Where are the coolest places to which you've ever traveled?

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Golden Member
Jul 3, 2001
O and even though i posted the coolest place ill post the most moving/saddening/interesting. If you read my above post i was in Germany. Well we went to Dachau concentration camp. I will honestly in all my life never forget that. From "Arbeit Mach Frei" on the fence to just see the row after row after row of prisoner housing. The meusem portion was interesting and amazing. Explaining nearly everything about the nazi's and the purpose of the camp. How they tried to make it into a normal housing area after the war by planting rows of tree (which were still there). We went as an all American group. I will honestly never forget the experience. Ive always though of it as a whatever i can handle it and go look at everything and not be bothered. But ill tell you even though its been 50+ years i couldn't go to the crematorium. Just the thought and history of it, both my friend and i without speaking just stood at the walkway to it (like 100 feet away) and couldn't go any further. Didnt even say a word and just spent the next hour in the barracks portion before we even said anything to each other.

Dont think many people experience those types of moments of just sheer magnitude and admiration at the same time that you just cant see it/experience it.

And to this day (7, almost 8 years later) i still dont think i could manage to see that area of Dachau.

I felt the same way when I visited Auschwitz, except I did force myself to go everywhere we were allowed. There are not really enough words to describe it. Stunning, revolting, moving, depressing... and the sheer size of the camp was shocking.

The most chilling part was overhearing a conversation as I got on the shuttle bus at the end of the day. I heard an older man on the bus talking about how the last time he was at Auschwitz he was 19 years old and a prisoner at the camp.


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
I like old countries, so I haven't much explored Canada or the U.S. My last major trip overseas was to Rome, Italy as we figured that when it comes to ancient history (art and architecture) it's hard to beat starting off with a city that boasts the Coliseum, the Pantheon and the Vatican.

We flew into Da Vinci airport (because really, what else would they call it) and took a forgettable 1.5 hour bus ride into Rome, with the bus stopping at each major hotel in turn to deposit some occupants. We were second last, having gone with a nice hotel but one on the perimeter of the city. I'd actually recommend going this route as long as there's a fairly decent bus route running nearby; there's no reason to pay inflated prices to be closer to major landmarks. I'm big on using public transit whenever I travel - Rome's subway system is pretty small compared to other famous cities, but its bus service makes up for it. The buses are on the honour system, so like the locals, more often than not we "forgot" to pay our fare.

Last word on the subject of inter-city travel: Crossing roads on foot in Rome was frightening as cars stopping at crosswalks do not actually stop until a pedestrian is, in fact, crossing right in front of them. This turns into a minor game of chicken as cars continue at full speed until some courageous fellow (usually a local, with a bunch of us tourists quickly skittering along behind them) blindly walks out in front of them. I've seen worse (in Karachi, so that's bottom of the barrel stuff) and nobody I saw actually got injured, so maybe it's not as bad as it looks. You can get used to anything, though: Two or three days in and we were braving traffic like a native Roman.

Being late risers due to being on vacation and always getting to bed quite late, we generally starved during the day as most restaurants only open after 7 or 8 PM in the evening. Once they're open, though, they're in it for the long haul: We ate on a couple of piazzas where we sat down at 10 PM or so and left at, oh, 1 AM? The staff was still going strong; eating hours there seem to be shifted forward by something like four hours. And while you don't have to, we did heavily indulge in pasta, pizza and wine while in Rome. This led to us invariably being tipsy by the end of the night, walking or taking a bus back to the hotel, changing into our swimwear and then breaking the rules to make use of the hotel's rooftop pool long after its midnight closing. This is when I discovered that the feeling uncomfortably full is 100% countered by jumping into a cold pool while being half drunk. Literally worked every time.

The food and nightlife inside Rome proper is actually pretty bland in our experience; the city really only has tourists walking around in it after it gets dark as it appears that the locals all live and play in the suburbs. It's here that staying in a hotel on the outskirts turned to our advantage - we ventured back to near the Parthenon for a few meals, but the majority of them were taken in trattorias in the suburbs. We ingratiated ourselves in one or two places and got terrific value for our Euro out there, but even so when Saturday night rolled around we couldn't find a seat in a decent restaurant anywhere we went. Every seat was unofficially reserved for the extended families of locals, who came out in groups of fifteen or twenty and sat down at large tables where the youngest was at one end and grandma or grandpa were at the other. They were clearly in the pattern of doing this every Saturday since who knows when and only by haggling for an extra two chairs and to sit way out to the side did we get service that night.

