Where Are The Gigabyte GA-X38-DQ6 Motherboards?


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Evening Everyone.

Some "informed" sources thought that today (September 24th) would be the release date for the new series of Gigabyte X38 chipset motherboards, since the retail product was known to have been shipping late last week. However, aside from ZipZoomFly advertising the boards, but NO stock to go with it, all the other major online sources are dead quiet about this item.

I sure would appreciate knowing about an actual source, with real stock, which has the board ready to sell. I would also like to know if anyone has a line on whether or not any retail boards made it into the shipping stream which have the very early chipset, BEFORE Intel did the respin on the silicon? I darn well don't want a X38 board with one of those early chipsets.

As always, RELIABLE information will be greatly appreciated. I feel another long-running Thread about to develop with this new board, but we shall see. Best regards to all. TheBeagle :beer:


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Evening Mr. Vmsein.

Thanks for the reference to NCIXUS.com. I checked their actual stock location, and although they do seem to have stock in both a retail store and a warehouse, both locations are situated in British Columbia. I have had prior unsatisfactory experiences with purchasing items which have to make their way over that border and all the customs stuff that goes with it. So, I think I'll wait a day or two for the boards to hopefully appear somewhere in the States.

However, I certainly do appreciate your kindness for locating these boards, albeit they are in Canada. We can only hope that some of the boards will be shipping to the Excited States of America in the near future. Thanks again for the tip. And BTW, you were the first one to find these boards for sale that I am aware of. Best regards. TheBeagle :beer:


May 24, 2006
Good Evening Mr. Bond....oh wait LOL

Do any of you guys know when the X38 boards from ABIT as well as others will be released? Obviously gigabyte released theirs a bit ahead of the supposed october release date.


Senior member
Sep 12, 2007
Good Evening Mr. Vmsein.

Thank you for the condescending post regarding availability of the Gigabyte X38 motherboard. While NCIX does indeed originate its stock and such in Canada, and as you noted in BC, if you had actually looked further than where NCIX was physically located, you would have noticed that NCIX has a U.S. shipping point in Washington state....so no big problems with NCIX getting product to U.S. residents.

If you had even taken a few minutes to research another forum, say XtremeSystems.org, you would have found more than a few dozen U.S. buyers of product that have had excellent service from the Canadian-based NCIX.

And, btw, I saw the post about this motherboard being for sale at NCIX on 9/24/07 at around 8:15PM....the OP here was hardly the first to find out they were for sale there.


Good try playing.......and try again in the future.



Junior Member
Jul 31, 2007

Hey gingerstewart55,

I'm not exactly sure what your issue is. I too have ordered items from NCIXUS.com and have had an issue with US Customs. Partly my mistake - I did not check in what warehouse my item was stocked - I assumed it was being shipped from Washington as the website is NCIXUS.com.

I ordered my chip with Fed Ex overnight shipping. The shipment was held up in US Customs for 3 days before I was notified and I was required to fax forms back and forth to declare what was in the package and what was not. Needless to say, I received my shipment 2 weeks after I had ordered an item that was "in stock" and was a bit irritated that I had payed $30 for shipping.

That said I understand that US Customs is out of NCIX's control, but it would have been nice to have been alerted that the product I was ordering might originate in Canada and be subject to Customs inspection.

Other than this one instance, I have had nothing but positive experiences with NCIX and plan to check warehouse availability in the future.


Senior member
Dec 31, 2003
Originally posted by: gingerstewart55
Good Evening Mr. Vmsein.

Thank you for the condescending post regarding availability of the Gigabyte X38 motherboard. Good try playing.......and try again in the future.

I was being condescending? I thought I was helpful. Please explain to me how I was being condescending.


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Morning Everyone.

Mr. Vmsein, you were NOT being condescending with your first reply posting. In fact, our young colleague, Ms. Gingerstewart55, is obviously a quite sensitive person concerning the Canadian warehouse/shipping location, for some unknown reason. I believe that her angst was being directed at me, but she inadvertently addressed her response to you. Please accept my apologies for her apparently misdirected criticism of your kindness.

