Where's the outrage against Rush Limbaugh?

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Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Corn
Instead of wasting my time fingering out a lame acronym for you, I'll just point you in the direction of Dictionary.com for your edification. Please refer to number 12 sweetie for the proper context as exemplified in my original statement.

I don't know what is more pathetic; that you are unable to put words into my mouth and/or ascribing meaning to words I clearly did not say. This speaks volumes about your character, or lack thereof. I woulda just lived with the functionally illiterate designation, but my nature excludes masochism........

If you want to argue, please do so honestly.

Obviously, I'm not the only one who read Limbaugh's statement about Sergeant McGough as intending to paint him as the equivalent of a suicide bomber. The Los Angeles Times article reports:

Limbaugh responded on air Tuesday, comparing McGough metaphorically to a suicide bomber. He said the ad was "a blatant use of a valiant combat veteran, lying to him about what I said, then strapping those lies to his belt, sending him out via the media in a TV ad to walk into as many people as he can walk into."

Of course, that's not the only example, so let's start with exactly what you said:

LOL........if only suicide bombers simply just walked into other people....... :roll

Then, let's apply definition 12 at your link:

12. only or merely: He was just a clerk until he became ambitious.

I may be missing something, but applying that definition to your words, I can see two possible interpretations:
  1. You were being sarcastic (as suggested by the :roll: icon), and you meant to say Limbaugh was full of shit because "strapping those lies to his belt, sending him out via the media in a TV ad to walk into as many people as he can walk into" clearly refers to the same behavior as a suicide bomber who straps on a bomb and walks into as many people as he can find to detonate it with the intention of killing and wounding as many as possible.
  2. You were being sarcastic, and you were defending Limbaugh by trying to convince us that there are other possible meanings for his words.
If you intended the first possibility, I apologize for misunderstanding your point.

If you intended the second possibility, remember, I told you I could post hundreds, if not thousands of similar links to show how wrong you are. Here are some of them:

"suicide bomber" bus

"suicide bomber" market

"suicide bomber" marketplace

"suicide bomber" restaurant

"suicide bomber" theater

So, help us out, here. Which did you mean to say? Were you agreeing that Limbaugh is a bloated, lyiing druggie who was bullshitting yet again, or do you really believe we'd fall for his lame attempts to excuse him... or yours? :roll:


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: Corn
Instead of wasting my time fingering out a lame acronym for you, I'll just point you in the direction of Dictionary.com for your edification. Please refer to number 12 sweetie for the proper context as exemplified in my original statement.

I don't know what is more pathetic; that you are unable to put words into my mouth and/or ascribing meaning to words I clearly did not say. This speaks volumes about your character, or lack thereof. I woulda just lived with the functionally illiterate designation, but my nature excludes masochism........

If you want to argue, please do so honestly.

Obviously, I'm not the only one who read Limbaugh's statement about Sergeant McGough as intending to paint him as the equivalent of a suicide bomber. The Los Angeles Times article reports:

Limbaugh responded on air Tuesday, comparing McGough metaphorically to a suicide bomber. He said the ad was "a blatant use of a valiant combat veteran, lying to him about what I said, then strapping those lies to his belt, sending him out via the media in a TV ad to walk into as many people as he can walk into."

Of course, that's not the only example, so let's start with exactly what you said:

LOL........if only suicide bombers simply just walked into other people....... :roll

Then, let's apply definition 12 at your link:

12. only or merely: He was just a clerk until he became ambitious.

I may be missing something, but applying that definition to your words, I can see two possible interpretations:
  1. You were being sarcastic (as suggested by the :roll: icon), and you meant to say Limbaugh was full of shit because "strapping those lies to his belt, sending him out via the media in a TV ad to walk into as many people as he can walk into" clearly refers to the same behavior as a suicide bomber who straps on a bomb and walks into as many people as he can find to detonate it with the intention of killing and wounding as many as possible.
  2. You were being sarcastic, and you were defending Limbaugh by trying to convince us that there are other possible meanings for his words.
If you intended the first possibility, I apologize for misunderstanding your point.

If you intended the second possibility, remember, I told you I could post hundreds, if not thousands of similar links to show how wrong you are. Here are some of them:

"suicide bomber" bus

"suicide bomber" market

"suicide bomber" marketplace

"suicide bomber" restaurant

"suicide bomber" theater

So, help us out, here. Which did you mean to say? Were you agreeing that Limbaugh is a bloated, lyiing druggie who was bullshitting yet again, or do you really believe we'd fall for his lame attempts to excuse him... or yours? :roll:

What did he lie about?

I didnt think so.

