Where Are The Gigabyte GA-N680SLI-DQ6 Motherboards?

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Senior member
Sep 25, 2006
Originally posted by: cdfire
Originally posted by: TheBeagle
Good Evening Everyone.

The F4f BIOS seems to work pretty much the same as the F4e one for me. However, I'm still getting an intermittent condition on boot up (using Vista Ultimate), where at the end of the POST, the last screen line says:

"Building DMI Pool.................................Flash ROM Protected"

Then the whole thing reboots and goes through the POST process again. However, after a number of reboots, when it finally decides to go into Vista, the last line on the POST display reads as follows:

"Verifying DMI Pool Data......................."

Once in Vista the whole rig is rock solid and functions perfectly.

I'm using these settings:
FSB = 378
Multiplier = 9
Vcore = 1.450
DRAM = 2.25V
Speed = 3.4 GHz

For the life of me, I can't seem to figure out why it takes several boot cycles in order for Vista to make the jump into Windows. If anyone has a REAL solution for this situation, I'd like to hear about it. Thanks. TheBeagle

This is exactly what I get every once in a while in Windows XP Pro 32. Pc runs great, but every once in a while upon reboot or system startup, I get this same thing. "Verifying DMI Pool Data......................." and then I have to reboot to get into windows.

As stated before I also get F2 showing in any windows program which shows the BIOS only it will be followed by the new BIOS File date, so say I use F4f, it will show F2 with the F4f BIOS file date.

I guess with this board we skipped a lot of the issues the other 680I boards have, but have a couple new bugs to work out.

i came across this thread while googling an identical problem. however...

i am using a ga-m57sli-s4 with an athlon64 x2 4400+ cpu. i do have raided 36gb raptors on this system along with a number of wd storage drives. i did not have this problem when this was my gaming rig in another case, but the issue reared it's ugly head when i switched cases and began using it as a htpc, along with many usb peripherals.

my problem is identical.

i am confounded by this problem quite frankly, i have done quite a bit of research and have found no solutions. i have not flashed the bios on this board yet since the problem was not existant prior to the case swap.

just my 2c, any ideas are appreciated

Gary Key

Senior member
Sep 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Smitty1705
Originally posted by: Seanies Show
Sorry guys some bad news im affraid, here it is, Gigabyte correction to their first balls up of this board:


Revision 2, SO SOON, Do you really think they will continue to support both ????

Wow... so what's up with that? I wonder what they are changing with rev 2? If they can't fix the quad core OC'ing wiht rev 1 but they do in rev 2 I wonder if we can get ours replaced? Kind of jumping the gun on this.. but i'm curious wy the rev 2 so soon?
Gary - do you happen to know anything about this?


I have no idea why Gigabyte is doing a rev2.0 board and was first informed in a PM from Beagle. I have asked this weekend, hopefully we have an answer shortly..


May 19, 2007
I tried Unlinked, Linked many options but no success, still the same issue! I try to RMA board ...


Senior member
Oct 12, 2003
to OBR,

Ive been using my memory in unlinked since i started using this board and and 1066mhz with no problem, i think maybe, just maybe, your board is defective.

good luck


May 19, 2007
I have now THREE new sealed boxes with boards, i try them and will see where is problem.


Junior Member
May 3, 2007
Please let us know what you find out! I have my board on hot RMA standby, all packed up and ready to go back if Gigabyte isn't going to give us replacements.


May 19, 2007
First impress of testing :

Second board with the same issue, but "stuck frequency" is not 3200MHz, but 3600MHz ... but the same situation ...

Maybe is clear why we have rev 2.0! Still testing third a fourth mobos, i will inform you!


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Evening Mr. OBR.

Your situation sounds rather interesting. However, before you go throwing the baby out with the bathwater, may I suggest that you take a minute to reconsider some possibilities. First of all, if you indeed have four (4) separate GA-680SLI-DQ6 boards, and they ALL don't function correctly (at least not how you're setting them), then I'd say it's likely something that you are doing that is causing the repeated problem. If you consider the statistical probability of 4 consecutive boards being bad, versus it being some setting that you are initiating in the BIOS, OR a bad component, I'd bet on the boards being OK!

With that said, may I respectfully suggest that you install a board, bare-bones with the F4e BIOS installed in BOTH the primary and secondary BIOS. That is to say, with only CPU, memory, and video. Turn off the energy saving stuff (EIST switches, etc), turn off the spread spectrum stuff, set the CPU at 3.00 GHz (that's 334x9 on an E6600), with unlinked memory set at 1066, and see if it boots up with all the voltages set at auto. If it does, then go through the increments to see how far you can push the FBS setting before the CPU balks. Then increase the voltage on the CPU (start at 1.4250V, but don't go above 1.5250) until you get a decent OC. That should be somewhere between 3.2 and 3.4 GHz. You can then juice up the memory to 2.250 and see if that helps any further. The other voltage settings are VERY sensitive to change, and I've actually found that letting the BIOS set those items works the best.

