episode and we still visit the old site too.
here's a link for you guys, I think most of you (owners of GA-N680SLI-DQ6 board)would like it( (I kept the hardware sites name out so as not to tarnish it) as many respect it also.. This new site is for over clocking!!
***If this is inappropriate then please remove the link***
Look for me over there!!!!! Tell them I sent you!!

Mr Gary,
I did want to ask before posting a quote from your last posting for the people over @ TT who may not have seen it, if this would be OK with you?


Senior member
Oct 2, 2007
Originally posted by: Gary Key
I spoke at length with Gigabyte today. They will have an official response/plan next week for everyone who owns this board. I cannot go into details as they are being finalized now but just hold on for a few more days, please.

On a side note - For those who believe that we will not hold a manufacturer's feet to the proverbial fire because they advertise with us, well, that is just not the case.

I stand (semi) corrected I don't even own the board but I feel for these people having been burned like this before (uh...IBM DEATHSTARS anyone...LOL... I had 3!).

Can we get some XP64bit benchmarks out of you guys then? vs. Vista of course? Heck throw in some xp32 just for kicks (though I'm only interested in where xp64 stands since drivers have no doubt been vastly improved from Tomshardware 2005 benchmarks). Something tells me it will pull in a lot of hits With only 8% of the users on vista at steampowered.com survey (arguably the highest tally of whats out there) why concentrate on it? Put XP64bit/Microsoft's feet to the fire...LOL. Maybe you can cause them to release DX10/Aero Glass for XP.

Kudo's for the Gigabyte stance and calling them out.


Sep 14, 2007

Good Morning all!

The TT topic has been locked down???????

And we haven't gotten anything YET so, let's not count our.............

I could post some Vista 64Bit scores for you (I'll have to put my chip back in this board) but I don't have any XP 64bit only 32bit. Supposedly from what I've heard in 3D mark 06 Vista will hold the score back. it's not what you needed I know, but I have seen a few with XP64 still as there are one's out there that don't want to make the jump over to vista. they have reported better driver support recently. Bout all I got as again.........

Well we shall have to wait and see what is going to be offered to us, as they have the ball so to speak now.


Senior member
Oct 2, 2007
Originally posted by: jaggerwild

Good Morning all!

The TT topic has been locked down???????

And we haven't gotten anything YET so, let's not count our.............

I could post some Vista 64Bit scores for you (I'll have to put my chip back in this board) but I don't have any XP 64bit only 32bit. Supposedly from what I've heard in 3D mark 06 Vista will hold the score back. it's not what you needed I know, but I have seen a few with XP64 still as there are one's out there that don't want to make the jump over to vista. they have reported better driver support recently. Bout all I got as again.........

Well we shall have to wait and see what is going to be offered to us, as they have the ball so to speak now.

Thanks...Yeah I'm hoping for a review site to show 64bit XP with the whole gamut of software they normally run (games apps etc) to see where we all stand. With all the drivers being updated the same as 32bit and even the readme files for them being the same with fixes mentioned for games on the nvidia cards I was hoping for the best.

TT locked? Topic Thread? I don't think I understand. Sorry I have only just recently come back to the forums. I hope you guys get the help you need.


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Evening Mr. Jian & Everyone.

I just posted this over on the other Thread concerning TT's most recent retaliatory actions:

Good Evening Everyone.

Alas, the plot thickens - and woe to the serfs who dare to speak ill of the King!

I'm sure it has come as a bit of a disappointment (maybe even a shock) to some of the members that the admin folks over TT have apparently shut the door on your fingers - your typing fingers to be more precise. However, should you REALLY be all that surprised? Think about it. There is an embedded Gigabyte staff person on that Forum. Do you think that such an "arrangement" between TT and GB is just a convenient happenstance? No chance.

Mr. Blazer is probably correct in his thoughts about GB telling TT to stop all the bitching and screaming about failed RMAs and other assorted and sundry poor support issues from being published on the TT Forum. And you all are likely aware of the reason for GB trying to stifle that dissent - you just haven't quite thought about it in the right way. The answer to the riddle is: Google, etc!! That's right, those carnivorous worldwide search engines that comb billions of lines of new text on the Internet every day, if not every hour.

