Where Are The Gigabyte GA-N680SLI-DQ6 Motherboards?

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Golden Member
Jun 26, 2007
I agree with cdfire. If there is a temp change it has to be the BIOS. After all I have noticed the 1600/2400 variation that bigbilly mentioned after installing F5b and before applying Microsoft?s microcode patch. Unlike bigbilly both me and cdfire have noticed only a small decrease in cpu temp.

I will have a further look at it tonight but only if I still have an older BIOS stored in the backup chip. After all, all is working fine for me right now and like cdfire it?s been a while since I had my rig working trouble-free. The thought of messing again with my BIOS and especially my mem settings is not an appealing one.

Anyway, if anyone goes the extra mile just post the results . I won?t be able to check my rig for the next 12 hours or so.


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Morning Everyone.

There are some fairly reliable reports that a F5 Final BIOS will be released on or before July 15th, maybe sooner. That seems to make sense since the 1333 FSB procs will become available about a week later. This information tends to indicate that those guys in their little workshops in Taiwan have been busy tuning the iterations of the F5 BIOS to ensure compatibility of functions and features for the 1333 FSB Dual-Core procs. Therefore, it is likely that the new E6850 proc will be a screamer. However, the jury is still out on what progress they have made on compatibility for the 1333 FSB Quad-Core procs. Stay tuned on that one.

Likewise, an equally good source at nVidia has indicated that there is also likely to be a major software release (video & chipsets) about mid-July as well. That also makes sense with the July 22nd release of the new procs. It is reputed that the new nVidia software will, indeed, have teaming and dualnet features activated for Vista, both 32 bit and 64 bit. However, I'll hold judgment on that until I actually see it. NVidia is historically the "last one on the bus" when it comes to getting their software completed on time. They are almost as bad as ATI - No, I take that back, NO ONE is more unreliable nowadays than AMD/ATI for getting anything done on time!

Have a nice weekend. TheBeagle


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2007
BIOS F4 official - Environment temp 28C
Temps recorded after 20' at idle : CPU 21/22C - System 44C

BIOS F5b - Environment temp 28C
Temps recorded after 20' at idle : CPU 19/20C - System 44C

Interval between tests : 20'

Both tests were conducted with EIST disabled, same settings for both F4 & F5b BIOS, Microsoft's microcode patch applied and only Gigabyte's easytune running.

I do not know if this is the case for everybody that uses F5b but for me there is a clear difference of 2 to 3 degrees.


Junior Member
Apr 29, 2007
Hello, and thanks for all the great feedback.

I am just glad I seem to be able to use my RAID array now with no problems.

I have one final thing that is a problem and I hope someone else has seen this or has an idea of something I can try to address the problem.

Ever since I first started using this motherboard I have had this problem intermittently. However, it has gotten much worse since I applied the new BIOS. When I boot up the system I get the following error message when windows tries to load:

"Windows could not start because of a general computer hardware configuration problem. Attempting to load an x64 operating system, however this system does not have the APIC configured. Check your firmware settings. Make sure that the firmware has enabled the advanced programmable interrupt controller (APIC) on this system. If the firmware does not have an APIC setting, please contact the system manufacturer for a firmware update to enable the local APIC"

This has heppened all along at different times, but it now happens a lot. It is the worst when I first go to boot up after the PC has sat for a while, I have no idea how that would be related. It has also happened a few times when I am just rebooting after making a change that requires the restart. But, that is very rare, mostly it is when I am performing a cold boot. Sometimes I can just reboot a few times and it will eventually just go ahead and load up Windows. Sometimes I have to resort to going into the BIOS and making a random change to something ( I try to pick things that seem unrelated, like whether the fan failure warning is enabled), then it will go ahead and load the OS.

Anyway, this is really wierd, and now that it is becoming more frequent a real PITA. So, any suggestions are welcome. I am tempted to change the CMOS battery and / or reload the OS. Seems like it is basically getting confused as to whether the BIOS is able to support the APIC mode for PCI - IRQ assignment.


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Hello Big Billy.

