Where Are The Gigabyte GA-N680SLI-DQ6 Motherboards?

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May 11, 2007
Originally posted by: TheBeagle
Good Evening to Messrs CD & SSK.

I share your mutual amazement that an alleged, world-class motherboard manufacturer like Gigabyte would release a bug-ladened BIOS like the present "Final F4," knowing it will NOT support a 1333 FSB for a Quad-Core, and also won't do a simple thing like SHUTDOWN reliably. That is utterly indescribable in decent terms.

I honestly think they have recieved so many emails/complaints about this (shutting down and quad core) is the reason behind the Rev2 Mobo. When someone gets there hands on one of these boards with a Quad of any sort and can run past 325fsb, which every sample i have seen can do, then i belive your following statement is fair and true, or they should do what eVGA(i think it was them) and offer anyone with a Quad (proof of purchase needed say) should be given the option to swap/exchange for a Rev2 board.

Originally posted by: TheBeagleThe JERKS at Gigabyte who did that ought to be shown the door, along with the ones who decided to release a Rev. 2 of the board and didn't even bother to tell their USA office and colleagues that such a newer revision was even in the works, let alone about to be released. I'm sure you all sensed the utter frustration in Gary's recent comments when he was caught absolutely flat-footed by that news. As I expressed privately to Gary in a recent PM, the whole manner in which Gigabyte has handled this situation was extremely arrogant.

Quite frankly, if the Rev. 1 board can't live up to it's advertised specs, then maybe a class-action lawsuit against Gigabyte would be in order. That's just a thought for now, but it could become a reality if they don't fix this stuff right the next time. I would suspect that such a lawsuit would get their collective panties bunched up damn quick! Enough is Enough already!

I cant speak top much about the USA part (living in the land of OZ(asutralia )), but i do agree whole heartedly with what you have pointed out and believe the best course of action to be my above statement as the normal C2D's have no problems what so ever as i have seen on the XS and other forums people getting near and over 500fsb. So it is Quad owners that are disadvantage the most.

@TheBeagle, no offence was meant with my O/C ideas above and i apologise if it sounded that way at all.

Lastly has anyone been able to run there ram @1T at all, as i know other people with my ram(see sig) can do and no amount of tweaking allows it. Could just be another bug.

Thanks to TheBeagle and Gary for some of there efforts, maybe if we are lucky Gigabyte might hear us.




Feb 23, 2007
I don?t think just because you bought a quad you should get a replacement, I think anyone who bought the board should for it don?t matter what processor you bought, Gigabyte's own page says 1333 support. I for one decided to spend the cash on a high end board and go with a cheaper processor to do so, but I also bought the cheaper processor because Gigabytes claim of 1333 meant I could upgrade in the future to such. In any event I agree its time people stop getting ripped off, NVIDIA and ATI have been getting away with it for years, maybe it will take a class action suit to start making these companies honest.


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Hi Mr. SSK.

No offense taken whatsoever. You were obviously just trying to help. And BTW, for my money, the Aussies are some of the best friends we Yanks ever had. We never had to worry about who was watching our backs or otherwise when your men were fighting (or drinking, for that matter) along side of our guys. I've always admired your people's grit! Just thought you'd like to know. TheBeagle


May 19, 2007
Hey amateurs ... remember my problem with this mobo? I have official respond from Gigabyte technician "HT" and THIS ISSUE he has too! All on this noobish forum who says no problem with this mobo are amateurs ... because i have official statement about this issue!

This "unbreakable issue" can solve new F4 bios ... but i will test it today and we will see! Bye amateurs, who dont recognise problems on mobo!


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Morning Everyone.

As you can all observe, we still have the "benefit" of Mr. OBR's caustic comments. I would suggest that we just ignore him, and maybe he will dry up and blow away, since most biological material of that nature (usually left by a dog on your lawn) eventually decomposes and does that anyway. TheBeagle



Junior Member
May 5, 2007
Right on! Thanks for the tip Overpowered! Second link you provided was exactly what i was looking for.


Mar 14, 2007
Originally posted by: TheBeagle
Good Evening to Messrs CD & SSK.

You are both quite right. The settings that I suggested to CD were a starting point that I believed his rig would tolerate at 3.00 GHz with no operational problems. Since he can tweak his memory to tighter specs (as I mentioned that I thought it might), and so long as it is stable, then that's what I'd maintain, as long as he can also keep the 334x9 settings as well.

