Where Are The Gigabyte GA-N680SLI-DQ6 Motherboards?

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Feb 23, 2007
LOL Sterman, Nope your not the only one. In fact I belong to a few forums and so far have saved a few from Gigabyte and sent them EVGA's 680, 780 or 790I way or ASUS's way as far as the 750I boards go. Gigabyte has no clue what word of mouth can do. So far I have saved at least 7 people from spending there money on Gigabyte and instead getting EVGA or ASUS.

So if anything good can come out of this, at least I have helped a few make a better choice then we did and I will continue to do so untill Gigabyte makes things right.

Originally posted by: Zdenal
Hello all, I'm also trying to solve this problem with my seller of this mobo. Without success yet. Btw. on the box of this motherboard is stated:

supports intel core 2 extreme quad core processors (see link http://www.nforcershq.com/article7303.html ) and supports processors with FSB1333 (nothing about dual- or qua-cores).

They need to add Quad BS and Quad thank you for the money now stick it in your booty to that list. LOL


Feb 23, 2007
Theres a F5g BIOS over at TweakTown that Mr.Tweak has posted about, but I thought that BIOS was already out months ago. I don't know.


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2007
Hello Mr cdfire,

You are right. This is no new BIOS. I've tried it last December with no success. I've also posted on our thread @ TweakTown about it.


Mar 25, 2007
I tell you what, I am not happy about this - TweakTown News - F5g BETA BIOS for GIGABYTE N680SLI-DQ6

I have posted in our thread about it but what the hell does he mean -
The board supports an official FSB up to 1333MHz, which in turn lead some users to believe that it would (or should) also support latest Intel 45nm processors which work at a quad-pumped FSB of 1333MHz. That was an assumption - which isn?t correct - at least until now, where a workaround has been discovered by GIGABYTE.

"Gigabyte GA-680SLI-DQ6 features several next generation technologies including FSB1333 support for the record-setting Intel Core 2 Extreme Quad Core Processors and Nvidia SLI - memory technology."

So what have we, the customers "assumed" incorrectly? Its pretty clear cut I think and no "assumptions" were made by any of the customers, except that we "assumed" that Gigabyte produced products that stood by their claims. So I guess if we "assumed" anything incorrectly it would be that. To this day there is not one single Intel Core 2 1333MHz Quad Core CPU Extreme or otherwise supported on this board. Period!

Its just like Mr.Beagle said - Guys like these are too scared to say a bad word about their sponsors for fear or reprisals. Thats their call as it is their reputation on the line, but how dare they turn it back on to us for making an "incorrect assumption". I have requested he remove or ammend the news article based on this premise.


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Evening Everyone.

Sounds like the time to be consulting with one's Solicitor and/or Barrister is drawing neigh! Appears like Gigabyte might have TT in their pocket as well. What do you think?

Best regards to everyone. Have a nice evening. TheBeagle :beer:



Mar 25, 2007
I have posted this over at TweakTown:

Well what do you know.... looks like GB have indeed changed the product web page within the last few days..... can any one say, "the horse has bolted"

Is it a coincidence that after a few days of posting a screen shot of the N680SLI-DQ6 product webpage on the Gigabyte Taiwan website, they have now deleted to offending quote?

Here is the proof:



Notice how they have removed - "Gigabyte GA-680SLI-DQ6 features several next generation technologies including FSB1333 support for the record-setting Intel Core 2 Extreme Quad Core Processors and Nvidia SLI - memory technology."

Could this be seen as an admission of guilt? Shame GB Shame on you. You have time to go and try to conceal your mistakes but you dont have the time to front the music and face your customers.
Unbelievable. Another stunt by GB to further insult our intelligence.


Junior Member
Mar 26, 2008
Hello all, anybody from Czech Republic or European Union who is thinking about legal proceeding?


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2007
Have a look @ the TT thread. It seems that Finguz's friend (UK) has gone ahead with a lawsuit.

I'm also from the E.U. and I've just taken legal advise on the matter.

Gary Key

Senior member
Sep 23, 2005
Sorry guys, I have not kept up with this thread in the last week or so (thanks for the PMs from a couple of you). I will contact Colin on Sunday night and see what in the &$&*$^& is going on with Gigabyte and this board now.


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2007
Hello Gary

Thanks for dropping by. We really appreciate your efforts and will be awaiting for any info from you or Colin.

Gary Key

Senior member
Sep 23, 2005
I spoke at length with Gigabyte today. They will have an official response/plan next week for everyone who owns this board. I cannot go into details as they are being finalized now but just hold on for a few more days, please.



Sep 14, 2007
Originally posted by: Gary Key
I spoke at length with Gigabyte today. They will have an official response/plan next week for everyone who owns this board. I cannot go into details as they are being finalized now but just hold on for a few more days, please.