Hope that's some assistance. Enjoy. TheBeagle


Feb 5, 2007
Originally posted by: OBR
First impress of testing :

Second board with the same issue, but "stuck frequency" is not 3200MHz, but 3600MHz ... but the same situation ...

Maybe is clear why we have rev 2.0! Still testing third a fourth mobos, i will inform you!

I agree wit TheBeagle. This is clearly an "issue" with your CPU. When I say "issue," I mean that your CPU still works perfectly, it just doesn't overclock very well. Not every CPU is identical. Some are just able to overclock better. The same model CPU's made at different times on different platters perform differently. I have seen an e6600 overclocked to 4gHz, but if they were to put my CPU in that same setup, it would probably only hit 3.6gHz or something. Us consumers have no control over this. You could try swapping the CPU from the place you got it from.


May 19, 2007
Sorry but you are noobs, it is not problem with cpu! because "stuck frequency" on each board is different with the same cpu! This mobo has very bad design error and is useless, maybe you are little overclockers and you dont recognise the problem because your fequencies are low. . I am not amateur like you, i am testing mobos many years for some magazine ...

And Spread spectrum, EIST and etc. i know how to set it guys!

And till now i know THREE different people with the same problem on internet! Look at XS forum ... for example ...


Feb 5, 2007
Originally posted by: OBR
Sorry but you are noobs, it is not problem with cpu! because "stuck frequency" on each board is different with the same cpu! This mobo has very bad design error and is useless, maybe you are little overclockers and you dont recognise the problem because your fequencies are low. . I am not amateur like you, i am testing mobos many years for some magazine ...

And Spread spectrum, EIST and etc. i know how to set it guys!

And till now i knouw THREE differetn people with the same problem on internet! Look at XS forum ... for example ...

First of all don't call us f*cking noobs. You don't know us. You're the noob for not being able to get your board to work right. I fix computers for a living and make a lot of money doing it. My board is performing great. I hit 15,100 in 3dMark06, higher than any other board I have ever had. If I had a quad core I would hit 18,000 easy. Did you even test with multiple e6600's or were you just moving the same one to each board?


May 19, 2007
You are very young and noobish, from your reply is it clear. I dont need your suggestions, how to set mobos, because now i have 10 C2D mobos at home and only this crappy Gigabyte is faulty ... look at my XS profile ...

I want to test your mobos, because you are blind and noob ocers and you dont recognise faulty mobos! hahaha!


Elite Member
Jul 27, 2002
Originally posted by: cdfire
Originally posted by: lopri
First time posting (reading, for that matter) this thread - was wondering why this thread is so long. Kinda understand now but I never thought this board was popular to begin with. What was the most appealing factor of this board for you guys' purchase?

Hope the quad-core issue isn't the same issue that EVGA board went through. At least EVGA replaced the boards for all quad owners. If by any chance it's the same issue, Gigabyte should step up and do the same what EVGA have done for their customers, IMO.

Personally I bought the board due to a couple reasons. One it did not have the issues other 680I boards had. The reviews where all good, the cooling seems to be one of the best and I have used Gigabyte boards for years without issue.

I sure hope its not the same issue as the EVA boards had. EVA cross ships and from what I hear Gigabyte don't which means even if they did offer a replacement, we would all be waiting around for weeks on end for a new board. In the past when Gigabyte releases a new rev it was to add support for something or it upgraded things like solid caps, but I don't recall a rev 2 coming out so fast with any of the other Gigabytes boards which makes me think maybe EVA all over again. I bought a E6600 with the board with the intent of upgrading that to the new Quads when they come out hopefully around the time or before UT3 comes out. I sure hope this board does not have the EVA issue for that would really put a damper on my plans and make me think to get a new board of a differant brand at that time.
Thanks for the reply. Definitely makes sense.

I personally think the Gigabyte's way (improving an SKU via revisions) is much better and legit way of doing things than, say, the ASUS' way. (add 'Plus' 'Premium' '-A, -B, -C, -D', 'Deluxe') I am very annoyed by ASUS' business practice and I can only understand it as a cheap tactic to avoid potential RMAs. Of course the best way is EVGA's way - coming out clean and fix things for their customers, and limit the number of different (but similar) SKUs to minimum.


Senior member
Oct 12, 2003
dont know about you OBR but my board is running great, and i just OCed it to 3.72ghz and its doing fine, better if anything. You probably have defective boards and to make things straight, a noob (in dealing with computers) is someone who doesnt have a clue on what a computer is and does, obviously most everyone, if not all, know what a computer does and that this board has done nice things for all of them including me, so dont you think its inappropriate to call any of us noobs?

again you may have some defective boards, other than you setting them in wrong configurations or something.


Senior member
Oct 12, 2003
and if you still think we're all noobs, then well i say i am a noob then for this is my very first build and yet this computer rocks and has had no problems for me whatsoever, i guess noobs like me know something after all, so reconsider claiming that we are all noobs, for this is a forum for people with open minds that give and need advice, if you (OBR) dont appreciate what tips or suggestions we have to offer, i think you should just move on to another site.