Dining with the locals involved lots of chatter, lots of smoking (second-hand smoke is a real concern if you worry about things like that), lots of wine, and truly stupendous amounts of food consumed. I'm not sure how locals manage to have olives for starters, pasta as a first main course, pizza as the second main, gelato for dessert and a bottle of wine accompanying all of the above. It's just too much - and yet somehow people appear to stay thin. (I think this is because TV isn't heavily watched and Internet access is unreliable, so it forces people outside. Or maybe everyone is a bulimic.) A note: All the starch in my diet made me feel vaguely ill for the duration of the trip so watch out for that.

Let me wrap this up with pictures and some quick notes about landmarks: The inside of the St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican was magnificent for the sheer size of the place, but really what left me feeling stunned was to walk into the Pantheon, the first and oldest domed roof building in the world, and to stand in the spot in which the hole in the roof allowed sun in. Only a small step down from that was the realization that the remains of Raphael were in the building. Aside from that, I thought that the art in the Vatican was easily bested by the art found in Borghese Gallery up north in the Villa Borghese (a pain to get to, but worth the taxicab fare).

Weird thing about art in Italy: There's no velvet rope or protective glass up in front of any of it. You can press your nose to a Caravaggio if you feel like it. You should probably be shot if you do, but the option is there. My working theory is that Romans have been surrounded by ancient works for so long that it's faded into the background for them; it's not a big deal to be specially protected.

We were in Rome for nine days, which was probably about two days too long. Next up this December will be Hong Kong, and then hopefully Greece.


No Lifer
Aug 28, 2001
Just got back from Alberta - the Canadian Rockies. We didn't get too close but did visit Lake Louise and canoed on it. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/11370060/2012-08-18 11.31.43.jpg It'd be much more beautiful if it weren't the warm summer.

But regardless that does not compare to Alaska where we cruised and they got us into the glacier parks. Stopped right beside a glacier and with the ambiance, the brisk air, the sounds... just so surreal. Also kayaked on a lake in front of the Mendenhall Glacier. Saw a few bald eagles too.
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No Lifer
Aug 28, 2001
I never knew Brooklyn could be so scary. It's an infinitely shittier borough than The Bronx will ever be

Haha I drove through East New York in Brooklyn once. It's not empty like you said but it's considered the murder capital of ny. Brooklyn has some of the shadiest feeling industrial areas around though. Or Newark, NJ.


Nov 22, 2008
Lake Tahoe, very unique, beautiful beach and hills, hiking, biking in the same place... Just relax in your hotel by the beach, emerald bay state park our go hiking/biking. The natural beaut of the place is just amazing... Best place to vacation at imho.


Jul 7, 2003
By road from Manali to Leh, India. 22 hours straight driving, very little breaks for the driver, hairpin turns along cliff edges at times with fog so thick you couldn't see more than 2 feet in front of the road. Road tops out at over 18,000 feet. Seeing the Pakistan/India border closing ceremony near Amritsar was pretty neat too.

By motorcycle through north Vietnam, Hanoi to Dien Bien Phu over 800 miles. Like going back in time.

Going around the Philippines on local buses and ferries was a lot of fun, too. Prayers on the loudspeakers before the ferry takes off were not reassuring


Sep 6, 2000
Just got back from Alberta - the Canadian Rockies. We didn't get too close but did visit Lake Louise and canoed on it. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/11370060/2012-08-18 11.31.43.jpg It'd be much more beautiful if it weren't the warm summer.

But regardless that does not compare to Alaska where we cruised and they got us into the glacier parks. Stopped right beside a glacier and with the ambiance, the brisk air, the sounds... just so surreal. Also kayaked on a lake in front of the Mendenhall Glacier. Saw a few bald eagles too.

If you drove the Icefields Parkway, you could have walked on Athabasca Glacier. Here's what Banff lakes should look like:



Jan 30, 2001
Pompeii was the most fascinating place I have personally been. Those casts of the long dead citizens are striking along with the absolutely amazing preservation of the city. After spending the entire day wandering around it when I returned to the carrier anchored in Naples Bay I was immediately struck by how we humans really learn nothing from history as I looked with eyes anew at the millions of people now making their homes around the base of Vesuvius.

O and even though i posted the coolest place ill post the most moving/saddening/interesting. If you read my above post i was in Germany. Well we went to Dachau concentration camp. I will honestly in all my life never forget that. From "Arbeit Mach Frei" on the fence to just see the row after row after row of prisoner housing. The meusem portion was interesting and amazing. Explaining nearly everything about the nazi's and the purpose of the camp. How they tried to make it into a normal housing area after the war by planting rows of tree (which were still there). We went as an all American group. I will honestly never forget the experience. Ive always though of it as a whatever i can handle it and go look at everything and not be bothered. But ill tell you even though its been 50+ years i couldn't go to the crematorium. Just the thought and history of it, both my friend and i without speaking just stood at the walkway to it (like 100 feet away) and couldn't go any further. Didnt even say a word and just spent the next hour in the barracks portion before we even said anything to each other.

