Which of these coolers are better for a P4- 3.2Ghz, please help the noise and heat is killing me.


Golden Member
Sep 2, 2005
Hi, my PC cpu cooler is too loud and my proc is running too hot, I'm looking for a good cooler to cool my P4 3.2Ghz proc.

Here's the list:

1..Zalman CNPS7000B-Cu Pure CopperCPU Cooler------- Price: R 312

Zalman CNPS7000B-AlCu LED CPU Cooler ----------Price: R 269

Cooler Master Hyper TX 2 Intel CPU Cooler---------Price: R 281

Zalman CNPS6500B Cu Pure Copper CPU Cooler ----------Price: R 230

Also is this an okay cpu paste?

Antec Silver Thermal Compound ----------Price: R 84

Also if there is a better cpu cooler you know off please tell me.

Just to add I would like to spend as little as posible cause I'll be getting a Quad Core later and will like to save as much as I can for that, Its going to be a totaly new system.

Thanks for all the help.


Junior Member
Nov 8, 2007
I wouldnt use any of them. I'd go for something like a Gigabyte G-Power Pro or something like that. It has a massive fan to cool not only your CPU but your whole system. If you want real peace, the ASUS V60 is deadly silent.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
What socket is it? If it's an old 478, I recommend an Ultra 90. If its 775, go for an Ultima 90 or if you just want cheap get an Arctic Cooling Freezer Pro 7 which nowadays can commonly be gotten for ~25 shipped. Sometimes less.


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2004
Originally posted by: necro007
Hi, my PC cpu cooler is too loud and my proc is running too hot, I'm looking for a good cooler to cool my P4 3.2Ghz proc.

Here's the list:

1..Zalman CNPS7000B-Cu Pure CopperCPU Cooler------- Price: R 312

Zalman CNPS7000B-AlCu LED CPU Cooler ----------Price: R 269

Cooler Master Hyper TX 2 Intel CPU Cooler---------Price: R 281

Zalman CNPS6500B Cu Pure Copper CPU Cooler ----------Price: R 230

Also is this an okay cpu paste?

Antec Silver Thermal Compound ----------Price: R 84

Also if there is a better cpu cooler you know off please tell me.

Just to add I would like to spend as little as posible cause I'll be getting a Quad Core later and will like to save as much as I can for that, Its going to be a totaly new system.

Thanks for all the help.

You did not say what cooler you are using now.

From the list you have:
I would stay far away from the push-pin Cooler Master. Push-pin is a bad idea as the main mounting mechanism of a cooler.

I would not get the passive cooler either.

The other two Zalman coolers are good compared to the stock cooler.
The copper one is much heavier. but, the reviews said that it did not cool that much better.

So, if I had to make a choice from those 4 you have, I would go for 7000B-AlCu.

I think that cooler comes with some thermal paste. You can use that.

You realize that the Quad core is on a different platform and you cannot use this cooler for it, right?


Golden Member
Sep 2, 2005
Thanks for the help guys.

Sorry for the lack of info.

I have a P4 3.2 Ghz HT, LGA 775
1Gig DDR2 667Mhz
Gigabyte 945GCMX-S2 (MB)
ATI X1800XL, with an X2
250Gig Seagate SATA2 HD

I?m currently using the stock HSF that came with my cpu.

Also I checked out that ?Gigabyte G-Power Pro? that you recommended TechKid and that ?Ultima 90? and ?Arctic Cooling Freezer Pro 7? that you recommended thecoolnessrune.

From those the ?Gigabyte G-Power Pro? and ?Arctic Cooling Freezer Pro 7? seem to be good coolers but at higher speeds they become noisy? just like the stock cooler.

As for the ?Ultima 90?, it performs really good and I think it?s the best from the 3.

Also I checked my PC case last night and loaded up Half Life 2, to see how much it gets hot. I found out when I removed my case?s side panel the CPU fan slowed down a little bit. Its most likely cause it was getting more air, I think anyway.

Now my case is set up like this:

I have no intake, I have 2 exhaust fans.

1- 80mm at the back of the case as an exhaust fan.
1- 120mm above my CPU, its actually my power supply fan but it helps so much.

Now while I was playing Half Life 2 for 1Hr, I took off the side panel and touched the cpu heat sink and Northbridge and it was slightly warm, some might even say cool.