In any event, just to set the record straight, the NCIXUS.com web site that I visited last evening (as per the link offered by Mr. Vmsein's posting) offered a real-time stock checking feature (after you insert a displayed coding string), and the two locations where that firm showed having this item in stock were BOTH located in British Columbia. Therefore, based upon that information from NCIXUS.com itself, I concluded that the shipping problems that I referenced having previously experienced might occur to me again. However, if indeed NCIXUS.com has physical stock located in the USA, then I would certainly consider buying a board from them, since they seem to be a reputable firm.

Our other colleague, Mr. Lagavulin16, was likewise correct in his wariness of cross-border shipping of these type of products, and I appreciate his insight as well. Since I have many, many Canadian friends, and substantial respect and admiration for our Canadian neighbors, I'm not quite sure what Ms. Gingerstewart's problem might be. Maybe she will reconsider her quickness to engage in this type of unproductive rhetoric in the future. After all, we are all presumably interested in helping each other with various issues and items of concern. As was aptly stated in a rather famous quote from several years ago, "Can't we all just get along?" Have a nice day. TheBeagle :beer:

Gary Key

Senior member
Sep 23, 2005
The Gigabyte and Asus boards should start showing up at the usual places over the next week or so in volume. MSI, abit, Foxconn, ECS, Biostar, and others will probably be ready right around the 11th or a little after. It is my understanding that DFI's board will be early November and it will probably be at that point that pricing starts to settle down a little. The ASUS R.O.G. boards should be out in late November although they are trying to pull them in at this point. The Intel Bone Trail board is due around the 11th also and should be the board to watch at this point.

Al Capone CC

Junior Member
Sep 27, 2007
Hey Beagle (and the rest of you in here),

I have an order for the Gigabyte GA-X38-DQ6 pending from NCIXUS.com. After reading your posts and that of the canook hater, I called NCIX and asked them if I should expect a delay in shipping through Fed-Ex due to customs.

The answer was basically as follows: "We do our best to ensure that all paper-work is in order for U.S. customs before shipping to minimize any possible delays. We have no control over customs, but normally there is no delay, and if there IS a delay, it is usually less than 48hrs."

And you were also correct in saying that indeed NCIX only has stock of these mobo's in 2 warehouses in Canada and no current stock in the U.S.A. (which would be Washington State IF they had U.S. supplies). But, stock in Canada is better than NO stock at ZipZoomFly.

My order should ship tomorrow, being Friday the 28th (I placed my order at 5 P.M. west coast time on Tuesday evening, the 25th of September). I will update as the order progresses, but if anyone want's this board NOW, NCIX has the largest stock of anyone I could find up through today (they got in their shipment on Tuesday and have plenty to sell, unlike ZipZoom, let alone Newegg who doesn't even have the SKU or part number in their database).

And for anyone else who orders from NCIX, be aware they have a new system to verify your card/identity information. After you place your web-only order, you will receive 2 e-mails, the first one is a copy of your transaction, the second one prompts you to click a link to obtain a 4-digit PIN number to finalize the order. The moment you click the promt for the PIN, your phone rings and an automated voice tells you the 4-digit PIN to enter in the field on the order screen. So BE ADVISED to enter in the SAME phone number that your credit card company has listed or this WILL cause a delay in processing your order!

I brought up the PIN verification to the Canadian gentleman and suggested they clarify that the phone number you enter should also match the phone number on file with the card company, at which point he told me "One would ASSUME that the information should match, as we already state that the billing and shipping information should be identical." at which point I informed him to ASSUME makes an ASS out of U and ME, and some un-assuming patron might put in their cell number or work number instead of the home number that the card holder has on file for a contact and they need to CLARIFY that before they start having more issues. After the 3rd time I told him this, he started typing and said he would notify the "developement team" for their website and make any necessary changes.

