Where Are The Gigabyte GA-N680SLI-DQ6 Motherboards?

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Golden Member
Jun 26, 2007
Guys, GB probably know of our thread and are most likely keeping an eye on us. This is no news. After Gary?s numerous efforts on our behalf and jaggerwild?s repeated references to our thread on his previous posts at TweakTown there is little doubt that they are aware of the whole situation here. Their choice to remain silent just adds to the insult.

@ jaggerwild, eklock2000 & cdfire.

I feel that I must commend you all on your latest initiative. I?ll be adding my voice to that of yours shortly.

Best regards



Golden Member
Jun 26, 2007
According to the latest update on MSI's site their P6N Diamond (680 board) does not support Yorkfield. From the looks of it and taking into account the recent changes in MSI's cpu support list it seems that MSI is abandoning all efforts to make Yorkfield work with their board.



Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Afternoon JaggerMan & Everyone.

I see that GigaBitch has begun to throw Intel under the bus. That's a very interesting emerging position for GB to take, essentially alleging that they (GB) were deceived by Intel "switching" something(s) on the 1333FSB processors between the receipt of an engineering sample from Intel and the final retail product.

As some of you may recall, I wrote several extensive postings a while back on just this issue. Obviously, there is fierce competition between Intel and nVidia on chipset development. However, in order for Intel to avoid serious anti-trust complications, they have to make their processor specs available to chipset competitors. And therein lies the problem. It would not be beyond belief that Intel "tweaked" something in the final version of the 1333 procs just enough to cause the nVidia 680i boards to be unable to fully function with those high power processors. That, of course, would leave Intel chipset motherboards as the "only game in town."

On the other hand, GB may have been just a little too cutesy in trying to create a slam-dunk board by pushing the nVidia 680i chipset further than it was ever really intended to go, in hopes that it would outperform all the Intel chipset boards. We probably won't ever know the full truth of this issue, UNLESS someone can convince a state Attorney General's Office, utilizing their Consumer Protection laws, to take on GB for deceptive and unfair trade practices. Now if that were to happen, you can damn well expect the excrement to hit the ventilating equipment rather fast. We can only hope.

Best regards to everyone. Happy Easter!! TheBeagle :beer:

PS. Don't forget to remember Gary's little girl, Angela, in your thoughts and prayers on the Easter holiday! Last I heard her cancer was in remission, and we will all pray it stays that way. God Bless Gary and his family.



Mar 25, 2007
Spot on Beagle. I have no doubt from everything I have read on the subject that Intel did in fact tweak something on the 1333's but I think the blame also lays with GB for straying too far from the ref specs in their quest to create a superboard. Both companies are to blame for the state of affairs but I dont get why GB just don't acknowledge the mistake and attempt to set things right for their customers (eg: like EVGA has). It is not the customers concern that Intel dudded them. That is for GB's lawyers to pursue in due course. In the meantime they have a responsibility to look after their customers who now have a product that cannot do what was claimed. It seems GB's stance is to just ignore their customers or give them the run around until they go away. It looks as though I am one of the lucky few who they have agreed to be given a refund but I can tell you it has taken nearly 15 emails, 5 phone calls and 3 months to get to this point and although I am happy to be receiving a refund, I find the support given by GB has been unsatisfactory. I implore everyone to take up this issue and not to let them get away with it. Like I said in a previous post you can quote my case number and DEMAND a refund on the grounds of "misrepresentation". They will look up my case and see that I am getting a refund and they will then have to do it for you.


Jun 22, 2007
From Jaggerwild----

@ Kaptain,
Your not using Intune are you? If you don't mind having a fubar system as it will mess up the hard drives and is a known fact. DUMP INTUNE ASAP if you like using a computer as it is garbage period!!!!!
Just trying to save you time as it will give you nothing short of headaches and ulcers too..


Do you mean the NVIDIA "nTune" software? Or the Gigabyte "EzTune 5" software?

nTune trashed my RAID array whilst "tuning" my system. (I guess it thought have no data there would make things faster....) Since that time I have been using both programs only as monitoring programs (that I ONLY run while cranking up the clock speed on something to make sure I don't burn). Although, while I had the machine stripped down I did use the programs to "dial in" my memory and clock speed settings. I went back later and put the setting into the BIOS and shut off both POS's.