Good After noon!
Thank You Gary!
I know you have more important things going on, this seems trivial in light of it.

Again Thank you!



Jul 19, 2007
Originally posted by: Gary Key
I spoke at length with Gigabyte today. They will have an official response/plan next week for everyone who owns this board. I cannot go into details as they are being finalized now but just hold on for a few more days, please.

Wowowow. Thanks a bunch Gary. I cynically thought that the press would rather ignore us than be up to bat for us, but thank god I've been proven wrong. Let me say again, thank you Gary.


Feb 23, 2007
Yes TY Gary.

Also TY you to Jaggerwild. You really got the ball rolling over at TT and helped us all be heard. TY Man.


Sep 14, 2007
Good Morning all!

CD, we haven't gotten anything YET so............. Also I took the ball you all started, and we should also thank Mr.Grim for his saying "quote my case number" as that got me thinking.

Also it should be noted that the Tweaktown topic has been locked, hopefully we don't need it any more..............

I think Mr. Beagle, Mr. Blazer, and everybody who stuck together here should also get a Thank you!! As you were here for me when I showed up, and that was the motivation I needed to DO something about this as 100 pages and counting you guys still showed up with HOPE. And that in it self is VERY impressive to me!!

Also the amount of respect you all maintained even when it seemed they would do nothing for us, speaks volumes to me.
So if anything,
I thank you ALL for letting me be a part of your community!!!!!


Sep 18, 2007
Yes it appears Mr Tweaktown got his panties in a wad when Grim pointed out that the article they wrote concerning the "new" f5g bios (over 5 months old) was full of inacuracy and asked them to ammend or remove the offending article. The link to the article is Here.

I surely hope that Mr tweaktown will come to his senses and continue to support us in this issue as his current position just makes him look even worse than he did after implying that the users in this thread are a bunch of misinformed idiots.

Good day,



Sep 14, 2007
Hello Mr. Sterman, and all!

Yeah not sure now what is going on,

RMA discussion banned


Hello all,

From now on, RMA discussion is totally and 100% banned. This is not a forum that you can use as a public stage to discredit GIGABYTE if you are having return or replacement issues. Janus is here to solve tech support issues and that is it.

If GIGABYTE refuses to RMA your product, take it up with them directly and not here. Any threads of such nature will be deleted and you will be banned straight away and without question.

We are here to offer an excellent resource for tech support questions, not to infect it with RMA anger and what not which is just something we don't need here.

This is bad news as, now we have no voice again!! Nor a place to put it now, so hopefully Mr. Gary will be bring us good news soon................
Looking for suggestions as to what direction to take if it is not in our favor again!!!


Mar 25, 2007
Here is a copy of the PM I sent to Cameron Wilmot aka Mr. Tweak last night. Going by his apparent attitude I fully expect him to ban me from the TweakTown forums but after seeing his disgraceful display toward us I can honestly say that TweakTown is not a community I would like to be a part of anyway.

----- QUOTE --------
Regarding this thread - http://forums.tweaktown.com/showthre...=26220&page=10

I am shocked and appaulled at your at your response and subsequent locking of the thread.

Firstly no one TOLD you to do anything. You were ASKED. And it was a fair request. The article you have posted is infactual. GB have not released a new BIOS to try and solve the problem. They gave YOU a beta BIOS that is 5 months old and told you it was new. I and others who have posted in that thread have tried this BIOS months ago and it was one of the most buggy BIOS's I have ever seen. All of us that used it had to revert back to the F5b. I would be careful even allowing people to download it from you as I would not recommend anyone use it for fear of damage that may be caused.

If yoursite is dedicated to being an "excellent resource" as you say here - http://forums.tweaktown.com/showthread.php?t=26289 then surely you would not post articles on the main page of your site that are wrong or misleading. You conveinently left out the wording used by GB in the advertising material which has been photographed, screen shot and quoted in that thread. Instead you chose to blame the "angry" users for making an "incorrect assumption". That in itself is offensive but then you go on about the users assuming it would do 45nm. No one has said anything about 45nm. But yes, we did think it would based on the wording on the box and on the website. Fact is though, not only is 45nm not covered, there are no 65nm 1333 Quads working on this board either. GB has failed to meet their claims and instead of making that point you chose to blame the users for making an "incorrect assumption". That is wrong and an insult to us. But then to have a tantrum and close the thread when you were ASKED to ammend the article, well surely that is not the sort of behaviour I or any of your readers would expect from someone who is trying to be professional.