What a stupid argument you two are in lol its like a bad day on the playground lol


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: Corn
Instead of wasting my time fingering out a lame acronym for you, I'll just point you in the direction of Dictionary.com for your edification. Please refer to number 12 sweetie for the proper context as exemplified in my original statement.

I don't know what is more pathetic; that you are unable to put words into my mouth and/or ascribing meaning to words I clearly did not say. This speaks volumes about your character, or lack thereof. I woulda just lived with the functionally illiterate designation, but my nature excludes masochism........

If you want to argue, please do so honestly.

Obviously, I'm not the only one who read Limbaugh's statement about Sergeant McGough as intending to paint him as the equivalent of a suicide bomber. The Los Angeles Times article reports:

Limbaugh responded on air Tuesday, comparing McGough metaphorically to a suicide bomber. He said the ad was "a blatant use of a valiant combat veteran, lying to him about what I said, then strapping those lies to his belt, sending him out via the media in a TV ad to walk into as many people as he can walk into."

Of course, that's not the only example, so let's start with exactly what you said:

LOL........if only suicide bombers simply just walked into other people....... :roll

Then, let's apply definition 12 at your link:

12. only or merely: He was just a clerk until he became ambitious.

I may be missing something, but applying that definition to your words, I can see two possible interpretations:
  1. You were being sarcastic (as suggested by the :roll: icon), and you meant to say Limbaugh was full of shit because "strapping those lies to his belt, sending him out via the media in a TV ad to walk into as many people as he can walk into" clearly refers to the same behavior as a suicide bomber who straps on a bomb and walks into as many people as he can find to detonate it with the intention of killing and wounding as many as possible.
  2. You were being sarcastic, and you were defending Limbaugh by trying to convince us that there are other possible meanings for his words.
If you intended the first possibility, I apologize for misunderstanding your point.

If you intended the second possibility, remember, I told you I could post hundreds, if not thousands of similar links to show how wrong you are. Here are some of them:

"suicide bomber" bus

"suicide bomber" market

"suicide bomber" marketplace

"suicide bomber" restaurant

"suicide bomber" theater

So, help us out, here. Which did you mean to say? Were you agreeing that Limbaugh is a bloated, lyiing druggie who was bullshitting yet again, or do you really believe we'd fall for his lame attempts to excuse him... or yours? :roll:

I believe I answered your question in reply to BurnedStoner before you asked it:

Originally posted by: Corn
I was merely mocking both Rush and you in a single swipe. If yer as smart as you think you are, why I do have to explain the obvious?

Apology accepted.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Corn
I was merely mocking both Rush and you in a single swipe. If yer as smart as you think you are, why I do have to explain the obvious?

Apology accepted.[/quote]

I accept your acceptance regarding mocking that lying, no talent, loudmouth neocon asshole, Limbaugh. Regarding your failed attempt to mock me, it's you who owes apologies to everyone, including me.


Feb 6, 2002
No such thing as the fairness doctrine. If it is from the Left it is probably the unfairness doctrine. If the Left wants to be able to have freedom of speech when they want to say something, then they have to allow the same freedom of speech for the right. What the Left really wants is the right to use Censorship for any conservative ideas. They want to rule the country like fascists.



Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: piasabird
What the Left really wants is the right to use Censorship for any conservative ideas. They want to rule the country like fascists.

Do you have a clue what a facist is? Hitler and Musolini were facists, and what the Bushwhackos have done so closely parallels their actions in power you don't want to believe how much Constitutionally guranateed rights they've already diminshed or outright killed.


Feb 6, 2002
This is what Rosevelt had to say about Fascism:

"The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power.[2]"

2^ Franklin D. Roosevelt, "Appendix A: Message from the President of the United States Transmitting Recommendations Relative to the Strengthening and Enforcement of Anti-trust Laws", The American Economic Review, Vol. 32, No. 2, Part 2, Supplement, Papers Relating to the Temporary National Economic Committee (Jun., 1942), pp. 119-128.[1]



Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: piasabird
The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power.

< cough >... Halliburton/KBR

< cough >... Big energy

< cough >... Big pharma

< cough >... Blackwater



May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: piasabird
This is what Rosevelt had to say about Fascism:

"The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power.[2]"

2^ Franklin D. Roosevelt, "Appendix A: Message from the President of the United States Transmitting Recommendations Relative to the Strengthening and Enforcement of Anti-trust Laws", The American Economic Review, Vol. 32, No. 2, Part 2, Supplement, Papers Relating to the Temporary National Economic Committee (Jun., 1942), pp. 119-128.[1]

Was it not President Jackson that had his political adversies thrown in jail for Sedition? Their only crime was freedom of speech, and political activision.