Did you check your BIOS settings to make sure that APIC support is enabled, and also that IRC allocation is set to Auto with a latency of 64? Let us now on those settings. TheBeagle


Jun 22, 2007
Hi BigBilly,

I have RAID 0 drives and I have experienced similar problems. I have WinXP and the boot up message I get says "ntoskrnl.exe missing or corrupt". I unRAIDED drives, booted from other arrays, anything I could think of, nothing seemed to work. Then once while I was reinstalling Windows (fer the 64th time) I noticed something very odd. I have the boot order as: 1) floppy 2) CDrom 3) harddrive. When a bootable CD is in the drive you get a message "Press any key to boot from the CD" followed by ". . . ."s written one "." per second. Striking any key did nothing (neither did striking all the keys)! I got windows back on the RAID and also installed the "Recovery panel" as a boot option. I found that I would always get to the boot option screen, but occasionally I would be unable to move the boot selection (reverse video). And when that happens...."ntoskrnl.exe missing or corrupt". I now theorize that it is a compatability problem with Microsoft keyboards. I tried another one and it exhibited similar behavior. Both of these keyboards have an "F.Lock" key.

Since updating to F4 the problem is less, but I can cause it at will by simply pressing the numlock key at about a 1 - 0.5 hz frequency while the system is POSTing. Eventually the numlock light will either stick on or off and viola "ntoskrnl.exe.....". I will try F5B and F5 when it is formally released. (As F4 has me in "can't turn off Hell" right now.)

When you get things up and running, would you consider running a Sandra disk bench mark. If would be interesting to compare RAID performance between 0 and 5 on real world systems. (I understand that 5 has the same read speed, but has slightly slower write due to the synchronization stripe.) You also have the unique opportunity to compare the RAID between the 975 and 680. I think that I read somewhere that the 975 RAID performance is significantly better. (New BIOS may have narrowed that gap for the 680.)

The Kapt'n


Junior Member
Apr 29, 2007
Well, the NVRAIDSERVICE Event ID 1006 error stayed away for a while, then returned. I had three instances of Windows Server 2003 x64 up and running, a DC, an Exchange 2007 server and a client. I went to create a clone from a base VM image and about half way through I got the popup from the systray saying my RAID array was degraded, I waited a bit until the clone completed and then looked at the system event log. At this point I noticed a pattern. It was always the drive on the 2.1 SATA channel that threw an error first. This time the drive did not get kicked out of the array either.

My guess is that I have more than one issue. I would say the F5b firmware does a much better job with the NVIDIA RAID controller driver, AND I have a suspect disk. I went ahead and removed the data from those drives, removed the partition, broke the array, switched out the suspect drive and recreated the array. I have beat it up pretty thoroughly since then, in fact I have put a much greater load on it that I had prior to this and it has held up with no errors. I will continue to test to see if the issue is definitely resolved. When I have a chance I will run some more tests on the suspect drive. I will also test with Sandra and post results when I have time to do so.

I seem to have resolved the APIC error as well. The two settings that I think contrbuted to this were 1. I turned the "allow BIOS to be cached" (or something of that nature) to NO or OFF and 2. I set the Hard Disk delay from 0 to 1. Since I did this it boots perfectly every time.

Sytem is pretty darn stable now, so I am mostly going to leave it alone until there is a final F5 BIOS and new NVIDIA nforce drivers out later in the month to test. Overlal, I am pretty happy now.

I will test Sandra on both systems and post results.


Mar 14, 2007
Okay.. I have an interesting one. I have not turned on my PC for a couple of days, turn it on today (F4 bios from Gigabyte), and it comes up no OS found, replace ntoskernal.exe. I can't get it to come back for the life of me. I Load the F5b bios Gary posted to see if that helps and *BAM* it pops up and works fine. I'm running Checkdisk on my drives right now but i thought that was pretty odd. I don't have raid running but I do have the driver installed and enabled in the bios with no drives attached to it. I also got a notice that a new PCI piece of hardware was detected and needs a driver. I have NOT changed anything so I'm not sure WHAT that could possibly be. The only add on PCI device I have is a Sounblaster card (which shows installed) so I'm not sure what else to think on this.
Any ideas? After reading a few posts prior to mine it seems a few people have had similar issues. I htink this F5 bios is going to be a very good thing.



Feb 23, 2007
Smitty, could it be the onboard sound, or one of the nics. I would check in the BIOS, since you updated to F5b and make sure what your not using is disabled.


Jun 22, 2007

Do you happen to have a Microsoft keyboard or perhaps a keyboard with a "function lock" key? (A non-standard keyboard?) I have seen the problem rarely since installing F5B. (Unless, of course, I tap on the "NumLock" key while booting.....)