The way I look at it is if I were to mod my case in the front, (it can take 2 80mm fans) and put a 120mm fan there(as an intake) and get a new cpu cooler, it should make a difference. What do you guys think?

Sorry for the long post and thanks for the help.


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2004
I thought your socket was 478!
There are better coolers than those Zalman coolers.

You are right that Freezer becomes noisy at full speed.
But, what you need to consider is that it cools much better than the stock cooler. So, you wil not have to run it at full speed.
You can use a fan controller to lower the RPM.

But, the problem with the Freezer is that it uses push-pins!

If you can get one of these bolt-thru-kits, you can remove the push-pins and its mounting become reliable.


Golden Member
Sep 2, 2005
Originally posted by: Navid
I thought your socket was 478!
There are better coolers than those Zalman coolers.

You are right that Freezer becomes noisy at full speed.
But, what you need to consider is that it cools much better than the stock cooler. So, you will not have to run it at full speed.
You can use a fan controller to lower the RPM.

But, the problem with the Freezer is that it uses push-pins!

If you can get one of these bolt-thru-kits, you can remove the push-pins and its mounting become reliable.

I never said my cpu was a socket 478, I think you are thinking of another post, some one else also posted about cooling problems, they also had a 3.2Ghz cpu but their was a extreme edition and mine isn't and their was a 478 mine is a 775.

Anyway I just used those Zalman's as an example as I don't know much about cpu HSF's.

Also are those push pins that bad?

And out of all 3 coolers:

Gigabyte G-Power Pro, Ultima 90 and Arctic Cooling Freezer Pro 7, which would you say is the best or is there something else to consider?

Also the Gigabyte cooler comes with a fan controler.

Gigabyte G-Power Pro

Thanks for the help.


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2004
My experience is limited.
So, I cannot give you advice on which one is best.

I have experience with Freezer pro and Cooler master hyper TX universal, both of which are push-pin type.

What I don't like about them is the mounting mechanism.
They do not put enough pressure on the CPU. So, the cooling is not as good as it could be.
If the mounting clips are hard like the ones for the Cooler Master, you need to flex the motherboard really hard so that they snap in. I did not like that.

You never know if all the 4 push-pins are snapped in or one has come loose!

I currently use my Cooler Master but using the bolt-thru kit.

I also have used Thermalright Ultra-120 extreme.
That one cools really well. But, it is very heavy.


Golden Member
Sep 2, 2005

Do you guys think if I add a 120mm Fan in the front of my case, would it help the temps?

And do you guys have any other ideas as to which cooler I should take?



Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2004
Originally posted by: necro007
Do you guys think if I add a 120mm Fan in the front of my case, would it help the temps?
If you have your hard drives in front of the fan, it will help reduce the temperature of those hard drives for sure.

You must have an exhaust fan in addition to your power supply fan.

What happens to your CPU temperature if you open the case and run it like that for a while?
This can tell you if you have enough air flow in your case or not.
And do you guys have any other ideas as to which cooler I should take?
If you don't mind the weight, size and price, you can try Thermalright Ultra-120 extreme.
There are several reviews that claim it to be the best.
It uses a 120mm fan. So, it will be quiet too.


Junior Member
Nov 8, 2007
I use the exact same CPU as you, an Intel P4 3.2GHz 775 as well. I'm currently using the Gigabyte 3D Rocket Pro which is practically silent. With a well ventilated case (including intake and exhaust fans) you can expect idle temps of mid 20's (celcius). Load temperatures NEVER go past 60c. It can barely get aywhere near 50c to start off with. Just remember that when you get a new cooler buy some good quality thermal paste suchas Arctic Silver 5. It will take one week to burn in and take serious effect. Apart from that, your P4 is a great chip, and if overclocked, I pretty much beats low end C2D's depending how fast you get them. 4000MHz is fast enough to knock off an E6300.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Upon reviewing what you're doing now. My recommendations are the same. If you wish to overclock and want great temps, go with the Ultima 90 and a fan

Ultima 90

My personal fan of choice for the Ultima 90, The Scythe Kama PWM.

Scythe Kama PWM

That will provide you with the best cooling power. But at the cost of being around $60 shipped.

However if you don't want to overclock, want to lower temps and cut down noise, then save a bunch of money and get the simple Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro.

Arctic Freezer 7 Pro That's only $31 shipped.

So if you live in a hot climate, want to overclock to your chip's max, or simply ensure your temps are as low as possible, go with the Ultima 90

However, if you just want mild temps and the ability to boost your system a little, save yourself the money and go with the Freezer.