Think about it. Whenever anyone these days wants to find out most any type of information, they put a word or string of words in Google, and out pops page after page of links. Well, the more negative comments about Gigabyte's poor customer support that are entered each day, the higher the probability of a reader encountering a link that directs them to a web site, maybe the TT Forms, where they start to read all about how Gigabyte left their 680i board customers high and dry. If you were a potential buyer of a Gigabyte product, after reading those stinging comments, wouldn't you at least think twice about buying a GB product? Damn right you would.

And once that accumulation of negative comments about a manufacturer's products begins to become substantial, the problem gets worse by the day for entities like GB. That's because there's no effective way to immediately purge those links and comments from the Google system. Attrition is the only purge mechanism, and that takes many, many months, maybe years, maybe never. So those less than salubrious comments are bound to effect business for a long, long time. That is one of the reasons I was so startled to see GB stick their corporate head in the proverbial dark place, and pretend like nothing was going to happen. I have heard that syndrome referred to as "inverted cranial rectal syndrome," and also by the shorthand version of "ocular rectitus." Either description is illustrative of a serious corporate mentality cancer. Of course, they have to first dig the fecal matter out of their corporate eyes, ears, nose and mouth before they can hope to correct the problem. I'm sure you get my drift on that mental image.

Now GB is into damage control mode. But they need to quell or better yet, shut off any viable sources of expressed dissent that the giant search engines are likely to comb. Thus, squeezing the testicles of the TT administration, especially since they have such a "close personal working relationship with GB" (kinda sounds a bit incestuous don't you think?), and they just told TT to knock that crap off. However, rather than being dismayed over this turn of events, you should be joyous and thankful, since you may have found a rat in your closet before he could do much damage!

Best regards to everyone. Have a nice evening. TheBeagle :beer:

I hope that sheds some light on the issue for you. Have a nice evening. TheBeagle :beer:



Sep 14, 2007
Good Morning Mr. Beagle and everybody!

You have a way with words, also of seeing things in those words! That being said , you should really think of opening your own site. truly, people respect someone who shoots from the hip and doesn't mince words either.

As you said the mud has been slung and now they will have to deal with us like it or not, I didn't see the posting from Grim but someone said he reposted the TT(tweaktown) review of the offered bios.That boy can find anything on the net as it must have been old too.But yeah I'm sure the heat was turned up either way, and they prolly said stop the bleeding. As you are correct on the goggle bots!!!!!!! A powerful thing they are!!
I only wish we could keep the heat on there little tootsies, with it going but do understand even if your thinking wasn't correct as we really deluged that site with over three thousand hits we got a lot of attention too. Hell we were even getting flamed by people (prolly Corporate trolls), So it's now a wait and see game.......



Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Afternoon Mr. JaggerMan & Everyone.

May I respectfully suggest that we all take a brief and short step back and let Mr. Gary (and even Anand himself) conduct some pointed discussions with Gigabyte about the promised accommodation that Mr. Gary reported to us. It is unfortunate that the administrators at TT allowed themselves to be intimidated by GB - that's really a sad commentary - but appears to be true, despite the rhetoric being espoused by those chaps to cover their individual and collective butts. I have much more confidence that Anandtech would not allow that type of slimy pressure to infiltrate the internal publishing and Forum processes and decisions of AT.

Now having said all that, I believe that it now becomes the duty of AT to hold GB's feet to the fire and cause them to make good on their promises to our good friend and colleague, Mr. Gary. However, if GB defaults on those promised accommodations, then we will likewise expect to see a "no holds barred," comprehensive, investigative article published here on AT, laying open the whole unfortunate and somewhat ugly mess. I sure hope it doesn't ever come to a showdown like that. But if GB reneges, then AT will have no other ethical choice but to go forward with such an article in order to protect and preserve their own hard-earned excellent reputation. We shall see.

Best regards to everyone. Have a nice day. TheBeagle :beer:


Gary Key

Senior member
Sep 23, 2005

I spoke with Gigabyte tonight. They will have an announcement very shortly (figure a couple of days). In fact, Colin will be posting the details here on the forum and will answer your questions, just all of us need to be civil.

I honestly do not think Gigabyte would ever pressure a site to remove or lock a thread. I do not know what happened at TT but I can promise you that the people I deal with at Gigabyte have been extremely supportive and started aggressively addressing these problems with their management staff during CES when we spoke at length about the 680i board after a lull in action over the holidays. That's about it tonight, just looking forward to seeing the final details from Gigabyte.