Piasabird, you're so wrong in your previous post it's silly. In this post, the quote fro Roosevelt is *against* your side.

It's a great quote - it debunks the naive, dangerous view of the libertarian right that less government means, well, less centralized power abusing people. It doesn't. It's more.

And you don't get to elect private power.

Of course government can be too 'big', ask any dictatorship/Mao's China/USSR/etc. We're not close to that. It can be too small, too - ask the gilded age Americans in poverty.

President John Adams infamously jailed his political opponents for 'sedition', and Jefferson ran against the practice and freed them, setting the right direction for our nation.


Feb 6, 2002
The part about President Jackson may be incorrect. This was something that had to do with John Quincy Adams, whose father was also a president. I was recalling a story where his opponents or an earlier president was putting people in jail for making statements against government policy.

Beware of trying to define Fascism. It is the hardest definition to come up with. It involves one person or group trying to control or take over government. For instance one could argue that the liberal media is guilty of fascism by proxy. They try to use the media to control the goverment. Instead of being journalists in search of the truth they attempt to influence the people by providing them with a limited and sometimes warped sense of the truth to out and out lies. What the Media does not tell the public is just as dangerous as what the media does tell people.

When it comes to some people like Hillary Clinton, it seems the media gives her a pass. I will not even bother to mention specifics. With any luck Obama will be taking the nomination. I dont like him any better. I dont know if I like the Republicans running either.

As much as I disagree with the views of Senator Kennedy, at least his voting record is consistent when it comes to the war. Some politicians seem to be fairweather politicians. "I voted for the war, so the President must have tricked me!". Do you think politicians are really this stupid? If they are then they all need to be voted out of office.

I am tired of wishy washy it is not my fault for voting for the war. . . If they voted for the war and are now against the war they have mental problems.


Jun 3, 2002
Originally posted by: Pabster

Got any evidence to backup your claim that Rush is a draft dodger? (Sounds like a talking point straight from the Edwards camp; Elizabeth has recently been questioning Rush's deferrment...)

For one he was quoted as saying he didn't want to go to Vietnam, and secondly I can't do your research for you, this is well known.

At least he wasn't off in Canada like your hero Slick.


You can say what you want. Rush has been the staple of Armed Forces Network for years and you'll find that support for him amongst those serving is quite high.

Not the intelligent ones.


May 1, 2006
There are several things I could respond to but I'll pick three.

Originally posted by: piasabird
The part about President Jackson may be incorrect. This was something that had to do with John Quincy Adams, whose father was also a president. I was recalling a story where his opponents or an earlier president was putting people in jail for making statements against government policy.

It was his father, our second president, who is infamous for jailing critics under the Sedition law.

Beware of trying to define Fascism. It is the hardest definition to come up with. It involves one person or group trying to control or take over government. For instance one could argue that the liberal media is guilty of fascism by proxy. They try to use the media to control the goverment. Instead of being journalists in search of the truth they attempt to influence the people by providing them with a limited and sometimes warped sense of the truth to out and out lies. What the Media does not tell the public is just as dangerous as what the media does tell people.

First, while it's hard to define in one sense - there are some variances - it's pretty easy to define some common components. There are many famous quotes doing so, including an article by the founder of fascism, Italian leader Mussolini, who was well hung. It involves a very powerful state - the state pressures the engines of the economy, i.e., the corporations, into a partnership where their economic power helps keep the government in power; it involves nationalism, the state over the individual.

IMO, there's more close to fascism in the Bush administration than any other presidency I'm aware of, with such examples as the K Street project to use corporate money for power.

Some politicians seem to be fairweather politicians. "I voted for the war, so the President must have tricked me!". Do you think politicians are really this stupid? If they are then they all need to be voted out of office.

I am tired of wishy washy it is not my fault for voting for the war. . . If they voted for the war and are now against the war they have mental problems.

Listen carefully. George Bush, during the post-9/11 period where it was dangerous politically to challenge his response, carefully orchestrated (well, Karl Rove did) a political maneuver where the vote on the war in Iraq was set up as *NOT A VOTE FOR WAR*. That's a QUOTE from Bush himself! Yes, they knew that they were lying, but that the public wouldn't be able to tell that, and the democrats were pressured to give him the vote specifically to let him get the inspectors back in, not for war.

He lied. He was able to put the democrats in a bad position where they either voted for his sneaky bill, or they faced political losses in the next election for phony reason.

That's not something to blame them for so much as to blame Bush for. He simply lied.

It's a bit like how LBJ got Congress to vote for the Gulf of Tonkin resolution when it wasn't supposed to be for a large war, but that's how he used it. He misled them, they say.

