Where Are The Gigabyte GA-N680SLI-DQ6 Motherboards?

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Junior Member
Jan 28, 2008
Originally posted by: TheBeagle
Good Morning Mr. Simes & Everyone.

With regard to the embedded NICs on the 680i board, before I unloaded that board I was able to get sporadic operation of a 2GB Teamed effect. The last nVidia Driver set finally included the supposed necessary software to implement Teaming. However, it was totally unreliable at that time, since it would sometimes lock up, then sometimes it would spontaneously drop the network connection, etc. Maybe the software has improved and been cleaned up to correct those serious bugs since I last tried it, but at this point in time, I couldn't accurately comment on whether or not they fixed the problem.


Best regards to everyone. Have a nice day. TheBeagle :beer:

PS. Thanks for the Double Ration of beer!

You are very welcome Mr. B! You earned it

OK, some hard facts on these 2 issues on the Rev 2 board.

The disappearing nVidia NICS is definitely caused by a BIOS glitch. I cleared the CMOS as per the post by Beagle and flashed to FBb and *pop!* *pop!*, back came the NICs w00t w00t!

The no shut down problem is (in my mind) definitely caused by an nVidia/M$ update. I scrubbed and reinstalled Vista 64 and now the rig is shutting down properly.

Tonight I am going to individually install 50+ M$ updates to narrow in on the culprit.

:Q at me actually contributing something useful!!

Have a good day all, under and in


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Morning Everyone.

Here's an excerpt from my most recent posting on the other N680i Thread:


With all due respect to each of you, the change in the tenor of your posted remarks seems to signal something. May I suggest that you ought to re-read the postings on this Thread. Do you see how Gigabyte's throwing you a bone (new BIOS) has caused you to be distracted from your individual and collective voice demanding a full replacement for the failed N680i board? Do you suppose that's exactly what GB wanted to happen in this case?

Since I no longer even own a N680i board, it will never actually make any difference to me. However, since I'm the guy that started this Thread and the original N680i Thread on this Forum, I do feel some responsibility toward the members (and others as well) who may have been influenced by the commentary on these Threads in making their decision to purchase the N680i board. However, I believe that you are being intentionally distracted by these latest GB offerings (a/k/a table scraps). Think about it - why did it take almost armed insurrection on this and other Forums for GB to even release the latest BIOS revisions? The answer was simple - it is because GB thought it could just declare that the N680i board was EOL and that would be the end of it - everyone would go on to newer items, etc.

GB knows that the longer it can string out this fervor and demand to get a replacement board, the greater likelihood that this effort will run out of steam and die. I wrote about exactly that possibility a while back. Is that loss of fervor beginning to happen here? I sure hope not. But, as I said, I no longer have one of these failed boards - just the memories of trying to make a cow flop fly. The old Roman adage comes to mind - "Divide and Conquer!"


Unfortunately, I believe that these comments are applicable on this Thread as well. Remember, "The Lord helps those that help themselves."

Best regards to everyone. Have a nice day. TheBeagle :beer:



Senior member
Jan 11, 2007
Originally posted by: Blazer7

I think that now is the time for Colin to come forth and tell us whether any of this is true.


I got the same response from GigabyteUSA as Smitty did. Proof of purchase of the QX6850 (and pictures of the processor) and return of your old board for damage check before they send you a 790i in July.

I don't see why Colin would respond back here to fan the flames. This is it! A PM to him from me goes unanswered. I'm sure Giga is wiring his jaw shut at the moment.

I'll be filing some negative reviews on this kind of conduct for sure, starting here...




Link to June 2007 Memo of Understanding between China and US regarding foreign trade...


Gigabyte breaking China's product quality law...


Gigabyte in violation of Taiwan's Fair Trade Act Article 21


"No enterprise shall make or use false or misleading representations or symbol as to price, quantity, quality, content, production process, production date, valid period, method of use, purpose of use, place of origin, manufacturer, place of manufacturing, processor, or place of processing on goods or in advertisements, or in any other way making known to the public.

No enterprise shall sell, transport, export or import goods bearing false or misleading representations referred to in the preceding paragraph."

I'm also quite sure there are several existing lawsuits setting the precedent on false advertising such as this.



Sep 14, 2007
Originally posted by: GigabyteColin
Hey Guys,

The US/Canada region is the first to implement, but the other regions will quickly follow. It will take a few days to contact all regions, so you might have to wait a little bit longer before talking to RMA. As Taiwan has a holiday on Friday, it will probably be early next week before the other regions are online as well. So, if you call them and they don't know what you are talking about, don't panic. They just haven't gotten the memo yet!