Senior member
Jan 11, 2007
Second that...most appreciated Gary. Also to you Sterman, jagger, TheBeag, Blazer, cdfire, and Grim. I feel we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for all y'all.




Feb 12, 2008
Hi Sterman !!
Trying to follow this post & see you have the Gig motherboard in question....
I'd like to hear your opinion, is this a Gig screwup or did nvidia goof up on the specs of this motherboard !!
Does yours run okay ??
I can see where i would be upset if i was misld by a tech site that just didn't want to upset a manf. giant.. I don't think that was the case here... Anand has a pretty good rep !!
I won't build with these non-intel or amd chipsets as they usually don't perform as well or get update as well.. Sometimes they do throw tech-candy to lure builders though !!
Over a period of time i figure gary & anand didn't see the outcry for a big expossee on the low % chipset ! But i can also see if you got one you'd be upset & want some type of satisfaction & closure !!
Like i said i am not stating that all these folks are wrong just trying to understand the full story !!
Thanks & Have a Good One Ol'Pal


Sep 14, 2007
Good Morning Olpal!
And everyone!

Olpal were waiting on an official reply now from gigabyte on our concerns
This is the issue OPal


I think that speaks for itself?
Everybody else any word???????


Sep 18, 2007

Is this a Gig screwup or did nvidia goof up the specs???

Hmm that's a good question . From what i've been able to gather (and i'm sure I'll be corrected if I totally hose this up) nvidia posted specs on the 680 chipset based on pre production quad core chips... then intel changed something prior to production on the quads that screwed nvidias 680 chipset. When gigabyte initially launched this board 1333fsb quads were still preproduction and their claims were based on engineering samples. So to answer your question yes and yes. Gigabyte jumped the gun on advertising support for 1333fsb quads and nvidia screwed up the specs. Ultimately its entirely possible that we can thank Intel for this whole fricken mess by switching up processor specs at the last minute, however that is just conjecture as there really is no proof of this that i'm aware of.

Does mine run ok?

It appears to be ok but I have had my raids get corrupted and had to do some mad scrambling to recover the data from them. On the raid 5 I actually lost the whole thing due to corruption but after rebuilding (and formating) it now appears to be running properly. I don't know whether to blame the board, vista x64, or the nvidia drivers for the raid corruption at this point but hopefully between sp1 for vista and the last round of drivers from nvidia I won't have any more raid issues. A corrupted (total loss) raid 5 is completely unacceptable from my standpoint... I mean really... what's the point of a raid 5 if the controller is going to fubar all your data anyway?

The main complaint people have with this board is the claim of 1333fsb quad core support that is pretty much all over the product packaging. A lot of people bought this board with the intention of using this board on later upgrades (for 350 bucks... yeah i'd say so) If you send a complaint / question to the ggts.gigabyte.com.tw customer service site you will be directed to the company web page that lists supported processors. At the time most of us bought this board... 1333fsb quads wouldn't have been listed as supported on the website as they still weren't out yet. We only had the word on the packaging that stated / implied it would be supported. I can recall at least one person that posted in the thread somewhere that bought the board and a 1333fsb quad at a brick and mortar store (based on the products claims as stated on the box) and tried to get it work. I believe the only reason he got the speed he was supposed to out of the processor is because he bought an extreme version cpu and had the unlocked multiplier.

On a side note, this board won't oc a quad well at all... the 680 chipset is generally speaking poor in this regard but the other manufacturers have managed to squeeze more performance than this out of their boards (i've seen 3.5 ghz with a q6600). I know oc'ing is a priveledge not a right yada yada... but considering the price of the board, the wording on the box, and the target market, Gigabyte missed the mark completely with this board. I think I can speak for most of the people in this thread that although we were getting tired of the infrequent bios updates and lack of response from gigabyte on direct questions to their customer service , we were willing to wait (and we did) for a bios update that would address the issues. Now that the board is EOL and we can no longer reasonably expect support for this board we have no choice but to express our dissatisfaction and attempt to recover our losses.

On a closing note I would like to personally thank Mr Gary (again, ah wth, and again ) for his contributions to this thread. We would have been on the war path long long ago if it weren't for him feeding us information as to the status of bios updates, beta bioses, and so on seeing as we never did seem to find any other source of information about this board on the net. Trust me I tried multiple times and always ended up back here at Anandtech as the only real source of infomation regarding this board and quad core processors. Crap!!! I think I might be an anadtech fanboy... is there an AA group for this type of thing?




