Where Are The Gigabyte GA-X48-DQ6 Motherboards?

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Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Evening Everyone.

The folks at Newegg are selling the GA-X48-DQ6 boards for $309.99 USD and about nine bucks for shipping (3 day). That's the best price I've found, since only ZipZoomfly was cheaper (a buck less), but their shipping was quite a bit more. Also, ZipZoomfly has very poor return policies, even when the item turns out to be DOA and certainly not the fault of the purchaser. Plus they usually charge a 15% restocking fee for DOA items.

So for my money, I ordered the board from the Egg and it should arrive in two more days. Now we need the Q9450 procs to become widely available, and then we're good to go.

I sure hope the early reports about the Q9450 being able to sustain 4GHz on air cooling are true. We shall see shortly.

Best regards to everyone. TheBeagle :beer:



Junior Member
Sep 6, 2006
Has anyone seen the GA-X48-DS5 on sale yet in the states? I like this board so I can reuse my nice DDR2 ram.


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Evening Mr. WHT1986 & Everyone.

I have not seen that board offered for sale as of yet. However, the GA-X48-DQ6 board also uses DDR2 memory sticks, so you might want to consider that board if you can't find a DS5. Enjoy.

Best regards to everyone. Have a nice evening. TheBeagle :beer:



Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Morning Everyone.

With regard to the advertised "Teaming" feature for X38 and X48 Gigabyte boards, here's an excerpt of a posting that I made over on the AT Thread dealing with the problematic Gigabyte N680i board:


Interestingly, I am now experiencing the SAME TYPE OF PROBLEM with the X48 Board. Gigabyte has included a revised software utility for implementing Teaming on the CD-ROM disk included with the X48 board. Incidentally, the Teaming software they included with the CD-ROM for the X38 board was a JOKE! Also, for some reason, they have never provided that software to be downloaded from any of their web sites - curious?

Anyway, the teaming feature seems to be left to the folks at Realtek, which is an interesting situation. Gigabyte fully advertises the TEAMING function for BOTH the X38 and X48 boards, but then passes the buck to Realtek to be responsible to make it work. What a bunch of CRAP! And when it doesn't work - like it didn't work with the X38 board - Technical Support at Gigabyte simply responds to a request for assistance by saying that Realtek has been experiencing a problem achieving functionality with Teaming - What a bunch of CRAP again! If it doesn't work, then Gigabyte has no business advertising products that supposedly offer that feature - That's BLATANT FALSE ADVERTISING! Sounds like shades of the problem with the N680i board doesn't it?

I have recently PMd Mr. Colin to directly request his and Gigabyte's assistance on this Teaming issue. We shall see what, if anything, they come up with. Additionally, the X48 Teaming software utility applet indicates that there are three (3) optional settings that might be implemented with the embedded NICs on the board. However, there is absolutely no instruction or other written explanation as to what any of those three options do or don't do, what effect they have on your network (implementing any of them has caused my network functions to crash so far), or any other useful information provided for a consumer to even try to figure out how to utilize that feature. In THEORY, Teaming is a great feature for someone (like me) who has a Gigabit network at home. But if you can't implement the feature, then it's worthless!

In all honestly, I am now wondering whether or not this is just another example of BLATANT FALSE ADVERTISING by the folks at Gigabyte. We shall see. But if it doesn't work, I believe that Gigabyte is going to hear about it next from the Bureau of Consumer Protection, Office of the Attorney General, in the state in which I live - and they can take that promise to the bank! If the "Legal Beagles" from the Attorney General's Office get after them, it will be interesting to see how fast they shape up (us beagles have to stick together you know - LOL).


If any of the purchasers of a Gigabyte X48 board are experiencing the same problem, I strongly suggest that you give Mr. Colin (PM = GigabyteColin), and request assistance with implementing this feature.