I can't believe that I am toying with the idea of installing the JMicron crap again... I would really like to tie an eSATA drive to one of the "GRAID2" SATA ports as lately I am much more interested in full hard drive backups...(Obviously the drive is not "hot swappable" in IDE mode.)

If I recall the GRAID2 ports are on a JMICRON 393 controller? Does anyone know for sure?

The Kapt'n


Mar 25, 2007
Originally posted by: jaggerwild
This is gigabytes reply
" Dear Customer,

I am sorry, but we do not offer refunds. The production Intel processor changed from the testing sampling. The specifications and CPU list for the model GA-N680SLI-DQ6 is here:


Thank you for choosing Gigabyte products
Question - 583123
From : ******* ****** [ *********@yahoo.com ]
Sent : 3/18/2008 21:38
Question : Hello!
I'm contacting you concering my Gigabyte mother board GA-N680SLI-DQ6 rev.2 on the box it states"supports 1333Mhz FSB Quad core processors" witch in fact it does not.
I'd like to get a redund as this has been way to long of a time for me to deal with the board.It was purchased from New Egg.
Any help you may offer would be great!
Thank You
(***)******** "

Are they daft? That link has a section in the blurb that says it supports 1333 Quads. As per the screen shot I took for the Rev 1.0 back in November 2007.

Screen Shot Here

So the website still makes this claim. Not only are they stupid enough to deny it, they are stupid enough not to ammend it. (which is why I took a screen shot last year, in case they do ammend it).

Bottom line guys is that this product has been misrepresented and GB has conceded this to me and offered a replacement or a refund, of which I am taking the refund. I have sent them a copy of my invoice and they are refunding the distributor who in turn is refunding the retailer who in turn is giving me back my full purchase price (or so GB have promised). I will let you all know when I have the cash in my hand.

My point though, is if they have agreed to do this for me then they have to do it for everyone else, surely. So it's simple, don't waste your time arguing with them, just quote my case number (as posted earlier in this thread) and DEMAND they give you a replacement or a refund based on the outcome of my complaint case. As far as I see I have done all the hard work for you as I have set the precedent. They are now obliged to do the same for all customers so go for it.


Feb 23, 2007
Originally posted by: jaggerwild
Thank you Blazer!
Just so you know I posted a quote from you there in tweak town about the" I'm not ready to buy there stuff again" reply to the Beagle.

Seems Gigabyte is trying to push it off by saying that they never said this when I have a box thats does say this on it" Supports 1333MHZ Extreme CPU"S" see photo http://pic80.picturetrail.com/...19023331/304790348.jpg

Interesting that Janice or whoever it is from Gigabyte still has not responded to this post. On a good note though if you read the post in that thread by jgarland, someone who does not own the board, word is getting out about how Gigabyte treats there customers.


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2007
This is because we are far from being irrational. We are at the loosing end here and no one is interested enough to give us an answer. Other people do notice injustice when they see it and reacting against injustice is only natural.

Unfortunately things are exactly like GriMRapeR and jaggerwild said, GB want us to go away and fade into the sunset. Quietly if possible.

Well I've got some news for them. I'm not gonna go away that easily.


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Morning Mr. Grim & Everyone - Easter Blessings to All!

Well Mr. Grim, if the fault lies with Intel pulling a fast one on GB, then you're absolutely correct about it not making any good business sense for GB to stiff their customers and not make this right. However, what about the "other" alternative?

IF the fault lies squarely at the feet of GB on account of overreaching, then the buck has to stop there as well. We all know that modern day corporate structures hold people accountable (READ: fired or no bonus) when they cost the corporation $. GB is certainly no different. I am quite sure that they feel that if they ignore the chorus of bitching and screaming long enough, it will fade away. It's kind of like saying, "Oh, I'm only a little bit pregnant and it will go away in the morning."

Have you noticed that NONE of the major computer magazines, web sites, etc (including Anandtech) have even breathed a word about this fiasco? Doesn't it strike you a bit strange that no one has the man-sized testicles to broach this matter directly with GB and then write a full, fair and balanced article about it? Do the words "fear of financial retribution" strike a chord with you?

