Which CPU is Faster?

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Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Well M-FUskwer i just tried typeing 2 differant times, replys to this post but when Im almost finished i keep hitting the wrong button on this POS laptop. So it clears my message :| This sucks. It was long as hell too! hehehe

Cant wait to get home to a real computer!!!!


Senior member
Dec 11, 2000
Shk what was your memory score, and I want a screenshot. You don't build no computers or high-end workstations, you can't even spell correctly. SilverBack is right. I have a Dual P3 600s with 512mb RAM at work, a 700mhz Athlon classic @ 784 at home. So don't even say I'm AMD biased, Intel has it's place in workstations/servers (at this time) and AMD is much more apealing to me because of 1) price, and 2) performance. Your saying benchmarks don't matter (because AMD beats Intel in most of them), but then you say your P3 gets a higher score in mem test in sandra and that's your argueing point? I doubt your score will beat my 500/614 memory score, I got 128mb Mushkin @ 149mhz CAS2.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Well its like this:
Currently running Duron 600@1020MHZ, will go back up more after I make sure it stays stable for a week.

Sandra Soft 2001


MIPS - 2096
MFLOP - 1042


Duron 600@1020MHZ

MIPS - 2855
MFLOP - 1370


I switched over all my hardware without a problem! I also installed the latest 4-1 drivers and VIA UDMA/100 drivers. Plus I raised my Rams up to 133 in the bios settings. Still havnt had time to tweak bios just yet.



Diamond Member
Dec 11, 1999
My Duron600@1GHz smokes the P3 in benchmarks how anyone could say the P3 is faster is beyond me.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
WOW! Me thinks some people here are confusing Duron with Celery2! A Celery2 at 1ghz would only be about as fast as a P3 at 770mhz, but a Duron doesn't suck like a Cel2.

Here's the score: Assuming you had a P3 and Duron at same speed(say 700mhz for the sake of arguement), the P3 would be faster in some games(most notably Q3), as fast in most, and slower in some! Now bump the Duron 50mhz, the gap almost disappears. Add 300mhz and the P3 starts puking pablum!

Now, as some have aluded(sp) to, with that videocard, you may not notice much difference. The best way to know for sure is to just try both systems out with the same vidcard and other hardware. Personally I'd take the Duron and not look back. That extra speed would be nice for crunching SETI!


Diamond Member
Dec 11, 1999
My Duron @ 1GHz beats a P3 @1 GHz on the comparison chart in sandra now i dont know how acurate that is but i do know the P3 @770 cant touch a duron @1 GHz. Another thing your comparing a $140 P3 to a $50 duron That alone beats the hell out of Intel.


May 17, 2000
MikeA(dumb idiot)

First of all, You mis-spelled the word that is included in your fragment(that is not even a senstence) below..

"but then you say your P3 gets a higher score in mem test in sandra and that's your argueing point?"

-- umm.. that is spelled "arguing" not argueing. Where the fu*k did you learn your English even though you are an american, now that is rediculous isn't it? You are telling me I can't even spell correctly? I think it's you who has trouble spelling. Dumb a$$...

You also said..

"You don't build no computers or high-end workstations , you can't even spell correctly."

-- You stupid fu*k.., A double negatives??? "Don't build no computers"?? wtf?.. and you put the word "or" right after that. It's "nor", not "or". Watch what you say to people next time, fu*k face.

Don't you tell me whether I build computers and work stations. I told you the truth and and you are saying it's not, why could it not be?.. What you say doesn't make any sense. You have no damn idea what kind of specs are included in kind of work stations I build. Each one combined with Three 50- 70 Gigs of SCSI 166MB/sec HDs with Dual P650s and 800s on Intel based boards. Dont even ask about how much memory and it's not important when you tried to "show-off" by saying 512MB on your stupid idea of building machines. 512??? LOLLLLLLLLL... What is new today??? Go home boy. Dumb a$$.

What is so damn special about your ancient historically outdated "ATHLON CLASSIC 700mhz"? You are stupid as fu*k because you are still using that old junk. You need to go on... expand your mind. I can tell you are definitely narrow-minded. Get your head straight.

you said,

"Your saying benchmarks don't matter (because AMD beats Intel in most of them), but then you say your P3 gets a higher score in mem test in sandra and that's your argueing point?"