Hello All!
Maybe it's the Holiday over there? Kind of ironic that Mr. Colin don's the beat face avatar when we should be the one's wearing them!
On-line, like there gonna do anything? Other then question us on OUR validity? YEAH "DON"T PANIC" WE'LL HAVE ENOUGH TO BREAK IT OFF IN EACH OF YOU!

More false advertising "DON'T PANIC" just go buy a real product from another manufac.!



Feb 5, 2007
Originally posted by: jaggerwild
Good morning All!

Still waiting for another slap in the face as it seems here..........
A little slide show for your entertainment, slide one only part of the front on the box this awesome quad core enhanced ROSH compliant, space shuttle capable, bullet proof, dish washer, maid service, oh and home alarm all in one.

7 lies counted on the ront of box, its only part of the whole front

Slide two, the side of the box, 5 lies there as the 6 quad is a lie cause one quad is not supported as well known already. So thats two lies then the gold plug(lie3) Q6 on the left side (lie4),supports Intel core 2 extreme quad cores(lie2), the silver 6-QUAD(top right lie1), the Intel inside (lie 5) so there is really seven lies on the side alone, WEEEEE this is fun !!!!!!!
7 lies on this side, all told I can find more with the Intel inside, I'm no lawyer but who needs one with this Blatant display?


You forgot the part that states "Gamer's choice award", it should read "Recycler's choice award"


Mar 14, 2007
If someone can please scan their recipt and post it or get fancy with Photoshop that would help everyone! hahaha
I'm not spending $1000 on a new processor!


Originally posted by: EateryOfPiza
Originally posted by: Smitty1705

You have to send them PROOF with recipt that you own a Quad core 6850 before they will switch out the board for you.

WHAT?! Are you kidding me?! The QX6850 alone is frickin $1000! And new RAM, I'd rather buy a new computer!



Mar 14, 2007
This is exactly why major companies buy computers from Dell, Apple, IBM, and HP. they don't screw around like this with their customers. A standard warranty, plenty of R&D, and if they mess up they resolve the problems. No real company would put out the junk they sold us and not stand behind it properly. I buy hundreds of PC and laptops for my company and I took great joy pulling all of the "clone" home built PC's that were in this building before I got here and replacing them with Lenovo desktops! When it comes time to support them it's too tough. I use to like building my own PC for home but it's not any cheaper now and I don't need these hassles. Gigabyte is really only hurting themselves. I will go buy a new HP/Dell/Lenovo and throw some fancy video card in it and be done with it. I KNOW the big companies will put out BIOS fixes, they have good support generally, and some (like Dell) are going away from propriatary parts. The only reason the big names are big is because they all put out generally good product and support it. When a part dies they crossship you one with no hassles.
Go look at the big guy sites and poke around and ask yourself why you would ever choose Gigabyte again. So yo don't get a cool custom case, paint it yourself! You can still upgrade memeory, video, and swap drives etc.



Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Evening Everyone.

I have good reason to believe that Mr. Gary, and even some of his other colleagues at Anandtech, may be presently working directly with the senior management at Gigabyte to seek an amicable resolution to the current stalemate. It is also my understanding that it indeed may be a holiday over there in Taiwan. I further have reason to believe that the right hand does not know what the left hand has been doing on this issue in that billion dollar corporation at the moment - but that the very highest levels of management are being made aware of this impending FIRESTORM as I write this posting.

Therefore, seeing as how this issue has been going along for quite a while, I would suggest that we allow those direct communications a reasonable chance to obtain a positive outcome (until at least early next week). If the efforts don't produce that kind of a result, then it would be reasonable on the part of the purchasers of the N680i board to presume that "all bets are off" and then we can all march briskly off to WAR!! However, if that happens, it will be enlightening to all of us to see where Anandtech will stand. Will AT stand and be counted with the members of this Forum, or will AT stand with GB (or just remain silent) - it's obviously their choice - but it will tell us legends for months and years to come. This may well be AT's "moment of truth" with regard to assisting everyone who has obviously been wronged by Gigabyte's stance on this matter. The actions (or inactions) of Anandtech will be as clear as a ringing bell to all of us.