Aside from the outstanding efforts of our colleague Gary Key to get GB to do the right thing, what other well-know writer/magazine has dared to take on GB for their conduct in this matter? This issue of no editorial coverage is even more interesting IF Intel did, in fact, slide one into GB by tweaking something(s). Now that, of course, would call Intel's conduct squarely into question, and would unleash an even bigger excrement avalanche (a/k/a s__t storm) from Intel, and its consequent bigger economic retribution against whomever dared to talk about such heresy - Just think about the world-wide implications of a thing like that! On the other hand, IF they're BOTH at fault, that would set the stage for quite a pissing match with each pointing the finger of fault at the other - WOW! One thing is for sure - Someone Screwed Up!!

The answer to all those rhetorical questions is quite simple - all of those persons/magazines, etc fear the significant loss of advertising dollars that might be taken away from them (and maybe spent on a competitor) if they dared such an undertaking. That sure seems to me to be worthy of a discussion about editorial ethics about a form of the old fashioned "payola!"

Anyway, I hope you and everyone had a peaceful and blessed Easter holiday. God only knows the world needs some peace and reflection these days. Best regards. TheBeagle :beer:

PS. Don't forget a prayer for Angela.



Mar 25, 2007
Good morning Mr Beagle.

I must stress that it is my personal belief of what happened as I have no proof of such. But having read countless threads on many different forums I am convinced that Intel pulled a swifty on nVidia, not so much GB personally. I guess what stands out to me is that just about all the major manufacturer's claimed their 680i's would be 1333 Quad compatible and as it turned out not one of them were able to do it without a BIOS update at the very least. To me that indicates that Intel changed something from the reference specs or demo chips that were provided to nVidia during designing/testing phase the 680i ref board which led to nVida believing that the 680i would do 1333 Quads. Of course nVidia would then have passed this on on to the mobo manufacturers, leading to them all claiming 1333 Quad compatibility.

I could be wrong too though, but to me its pretty compelling. When you couple the fact that the GB pushed the absolute envelope (and beyond so it seems) on a chipset that was already going to struggle with 1333 Quads, I guess the inevitable was bound to happen. Its a real shame because in all honesty this board has some fantastic features rarely seen bundled all together in one package. I had so hoped that this would work out, as the 680SLI-DQ6 had the potential to be one of the greatest boards released. The fact that a Rev 2.0 came out so soon probably should have raised alarm bells but with GB (and other manufacturers) releasing multiple revisions of boards these days (just look at the P35-DS3R) I wasn't too concerned at the time but then to see it go EOL in a matter of months made me realise there was going to be major issues.

Unbelievable that a board with as large a "hype" as its price tag to go EOL so soon only stregthens my belief that GB knew very early on that this board would not do 1333 Quad. And what makes that so bad is they neglected to inform their customers or make any efforts to rectify the problem eg: trade up etc. and still haven't to this day. I find it insulting that they just hoped this would fly under the radar.

You are spot on with your comment about no coverage of this debarcle. I find it unbelievable that no one has reported on this story. I believe it is big news in the IT world and the only explaination I can come to is the same as you - "all of those persons/magazines, etc fear the significant loss of advertising dollars that might be taken away from them (and maybe spent on a competitor)"

Therein lies the problem. How as consumers can we put our faith in so called legitimate and impartial reviews of products when those sites are reliant on the money provided in the form of "advertisement" by the companies whose products they are reviewing? I know some are more impartial than others but at the end of the day, is a website going to really bag a product made by a company that feeds them? Well here is a perfect opportunity for someone to step up to the plate and all we hear is silence...... Im not into conspiracy theories so I will maintain an open mind on this issue however you do raise a good point Mr.Beagle and I do hope that some one comes forward with an impartial report/article on this issue.



Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Evening Mr. Grim & Everybody.

You are to be congratulated!! Your most recent posting is as an articulate recitation of the facts and fair inferences to be drawn therefrom that I've read on this Forum.

Maybe it's time to start raising some hell on various forums about the lack of coverage on this issue? Who knows, maybe someone will find their testicles after all, and write an honest piece. That may well start the ball rolling. After all, if the Forum members start to demand that these various web sites (which are the digital mouthpieces of many publishing houses), speak the truth about this deceitful and shameful situation that GB has perpetrated on the buying public, the generated heat might cause GB to want to put out the fire. Just some food for thought.