Senior member
Sep 8, 2000
Originally posted by: Sterman

Is this a Gig screwup or did nvidia goof up the specs???

Hmm that's a good question . From what i've been able to gather (and i'm sure I'll be corrected if I totally hose this up) nvidia posted specs on the 680 chipset based on pre production quad core chips... then intel changed something prior to production on the quads that screwed nvidias 680 chipset. When gigabyte initially launched this board 1333fsb quads were still preproduction and their claims were based on engineering samples. So to answer your question yes and yes. Gigabyte jumped the gun on advertising support for 1333fsb quads and nvidia screwed up the specs. Ultimately its entirely possible that we can thank Intel for this whole fricken mess by switching up processor specs at the last minute, however that is just conjecture as there really is no proof of this that i'm aware of.

Does mine run ok?

It appears to be ok but I have had my raids get corrupted and had to do some mad scrambling to recover the data from them. On the raid 5 I actually lost the whole thing due to corruption but after rebuilding (and formating) it now appears to be running properly. I don't know whether to blame the board, vista x64, or the nvidia drivers for the raid corruption at this point but hopefully between sp1 for vista and the last round of drivers from nvidia I won't have any more raid issues. A corrupted (total loss) raid 5 is completely unacceptable from my standpoint... I mean really... what's the point of a raid 5 if the controller is going to fubar all your data anyway?

The main complaint people have with this board is the claim of 1333fsb quad core support that is pretty much all over the product packaging. A lot of people bought this board with the intention of using this board on later upgrades (for 350 bucks... yeah i'd say so) If you send a complaint / question to the ggts.gigabyte.com.tw customer service site you will be directed to the company web page that lists supported processors. At the time most of us bought this board... 1333fsb quads wouldn't have been listed as supported on the website as they still weren't out yet. We only had the word on the packaging that stated / implied it would be supported. I can recall at least one person that posted in the thread somewhere that bought the board and a 1333fsb quad at a brick and mortar store (based on the products claims as stated on the box) and tried to get it work. I believe the only reason he got the speed he was supposed to out of the processor is because he bought an extreme version cpu and had the unlocked multiplier.

On a side note, this board won't oc a quad well at all... the 680 chipset is generally speaking poor in this regard but the other manufacturers have managed to squeeze more performance than this out of their boards (i've seen 3.5 ghz with a q6600). I know oc'ing is a priveledge not a right yada yada... but considering the price of the board, the wording on the box, and the target market, Gigabyte missed the mark completely with this board. I think I can speak for most of the people in this thread that although we were getting tired of the infrequent bios updates and lack of response from gigabyte on direct questions to their customer service , we were willing to wait (and we did) for a bios update that would address the issues. Now that the board is EOL and we can no longer reasonably expect support for this board we have no choice but to express our dissatisfaction and attempt to recover our losses.

On a closing note I would like to personally thank Mr Gary (again, ah wth, and again ) for his contributions to this thread. We would have been on the war path long long ago if it weren't for him feeding us information as to the status of bios updates, beta bioses, and so on seeing as we never did seem to find any other source of information about this board on the net. Trust me I tried multiple times and always ended up back here at Anandtech as the only real source of infomation regarding this board and quad core processors. Crap!!! I think I might be an anadtech fanboy... is there an AA group for this type of thing?


Ouch you actually use on board RAID?


Sep 14, 2007
Good Afternoon All!
And Trex!
For those that missed the other thread,
Mr. Colin from Gigabyte has asked for our patients and co-operation in resolving the issue @ hand. Also Mr. Gary has asked the same of us as-well.


Sep 18, 2007

yeah I do I know silly me.


What Jagger said... don't jynx us just yet

Good Day,



Feb 12, 2008
Thanks Sterman !!
I appreciate your excellent summary of the problem & i would feel your frustration in you guys shoes with that motherboard !!! As i tried to analyze the whole orginal postings it seemed like Moe, Larry & Curly Joe didn't play well together & you guys are paying for it !!

I guess you couldn't run the E8400 either , since it's 1333 buss , darn that could be a help to some that are dissatisfied as i'm running 3.6ghz on stock settins except memory settings DDR@ 800 I've got some pretty good memory w/GSkill DDR2 1000 but don't see the need to push any further as this thing rips !!