Mar 28, 2007
everyone else are doing fine, OBR. I had no problem with my board and I'm getting a decent OC (3.6gig) and this is my first time OCing. So guess what? A "noob" like me is doing much better than u are.


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Morning Mr. OBR.

From the nature of your comments, you obviously appear to have a very high opinion of your computer building and programing skills. Maybe that is indeed the case. If so, it is hard to imagine why you would even post a comment on this Thread among us uninformed "noobs," to use your very discourteous moniker.

The vast majority of the folks who have posted comments here are genuinely trying to contribute to the accumulated knowledge associated with the GA-680SLI-DQ6 motherboard. However, that does not seem to be your objective, so may I suggest that you reserve your flaming comments for some other Forum where your superior knowledge and skills will be better appreciated by higher beings. Have a nice day. TheBeagle


Mar 14, 2007
Originally posted by: TheBeagle
Good Morning Mr. OBR.

From the nature of your comments, you obviously appear to have a very high opinion of your computer building and programing skills. Maybe that is indeed the case. If so, it is hard to imagine why you would even post a comment on this Thread among us uninformed "noobs," to use your very discourteous moniker.

The vast majority of the folks who have posted comments here are genuinely trying to contribute to the accumulated knowledge associated with the GA-680SLI-DQ6 motherboard. However, that does not seem to be your objective, so may I suggest that you reserve your flaming comments for some other Forum where your superior knowledge and skills will be better appreciated by higher beings. Have a nice day. TheBeagle

Beagle - well put!

OBR - Please move to another site if you can't be helpful or constructive. Everyone here has the same desire to get their board running the best they can and it can be done without flaming. If you have that much of an issue then go directly to Gigabyte and flame them for help.



Feb 5, 2007
Originally posted by: Smitty1705
Originally posted by: TheBeagle
Good Morning Mr. OBR.

From the nature of your comments, you obviously appear to have a very high opinion of your computer building and programing skills. Maybe that is indeed the case. If so, it is hard to imagine why you would even post a comment on this Thread among us uninformed "noobs," to use your very discourteous moniker.

The vast majority of the folks who have posted comments here are genuinely trying to contribute to the accumulated knowledge associated with the GA-680SLI-DQ6 motherboard. However, that does not seem to be your objective, so may I suggest that you reserve your flaming comments for some other Forum where your superior knowledge and skills will be better appreciated by higher beings. Have a nice day. TheBeagle

Beagle - well put!

OBR - Please move to another site if you can't be helpful or constructive. Everyone here has the same desire to get their board running the best they can and it can be done without flaming. If you have that much of an issue then go directly to Gigabyte and flame them for help.

I agree. I would also like to state that anyone that uses the word "n00b" in everyday vocabulary is either less than 12 years old or doesn't have a life. <<<OBR. Move to another site OBR or you will be banned from this forum for flaming.


May 8, 2007
I also agree. I've done several builds but I've never tried serious overclocking before (just a little with Easy Tune on my GA-8IEXP in the easy mode). I'm planning to try it but I'm also trying to learn a bit more about it before I do. The people in this forum have been very helpful. I've already learned a few things about this mobo here that would have been hard to find through normal channels. Since I've been reading this thread, everyone in it has been great (except OBR) and several have said a number of things that make it obvious that they are not "noobs" in any way.

So far, the only person I've seen acting childish in this thread is OBR.


Senior member
Jan 11, 2007

Sorry I haven't gotten back to you about the monitoring programs. I've had good luck with PCWizard2007 and the free version of Everest 2.0. They both report a wealth of information about system components. I still have not found one that can report a northbridge temp., and am considering installing the new Zalman fan controller with temp. monitoring to watch that temp while OC'ing.

After asking Gigabyte about monitoring programs and ones that could pick up the NB temp., there response was...

"the IT8718 chip controls all sensor on the motherboard, cpu, NB,SB and system"

Not extremely helpful, but info none the less.

With regards to OBR, no room for ppl like that here...Voteban!




Junior Member
May 8, 2007
Now that the flaming is finished, I would like to say:

I've finally received my QD6 just in time to find out it's been replaced by rev2 before I even install it. Very dissappointing news. I would hope there is an RMA available.

I would appreciate any information available for OCing a Q6600 with 4/1G sticks of Crucial Ballistix DDR-2 PC2-6400.



Feb 23, 2007
Originally posted by: dlbetz
I use @BIOS and check next to clear DMIPool and the other one. I still am havig no issues with F4F and All Bios Either at bootup or with CPUZ says F4F. Also I think they should let us rma rev1 for 2 being's most of us spent nearly $350 for the board. Or at least some kind of trade up program. Just my opion..

Thank you for the info. I did as you and now Windows XP Pro, CPU-Z and Everest show the right BIOS. Once again Thank You.
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