When Is Anandtech Going To Expose Gigabyte's Failure To Support Its Products?

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Mr Fox

Senior member
Sep 24, 2006
Originally posted by: jaggerwild
Good afternoon all!

I just noticed that TT went buh bye??????


Or maybe they just banned me, ROFLMAO :X

You were Banned !!

Wilmot locked it and banned some folks by the appearance....

I wrote him an E-Mail letting him know what a Wimp he was about the whole thing.

and that it was obvious he had knee pads sewn into his pants.


Sep 14, 2007
Originally posted by: Mr Fox
Originally posted by: jaggerwild
Good afternoon all!

I just noticed that TT went buh bye??????


Or maybe they just banned me, ROFLMAO :X

You were Banned !!

Wilmot locked it and banned some folks by the appearance....

I wrote him an E-Mail letting him know what a Wimp he was about the whole thing.

and that it was obvious he had knee pads sewn into his pants.

Good after noon Mr. Fox!

No I was not banned! There site was down for a few hours or my INTERNET was messing up cause of the weather.
I'm not banned and have posted there sense then.
Regards all!

Mr Fox

Senior member
Sep 24, 2006
Originally posted by: jaggerwild
Originally posted by: Mr Fox
Originally posted by: jaggerwild
Good afternoon all!

I just noticed that TT went buh bye??????


Or maybe they just banned me, ROFLMAO :X

You were Banned !!

Wilmot locked it and banned some folks by the appearance....

I wrote him an E-Mail letting him know what a Wimp he was about the whole thing.

and that it was obvious he had knee pads sewn into his pants.

Good after noon Mr. Fox!

No I was not banned! There site was down for a few hours or my INTERNET was messing up cause of the weather.
I'm not banned and have posted there sense then.
Regards all!

Well he locked the thread, and threatened to ban anyone that started another in the same Vein....

and I believe that a couple of the more demanding types were banned..

You were quiet compared to some in that thread !

I know if it was Me I would have been pissed....



Sep 14, 2007

Mr. Fox,

Understably so..................

It was more of a MOB mentality, and as some have reproduced there PM's to him also. I could see reason to do what was done and as far as my banning, it may be so as again I can't open the forums to read them. So he may have banned my IP address, either that or the site is over whelmed today..........do no.



Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Evening Mr. JaggerMan & Everyone.

Has anyone confirmed whether or not TT's Forums have a problem with viewing any of the Threads? Otherwise, I have also been locked out. Interesting, and if that is true, then TT certainly doesn't allow any dissent - we shall see. The plot thickens - Maybe?

Best regards to everyone. Have a nice evening. TheBeagle :beer:



Golden Member
Jun 26, 2007
Relax everyone.

It seems that the TT forums do have a problem. That's at least the 3rd time within the last 24h that their forums are down. I don't believe that they have banned any of us but they will most certainly do so if we dare speak of RM... again.


Feb 1, 2000
i highly doubt they will do anything . even if they wanted to , do you realize whose banner ad is right above yourpost?


Sep 14, 2007
Good Morning All!

Mr. Hans,
I know! Yeah it was the site having issues as there back up now. Think what he(who ever locked it) meant was after the lock any talk of RM@ will get you banned.


Sep 14, 2007
The Offical reply from gigabyte USA
Dear customer,
GIGABYTE is trying to resolve the issue that some of our customers are facing due to the support of the GA-N680SLI-DQ6 with the Intel Core2 extreme QX6850. If you indeed own the motherboard GA-N68SLI-DQ6 and the CPU INTEL CORE2 EXTREME QX6850 and experiencing the compatibility issues there is a replacement program setup for the customers to have the board replaced with the new 790i chipset. The new 790i chipset will not be available until July of 2008. We will need the proof of purchase for both the CPU and motherboard to process the replacement. The official procedures had not been finalized yet at the moment, there will be more updates regarding the procedures in the come weeks. Please be patient with us while we are working towards a solution for our customers.
Thank you

This is an insult to me and my intelligence too!

If you indeed own the motherboard GA-N68SLI-DQ6 and the CPU INTEL CORE2 EXTREME QX6850




Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Afternoon Mr. JaggerMan & Everyone.