Have a nice Easter evening. Best regards to everyone. TheBeagle :beer:



Golden Member
Jun 26, 2007

The 680 is more than capable to deal with the 1333 Quads. Since there?re mobos out there that can deal with the aforementioned cpus there is no question about it. The fact that Intel may have changed something to the cpus between engineering samples and full production did not affected everyone. This along with the fact that the 780 is essentially the 680 + a pcie 2.0 bridge chip shows that the chipset is more than capable to deal with the cpus.

The problem that occurred mostly with Yorkfield is more likely a design thing that has to do with the board and not the chipset. Maybe Intel found a flaw in nVidia?s reference board and exploited it teaching nVidia a hard lesson on mobo designing among other things. Such a trick would render extremely vulnerable anyone that would have followed nVidia?s reference circuitry that deals with the cpu and the chipset.

This of course is only a speculation but I think that the truth lies somewhere in that neighbourhood.

However, when it comes to GB the 1333 FSB Quad Core compatibility issue has 2 aspects. The 1st one has to do with the only 1333 FSB Kentsfield Quad, the QX6850. Almost all 680 boards out there do support this cpu. The fact that GB?s board doesn?t is solely GB?s fault. This is where it is more clearly shown that GB went too far with their design. If GB could make the board to work with the QX6850 then they would have fulfilled part of their claims.

The other part has to do with penryn. We already know that ASUS and DFI are too close to support penryn and we all know about eVGA?s trade up program. This is the big issue for us. GB totally failed with the 1333 Quads. They failed with the Kentsfield cpu, they failed with Yorkfield and they failed to provide us with a viable solution.

All this along with the price, the time we had to wait to get our hands on the board, GB?s overall support and the lightning fast EOL of our board make this whole thing hard to swallow.

@ GriMRapeR,

The thing with the rev 2 board is probably not GB?s fault. The only clear difference between the rev 1 and the rev 2 board is the Southbridge. This was clearly nVidia?s call as the MCP55PXE was more expensive to produce and from what I?ve heard yields were not that great also. With the replacement of the MCP55PXE with the older MCP55P nVidia cut on the overall cost of the chipset and at the same time managed to retain all the features of the 680 with the exception of Linkboost. Since the absence of Linkboost resulted in a negligible 1-2% difference in graphics performance under SLI only, it was not a big loss for anyone.

@ TheBeagle,

Have you noticed that NONE of the major computer magazines, web sites, etc (including Anandtech) have even breathed a word about this fiasco? Doesn't it strike you a bit strange that no one has the man-sized testicles to broach this matter directly with GB and then write a full, fair and balanced article about it? Do the words "fear of financial retribution" strike a chord with you?

Aside from the outstanding efforts of our colleague Gary Key to get GB to do the right thing, what other well-know writer/magazine has dared to take on GB for their conduct in this matter? This issue of no editorial coverage is even more interesting IF Intel did, in fact, slide one into GB by tweaking something(s). Now that, of course, would call Intel's conduct squarely into question, and would unleash an even bigger excrement avalanche (a/k/a s__t storm) from Intel, and its consequent bigger economic retribution against whomever dared to talk about such heresy - Just think about the world-wide implications of a thing like that! On the other hand, IF they're BOTH at fault, that would set the stage for quite a pissing match with each pointing the finger of fault at the other - WOW! One thing is for sure - Someone Screwed Up!!

The answer to all those rhetorical questions is quite simple - all of those persons/magazines, etc fear the significant loss of advertising dollars that might be taken away from them (and maybe spent on a competitor) if they dared such an undertaking.


That sure seems to me to be worthy of a discussion about editorial ethics about a form of the old fashioned "payola!"

Start a thread and I?m there !


Sep 18, 2007
Nice to see this thread still going and trying to get some type of response out of Gigabyte. I'm awaiting authorization to post over on the tweaktown forum to add my $.02 seeing as that looks like it may or may not be getting some type of attention.

Just cause i'm not posting doesn't mean i'm not watching . Keep up the good work fellas.


Sep 14, 2007
Sorry Hadn't posted in a few days, had to reformat after my OS got FUBAR from a high overclock.
Happy belated Easter to you all too! (TY BEagle!).
Also thank you all for raising your voices over there to keep the fires burning for OUR HOPE witch is all any of us has.
My beef with them and I do understasnd the Intel thing, but there misrepersentation as Grim put it is what I'm mad about FALSE LABELING OF PACKAGES in effect stealing from the public. Harsh words but I see no solution for us.
Gonna check the other site,
Peace all!