Best regards to everyone. Have a nice day. TheBeagle :beer:



Mar 14, 2007
So i'm hopping over to this X48 thread to find out how it compares to my GA-N680sli-dq6 board. Is teaming the only real problem you guys are seeing with this? Is this a good option for me to trade out my 680i board? it looks like it has the same features but lacks SLi right?



Mar 14, 2007
Yea.. just looked it up.. no SLI but otherwise it looks like a good upgrade from the 680i as long as I can run my Nvidia 8800 GTX in it.

Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I am considering this board as well if Gigabyte will replace the 680i with one. While it won't get put in my server/game system (I already bought a 780i for that), I would use it to upgrade my HTPC which is something at least... For that duty I would love a 3rd PCI slot, but I can live with 2, and maybe even can go without my dedicated sound card since this has DTS connect features (maybe not, don't know, my current card in there does DD and DTS Live encoding, but will take up the one of the 2 PCI slots, and the other is filled with a SD tuner card).


Mar 14, 2007
Just Got off the phone with Leo. He said a refund is NOOOOOO. And said they are thinking about trading me to a 48 dq6. They want one more day to think about it. And he was very apologetic about calling so late last night but these are his hours. He was very pleasant to talk to tonight maybe because it was only 1030pm this time. LOL Any ways He said tomorrow morning or night I will hopefully have a concrete answer. Anyone else get a call?


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Afternoon Everyone.

This is just a brief update on the Teaming Function. I still have not been able to get a working configuration for Teaming. However, the utility does load, and seems to initiate a third network connection which indicates that it's a VLAN type of connection and specifically indicates that the Realtek Teaming driver is being loaded.

So, my suspicion is that this may just be a matter of configuration. However, without any kind of meaningful explanation of the various Teaming Utility options, and what they mean, and how they affect the regular network connections, etc, etc, etc, being yet provided with the X48 board, we'll probably have to wait a bit more for Mr. Colin to find some time free from his N680i oversight duties to produce the promised information.

I'll keep everyone posted on any progress on this issue.

Best regards to everyone. Have a nice day. TheBeagle :beer:



Sep 14, 2007
Good Afternoon all!
Figured I'd pop in to as I may be getting this board also, I see a few familiar faces!
I wrote Mr. Chuck from Gigabyte with my info, so hoping to hear from him tomorrow about the shipping and such.


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Afternoon Mr. JaggerMan.

Welcome Aboard! Things might be a little tamer over on this Thread, at least in the foreseeable future. If we can get this Teaming issue resolved, then things will really be looking up.

My Q9450 proc will likely arrive on about Thursday, so I'll be anxious to see how that works in the X48 board. Some guys have been able to push the Q9450 pretty near the magic 4.0GHz line, but that appears to require quite a bit of juice to get it up near that point. The 8x multiplier seems to be the problem, along with a "dead zone" right above 450. So we shall see how all that goes.

However, I won't be too surprised if it's going to take a Q9550 (with its higher multiplier) to get to the 4.0GHz promised land. But, we shall see on that as well. Right now I'd like to get the Teaming to function properly, and the Q9450 to a stable OC.

I'll keep you posted. Best regards. TheBeagle :beer:



Senior member
Jan 11, 2007
@ Mr. TheBeagle,

What RAM are you using with this board? The QVL seems pretty limited for the high-end stuff and I know you usually shoot for the moon on your hardware picks.




Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Evening Mr. EK2K & Everyone.

The memory sticks I'm using are G.Skill PC2-8500 (1066) 2GB, 4 sticks = 8GB. They are Model #: F2-8500CL5D-4GBPK (4GB Kit) @ Newegg.com. They currently are selling for $144.99 USD per 4GB Kit, No Tax, Free Shipping, Lifetime Guarantee. I've been using G.Skill sticks for a while now, and I'm VERY pleased with them. All I can say is that they work, run cool, OC very well, and seem very happy in the X48 board. Of course I'm running Vista 64 Ultimate to get the full benefit of all 8GB. Hope that helps.