If all that works, then I'd stick with that until Gigabyte has some effective surgery for their damn near fatal case of "Inverted-Cranial-Rectal Syndrome", a/k/a "Ocular Rectitus!" I share your mutual amazement that an alleged, world-class motherboard manufacturer like Gigabyte would release a bug-ladened BIOS like the present "Final F4," knowing it will NOT support a 1333 FSB for a Quad-Core, and also won't do a simple thing like SHUTDOWN reliably. That is utterly indescribable in decent terms.

The JERKS at Gigabyte who did that ought to be shown the door, along with the ones who decided to release a Rev. 2 of the board and didn't even bother to tell their USA office and colleagues that such a newer revision was even in the works, let alone about to be released. I'm sure you all sensed the utter frustration in Gary's recent comments when he was caught absolutely flat-footed by that news. As I expressed privately to Gary in a recent PM, the whole manner in which Gigabyte has handled this situation was extremely arrogant.

Quite frankly, if the Rev. 1 board can't live up to it's advertised specs, then maybe a class-action lawsuit against Gigabyte would be in order. That's just a thought for now, but it could become a reality if they don't fix this stuff right the next time. I would suspect that such a lawsuit would get their collective panties bunched up damn quick! Enough is Enough already!

Have a nice evening. TheBeagle

Well put Beagle!

I bought this board to be future proofed a little bit (longer then a month). I bought it to have good quad core support as well as the 1333 FSB. If their way to get this is to release a totally different board and abandon the Rev 1 users.. sign me up on the complaint list! I want my money back or a rev 2 board that actually does what was advertised on the front of the box! At this point a machine that shuts down properly seems like a bonus. They should have included a long stick so I can reach the power button from my seat and hold it down.. maybe that's their next fix? Rev 2 power button poker! Woot!

Sorry... I'm a bit upset.. I buy a new PC about every 4-5 years and it cost me a ton of money to get the system I wanted. I have had good boards in the past from Gigabyte and this really hurts to see how they have handled things. I REALLY hope Gary or someone can get them to fix a fan base who can spread a GOOD or BAD word about their product. Please make us happy with your product!




May 8, 2007
While it wasn't one of the top reasons, the ability to upgrade to quad core and 1333 FSB was a factor in my buying decision. I always planned to upgrade this setup with a 1333 FSB Quad Core in the future. They should offer a replacement or a board upgrade if they can't deliver that with a BIOS update.

How is OBR not banned?


Feb 23, 2007
Could it be that the REV 2 board sports the new Ultra Durable 2 as apposed to the Ultra Durable REV 1 board? Maybe that?s the only difference and maybe our boards will in fact support 1333 quads threw a BIOS update when such chips are released? Gigabyte has been know to release new REV that do the same thing only updated a few parts such as solid caps, which did not mean the REV 1 boards of the past where bad, just updated with better parts. Here's a link about the Ultra Durable 2. http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm?articleID=2113


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Evening Mr. OP.

Rest assured that Mr. OBR's last episode has caused him to hit the dirt. The Forum Moderator was asked to look into the senseless stuff that OBR was spewing out, and to AnandTech's credit, they gave him the boot. That guy really seems like a demented soul; and especially when you read his dribble, you quickly understand why there is a need for psychiatrists and involuntary commitments to institutions in this world. Rest easy, since I don't think we will hear from him again real soon - Amen!. Have a nice evening. TheBeagle


Mar 14, 2007
Originally posted by: cdfire
Could it be that the REV 2 board sports the new Ultra Durable 2 as apposed to the Ultra Durable REV 1 board? Maybe that?s the only difference and maybe our boards will in fact support 1333 quads threw a BIOS update when such chips are released? Gigabyte has been know to release new REV that do the same thing only updated a few parts such as solid caps, which did not mean the REV 1 boards of the past where bad, just updated with better parts. Here's a link about the Ultra Durable 2. http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm?articleID=2113

I REALLY hope you're right on this one. I would love to be freaking out for no reason, I guess we will see..

SO I got tired of certain apps not working right for me under Vista and went back to XP last night. I also switched to the official F4 bios from the Gigabyte web site and still have the issue with powering down. I know this is a known issue still but I just wanted to say I tried also.. I think I will hop on to Vista once the SP1 comes out.