By my calculations, there are no less than 14 prime Internet sites, and many more secondary sites, that can be utilized for Raising Hell about Gigabyte's attempt to screw its customers. It is also important to remember that most all print media serving the computer industry have published Letters-To-The-Editor columns, and some even have consumer-oriented investigative columns which report on items just like this.

The obvious intention ought to be to super-saturate the known (and unknown) media outlets, day after day, with a constant barrage of criticism concerning this matter. To my knowledge, Gigabyte has not ever faced a ground-swell movement like this, and they are dealing with it in a very immature fashion. In some organizations, the immediate reaction when questioned about their business undertakings is to attempt to kill the dissent. That type of a corporate response may work in a dictatorship, but in the free-world, it's damn likely to be incendiary beyond description.

What GB REALLY ought to be worried about is NOT this immediate issue, but rather its inability to stop is the cumulative effect on the volume of negative postings which are being combed by those carnivorous search engines, i.e. Google, Yahoo, ASK, etc. The effects of this WAR will be felt directly, but most probably indirectly, by Gigabyte for many months and years to come. In fact, GB is creating a wonderful opportunity for their competitors to capitalize on this issue.

If I were one of GB's competitors, I'd consider an immediate advertising campaign that touts my total customer support, etc. I'd even consider some kind of a trade-in program for N680i purchasers where I'd allow them to trade-in their failed N680i board for a new board at a modest upgrade cost. That kind of marketing strategy would really put the spikes into Gigabyte.

HOWEVER, it is VITALLY IMPORTANT that anyone posting on any of these sites MUST clean up your language! If you use profanity, etc. you can almost guarantee that either you'll be deleted and/or even banned from such sites. Likewise, you need to check your grammar, punctuation, syntax, etc. so that your posting does not appear to be coming from a raving lunatic. Once this starts, Gigabyte will pull out all the stops to quell this dissent - that's just the normal corporate reaction to a threat. Actually that reaction is quite dumb, since the cost to GB to settle this whole matter is a mere pittance to them. And that's what is so confounding about this whole thing - from a business point of view - it makes absolutely NO SENSE!

So my friends, the bywords are: METHODICAL, INCESSANT, UNYIELDING, and DEDICATED! Remember, unless you are willing to fight to the death for your rights, they will never be yours!

Best regards to everyone. Have a nice evening. TheBeagle :beer:



Sep 18, 2007
Well gents I just got off the phone with Gigabyte and the answer I received was that currently they are authorizing people that bought the qx6850 a replacement with a 790i board to make sure that they take care of those individuals. (I guess that would probably catch all the "stupid people" that bought this board without doing the online research required to see if that processor was supported). See the top of page 107 for the phone number to US customer service.

The final word has not been determined by Gigabyte corporate for the rest of us yet. The rep that I talked to said that there had been some talk floating around about this subject in the office (I guess we are quasi famous now) and that they expect to get the final answer from Gigabyte corporate some time next week. I'm wondering whether or not the "leaked" tempory fix was a temperature check of the proverbial waters as to how little they can get away with or if they are genuinely trying to assist those of us that might not have had the benefit of an internet connection to verify cpu compatibility when we bought the board / processor. I will continue to give them the benefit of the doubt until next week when we find out what the answer is going to be. I hope that this can be resolved without any further nastiness but enough is enough already and if this turns out to be the final answer I find it completely unacceptable.

hope for the best, prepare for the worst



Jul 19, 2007
Has anybody set up a raid 0 after the computer has been set up? I need to increase hard drive performance as my disks seem to be too sow for high definition video?

I plan to set it up on the GSATA purple ports. What do I need? What would be the sequence of actions I need to do? What do I need to install? I plan to buy two some really cheap small SATA disks.


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2007
Hello Mr EateryOfPiza,

I'm using 2 ST3320620AS Seagate Barracuda 320GB HDs for video purposes on a RAID 0 array connected to the 2nd onboard GSATA controller. What you need to do is physically connect the HDs to the controller of your choice, enter BIOS -> Integrated peripherals, locate the controller of your choice (onboard SATA-II Ctrl-1 or Ctrl-2), enable it and set it to RAID mode.

After this you should exit and save settings to BIOS. During boot you'll see a new message ?Press Ctrl+G ro enter RAID setup utility?. Once you enter the setup utility things are easy, ?Create RAID Disk Drive? -> Enter a name for your RAID array in the Name field -> Change level to ?0-stripe?. After you do this I think that the RAID BIOS will assign both drives to your array automatically so you don't need to manually assign them yourself.