Best regards to everyone. Have a nice evening. TheBeagle :beer:



Sep 14, 2007
Good evening all!
I heard (forget from where but) that this board will do either DDR2 or DDR3 is this correct?
I have G-skill mem and love them, I have the 1066 4gig kit in now. Also have a set of 2gig 800 that scream too.
Thinking of a new CPU soon, but have the E6750 for now. Also a Quad 6600 that clocks well but will be keeping it in my 680 EVGA board.
Mr chuck from Gigabyte wrote me back saying that the newboard will just be missing the same stuff as that I forgot to put in my package for the 680. Witch was very nice.


Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Morning Mr. JaggerMan.

The GA-X48-DQ6 board will only use DDR2 memory sticks. However, its twin bother, the GA-X48T-DQ6 only uses DDR3 sticks. Of course, the DDR3 sticks provide about a 3-5% better memory speed @ more than 2.5x the price for the high performance DDR3 sticks. In my book, that slight increase in memory performance cannot be justified due to the outrageous increase in the price of DDR3 sticks. Aside from the DDR2 versus DDR3 memory, to my knowledge, the two boards function virtually the same, except the "T" version costs more (?).

Best regards to everyone. Have a nice day. TheBeagle :beer:



Sep 14, 2007
Originally posted by: TheBeagle
Good Morning Mr. JaggerMan.

The GA-X48-DQ6 board will only use DDR2 memory sticks. However, its twin bother, the GA-X48T-DQ6 only uses DDR3 sticks. Of course, the DDR3 sticks provide about a 3-5% better memory speed @ more than 2.5x the price for the high performance DDR3 sticks. In my book, that slight increase in memory performance cannot be justified due to the outrageous increase in the price of DDR3 sticks. Aside from the DDR2 versus DDR3 memory, to my knowledge, the two boards function virtually the same, except the "T" version costs more (?).

Best regards to everyone. Have a nice day. TheBeagle :beer:
Good morning Mr Beagle!

Great, thank you for clearing that up for me. Can't wait to get it!



Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Morning Everyone.

Just a bit of a heads up - word has it that there is an upcoming BIOS revision for the X48 board which may be released in the near future. I'll keep you posted.

Best regards to everyone. Have a nice day. TheBeagle :beer:



Sep 14, 2007
Originally posted by: TheBeagle
Good Morning Everyone.

Just a bit of a heads up - word has it that there is an upcoming BIOS revision for the X48 board which may be released in the near future. I'll keep you posted.

Best regards to everyone. Have a nice day. TheBeagle :beer:
Good Morning Mr. Beagle!
With Killer over there shooting his mouth off, I'll be Lucky to get one now..... But Mr. Colin kinda sorted that out for me, so think I'm good.
You have a good day too Mr Beagle!



Golden Member
Jun 26, 2007
Originally posted by: jaggerwild
Was looking at some GPU's for this board, I've always used Nvidia so I need some suggestions on a cross fire set up.
If you could (may be in the other thread) post up some basics for me, then let me know what the top end cards are. Things like I can use 2 3870's , or 1 3870 and 1 2900XT.
Very confusing stuff!
was gonna get the 9800's but there just re-badged 8800GTS second gen cards with Little higher clockings on them.
Nvidia is not looking to good lately here, got a 780 board laying here in the wrapper still, I tried to RMA it for a refund and guess what. New egg popped up the no refunds on this board (oh boy). I wanted to send it back for the 750 FTW board from EVGA. As it is a EVGA design (or so they say it is).
Regards all!

Hello Mr jaggerwild,

The best ATI card out there is the Radeon HD3870. You can get 2 of them to use in crossfire mode or you can get 1 Radeon HD 3870 x2 card. The latest features 2 GPUs like nVidia's 9800GX2. The cost of this card is a bit lower than the cost of 2 individual 3870 cards and you have the advantage of adding a 2nd card in the future for quad crossfire.