So, at any rate, I'll guinea-pig this Gigabyte mobo deal and tell everyone how it goes. I'm still betting I'll be USING this motherboard before ZipZoom gets any more in stock! ;-)

Good luck to everyone!

P.S. Beagle, here's a link for a USB device you might enjoy:



Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Morning Mr. Capone & Colleagues.

Thanks for the follow up and clarification of the NCIXUS.com stock availability for the new board. I have also found the board at ClubIT.com, which likewise has the board in stock, so I ordered one from them last evening. It seems that these boards are first appearing the the great northwestern areas of this continent, both Canada and the Excited States.

Anyway, I hope to have the board early next week, and I'll post some early results and observations on performance and features as soon I get a chance to run it through its paces. Many thanks for clarifying and validating my earlier observations about true stock location and the fact that the US Customs can some time be a pain in the butt with stuff coming into the States. I'm sure that the folks at NCIXUS.com do their best to promptly ship the stuff from the Canadian warehouses, but I wasn't again going to put myself in the same situation as I previously experienced with a ten day delay trying to get something cross-border shipped.

BTW, that USB Beagle was GREAT. It looks just like my cousin, BrownBeagle, and I think he also acts in the same fashion when he get a jolt of energy in his shorts as well - LOL! I'll have to order one of those so the family can have a good laugh when we're sitting around just chewing a bone or something. Best regards. TheBeagle :beer:


Junior Member
Jul 19, 2007
X38 is a new motherboard chipset which Bonetrail uses. X38 is supposed to be great for OC'ing and also has support for x16 x16 Crossfire and PCI-E 2.0. Bonetrail is Intel's X38 mobo, and doesn't support SLI.

Skulltrail is apparently based on some other intel chipset (for workstations or something) with a Nvidia MCP, so it supports SLI. It's also a dual socket, meaning it supports two processors at once.

Oh yeah, does anyone know if there will be a DDR2 variant of the Bonetrail? DDR3 seems a little bit expensive for a not so major performance boost, and the money seems to be better spent upgrading other components.


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Evening Everyone.

It looks like our friends at NCIXUS.com are getting the lion's share of these new boards in their British Columbia warehouses. The few boards that were at ClubIT.com were gone within 24 hours - I was sure lucky to get one of them. The FedEx tracking says the board has made it as far east as Memphis, TN as of yesterday. Hopefully, I'll see it about Wednesday or so.

As soon as I can get it loaded in a case, I'll give it a run and let you all know how it performs. I hope that Mr. Gary can get us some updated BIOS revisions for this board, since the early BIOS versions usually leave something(s) to be desired. If anyone gets a board before me, please let me know how it runs and what settings seem to work the best. I was planning on trying the Q6600 (G0) at 400 x 9, at somewhere near 1.375V to start. Hopefully that will boot up and at least get me started.

Best regards to all, and hope you had a nice weekend. TheBeagle :beer:


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Evening Everyone.

Well, the "Eagle Has Landed!" Today, quite unexpectedly, the very nice FedEx man arrived at the door with a package from ClubIT.com. Lo and behold, the GA-X38-DQ6 motherboard arrived, three days early - way to go ClubIT and FedEx!

The board looks so nice and content in its bright, shiny packaging, it was a shame to remove it from the box. Anyway, I'm presently getting things ready to give it a go. I'll keep you all posted on the results. Hopefully I won't see a bunch of sparks and smoke when I fire it up. Stay tuned. TheBeagle :beer:

Al Capone CC

Junior Member
Sep 27, 2007
Mr. Beagle and everyone else,

Let me begin by warning everyone, this is a somewhat long post, and please read it fully, or not at all before you take any information I post and form any opinion of NXIC or myself.

You (Beagle) must've been sniffing some ports for updates to ClubIt's stock of the GA-X38-DQ6 to catch one, and was lucky apparently no-one else was racking up back-orders. I have been checking stock of all listed retailers I can find since my order placement at NCIXUS.com and haven't seen a single "In Stock" board in the U.S.A. at all. I submitted the board to Newegg as a "You should REALLY be carrying this product" and they still do not even have the part number listed.