You tell your readers to take the problem up with GB. Well I am sure you are aware that we already have done so and it has been ongoing for months. Obviously you don't care, but hey its your forum, you treat people however you want I guess. Understand one thing though, this is not an ordinary everyday RMA issue. This problem has affected hundreds of customers around the world and may possibly lead to a class action unless GB offer some kind of resolution. This is about false advertising and ripping off customers by not offering any resolution unlike every other major 680i manufacturer. This is a BIG DEAL in the IT world and rest assured thousands of people are watching the outcome of all this.

All you have served to do by your last comment in the thread is to show your readers that you do not care in the slightest and you are not interested in covering a story that will be the biggest customer backlashing seen in GB's history - mark my words.

So do what you gotta do Cameron. I spose this PM will earn me being banned and if thats what you want to do then so be it but at least you know that I don't take **** from admins who try and run a dictatorship on their public forum. There was no need to close that thread. Either you got out of bed on the wrong side or you are just a power freak, I don't know but closing the thread was ridiculous. Be professional, if your going to release a news article for the world to see then at least be unbiased, fair and most importantly, be factual. Something that article is not.


-----END QUOTE -----------

Apologies guys if I have caused that thread to be closed but I don't think it was warranted. I made a simple request and backed up my request with proof therefore the least he could do would be to consider it, instead he just flew off the handle and shut it down. Sorry again guys but I didn't expect that.


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2007
The guys over @ TweakTown were caught in a middle of something that's not of their doing, yet they've let us speak our issue and for one I'm grateful. I'm sure that all of them, Mr Tweak including, are on our side but they must also be in some sort of balance with GB too. Do not forget that the presence of GB there must be quite an asset for their site and as Mr Beagle said, they must find a way to keep the doors to their business open.

I was a bit upset when I saw that news article there too but it didn't came as a surprise. It would be too much to expect that they would have written things exactly like they were without invoking GB's wrath and despite what's been written there they did included a link to our thread for anyone to see what was happening.

I also believe that this thing is far from over and we must give some breathing space to Gary and Colin, something that we've failed to do so far. No one should forget that Colin is the 1st GB official that came up and spoke to us directly, nor should we forget that Colin entered the TweakTown forums just to make contact with us. The guy has 3 posts all in that one thread. This time GB did noticed our presence there.

Personally I will give the guys another week, after all I, like all of us here, owe Gary at least that. If nothing is done after a week I will consider my course of action.

@ GriMRapeR,

that thread may have been closed for a number of reasons, don't sweat over it.


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Evening Everyone.

Alas, the plot thickens - and woe to the serfs who dare to speak ill of the King!

I'm sure it has come as a bit of a disappointment (maybe even a shock) to some of the members that the admin folks over TT have apparently shut the door on your fingers - your typing fingers to be more precise. However, should you REALLY be all that surprised? Think about it. There is an embedded Gigabyte staff person on that Forum. Do you think that such an "arrangement" between TT and GB is just a convenient happenstance? No chance.

Mr. Blazer is probably correct in his thoughts about GB telling TT to stop all the bitching and screaming about failed RMAs and other assorted and sundry poor support issues from being published on the TT Forum. And you all are likely aware of the reason for GB trying to stifle that dissent - you just haven't quite thought about it in the right way. The answer to the riddle is: Google, etc!! That's right, those carnivorous worldwide search engines that comb billions of lines of new text on the Internet every day, if not every hour.

Think about it. Whenever anyone these days wants to find out most any type of information, they put a word or string of words in Google, and out pops page after page of links. Well, the more negative comments about Gigabyte's poor customer support that are entered each day, the higher the probability of a reader encountering a link that directs them to a web site, maybe the TT Forms, where they start to read all about how Gigabyte left their 680i board customers high and dry. If you were a potential buyer of a Gigabyte product, after reading those stinging comments, wouldn't you at least think twice about buying a GB product? Damn right you would.

And once that accumulation of negative comments about a manufacturer's products begins to become substantial, the problem gets worse by the day for entities like GB. That's because there's no effective way to immediately purge those links and comments from the Google system. Attrition is the only purge mechanism, and that takes many, many months, maybe years, maybe never. So those less than salubrious comments are bound to effect business for a long, long time. That is one of the reasons I was so startled to see GB stick their corporate head in the proverbial dark place, and pretend like nothing was going to happen. I have heard that syndrome referred to as "inverted cranial rectal syndrome," and also by the shorthand version of "ocular rectitus." Either description is illustrative of a serious corporate mentality cancer. Of course, they have to first dig the fecal matter out of their corporate eyes, ears, nose and mouth before they can hope to correct the problem. I'm sure you get my drift on that mental image.