"When all possibilities have been eleminated, whatever is left is the truth. No matter how improbable. S. Holmes"

I have determined that the Marvell network adapters claim to be "teaming". (whatever that means.) Anyone have any idea how to determine if it is true and what good it does? (I only have 100baseT in my house, so I really don't think this is of any use.)

The Kapt'n


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2007
Hi guys,

I ?m about to sell my E6600 this week & like The Beagle, I ?m going after the E6850 which will be out in about 20 days (hopefully). Probably I will pre-order the ?beast? this week, Overclockers.co.uk have an ETA for the 6x50 cpus already (23/07/07).

I expect to have the cpu at about the same time I return from my vacations ?. By that time and taking into account the Beagle?s info on the release of the F5 official BIOS, the F5 will be out and it will (obviously) support the E6x50 cpus.

Since I?m gonna be selling my cpu prior to the release of the F5, I will be stuck with the F5b and I will have to use the 6850 with it initially. Will I be able to access the BIOS with the F5b ? E6850 combo ?
All I will have to do is access the BIOS in order to flash it to the F5 official ver (Qflash). Any ideas anyone ?


Jun 9, 2007
I have the rev 2 board and I am wondering if the same bios is used in both rev 1 and rev 2 motherboards. The Gigabyte site does not show a bios update for rev 2, but for rev 1 it lists up to version F4.


Feb 23, 2007
Good question mfarbman. I would think since the rev 2 uses a different south bridge chip, that it would be a bit to risky to find out. Better to wait for an official rev 2 BIOS IMO.

Anyone know of any reviews out there comparing the rev 1 with the rev 2 boards, or even just a rev 2 review? I have seen many reviews comparing the different rev p965 boards, but so little info on these Gigabyte 680I boards.

Gary Key

Senior member
Sep 23, 2005
NVIDIA will have an updated platform driver in about 10 days for Vista and the 680/650i boards. Teaming and FirstPacket will be working in these releases along with improvements to the RAID drivers.

Gary Key

Senior member
Sep 23, 2005
Originally posted by: mfarbman
I have the rev 2 board and I am wondering if the same bios is used in both rev 1 and rev 2 motherboards. The Gigabyte site does not show a bios update for rev 2, but for rev 1 it lists up to version F4.

I will find out.


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Evening Everyone.

Well, it seems that our trusted colleague, Mr. Gary, has come through once again with the latest straight scoop on a number of outstanding and troublesome issues. Sounds like nVidia has finally awakened from the dead, and will be giving all of us the long awaited upgrades for our BIOS code and chipset drivers.

In case you all didn't notice, this is the ONLY Forum that I know of where an editor, such as Mr. Gary, consistently gets into the Forum issues and personally keeps the members advised of the true state of affairs. Tomorrow is Independence Day here in the USA. In at least partial celebration of our national holiday, I intend to personally write a message to Anand and tell him how very much we all appreciate this Forum, this Thread, and especially Gary's hard work to assist all of us on a continuing basis. Gary has been here for us from the very earliest days of the Thread beginning late last year. Gary has NEVER let us down.

May I respectfully suggest that you each consider also writing a note of thanks to Anand, and tell him what a great job Gary has done for us. That's the least we can do to show our sincere appreciation for the invaluable information and beta BIOS upgrades that have been provided here (mostly by Gary), and that are not otherwise available to the general public anywhere else in the whole world (that I know of)!

I'm sure that the Forum Top Dog, Mr. Anand, would very much like to know that what he founded in this Forum is in good hands with Mr. Gary's fine efforts. Just a suggestion to consider, but certainly the right thing to do. Remember, it is ALWAYS the right time to say THANK YOU! Have a nice evening, and a great 4th of July. God bless. TheBeagle

UPDATE!! 4th of July:
Last evening, instead of waiting for the 4th to officially arrive, I indeed wrote Mr. Anand and his Senior Editors an email note to express my appreciation for this Forum, this Thread, and especially Mr. Gary's efforts to assist all of us. Here's a portion of what I wrote to Anand:

Good Evening Mr. Shimpi,

This is a short note to express to you how much I have enjoyed participating in the Anandtech Forum, and especially the Thread that I started late last year concerning the new Gigabyte GA-N680SLI-DQ6 motherboard. From the earliest days on that Thread, I encountered one of your editors, Mr. Gary Key, and it has been a delight to have his assistance dealing with the vast array of issues concerning this motherboard over the course of these many months. In fact, it has been Gary?s consistent efforts that provided very necessary information for not only me, but also for many, many other Forum members who visited that Thread seeking information on that motherboard. If you care to read some of the latest posts from persons recently joining that Thread, you will notice some very fine comments (all unsolicited) from those new contributors commenting about how impressed they were with the professional manner in which the Forum and that Thread were conducted. In virtually every case, Gary Key was personally thanked for his sterling efforts on behalf of everyone.

