950 is like the Titan Z launch. The product literally makes no sense considering a card 25% faster comes with a free $50 game and often sells for less than the 950 after rebate. We've had 960s for months selling at retail places like Staples for ~$130-135.
950 should've been a $120 card max.
I hope Ryan calls NV out on how overpriced the GTX950 is at this time wrt to US prices when compared to the 960.
The cheapest GTX950 I see on Newegg is the MSI version for $159.99 - $10 MIR =
$149.99. The cheapest GTX960 is the Gigabyte $189.99 - $20 MIR =
$169.99. But ironically the 960 is actually smaller and it comes with a MGS V game which can probably be sold for even $10-20. I presume by the time the GTX950 review goes live, the MGS V combo might run out though. Still, the 960 2GB costs barely more than the 950.
I also hope there is far more emphasis on sub-$200 cards having only 2GB of VRAM. This should be covered because there are games that take a big penalty with < 3GB of VRAM at high settings.
Since many budget gamers cannot afford to upgrade their GPU every 15 months, I think it's important to bring out the major risk factor of buying a 2GB card in Q4 2015 and beyond with the intention to keep for 2-3 years.
I also think that even though GTX950 supports SLI, the card is completely unsuitable for this function given that a single R9 290/GTX970 is as fast as GTX960 SLI and the 2GB VRAM limit makes choosing 950 SLI (or 960 2GB SLI) a very poor choice when for a similar price (970) or less $ (290) one can more consistent performance in a single chip.
Finally, some reviewers are choosing to use AMD's R7 370 as a direct competitor to the GTX950 but R7 370 can be found for
140. At the same time some professional review sites are completely ignoring the existence of
$155 R9 285 or
$165 R9 280 3GB. It makes the reviews sound biased when R7 370 that costs $10-15 less than the GTX950 is considered but even faster AMD cards like R9 285/280 that cost just $10-15 more than the 950 are ignored in the same review. Also, R9 270X can be found for
$150 as well and it's also faster than the R7 370.
I would love to see a review of R7 370/270X/280/285/280X and 750Ti/950/960 2GB/960 4GB and the R9 290 to represent the next level up for comparison purposes. That would really provide the full picture but I realize it's not realistic as that's too many GPUs.