As per my previous post, I have ordered this board from NCIX and will share the updates I have to this moment, as follows:

Update to info:NCIX ships ALL orders from B.C. Canada, NONE from the U.S. NCIX has ONE warehouse in B.C., that's it (not 2). The address in Washington state for NXICUS is quote:"Only a mailing address" [from NXIC Canada rep as of 7:00 P.M. EST tonight being Oct 1st]. The point of the Washington address is to "expedite any RMA requests so the customer does NOT have to deal with customs in any fashion". So anyone saying they've had to fax anything to customs, or even contact customs is either lying, or has old/incorrect information. That being said, here is an update to NCIX's business practices, and my own/first order from them, based SOLEY ON MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE/S TO DATE. IN NO WAY AM I REPRESENTING NCIX OR ANY EMPLOYEE OF NCIX.

I placed my order on Sept. 25th about 2 hours before close of business day. NCIX dated my order Sept. 26th even though my order was received, price verified, product availability verified, shipping info verified, and finally, my credit card verified within 2 hours of placing my order on the 25th. My payment processing was finished later in the day of the 26th, and my order processing finalized early the day of the 27th. According to NCIX complete order processing takes 2-3 business days for orders places from the United States. OK, so, close enough. I would then expect my order to immediately ship, and that's where things get strange (at least strange to me, but I'm not an international commerce expert either).

Being the all-patient person I am when it comes to getting bleeding edge components as fast as I can get them (insert self-sarcasm here), I started calling NCIX once a day, first call on the 26th (Wednesday, day after I ordered). I was told my order MIGHT ship that evening (and for some reason, all NCIX shipments go out in the "evening"), or the following day. Didn't ship the 26th. I call the 27th, they tell me it SHOULD ship that evening, or the following day. OK, fine. One more day. I call the 28th (Friday), they tell me it SHOULD ship out that evening, or Monday(the 1st) for sure. So I wait until end of business day, Friday the 28th. No e-mail. No tracking info. About 10P.M. Friday, I start getting pissed, so I send a nasty-gram via e-mail to customer support which reads as follows:

"I have called every day for the last 3 days and each time I've been told my order will ship that day, or at least by that evening, and it hasn't even shipped as of tonight.
I have also been warned (on Anandtech forums) of delays through customs due to insufficient paperwork on the part of NCIX shipping from Canada to the U.S.A. So far, I am not pleased with the service nor the expedience of NCIX, and if my SINGLE MOTHERBOARD can't even be SHIPPED in a timely fashion, and I have to wait longer to receive my motherboard (which is needed for a build-out on Tuesday, thanks guys...) because of a delay at customs, frankly, I'll be REALLY pissed off.
So far, your company has been good about processing my card, doing strange things to verify my order, and taking my money. What your company so far has FAILED to do is SHIP MY ORDER I ALREADY PAID FOR, and apparently phone etiquette is something that Canadian phone reps aren't taught.
I am not a happy customer so far, and I stuck my neck out on the chopping block, risking business with a company that is new to me, only to be given the run-around, talked to rudely on the phone, and my single item order hasn't even SHIPPED yet.
Not happy. Not content. And I'm not feeling a return visit nor return business. NCIX still has an opportunity to try to make me a satisfied customer, but that's up to your company. But keep in mind, aggrivating customers who are used to ordering from Newegg (I've spent over (edit)*** thousand with them this fiscal year) and with ZipZoomFly (I've spent just under (edit)$****.00 with them this fiscal year) and who are connected on many levels of forums, newsgroups and blogs really isn't a good way to gain customers in the U.S.
Bottom line, I paid for my order, ship the damn thing out, and get it to me in working order. I don't think I'm asking too much.
Owner: edited=*my own business*"

Yeah, I know, pretty rude, but I was pissed. I've been building PC's for 12 years and have sent plenty of these out in the past and there are some companies I wont do business with any more, and certain products I won't buy any more (spelled FIC mobos).