Dont think many people experience those types of moments of just sheer magnitude and admiration at the same time that you just cant see it/experience it.

And to this day (7, almost 8 years later) i still dont think i could manage to see that area of Dachau.

I visited Dachau and was determined to see all of it. I have to say I am glad it was one of the last places I visited before we left Germany, it definitely made me wonder how the older people I encountered afterwards (this was in 1977) could get so caught up in madness as to ignore such an atrocity in their midst.


Golden Member
Nov 2, 2006

I spent 12 years going to Catholic schools, and when I was on a submarine, we had the chance to pull into Israel for 5 days on our med-cruise back in the late '80's. Visiting all the places I read about in the Bible was just amazing. I even got to swim in the Dead Sea.

Also, had the chance to party and do some clubbing while there. I've got to say those Israelis sure know how to have a good time. One of my most memorable trips while I was in the service. Someday, I hope to go back.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2010
For me, the two most interesting places I have traveled are very different from each other. The first was French Polynesia, which is actually over 100 islands and not just Tahiti. Travelled to Tahiti of course as that island is the biggest population and size wise, and having the international airport. From there went to Moorea, Huiniae, a few other islands I can't name, and finally Bora Bora. Many people consider Bora Bora to be the most beautiful place on earth, and so far I have not been anyplace else that would have me in disagreement. The sand really is that white, or that black depending where you are. The water really is that blue or aqua green, and really is that clear. It is like you are swimming in a national aquarium with all of the tropical fish and other fauna.

The other place was Hungary. Yep, you read that right. Budapest was amazing, and the food such as Venison Parikash and their ubiquitous cucumber salad was incredible. I got hooked on a local sparkling mineral water called Theordora Quelle.

After spending a few days in the big cities (Budapest is actually Buda and Pest, with the the Danube in between. As it has grown it has become one) we went to the west around Lake Balaton. This is the biggest lake in Europe, and as we learned is flooded with tourists from Europe during the summer. This area is especially popular with Germans and Scandanavians. The main focus of their interest are the hot springs at Heviz. This thermal lake is the largest of its type in Europe as well and was very relaxing and quite a site if you care to look up some pics. We visited some other towns around the lake such as Kestahly (sp?) which was quite beautiful. One of the highlights of this trip was eating in a restaurant whose name roughly translates to "The Wine Museum" Wine making is a very large part of the Hungarian culture. It was amazing eating at a table which has served customers longer than the US has been a country. In fact a major part of my enjoyment derived from seeing such old architecture, beautifully and lovingly maintained. We went to a concert in a church that is almost 1000 years old!

A small pic of the bath houses in the middle of Lake Heviz. The bath houses are huge, the thermal lake is actually quite large. There are under water platforms with a rail so you can walk around with your head a few feet above the water and then use the rail to relax in the water without having to tread/swim. Soooo relaxing and is used by many for health reasons. The water of the entire thermal lake is replaced by its underground source every 36 hours or so!

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Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2007
Ladera resort in St. Lucia.

Beautiful, luxury, tree house. Go there and stay as long as you can.

All you need to know.

Oh, here are some pics:



Sep 2, 2006
Ladera resort in St. Lucia.

Beautiful, luxury, tree house. Go there and stay as long as you can.

All you need to know.

man that place looks so amazing

but there is no way i will ever be able to afford it

and even if there is, i doubt i would allow myself to stay there

maybe if was worth 2$ million, then i would let myself do it


Sep 20, 2007
Ladera resort in St. Lucia.

Beautiful, luxury, tree house. Go there and stay as long as you can.

All you need to know.

That's gorgeous but I feel like I'm spending a fortune just looking at it.
Yep, cheapest room looks like $665/night. Not even all inclusive.

I need some ideas of where to go on my next vacation. I hate flying though because of the BS security. Suppose I could take the train down and grab a cruise.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 1999
This place was really nice. It is a beach in a park just south of Premantura Croatia. That cave in the water was awesome.



Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2007
man that place looks so amazing

but there is no way i will ever be able to afford it

and even if there is, i doubt i would allow myself to stay there

maybe if was worth 2$ million, then i would let myself do it

They have some deals in June and July (early part of the rainy season) where you can get a room for ~$350-400 a night with meals. Good deal, as Dasheen (the on-site restaurant) is really, really good.
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