-- I said benchmarks don't matter and I was not emphasizing on it, it is they(others who replied in this thread) who brought garbage junk benchmarks and make so damn big deal about it, so I contributed little portion of my bench part to end this crappy discussion. What is so hard about that? You fu*king pain in the a$$. I hate people like you make me sick.

You said..

"I doubt your score will beat my 500/614 memory score, I got 128mb Mushkin @ 149mhz CAS2."

-- Well, here's my honest Sandra score posted at: nullmy P3 Sandra score

You said you've gotten 500/614 Memory Score in SisSoft... On which machine? You need to prove this. What's your full specification? You didn't even completely finish your damn fu*king statements. Incomplete English sentence. Post your URL showing "FULL" detail to support your claim. You are telling me Im stupid? Did you get your head hit by a car? Are you in hospital and typing your sh!t posting on Anandtech.com forum site? Go to sleep boy.



Senior member
Dec 8, 2000
Now when somebody says processor A will smoke processor B, do they mean that it will be noticeable to a person seeing the two perform side by side?

The same things are said sometimes about video cards when card A beats card B 80 fps to 72 fps, yet I doubt that I would be able to tell the difference between the two. Is it the same case with processors?


Dec 24, 2000
Ok, here is the answer people:

A PIII and T-Bird are about the same performance, a Duron is Around 10% slower than P3 and T-Bird in most stuff. That makes a 100MHz Margain, so with equal performance, the Duron would be @ 880 to Equal a P3 @ 770, but with the Duron having a real 200MHz of performance power over the PIII, the Duron would definatly be faster in Anything.


Senior member
Dec 11, 2000
Well, first of all I am not an American like you say. I've only been living here for 6 years, so don't give me that sh!t. To me it seems like your a little kid who can't write a single sentense without cursing, shows how profesional you are huh?. You can say what ever you want, but I still do not belive you about who you are and what you do. Second, I built my PC 6 months ago, and don't tell me what is outdated and what's not. I'm happy with my system, and it is extremely fast. Your P3 @ 900 is nothing special, either is your video card, and your little hard drive. Let me get my pic uploaded to a server and I will prove your ass wrong. I also redid the benchmark and got 517/626, on my "ancient historically outdated ATHLON CLASSIC 700mhz" system. Don't tell me what to do "boy" as I'm not the 12 years old that pretends to be some big bad man who builds workstations.


Senior member
Dec 11, 2000
Here's proof of my score, now shut your mouth kid.
Memory Score

Edit: Here's my full specs like you wanted
Asus K7V with 1008C bios
Athlon 700 with Alpha P125 @ 784mhz (112fsb)
Mushkin Rev1.5 128mb @ 149mhz CAS222
Leadtek GTS 32meg @ 220/400
SB Live X-Gamer
FPS2000 Speakers
Dlink 10/100 NIC
TV Tunner Card
3Com Performance Pro modem
Viewsonic Graphics Series 17"
20.5Gb 7200RPM, 2mb cache, ATA66
Aopen 36X CDROM
Plextor 12/10/32A


Senior member
Dec 11, 2000
Alrighty then, you want more you got it. I decided, since this guy likes to point out mistakes in my posts, I'll point out some in his. Here's the list, I also stopped about half way through one of his posts, was tired of reading his BS. Have a nice laugh guys,

"I have read and seen many comparison in the sites
the P3 just simply have better instruction
Please dont compare Durons to P3s please
Let me stat again
I was hoping that way and I think you are good
more realistc instead
I am sick of people who does that
I thought you know the importance of high FSB.
It does make serious amount of boost performance
Please dont make me to explain
SOmebody please lain this guy
he is going the wrong path
that's not fair way to do it also
Why dont you go for spending a little
You'll see "any" benchies nomatter what it is, you will see o'clocked P3 933
wipes out Up and Down
I wish you merry luck with success in P3 system
You just can't give up do you
I let you win.
so I let you dance.
You didn't provide with your evidence
specs are included in kind of work stations"

I have noticed many more mistakes which I did not feel like including. So you still wanna point out some mistakes from my posts, because 2 can play this game which I seem to be winning.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Cool, my thread is still going!