Well, now you should know what Gigabyte is REALLY up to. It appears that GB is only going to live up to its advertised promise IF you have already purchased a QX6850 processor. The FALSE ADVERTISING seems ONLY TO MATTER if you already have that CPU. Never mind the fact that if you don't have one now, but had intended to buy one in the future, you appear NOT TO QUALIFY for the upgrade. This is nothing less than a slimy attempt to minimize, to the lowest possible degree, the need on the part of GB to replace any of the N680i boards.

Quite frankly, the Gigabyte offer is OUTRAGEOUS! This display of corporate arrogance and disregard for its own integrity is astounding. The mere fact that GB has even made the upgrade offer is proof positive that its N680i fails to meet advertised standards. It is IRRELEVANT whether or not someone presently has a QX6850 processor. Indeed, it seems that GB is saying you need to buy a QX6850 CPU, and have it fail in their N680i board, and only then will they stand behind their failed product and do the right thing. I sure hope that some present owner of a N680i board takes legal action against GB.

This matter is a clear winner in a Court of Law. No Court will care whether or not the purchaser presently has a QX6850 CPU. The only issue will be did GB engage in FALSE ADVERTISING - which, of course, they did. This latest offer is proof of that fact. There is also the fact of the diminished value of the N680i since it cannot perform up to advertised specifications, which causes it re-sale value to be lessened. It seems that GB will NEVER LEARN!

Best regards to everyone. Have a nice day. TheBeagle :beer:



Jun 19, 2004
Pretty sleazy alright but, after all this time did anyone truly expect Gigabyte to do the right thing? The only way to get satisfaction is to stop buying their products and spread the word to influence others to stop buying their products. I know I will not be buying from them and I will do my best to discourage others from buying from them.

While too many have been stuck with expensive boards that do not work as advertised, perhaps this marketing/engineering/rma debacle will forge the final nail in the Gigabyte coffin. I commend the folks who haven't let this be swept under the corporate rug.


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2007
It remains for Colin to step up and spill the beans. If this is indeed the case here then I'm really curious as to whether AT will go ahead with an article about this whole fiasco and Gigabyte's behavior.


Sep 14, 2007
Good morning all!

Let's wait before we jump the gun here and make sure this is or isn't true. I'm plaining my counter attack if this be the case.
This whole fiasco is laughable really, I've played baby games before, and this is no state of the art company here. This is ruthlessness at it's best, flat out lying to the public. On every MB they produce/d/ing. I should think they would fry some top executive for this one real good.

7 lies in this photo of only part of the front of the box

5 lies in this photo, note not the whole side either

One part has an Intel LOGO stating C2D inside? ROFLMFAO

Hell for a thousand bucks I'll go visit them with this board in hand(always wanted to visit Taiwan or China) and show them what true workman ship is all about. One way or the other I'll fry this little egg, this is a matter of principle's now not JUST FLAT OUT FALSE ADVERTISEMENT! Witch it also is, this is low down graveling like the fisher price toys fiasco just a short time back too. Wonder if there is lead in this board? How much too?

Toss up GIGABYTE OR FACE THE RATH HERE! I'm so not in the mode for this, but seen it coming as they play these little games like the rebate game or the "it's environmentally friendly HUMMM I wonder if it truly is as they stated (where's that box again) OH YEAH ROSH COMPLIANT HUMM. Let's google the ROSH standard here to see if they really are "ROSH COMPLIANT".

ROSH SITE, they have different tests for different countries too!

Looks like some mickey Mouse company they paid to better there public image!! Nice work too!
I'm only getting started here, might want to go get a couple cold ones, as this is gonna be a LONG WEEK for Gigabyte!!!!!!!
Also look for my posting all over the INTERNET, places like my 360, over kill 411 they'll love this one for the mud work of it all!



Golden Member
Jun 26, 2007
I'm using the F6b and I can say that it's looking good. So far I can't tell any difference between that and the old F5b/F5e betas. These were considered to be the best until now.

Our friend justinburton however noticed some difference. He is running his QX6700 @3.6 (12x300 - watercooled) and he claims that his rig is more stable than ever.


Feb 23, 2007
I am also using the F6b. It's seem a bit more stable so far but its only been a couple days.