You should understand the history of that bill and stop misrepresenting it as a simply bill for war, the history says otherwise.

Remember Bush: It is NOT a vote for war. Stop posting falsehoods.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: Corn
I was merely mocking both Rush and you in a single swipe. If yer as smart as you think you are, why I do have to explain the obvious?

Apology accepted.

I accept your acceptance regarding mocking that lying, no talent, loudmouth neocon asshole, Limbaugh. Regarding your failed attempt to mock me, it's you who owes apologies to everyone, including me. [/quote]

Why can no one read today. I was mocking BurnedStoner, not you. But I accept your acceptance of my acceptance of..........errrrrrr what were we discussing again?[/quote]

And what the hell is wrong with the quotes?


Diamond Member
May 29, 2003
Harvey, If Corn and Cad can't understand a simple metaphor there's really no point in discussing anything with them. At some point you have to just sit back and wonder at the american education system.


Senior member
Nov 7, 2002
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: piasabird
The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power.

< cough >... Halliburton/KBR

< cough >... Big energy

< cough >... Big pharma

< cough >... Blackwater


Feeling a little "sicko"


Oct 9, 1999

Bidding stands at $3,000 . . . wonder if Harry Reid will try to buy his letter back to avoid it being used for a PR stunt?


Sep 15, 2003
Originally posted by: XMan

Bidding stands at $3,000 . . . wonder if Harry Reid will try to buy his letter back to avoid it being used for a PR stunt?

rofl! hopefully the buyer uses it as toilet paper! excellent! Best part is the charity proceeds. Waiting for the kook left to somehow denigrate this as well


Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: daveymark
rofl! hopefully the buyer uses it as toilet paper! excellent! Best part is the charity proceeds. Waiting for the kook left to somehow denigrate this as well

$24,000 and counting now :laugh:

Rush found a way to really put the left-wing turds out to pasture.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Pabster
Originally posted by: daveymark
rofl! hopefully the buyer uses it as toilet paper! excellent! Best part is the charity proceeds. Waiting for the kook left to somehow denigrate this as well

$24,000 and counting now :laugh:

Rush found a way to really put the left-wing turds out to pasture.



Apr 15, 2001
Rush is really rubbing it in. Where's all the phony outraged lefties now?

A fine charity is getting a near-million dollar payday. Great for them!


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Pabster
Rush is really rubbing it in. Where's all the phony outraged lefties now?

A fine charity is getting a near-million dollar payday. Great for them!

Over a million. Rush is matching. He's trying to get Harry Reid to match as well . . . so far, no such luck.


May 8, 2005
There is a really good line from a movie that came out about ten years ago. Michael Douglas that goes something like this.

Democracy is having to listen to yell at the top of thier voice something totally against what you believe in knowing that they have the freedom to say it.

If you would listen to what was actually said, you would see that the whole thing has been blown way out of proportion. Now, you might say that I am a ditto head and that I would beleive anything that he says. But I have been listening to him for going on 20 years now, off and on, and the one thing that I can attest to is that people don't listen to what he says, the interpret and add thier own opinions. When he said that he was trying to help out the person on the phone who was stuck for some words.

One of the things that I have seen a lot of lately is this rush to censor people for the things that they say. We have the right to free speech. If you can't handle that, go someplace else, or don't pay any attention to the things that fry your goose.


Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2005
Originally posted by: Comanche

One of the things that I have seen a lot of lately is this rush to censor people for the things that they say. We have the right to free speech. If you can't handle that, go someplace else, or don't pay any attention to the things that fry your goose.

Apparently you don't get it. No one on the left (on this board anyway) has claimed that Rush should be censored.

The argument is that the Republican legislators looked like a stampeding herd trying to get to the TV cameras and the microphones in Congress to condemn Moveon's ad. Yet when Rush says something that is equally reprehensible about the soldiers who have put their lives on the line and then proclaim to be against the war, you hear crickets in the room.

The point is to put their hypocrisy on display for what it is, a show of feigned outrage to distract the voters from the issues that truly have an effect on their lives.

What Moveon puts in a newspaper ad and what Rush says to a bunch of lemming listeners doesn't fall into that category. People that I know worrying about whether their spouse will come home alive does. The > $1T that will have been spent on this war does. SCHIP does. Illegally spying on the American population and datamining fall into that category.

Those on the right that are the most vocal about Moveon are the most silent when it comes to the above issues because they are afraid to show the voters in their district where they stand on real topics. But they sure as shit can drape themselves in a flag and scream "Traitor" at anyone that would have enough common sense to question those that keep telling us everything is going great in Iraq when it clearly and most certainly is not.
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