I realize that you might not regularly get an email note from someone who is telling you what a fine job your Forum is doing. Usually, folks just write when they want to complain about something. However, I was raised by my family to understand that it is equally important, indeed imperative, to be willing to acknowledge a person?s solid work and professional demeanor, and I wish to specifically say how much I appreciate all of Gary Key?s fine efforts. Even when the overwhelming amount of new work was obviously pilling up on Gary due to the explosion of new products and issues flooding the marketplace, he never let it affect his dedication to his work, and always kept us up to date on issues pertinent to that Thread. That?s the mark of a true professional and a caring person. Quite frankly, I don?t know how one person could possibly balance all that workload, and still get as much accomplished as he has. You ought to give him a raise!

I sent that message by email. In case any of you are interested in following suit, here's the email addresses: for the Top Man Anand's Email Address and also the Senior Editors Wesley's Email Address, Derek's Email Address and Jason's Email Address.

I hope everyone is having a fine 4th of July holiday (USA folks of course) and also for anyone else who would just like to join in. Best regards. TheBeagle :beer:


Mar 14, 2007

I haven't had a chance to look but i think you are totally right. I bet it is the onboard audio kicking in since the bios update. I normally have that disabled and never loaded a driver for it since I was using the Creative card. Thanks for reminding me!


Gary Key

Senior member
Sep 23, 2005
Originally posted by: mfarbman
Thanks. I'll sit tight until you can find out.

I should have an answer tomorrow, Gigabyte Taiwan was actually closed today also.


Jun 22, 2007

I agree, and have done so. (The letter that is.)


Indeed, having 2 audio devices may well cause the "ntoskrnl" thing as well. You probably already know this, but ntoskrnl is the first thing loaded by Windows. One of it's first actions is to call "hal.dll" (no, that's not a 2001 reference). hal stands for "Hardware Abstraction Layer". 2 audio devices might cause "hal" to crash thereby generating your message. If, indeed, ntoskrnl is corrupt there is a copy in <WINDOWS>\Driver Cache\i386. Good Luck.

I am still curious as to what the benifit is to "teaming" the LAN ports. Since they are all 1000baseT (and so far as I know, that is the fastest switch made) how could they go any faster? Or is that not the point. Edujamacate me. (or suggest a link)

Someone asked a while back about the OCZ Reaper memory. I am entirely satisfied. It runs fast and cool, I have no issues. (I don't think that fancy heat pipe thingy does much, but it looks real cool!) 5 5 5 15 @1066 2.2V.

Thanks all


Gary Key

Senior member
Sep 23, 2005

This is the first Beta BIOS for the rev2 boards, you cannot use a rev1 BIOS on the board without screwing it up. This BIOS is still under development but features most of the changes in the F5B rev1 BIOS. I spoke with Gigabyte engineering tonight and we should see updated release BIOS's for both boards in time for the official 1333FSB CPU launch in late July. NV also stated once again they are doing their best to have new Vista Platform drivers ready late next week.
Here is FA beta BIOS for the rev2 board, as always, use at your own risk - 680iRev2BetaFA


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2007

Like the Kapt?n, I also agree and I?ve added my voice to that of yours.

We really owe a lot to Gary. I?ve never seen support of this kind in any other forum I?ve visited. I can?t even recall when was the last time that I?ve seen this kind of support even from the manufacturers themselves.

My E6600 is history. I hope that the F5b will allow me to flash my BIOS to the F5 official when my E6850 arrives. I also hope that I will be able to maintain the same mem timings that I had with my E6600 (4 x 1GB @1066 4-3-3-5-2T@2.275).


Jun 9, 2007

Thank you very much for the follow up. I think that I will wait until the end of the month, or later if thats when the final F5 for the rev2 board is posted. My system is running solid and don't want to chance the beta.
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