SO, today (Oct. 1), I get a response as follows:

" Dated Oct 01, 2007 at 10:04 AM reply from Ncix Support
Hi *****,
We appologize for the delay. Your order shipped out on the 28th, Here is the tracking info.
Fedex Express Saver USAr 9***********

I immediately check the tracking number on Fed-Ex, and see that it's a generated number for pick-up with no physical scan. Knowing this means that Fed-Ex doesn't have their hands on it yet, I call Fed-Ex (1-800-Go-Fed-Ex) and verify that they do NOT have the package. Now I'm really annoyed to the point of supreme aggravation. So, I send a 2nd nasty-gram:

" Dated Oct 01, 2007 at 11:14 AM reply from you
No, my package has NOT shipped. The only thing that has been done is a tracking number was assigned by NCIX internally, FED-EX does NOT have physical possession of the package yet. Why do I keep getting the run-around? The reply to me was basically dishonest. Now I am calling NCIX, again."

Again, not happy, so I call NCIX, yet again. I am polite to the guy, because actually this time I got a person who was listening and didn't seem in a hurry so much as all the other times, and explain to him what has transpired up to this point. We are both talking and updating info on our PC's and LO AND BEHOLD, Fed-Ex updated the info and there it was, picked up in Bellingham, WA @ 3:44P.M. Oct. 1st!! So I start grilling this guy on business practices, shipping practices and usual order fulfillment lead-out times. I covered most of it further up, but most of the rest of the story is summed up with the most recent reply to my most recent nasty-gram:

" Dated Oct 01, 2007 at 02:46 PM reply from Ncix Support
Hi *****,
Actually, what happens is FedEx contacts out to a seperate courier which picks up the packages and then delivers them to customs. Once the packages have cleared customs. FedEx takes over and delivers the packages to their customer. Unfortunately we have no control over how quickly the packages will clear customs, although it's usually only a couple business days. The tracking information on the FedEx website will updated after the package has been cleared.

And it turns out, Mr. R is absolutely correct. An "un-named carrier" comes in the evening, picks up the packages from NCIX warehouse in B.C. Canada, whisks them away and across the border into Washington State (Bellingham), THEN Fed-Ex grabs 'em up, and proceeds to move them toward their destination in a timely fashion. And the fact that NCIXUS.com is located in Washington State (specifically:NCIXUS.com / Netlink Computer Inc. 1927 Boblett Street, Blaine, WA 98230, USA) IS PURELY COINCIDENTAL to the city that Fed-Ex picks up the packages. NCIXUS has NO WAREHOUSES in the U.S. at all.

So who moves this stuff into the U.S.? I have no idea, and neither does NCIX. Fed-Ex pays the unknown parcel people and it is strictly up to Fed-Ex. But whoever these guys are, they seem to be doing a decent job. And who-ever that other person was (Mr. lagavulin16) who claimed having packages held-up in customs was either lying, mis-informed, or has old/outdated info. Fed-Ex/unknowns moved my mobo into the U.S. sometime between Saturday and early this morning, and taking into account the week-end, I would say that customs isn't any sort of a problem when it comes to NCIX orders, as long as you choose Fed-Ex as the shipping method.

Overall, at this point in time I ask myself, "Am I happy with NCIX?" Mostly, but not totally. I'll break it down into a few categories:

Customer service - Talk to the right person (in Canada), it's good, one of the high stress people, not so much. Talk to a U.S. rep, better. There are 2 phone numbers listed for NCIX, one is a U.S. number (1-800-502-9777), the other is a Canadian number (1-888-725-8880). I would recommend calling the U.S. number first as they are less busy and more polite.

Availability of new products - Excellent! Hardly anyone else in the U.S. has this board in stock and NCIX has sufficient stock on hand.

Ease of ordering - Not as easy as the popular sites, but the first time is always more typing (I.E.-starting a new account, even Newegg is guilty of this) Easy enough for most people.