The last thing you have to do is to set the block size of you RAID. This is important and it plays a key role on the overall performance of your RAID. If you are gonna use the RAID for Video purposes that means that you'll be dealing mostly with very big files. If you do so then you should set the block size to the highest value available 128K.

Once you are done setting your RAID just boot to your OS & install the RAID driver for the GSATA controller. That's it.

If you need anything else just let us know.


Apr 5, 2008
:disgust: I have been reading this thread with a lot of interest, wish I would have seen before I bought my motherboard, because I got a AM2 board that Gigabyte promises will be able to take future AMD's I hope they don't do the same to us. Darn I would have went with another brand, just out of the principle. Good luck guys


Jul 19, 2007
Originally posted by: Blazer7
Hello Mr EateryOfPiza,

I'm using 2 ST3320620AS Seagate Barracuda 320GB HDs for video purposes on a RAID 0 array connected to the 2nd onboard GSATA controller. What you need to do is physically connect the HDs to the controller of your choice, enter BIOS -> Integrated peripherals, locate the controller of your choice (onboard SATA-II Ctrl-1 or Ctrl-2), enable it and set it to RAID mode.

Is it possible to use four drives in one array?



Golden Member
Jun 26, 2007
Not with the GSATA controllers. These are 2 controllers with 2 SATA ports each. You can create 2 different arrays but you cannot combine drives connected to different controllers. Because of the limited SATA ports the GSATA controllers can be utilized only for RAID 0, RAID 1 or JBOD.

If you want to use 4 drives, lets say for a RAID 10, you'll have to use the yellow SATA ports.


Mar 25, 2007
Guys, has anyone actually referred to my Australian Gigabyte Compliant Case Number when communicating with GB about RMA or refund?

I just see that this situation is just going around in circles.

FACT - GB have acknowledged to me that the product was "misrepresented" and initially offered a free replacement to a 780i or 790i board. This was later changed to a replacement with a 780SLI-DS5 due for release later this month in Australia (according to GB rep) then it was settled upon that GB would give me a FULL refund of the purchase price.

My board retailer has been notified by GB of the refund agreement and I have arranged the retailer to order in a EVGA 780i for me. As soon as the new board arrives at the store I will bring my GB 680i in and do a direct exchange and be left with $70 left in my pocket (GB 680i = $432 AU refunded - new EVGA 780i = $360 AU)

So to me it seems simple.......

I have all emails between me and GB saved so there is no issue being able to prove this. I would have thought it would be as simple as quoting the result of a completed complaint case to GB and they have to follow precedent.

If you haven't tried it then give it a go.

The case number is - 554359 and it has been handled by Gigabyte Australia.


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Evening Mr. Grim.

Thanks for that VERY insightful information. I was actually unaware that GB had settled up with you on this matter. So you're quite right in your statement about GB should offer the same settlement to others that they gave to you.

Out of curiosity, do you possibly know whether or not AU has some special consumer protection laws that GB might be particularly afraid of? If so, that would explain why they were willing to settle with you but not other similarly situated folks in other locations. Anyway, your case precedent is quite valuable for others to use just the same.

Good luck with your new 780i board!

Best regards to everyone. Have a nice evening. TheBeagle :beer:



Mar 25, 2007
None that I am aware of Mr.Beagle. I am no lawyer but I would think AU Consumer Protection laws are similar to US or EU ones.

Cheers mate. Cant wait for the EVGA 780i to arrive. Bye Bye Gigabyte. Even after achieing a successful outcome (albeit after months of duck shoving) I only have to see how they are still treating all you guys and it confims that I will never again purchase one of their products.


Sep 19, 2006
Already posted in the other thread (lots of duplication here...not sure which thread to keep up on) but I too am looking forward to this getting settled properly. I am in the market for a new board and having been screwed by other manufacturers already (see Creative Labs forums), I will not be buying a Gigabyte board for me or my clients in the future if i cannot trust the information on the website (let alone the box).

Thanks for posting these issues and I bet there are others like myself who are interested in this but not posting.


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Evening Everyone.

Here's a copy of my recent posting on the other N680i Thread - This is IMPORTANT!!


Good Evening Everyone.