Now GB is into damage control mode. But they need to quell or better yet, shut off any viable sources of expressed dissent that the giant search engines are likely to comb. Thus, squeezing the testicles of the TT administration, especially since they have such a "close personal working relationship with GB" (kinda sounds a bit incestuous don't you think?), and they just told TT to knock that crap off. However, rather than being dismayed over this turn of events, you should be joyous and thankful, since you may have found a rat in your closet before he could do much damage!

Best regards to everyone. Have a nice evening. TheBeagle :beer:



Sep 14, 2007
Good Morning all!
I was a bit upset when I saw that news article there too but it didn't came as a surprise. It would be too much to expect that they would have written things exactly like they were without invoking GB's wrath and despite what's been written there they did included a link to our thread for anyone to see what was happening.

Mr. Blazer
OK, what article?

@ everybody!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, respect TT for there decision!!!!! I don't like it either but PLEASE for the love of all that is good be civil about this.It is there site and we were guests there, and they did let us have our rant too. I know emotions are running high as time wears on, I don't want to be stuck with this board here forever!
We made our point clearly, the ball is in there court. If we are gonna get anything it's not by flaming a site, or bad mouthing them either. it only opens us up to reasons why they shouldn't do anything for us!!!!!!!!! though the thread is locked the counter is still ticking away. Let cooler heads prevail here.....................
Also as Mr.Blazer said they need to keep the doors open too.And Grim this wasn't aimed @ you nor do I think you did this as Mr. Beagle pointed out it was other sources that did it.
Yes there was a wrong doing here, if you put emotions on top of that then you kill the effect the wrong doing had to begin with. Emotions never think before they act, nor do they produce good out come. Bottom line emotions kill intelect.
Wait and see.........


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Hello Everyone.

This was posted today on the other Thread. I'm re-posting it here so everyone can have the opportunity to consider it. Have a nice day. TheBeagle :beer:

Good Afternoon Mr. JaggerMan & Everyone.

May I respectfully suggest that we all take a brief and short step back and let Mr. Gary (and even Anand himself) conduct some pointed discussions with Gigabyte about the promised accommodation that Mr. Gary reported to us. It is unfortunate that the administrators at TT allowed themselves to be intimidated by GB - that's really a sad commentary - but appears to be true, despite the rhetoric being espoused by those chaps to cover their individual and collective butts. I have much more confidence that Anandtech would not allow that type of slimy pressure to infiltrate the internal publishing and Forum processes and decisions of AT.

Now having said all that, I believe that it now becomes the duty of AT to hold GB's feet to the fire and cause them to make good on their promises to our good friend and colleague, Mr. Gary. However, if GB defaults on those promised accommodations, then we will likewise expect to see a "no holds barred," comprehensive, investigative article published here on AT, laying open the whole unfortunate and somewhat ugly mess. I sure hope it doesn't ever come to a showdown like that. But if GB reneges, then AT will have no other ethical choice but to go forward with such an article in order to protect and preserve their own hard-earned excellent reputation. We shall see.

Best regards to everyone. Have a nice day. TheBeagle :beer:


Jun 22, 2007

I believe this one:


Probably this statement:

The board supports an official FSB up to 1333MHz, which in turn lead some users to believe that it would (or should) also support latest Intel 45nm processors which work at a quad-pumped FSB of 1333MHz. That was an assumption - which isn?t correct - at least until now, where a workaround has been discovered by GIGABYTE.

The whole statement confuses me. (Course, I AIN'T the sharpest knife in the drawer.) Lesse, it supports a 1333 FSB, but NOT a processor that works at a 1333 FSB? (Head explodes....)

Now the BIOS offered, according to Gigabyte, may cause damage to the board, CPU, other components, and small animals that may be near by. I've downloaded it as I AM a glutton for punishment. Of course, I cannot afford a quad core 1333 CPU just yet, but perhaps some day when I win the lottery....

(Please correct me if I am wrong, F5G is "new" right???)

This review also is misleading, but at the time, every source was singing the praises:


(Good job Stermen for posting a warning to any that might make the same mistake we have made.)

Actually the amusing thing as that by closing the thread and by banning any negative Gigabyte talk they have created quite an interest in it. (Nothing to see here, move along....) A quick look at the user counters indicates that of the 601 persons in the TT threads, 43 are reading the closed one. (May not sound like much, but when you consider all the threads available to read....)

Now to TT and the Gigabyte techs that support it's credit they seem to have taken an interest in our fate. I think that there were more positive statements in the article in question than negative. (I am a sliver lining kind of guy, probably get struck by lightning some day.) ie. The admission that not all users are pleased as punch with the board, and that Gigabyte IS considering some kind if fix/replacement program. (Of course I may also have monkeys flying out of an unusual area as well.)

The Kapt'n

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