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Morning Everyone.

With all due respect to each of you, the change in the tenor of your posted remarks seems to signal something. May I suggest that you ought to re-read the postings on this Thread. Do you see how Gigabyte's throwing you a bone (new BIOS) has caused you to be distracted from your individual and collective voice demanding a full replacement for the failed N680i board? Do you suppose that's exactly what GB wanted to happen in this case?

Since I no longer even own a N680i board, it will never actually make any difference to me. However, since I'm the guy that started this Thread and the original N680i Thread on this Forum, I do feel some responsibility toward the members (and others as well) who may have been influenced by the commentary on these Threads in making their decision to purchase the N680i board. However, I believe that you are being intentionally distracted by these latest GB offerings (a/k/a table scraps). Think about it - why did it take almost armed insurrection on this and other Forums for GB to even release the latest BIOS revisions? The answer was simple - it is because GB thought it could just declare that the N680i board was EOL and that would be the end of it - everyone would go on to newer items, etc.

GB knows that the longer it can string out this fervor and demand to get a replacement board, the greater likelihood that this effort will run out of steam and die. I wrote about exactly that possibility a while back. Is that loss of fervor beginning to happen here? I sure hope not. But, as I said, I no longer have one of these failed boards - just the memories of trying to make a cow flop fly. The old Roman adage comes to mind - "Divide and Conquer!"

Best regards to everyone. Have a nice day. TheBeagle :beer:


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Evening Everyone.

Here's another excerpt from my most recent posting on the original N680i Thread. I thought the readers over here might like to see it.

I have good reason to believe that Mr. Gary, and even some of his other colleagues at Anandtech, may be presently working directly with the senior management at Gigabyte to seek an amicable resolution to the current stalemate. It is also my understanding that it indeed may be a holiday over there in Taiwan. I further have reason to believe that the right hand does not know what the left hand has been doing on this issue in that billion dollar corporation at the moment - but that the very highest levels of management are being made aware of this impending FIRESTORM as I write this posting.

Therefore, seeing as how this issue has been going along for quite a while, I would suggest that we allow those direct communications a reasonable chance to obtain a positive outcome (until at least early next week). If the efforts don't produce that kind of a result, then it would be reasonable on the part of the purchasers of the N680i board to presume that "all bets are off" and then we can all march briskly off to WAR!! However, if that happens, it will be enlightening to all of us to see where Anandtech will stand. Will AT stand and be counted with the members of this Forum, or will AT stand with GB (or just remain silent) - it's obviously their choice - but it will tell us legends for months and years to come. This may well be AT's "moment of truth" with regard to assisting everyone who has obviously been wronged by Gigabyte's stance on this matter. The actions (or inactions) of Anandtech will be as clear as a ringing bell to all of us.

By my calculations, there are no less than 14 prime Internet sites, and many more secondary sites, that can be utilized for Raising Hell about Gigabyte's attempt to screw its customers. It is also important to remember that most all print media serving the computer industry have published Letters-To-The-Editor columns, and some even have consumer-oriented investigative columns which report on items just like this.

The obvious intention ought to be to super-saturate the known (and unknown) media outlets, day after day, with a constant barrage of criticism concerning this matter. To my knowledge, Gigabyte has not ever faced a ground-swell movement like this, and they are dealing with it in a very immature fashion. In some organizations, the immediate reaction when questioned about their business undertakings is to attempt to kill the dissent. That type of a corporate response may work in a dictatorship, but in the free-world, it's damn likely to be incendiary beyond description.

What GB REALLY ought to be worried about is NOT this immediate issue, but rather its inability to stop is the cumulative effect on the volume of negative postings which are being combed by those carnivorous search engines, i.e. Google, Yahoo, ASK, etc. The effects of this WAR will be felt directly, but most probably indirectly, by Gigabyte for many months and years to come. In fact, GB is creating a wonderful opportunity for their competitors to capitalize on this issue.

If I were one of GB's competitors, I'd consider an immediate advertising campaign that touts my total customer support, etc. I'd even consider some kind of a trade-in program for N680i purchasers where I'd allow them to trade-in their failed N680i board for a new board at a modest upgrade cost. That kind of marketing strategy would really put the spikes into Gigabyte.