Go to the main page of Anandtech and read the just released article about the failed Gigabyte GA-N680SLI-DQ6 motherboard!! Mr. Gary just wrote a superb article and let the chips fall where they may. Indeed, GB got their jewels roasted, and that's just the opening article. A careful reading of the article strongly suggests that if GB doesn't do the right thing for the N680i board owners, the follow up article might just be a real bloodletting.

Congratulations to Gary & AT. You have clearly proven that you will stand with the members when it is right and just, even as against the interests of a major advertiser such as Gigabyte. WELL DONE!!

Best regards to everyone. Beers all around! TheBeagle :beer:

This is indeed a proud moment in this struggle with the Evil Empire (GB). It would not have been possible without the efforts of all the members to voice their discontent (I cleaned that up a bit - LOL).

Congrats to everyone. More beers all around!! TheBeagle :beer:



Mar 25, 2007
A very interestring read and congratulations to Mr.Gary for a very fair and detailed article on the current situation. Thank you Gary for your on going dedication and interest in our plight, lets hope this puts a little more pressure on GB to do the right thing by their customers and avoids anything like this happening again.


Jun 22, 2007

I would download the latest Jmicron driver from their website (1.17.32) I have had better luck with that one. I was using RAID on that controller but because of my stability problems have reverted to non RAID and an external SATA drive for backup. I found that I had to have the Jmicron drivers installed to get the drives to be recognized as SATA.

I found performance of the Jmicron controller in RAID to be accaptable 100 - 110 MB/s.

I have noticed that my clock speed seems to "wobble" a bit. It varies between 3333.22 and 3333.63. Is this normal? Or should I keep the fire extinguisher handy? I set the clock speed in the BIOS. I just use EZTune to monitor temps. (and, I guess clock speed now)

The Kapt'n


Feb 23, 2007
This is in no way to let Gigabyte off the hook for the fact still remains; this board does not support what they claim it does.

This is about the F6b BIOS possibly or about the Spread Spectrum settings and the famous Building DMI Pool error that this board is the best at producing. I will probably regret posting this for every dam time I think I have the Building DMI Pool solved, a few days latter its back. As of the F6B BIOS I have not had this error with the exception of one time when I disabled the defaults for Spread Spectrum. By leaving the Spread Spectrum setting at fail save defaults, I have not had this error yet, knocking on major word here. Now weather that?s a combination of the F6b BIOS and / or the default settings, I have no clue. I have also set the voltages to auto for I have not over clocked anything. However doing so when Over Clocking I think this board gets a little to crazy volts wise and therefore if you OC, it?s better to set the volts yourself instead of the auto settings IMO.

Now let?s just assume or one second that in fact the problem is solved, I won?t say it is 100% for like I said, every time I think it?s fixed it turns around and kicks me in the balls a few days latter. The fact that Gigabytes tech support had me totally taking everything a part, blaming the ram, the sound card, the graphics card, the processor and so forth instead of actually trying to see if it was a setting in the BIOS or the BIOS itself, well lets just say WTF! Thanks for having me format 600 times and rebuilding my pc 100 times Gigabyte.

Not only did you sell us a board that does not support what it claims, but your tech support is full of hot air. With that said however, I would like to thank Colin for his efforts and for passing on the F6B BIOS to Gary to share with us.

Ok off to close my eyes, hold my breath and pray that since I posted such that it don?t come back and attack my balls for I must say my nuts are getting rather sore from all this bull crap from this board.


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2007
Hello Kapt'n,

I've never observed anything like this with easytune but I see some minor fluctuation in cpu speed every time I use cpuz. When @ idle speed fluctuates between 1999,9 & 2000,1. A small fluctuation is present under load too so I think that this may be ?normal? for the board. I don't know if it should be happening at all but I don't think that it can cause any issues.

Taking into account the huge variation in cpu speed that occurs when throttling up or down when switching from idle to full load and vice versa (2GHz @ idle to 3Ghz @ full load for my E6850), I don't believe that this negligible variation in cpu speed can cause any issues. So take it easy with that fire extinguisher of yours.

@ cdfire,

I know that this is not funny but I can't help it. :laugh: I really hope that the board makes peace with you on that DMI pool thing.


Sep 18, 2007

CPUz fluctuates a few mhz for me too... I believe its normal but then I am fairly new to overclocking so my normal might be an OHMYGODITSGONNABLOW to anyone with some experience.

Of course Cdfire you could just do like I do and never turn the box off... Then you would never have to see the building DMI pool again

Sorry couldn't resist (actually good luck I hope your sack gets a break hehe)

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