I'm a couple minutes away from ordering another setup [found E8400] like in my sig, but i'd rather build a Q9450.. & thought i'd surf for awhile trying to sort my thought & proritys out !!

On your raid problem , i have read where these chips & boards don't excel very well in that area.. In that area intels chipset showed to be more reliable & more efficient !!

I won't even build a raid setup anymore, have showed that with new SATA 300, you don't gain that much going w/raid.

Just like video cards have gotten so good'' that why SLI just to gain 3 - 5 fps

Hope Gigabyte does GOOD by you guys , cause for my money they're the best choice right now !! w/abit a close 2nd. & DFI finally getting sorted out with P35 & X38 - X48 chipsts..

Thanks Again for explaining ;; Ol'Pal GARY


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2007
The board supports the 1333 Conroe chips (C2D) but not Wolfdale or Penryn. GB have just made this official by updating the cpu support list for our board.

GA-N680SLI-DQ6 cpu support list : Rev1 , Rev2

The only thing that we have to look for now is GB's answer to our request for a refund or a trade in/trade up program.

On the positive side, Colin from GB has made contact with us here at AT and hopefully we'll have an official answer from GB any day now.

Thank you guys for all your support.


Feb 12, 2008
I hope all goes well & "May the Force Be With You All"
Good to see all you guys standup & Gary/Anand step up to the plate for you guys !!

Can this be TRUE Intel buys AMD

Heard Anything ???


Originally posted by: Blazer7
The board supports the 1333 Conroe chips (C2D) but not Wolfdale or Penryn. GB have just made this official by updating the cpu support list for our board.

GA-N680SLI-DQ6 cpu support list : Rev1 , Rev2

The only thing that we have to look for now is GB's answer to our request for a refund or a trade in/trade up program.

On the positive side, Colin from GB has made contact with us here at AT and hopefully we'll have an official answer from GB any day now.

Thank you guys for all your support.



Platinum Member
Apr 13, 2004
Wow, I am shocked at what I just read here & over at TT. What a damn nightmare. And to think just 2 days ago I complimented GB on what a great job they've done on improving their quality of products & service levels.

Well, I certainly feel like retracting those comments. I would be so damn pissed off if I bought that POS board, it wouldn't even be funny. I can't believe some of these people have owned this POS since October. It's pretty damn insulting that they had the audacity to ask the customer to send them pictures of the box & other printed materials. I mean, how screwed up does a company have to be to not know what is printed on their packaging. Talk about NOT taking care of the customer.

I saw that 1 person received an email regarding a full refund, but didn't read an actual confirmation because Mr. TT got his panties all bunched up & took a comment too seriously & shut down the thread.

Anyway, I've had to RMA a few Asus boards in my time & I've never had a problem. Hell, with the first 2 boards, Asus told me just to stop by the warehouse in Fremont, CA & pick them up. They had them ready for me in a couple hours & it was smooth as butter. Hell, I even stayed there an extra 15 minutes because the techs were interested in the 2 systems I was building. That's the level of service I've grown to expect from them.

What GB did to the owners of this board is illegal & unethical. I will never buy their products after reading this story.


Sep 14, 2007
Good Morning Mr. DJinsmith, and all!

Mr. Colin has shown up here in the other thread and have promised with some time to make right on this matter so were in wait and see mode.
Understandably many are past the point of no return as this has festered for a while now. But in the other site(TT) I have to admit it was over whelming the amount of support that showed up. So of course it got too much to deal with, as they are a support site but were not ready for the deluge that happened upon it. The clickers still running on it and you can see many still visit it. Last time I saw over three hundred people looking in on that side of there forum.
Again Mr. Colin (from Gigabyte) was kind enough to sign on with us here to show the Companies commitment to making good on this board. Witch in and of it self speaks for them too!
I do hope you will wait to pass judgment upon them till after they have had a chance to make good on this! Also let it be known that Mr.Gary Key went Way out of his way for us here also! He too asking for time and civility to reign. And Mr Colin has posted again on the other thread about a bios up date also. Though I have a hard time understanding how a bios update will fix the support for a 1333FSB Quad core, as this board is state of the art bleeding edge tech. Unless a chip is replaced in it then there could never be one of these running on the board I have, nor am I willing to be a Beta Bios tester.
But was asked for time on this and that they shall have!!! Also I will respect them as I'd want them to do the same for me.........

Best Regards!
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