Expediting orders - This (in my opinion) is where NCIX could really use some improvement. I've become accustomed to shipment within 24hrs of an order placement (thanks for spoiling me, Neweg, Zipzoom and FrozenCPU!) Is 3 days too long to fullfill and ship an order? I guess it depends on your expectations.

Overall shopping experience - Their (NCIX) website is accurate, up to date, and the prices are competitive. Just have all your ordering, billing and phone information in order before hand. This may mean jumping through one extra hoop (phone verification of your order), but I'm OK with that if it means one less fraudulent person can't order under my credit card. They have (as Mr. R. put it) "an aggressive sales and marketing team who strives for new products and new clients". I have to agree.

Would I order from them again? Yes, IF it was a high demand, low stock order. If it was something I could get faster, cheaper, and from a trusted source, I would probably shop this side of the border instead.

I still have yet to receive my Gigabyte GA-X38-DQ6 from NCIX.com, and I have been assured that it was packed properly, IS the correct product, and will work as expected. I will post a brief summary on Wednesday or Thursday when it arrives and confirm or deny the product and condition. Don't expect a full hardware review, there are enough of those out there already, and I've read most of them (or I wouldn't have ordered the motherboard in the first place But I'll tell you if it worked with my fresh 1333fsb Intel E6850, 4gigs of Patriot PDC24G6400ELK memory and the Thermalright Ultra 120 Extreme cooler that Newegg dropped off to me today.

Bottom line, If you want the Gigabyte GA-X38-DQ6 motherboard within a week, order it from NCIX. If you want to wait for stock on the other sites, go ahead and wait, but I'll tell you right now, the price is going up on this mobo, not down. I paid $314 shipped with added insurance Fed-Ex saver from NCIX, and I still feel it was a good deal, and I'm really looking forward to a system that will finally put my Sapphire HD2900XT 1gb DDR4 video card to work!

Good luck all!

Al Capone[CC]



Junior Member
Oct 2, 2007
I should receive mine tomorrow, I purchased it at clubit.com/ total was 309.00 shipped. I?m eager to see what its potential is when it comes to overclocking my other board the GA-N680SLI-DQ6 did not impress me I?m still waiting on bios F5.


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Hello Everyone.

Better get them while they're hot! They're probably cheaper by the dozen as well. I hope to have the new board fired up this evening. So I'll keep you posted on the initial results.

Best regards to all. TheBeagle :beer:


Senior member
Feb 18, 2007
From what I've read, this board is very promising.

The only thing holding me away is the $299.99 price tag at the moment. Hopefully prices go down as more retailers get their shipments in.


Sep 20, 2003
I got mine on the 29th of September and I totally love it, too bad I have to couple it with a cheap 4x1 GB DDR2 800 until I can get my hands on 4x1 DDR2 1066 Sticks.

There were only 3 in whole market and I was lucky to get one for an amazing price...as much as an ASUS P5K Deluxe would cost



Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Evening Everyone.

I have some Good News and some Bad News.

The good news is that the new X38 board arrived early from ClubIT.com. It looked very nice, and the fit and finish on the board looked good. It was also somewhat easy to install, since Gigabyte didn't fit it with overly large heat sinks and heat pipe assemblies.

The bad news is it didn't work. When I tried to fire it up, it would give 2 beeps and then reboot, and reboot and reboot. Rats - What a bummer. After trying many, many different component swaps, etc, the conclusion (mine, and Gary concurred) was that it's just a defective board. So it's going back to ClubIT.com for a replacement.

Since ClubIT.com was the very first place in the USA to list that board for sale, and since they sold out of their initial stock in less than a day, I am suspicious that I probably got one of the very first retail boards to come into the USA. Therefore, it might just be one of those things with early production runs of new products. Who knows, but it sure was disappointing.

The defective board is already packaged up and ready for RMA back to ClubIT.com. Fortunately, ClubIT.com has an outstanding reputation for customer service, so I don't anticipate any problems getting a replacement board. I'll keep you posted on Round #2. Best regards to everyone. TheBeagle isgust; :beer:
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