With all this rambling going on what was the answer to my question? Which is faster?

MikeA and shk how do you guys have your ram spec so high.

My benchmarks with Sandra 2001




Duron 500@1020MHZ


BTW..I know I cant spell!



Junior Member
Dec 24, 2000
You know, I think it sucks to see shk get hounded like this by multiple people. Are you AMD jockeys sure you know what you are talking about?

At my house, I have three computer workstations on a LAN. One is an 800mhz Duron, another is a 500mhz Pentium III, and the last is a 300 mhz Pentium II.

The Duron and Pentium III systems both contain the same amount of RAM, but the AMD system uses a Voodoo Banshee video card while the P3 system uses a Riva TNT2 Ultra.

My friend also owns a 600mhz K7.

I am dead serious when I say that the Pentium III outperformed them all when it came to multimedia applications (games, flashy stuff, etc). It was equal in the business applications department. The P3 system that I own also has never had any compatibility problems, does not contain the graphical glitches that appear all over the OS with the AMD systems, and does not crash nearly as much. Also, I hate having to glue a minifan to the damn AMD processors.

I'm sorry, but I think that Intel makes much cleaner, more stable processors than the clunky AMDs. Sure, they chug along and generally clock a little higher than the P3s, but is it worth the terrible sacrifice in stability?

I am definitely with shk on this one. You guys should be comparing the Duron processors to the Celerons instead of this.


Junior Member
Dec 24, 2000
By the way, to answer js's question, I say "yes and no".

Stability is where I see the differences, not actual speed. I can use an Intel system for a very long period of time and not detect any glitches in any of my software or memory. When I use an AMD system, it is usually the opposite.

Stability is the key to everything! Speed comes second!


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Acriel I see your point. Trust me it wasnt easy converting over from my P3 to a Duron system because my P3 rocked I thought. It ran great,fast and stable! I love both CPU's, but i still think I like P3 a little better. But when I run benchmarks you can see the Duron out Performs my P3. I can tell Duron does seem to run a little faster and as of now it seems very stable running at this speed! The average person probably wouldnt notice.


Senior member
Dec 11, 2000
Acriel, switch the TNT2U and the Banshee around, instead of blaming the AMD system. First of all, the Banshee is about 3 times (if not more) slower then the TNT2U, second it runs very hot and tends to overheat causing crashes (I know I have one in another machine), and third the Banshee drivers are pure crap. Comparing a Duron to a Celeron is just a joke. No celeron at any speed can beat a Duron 700. A Duron is actualy very close performance wise to the P3 and Athlon. Updating drivers is a good thing (like the VIA 4in1), usualy removes bugs ya'know.


May 17, 2000

Thnx for the reply. Glad to hear that you seem to understand and agree my point. I agree with you on your part as well.


Why dont you go shut the fucck up. You wouldn't dare fu*king say any of your bull sh!t if you were at my sight. You dont know me. You haven't seen me. Don't be so sure about that Im a kid because I would beat your face so hard that your face will get nummed. Another option would be crack your head by swinging my baseball bat and fu*k you up. Fu*k head. At first, I didn't know we were on a spelling and grammer contest before you whined about it. I noticed that you made bunch of errors on proofreading/spell checking you did from your last reply. What the fucck were you doing?.. Bunch of them I typed are correct anyway. You corrected wrong words in my post fucckin prick. Is that how you pick on people and think you are winning in spelling contest? What you really need is that you dont need to be alive. Your piece of worthless human being is not needed here. Either you need to get hit by a car or shoot yourself. You do not need to be alive. You should be able to figure out about yourself why you should be dead. And, you are an American. I dont give a sh!t what you'll say. I think every words you said is worthless. Now, what you gonna say. I am waiting for your reply fukin magot face.


May 17, 2000

Listen good what I fu*kin said and think hard before you type the sh!t on your molded stinky a$$ keyboard that's been never cleaned you fukin prick. Dont think im funny, listen good and think hard before you let out all your thoughts and hatred from your mind.
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