HOWEVER, it is VITALLY IMPORTANT that anyone posting on any of these sites MUST clean up your language! If you use profanity, etc. you can almost guarantee that either you'll be deleted and/or even banned from such sites. Likewise, you need to check your grammar, punctuation, syntax, etc. so that your posting does not appear to be coming from a raving lunatic. Once this starts, Gigabyte will pull out all the stops to quell this dissent - that's just the normal corporate reaction to a threat. Actually that reaction is quite dumb, since the cost to GB to settle this whole matter is a mere pittance to them. And that's what is so confounding about this whole thing - from a business point of view - it makes absolutely NO SENSE!

So my friends, the bywords are: METHODICAL, INCESSANT, UNYIELDING, and DEDICATED! Remember, unless you are willing to fight to the death for your rights, they will never be yours!


Hopefully, Gary and the other Anandtech guys will have success enlightening the folks at Gigabyte. If not, then off we go.

Best regards to everyone. Have a nice evening. TheBeagle :beer:



Sep 18, 2007
I just made the call to Gigabyte here in the US to see what the deal was straight from as close to the source as i could get. The rep that I talked to said that currently they were replacing the board for people that could show proof of purchase for a qx6850 but that they are still waiting for the final word from corporate as to our fate. We should have an answer from corporate next week as to what their official offer is going to be regarding this board.

I let the rep know that I sure hoped this wasn't their final answer to this boards problems as I found it a completely unacceptable answer. Don't worry I was polite and didn't lose my temper.... mostly because it doesn't do any good to get pissed off at the poor guy working the customer service line. It helped that he sounded like he was familiar with our "insurrection" and that maybe way deep down he aggreed with us

hope for the best, prepare for the worst


ps Jaggerwild you running a q6600 on that EVGA board or something else? I'm in the market for a new board and 3.6 was my original goal with the current set up.


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Hello Mr. Sterman.

You may have hit on something. In these difficult economic times, if our "insurrection" were to be fairly successful, AND, a GB competitor were to gain some business advantage from it, it is possible that it could result in a bit of a downturn in business for Gigabyte. That in turn may cause GB to have to restructure (Read: layoff) some of its employees until market conditions might improve.

If I were a Gigabyte employee, especially one without too much seniority or specific necessary job skill, I'd be a bit concerned where all of this might be headed. That may at least partially explain why some of the GB employees are keeping tabs on this issue. Very interesting. Thanks for the update report from GB-USA.

Best regards to everyone. TheBeagle :beer:


Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Well, I for one have already voted with my wallet in purchasing an EVGA motherboard. While I still have the Gigabyte, it has only just arrived back to me after an RMA for repair/replacement due to it not being able to POST (with no error beep codes either). As for needing to show "proof" of owning the CPU, WTF!!! The board doesn't meet advertised spec!!!! I PURCHASED IT BECAUSE OF SAID ADVERTISED SPEC! Without that spec, I wouldn't have bought it in the first place. And since we know it doesn't meet that spec, I truly want my money back... While I wouldn't mind an upgrade to a 790i (aside from the ridiculous amount of money I will have to spend for 4GB DDR3), I personally don't want to have anything to do with any future Gigabyte product. Ever! They have already shown they will screw us. Just giving out a new board won't change that fact. What is to keep them from EOL'ing whatever 790i board they give us as replacements 2 weeks after we get the board, and never selling that board in retail chain, but only to us unmentionables who complained? Absolutely nothing! No, I want either a check or an upgrade to another maker's board. I am sorry, but I just don't trust Gigabyte to do anything but screw us over, as that has been all they have done since the beginning.

So, since it doesn't look like they are going to do either of the above, it might just be that we have to start down the small claims court about this. And even then that doesn't come close to redressing the issues in terms of time wasted trying to get this resolved. If I recall correctly, we can only claim against the cost of the item, not time lost, even though I work as a systems administrator in real life and would be charging upwards of $40-50 an hour for my time for this type of thing, I can't claim that in small claims court. For those issues we would have to get class action status, and even then, only named members in the class would have any chance of extra compensation.
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