The real advantage of cards like the 3870 x2 and the 9800GX2 is that they use a single PCI-E slot and have no dependency on the chipset thus enabling the user to use crossfire on an nVidia based mobo or SLI on an Intel or AMD based mobo.

Of course if you get a second 3870 x2 or 9800GX2 card you'll need to have the appropriate chipset. One thing to have in mind is that both the 3870 x2 and 9800GX2 are quite big cards. I believe that you can get more info on the specifics of all these cards in the Video Cards and Graphics section. The guys there are very helpful when it comes to this kind of things.

Best regards



May 15, 2007
Hi guys,

just to inform you that i installed my x48-dq6 mainboard and i'm glad because it's stable and compared to the p35cds3 the chipset temps are lower thanks to excellent cooling.
I will have to wit for oc results because the kingston 6400 ramms are only pc6400 so maybe 1066 mhz reapers are a better bet.



Senior member
Apr 5, 2005
Good Morning Mr. Bramdo & Everyone.

You might want to consider G.Skill PC2-8500 (DDR2-1066) 2GB memory sticks. I use them and they are very stable and relatively inexpensive. You can put 4 sticks = 8GB in the X48 board and they will be stable. However you need o use Vista 64 for the OS to utilize 8GB. Best of luck with your new board.

Best regards to everyone. Have a nice day. TheBeagle :beer:



Sep 14, 2007
Originally posted by: TheBeagle
Good Morning Mr. Bramdo & Everyone.

You might want to consider G.Skill PC2-8500 (DDR2-1066) 2GB memory sticks. I use them and they are very stable and relatively inexpensive. You can put 4 sticks = 8GB in the X48 board and they will be stable. However you need o use Vista 64 for the OS to utilize 8GB. Best of luck with your new board.

Best regards to everyone. Have a nice day. TheBeagle :beer:

Good after noon all!

Thank you Mr. Blazer, Mr. Bramdo, and Mr. Beagle.

I have four sticks of one gig G-skill 1066, plus already have two 8800 GTS 640, sent back the BFG 8800 GT 512's as there step up for the 9XXX series is only for a 9XXX cards ROFLMAO?
So I was just looking at ATI as there cards are cheaper and seem more stable in over clocking (not certain as I have none), but this board offers me this. I've been looking @the 3870 cards not really wanting the X2 as there support in the Nvidia side there is no quad drivers that actually work yet. Got a buddy over @411overkill that has them and he's very disappointed in them. He using the quad 45nm with a 790 board.
It just seemed bang for the buck wise ATI is the way for now, and there not re-badging the cards either. Not sure as far as quad ATI but hear there not much better, but as you said Mr. Beagle they have been up dating there drivers more often.
Evga just released a bios for there 780 boards for those with these boards, suppose to address a lot of the stability issues going on with this platform.
for all intend and purpose was looking for a solid solution for a cross fire, with good clocking abilities. Leaning toward the 3870 single cores, then in the future a CPU up grade (45nm) so far I have a E6750 that seems to clcock well, also have the Q6600. Also do have vista64 OEM builders edition sitting on an array that will get a redo as it's running under the Gigaraid from the 680 pruple SATA.

Thanks again for all the info and help!!
***Anybody have an update on there RMA?***
Mr. Colin?
Regards all!


Sep 14, 2007
Good morning all !
Barring any un-for-seen problems I should be getting my board in three days time according to Gigabyte RMA and Mr. Chuck over there.

I had a chance to pick up two Radeon 3870X2 cards for four hundred each but like I said in the other thread for now I just can't.
Anyways I'm all excited here, will a Q6600 go in this board? So as for now I can run it with my one 8800GTS 640 and my E6750 in it. I might make it my entertainment console as that was what I was doing with the other board. Then down the road pick up a couple ATI cards for it, and hook it to my 42" LCD.
Best Regards all!
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