Sep 14, 2007
Looks like this is all we get, another slap in the face again!

Hi guys?My name is Colin Brix and I am the technical marketing manager at GIGABYTE UNITED in our Taipei head office. I just wanted to clarify what Janus mentioned earlier about the GA-N680SLI-DQ6 FSB1333 Quad-Core support issue. We do publish on our website a CPU support list for each board as Blazer7 mentioned. For the GA-N680SLI-DQ6, it does mention that that we do not offer support for 3 Core 2 Extreme processors, the QX9770, the QX9650, and the QX6850. We do however offer support QX6800 and QX6700, as well as Core 2 Duo 1333MHz FSB E6850, E6750, E6550, E6540. The reason we publish this list is to make sure customers know compatibility before they purchase a new CPU or motherboard.


They ignore me as to the lying they did too!



Mar 25, 2007
Nice of them to offer a beta BIOS that has apparently been floating around for months that no one told us about that can run QX9770, the QX9650, and the QX6850 but seems to be unstable and potentially unsafe to both CPU and board, but hey at least they are offering some sort of solution....... pardon the sarcasm.

What a joke!!!

Do these guys take us for idiots or something?


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2007
At least we got their attention. That's a first.

I believe that eventually we are gonna get our answer good or bad (good for us or bad for them)


Junior Member
Mar 26, 2008
Hello all, I'm also trying to solve this problem with my seller of this mobo. Without success yet. Btw. on the box of this motherboard is stated:

supports intel core 2 extreme quad core processors (see link http://www.nforcershq.com/article7303.html ) and supports processors with FSB1333 (nothing about dual- or qua-cores).



Golden Member
Jun 26, 2007
Hello Mr Zdenal and welcome aboard.

You should have a look at our TweakTown thread here

You can find the ?FSB 1333 support for the record-setting Intel® Core 2 Extreme Quad Core processors? claim if you turn the outer "page" of your box.


Junior Member
Mar 26, 2008

thank you. I am just waiting for the email about registration from TweakTown. I will join you...


Sep 18, 2007
Am I the only one that has an uncontrollable urge to roll through the forums and post links to the TT thread every time I see someone recommend a gigabyte product? Does this make me a troll???
sale-70-410-exam    | Exam-200-125-pdf    | we-sale-70-410-exam    | hot-sale-70-410-exam    | Latest-exam-700-603-Dumps    | Dumps-98-363-exams-date    | Certs-200-125-date    | Dumps-300-075-exams-date    | hot-sale-book-C8010-726-book    | Hot-Sale-200-310-Exam    | Exam-Description-200-310-dumps?    | hot-sale-book-200-125-book    | Latest-Updated-300-209-Exam    | Dumps-210-260-exams-date    | Download-200-125-Exam-PDF    | Exam-Description-300-101-dumps    | Certs-300-101-date    | Hot-Sale-300-075-Exam    | Latest-exam-200-125-Dumps    | Exam-Description-200-125-dumps    | Latest-Updated-300-075-Exam    | hot-sale-book-210-260-book    | Dumps-200-901-exams-date    | Certs-200-901-date    | Latest-exam-1Z0-062-Dumps    | Hot-Sale-1Z0-062-Exam    | Certs-CSSLP-date    | 100%-Pass-70-383-Exams    | Latest-JN0-360-real-exam-questions    | 100%-Pass-4A0-100-Real-Exam-Questions    | Dumps-300-135-exams-date    | Passed-200-105-Tech-Exams    | Latest-Updated-200-310-Exam    | Download-300-070-Exam-PDF    | Hot-Sale-JN0-360-Exam    | 100%-Pass-JN0-360-Exams    | 100%-Pass-JN0-360-Real-Exam-Questions    | Dumps-JN0-360-exams-date    | Exam-Description-1Z0-876-dumps    | Latest-exam-1Z0-876-Dumps    | Dumps-HPE0-Y53-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-HPE0-Y53-Exam    | 100%-Pass-HPE0-Y53-Real-Exam-Questions    | Pass-4A0-100-Exam    | Latest-4A0-100-Questions    | Dumps-98-365-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-98-365-Exam    | 100%-Pass-VCS-254-Exams    | 2017-Latest-VCS-273-Exam    | Dumps-200-355-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-300-320-Exam    | Pass-300-101-Exam    | 100%-Pass-300-115-Exams    |
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