Junior Member
May 3, 2007
On the other hand, it might be nice to see that there is a solution (albiet non-firmware hardware one) that would help increase quad fsb's and oc's. All you rev 1'ers would have to do is raise a racket loud enough to make Gigabyte let you rma the boards for rev 2's; I'm sure it would happen if you got enough together for like a class action lawsuit or something; companies like Apple and all have bended for less.

edit. I can't remember names right.


Mar 23, 2007
Originally posted by: sskmercer
Lastly has anyone been able to run there ram @1T at all, as i know other people with my ram(see sig) can do and no amount of tweaking allows it. Could just be another bug.

I played around with 1T timings, I have 4x 1Gb Corsair Dominator 8500C5D's. I was playing around early on with just 2 DIMMs (2Gb) and was able to run 1T up to around 850-900MHz (if I recall correctly). 1T is far less lenient of OC'ing than 2T is, and if you are gonna run your RAM up in frequency, you will need to use 2T.

On a side note, and this is my opinion garnered from my evaluation:
Don't get caught up in the 1T/2T command rate or the timings / frequency of your RAM. I've done a lot of testing (on my system) and the difference (both measured in 3DMark06, and Everest and the "feel" in a bunch of games) between running at 4-3-3-10-1T @ 800MHz / 5-5-5-15-2T @ 1066MHz / 5-5-5-18-2T @ 1200MHz isn't worth agonizing over. Unless of course you are trying to win some internet e-peen bragging contest, or trying to squeeze out that last playable frames-per-second from your rig.

In the end, I just run my RAM at "rated" specs.


Mar 23, 2007
Originally posted by: alcuin
On the other hand, it might be nice to see that there is a solution (albiet non-firmware hardware one) that would help increase quad fsb's and oc's. All you rev 1'ers would have to do is raise a racket loud enough to make MSI let you rma the boards for rev 2's; I'm sure it would happen if you got enough together for like a class action lawsuit or something; companies like Apple and all have bended for less.


I think you mean Gigabyte?



Feb 23, 2007
Originally posted by: Smitty1705
Originally posted by: cdfire
Could it be that the REV 2 board sports the new Ultra Durable 2 as apposed to the Ultra Durable REV 1 board? Maybe that?s the only difference and maybe our boards will in fact support 1333 quads threw a BIOS update when such chips are released? Gigabyte has been know to release new REV that do the same thing only updated a few parts such as solid caps, which did not mean the REV 1 boards of the past where bad, just updated with better parts. Here's a link about the Ultra Durable 2. http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm?articleID=2113

I REALLY hope you're right on this one. I would love to be freaking out for no reason, I guess we will see..


I have no clue if thats right, just wishfull thinking at this point. Alls we do know for a fact is the REV 1 board, Gigabyte claims 1333 and after the cash we forked out for this board, we deserve a board that does what it claims.


Junior Member
Apr 17, 2007
Hello Friends!!

It's your brazilian friend again!!

I just came here to thank again for all the support, and to say that... SHE'S ROCKING, BABY!!!

The board is finally working pretty fine... the set is closed and the things are put together fine!!!

Now I just have to OC the little one (little? the stacker 830 is REALLY big and heavy! )...

I'm running with the F3... so far so good...

Because of all the problems I had with it in the beggining, I'm little affraid to mess with it... hehehe...


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Hello Mr. Beacon.

Greetings to our Brazilian colleague! Glad to hear that you got your rig constructed and ripping right along. If and when (hopefully) the folks at Gigabyte get the F4 BIOS straightened out for the shutdown bug, it will likely be worth a BIOS upgrade. But don't do it yet. We'll post any news on future BIOS revisions as soon as we can test them out. Best regards. TheBeagle


Junior Member
May 19, 2007
Hi Guys/Girls

I am in need of a little help with setting up my PC. i am quite new to oc and i have been doing plenty of reading etc over the past 6 weeks and was hoping for some much appreciated help. It seems the best i could get out of my system was a stable 300FSB up from 266 and cpu multiplier x9. From all the forums i have read people are capable of 400+ ?. the system i have is:

GA-N680SLI-DQ6 Rev 1
CPU: Intel E6600 2.4GH Processor
Ram: OCZ pc2 8500 ddr2 1066
HD: 500GB Samsung HD501LJ
GPU: BFG 8800GTX OC2 Edition 768MB
PSU: Atrix Extreme 600W.
O/S: XP Pro

i have ran the 3Dmark06 and i am getting a score of 9650but it compares my computer to 122 other computers with the same set up and it says mine is the slowest with the fastest being 12800 ?? if i try playing with my FSB speeds etc i can get my score up to 10900 but it then compares me to different computers with the top score then being 15700 ?? I am also running bios F4F

I have built this system from scratch and would forever grateful if someone could give me some advice on setting up the bios and fine tuning this baby so i can get it running nice,cheers all.


Mar 23, 2007
Hi Riddler...

Back somewhere in the page 20's I think a few of us posted many of the important bios settings, to compare, so I'd start to look there. My first quest is, do you have adequate cooling, you didn't list an "aftermarket" CPU hsf so that would tell me that you are running stock. Most of the people who are running high fsb's are running high-end cooling such at the Zalman 9700 series, Tuniq Tower 120, or Thermalright Ultra 120 to dissipate the extra heat caused by oc'ing. Some people have reached around 3GHz on stock cooling, but I'd be wary of the temps. Your first order of business if you really want to reach mid-3GHz is to replace that stock unit with one of the above.

The first thing to remember in oc'ing is that you are guaranteed *nothing* in the way of results. Intel says that your CPU will run at 2.4GHz, and that's the only thing you can count on it doing. Just because 200 guys before you got 3.6GHz on air doesn't mean you are. You paid for a 2.4GHz CPU, and that's it. Sorry for the rant, but people seem to forget this important fact.

A few pages back either myself or someone posted a link to the "official" nVidia 680i overclocking .pdf file. I suggest you read that before you do anything. Lots of good info in there. Or just google "nvidia 680 overclocking pdf"

Some hints for you. Unlink your RAM and set it to its rated speeds, somewhere around 2.1V 5-5-5-15-2T @ 1066MHz I'm guessing. Next add 1 increment of voltages to all the FSB, HT, NB and SB settings. I'm assuming your E6600 is the same stock voltage as mine, 1.325V, Bump that up to 1.400V. Increase your FSB in small increments, 5, or 10MHz at a time, and boot into Windows. If you get into Windows, run Orthos for 30 min and keep an eye on your cpu core temperature. If after 30min your Orthos temps are over 60C, (or anytime) I'd back up the Vcore. That should get you to 333MHz x9 / 3GHz if your temps can support it.

But really, go read that nVidia .pdf, it will help you understand a lot about oc'ing.


Junior Member
May 19, 2007

Sorry i forgot to mention i have a Thermaltake big typhoon, cool thanks for the info curr ill do that and see how i go ty very much

Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Ydef
Fallen Kell,

Nice! I actually got a Tuniq Tower cooler for this unit too, but had the HARDEST time getting it to fit, not to mention the rubber tunnel it comes with doesn't stretch to the closest rear fan because the CPU slot is further forward on this GA design ... so i just have the stock intel fan on there for now. Are you running yours without the rubber tunnel?

Hey, sorry, just saw your post(s). No I am not running the included fan with the Tuniq. I swapped it out with a S-Flex SFF21F fan. I picked up a couple of these fans and replaced all the 120mm fans in my case with them and use a fan controller on them. They can be made extremely quiet. I connected the fan in the Tuniq Tower to the CPU FAN header on the board.

As others may have seen, it was a real pain in the *censored* to fit this cooler in my case. Needing a dremel and some rubber spacers placed (on the fan screws) so it would fit without hitting either my case or the heat pipe cooling around the CPU socket. I had to orient my Tuniq such that the fan blows towards the graphics card. In my case this isn't that bad. The fan on the rear of the case is actually an intake fan, and the exhaust fan is on the side of the case on top of the graphics card area, so in a sense, my CPU is blowing the hot air directly towards the exhaust, which is never a bad idea.


Mar 23, 2007
Hey Gary,

Any word from Giga on either a bios update/fix or the reason for the rev 2 mobo's?


Mar 14, 2007
Originally posted by: Curr
Hey Gary,

Any word from Giga on either a bios update/fix or the reason for the rev 2 mobo's?

Have to bump this up. I'm really anxious for any information on this also.

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