Those are my suggestions.

EDIT: Do you know what your case is? If you can give us the manufacturer and model, we might be able to tell you how to lay out ventilation. For instance I have a Raidmax X-1 case. Raidmax being the company and X-1 being the name of the case.


Jun 30, 2004
I had good luck with a TR SI-120 on my Prescott 3.4E processor -- a socket 478. But that or several other coolers with equal or better thermal resistance would also fit an LGA 775.



Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: TechKid
I wouldnt use any of them. I'd go for something like a Gigabyte G-Power Pro or something like that. It has a massive fan to cool not only your CPU but your whole system. If you want real peace, the ASUS V60 is deadly silent.

Actually you do not know what you are talking about!!

I have the V60 and it sucks eggs compared to any of the other top of the line coolers...

Such as the ThermalRight SI 120.....XP 120.....Ultra n120 Extreme....Tuniq Tower the Zalman 9500 and 9700...etc...

Am I sayinbg the V60 is crap? No...it`s just not a teir 1 heatsink.
Also just because it is quiet doesn`t have anything to do with piece of mind.
I have seen quite heatsinks run very hot...quiet does not equate to low temps or quality!

Also the Gigabyte G Power pro is the better of the 2 heatsinks still I would side with the Thermaltake products or the Tuniq Tower!!



Golden Member
Sep 2, 2005
Hi, been a bit busy getting some stuff to tidy my case up.

Anyway here?s some pic?s of my case.

It?s a generic case, nothing special.

Here is the Front of the case.
Here is the Backof the case.
Here is the Left Sideof the case.
Here is the Insideof the case.
Here is the Back of the MB..
Here is the 2- 80mm front cooling slotsof the case.
Here is the top partof the case.
Here is another Pic of the back of the MB..

Like I said before I?m thinking of moding the front so instead of 2 80mm fans I can put 1 120mm fan, for more airflow and less noise.

So what do you guys think?

Yes I know my case is untidy.

Right now as you can see from my pic?s I have no front fan (no intake).

So any ideas how I can lower my case temps with what I have now?

And I would like to OC my proc if it is possible.

Also I should mention that this pc I have right now had some problems before.

Short story my mother board died, the SATA and IDE ports weren?t working anymore.
And to top that my power supply was making a strange noise, like a electricity noise.:|

Anyway the pc was not used from APRIL 2007 till the time I started this post, the cpu, graphics card and whatever else were not been used during that time.

So I just wanna know do you think my cpu could be damaged or is not as good as it was before, because it has not been used for so long?

So far I?ve played games, watched movies and I?ve had no problems.

So do you think I?ll be fine or should I just get a good cooler and stay FAR, FAR, FAR away from ocing my pc?

All help would be great.


Jul 13, 2005


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
I can't say anyone else here would recommend any of those products. They are either poorly designed or just market spins. For instance:

The 3D Rocket II pulls air from all directions through the fins instead of pushing air through fins in only one direction like most coolers. HIGHLY inferior design. Less airflow through the fins per square centimeter but more noise.

The Volar looks like an enlarged Intel stock cooler but with the core taken out, therefore its performance would probably be the same. Except that those three small heatpipes can in no way transmit enough heat away from the base to be effective. Take a look at the difference between the ThermalRight Ultra 90 and Ultima 90. It's known well already that the thing holding back current heatpipe towers is heatpipe quantity and size. Existing designs are capable of moving mass amounts of heat but simply can't because the heatpipes cannot deliver enough heat to the fins. The increased pipes on the Ultima 90 greatly increased its performance over the Ultra 90.

The Gpower II has air space between the fan and fins. Anytime you have a gap between the fan and heatsinks pressure falls, lessening cooler performance. Additionally it only uses 3 heatpipes, again producing the lack of heat transfer.

The Gpower II Pro I digress, may actually be worth something. However the fan is merely two speeds, and at 5V I doubt it can really do squat.

My recommendation on the Ultima 90 still stands.


Jun 30, 2004
In a nutshell, here's my advice about glitzy reseller descriptions of heatpipe coolers.

Before you ask around, run a web-search using the product-name and the phrase "comparison review." If you get just a little lucky, you'll find idle and load temperature readings for a benchtest configuration comparing at least two coolers including the one of interest.

Each benchtest configuration may differ, but the ultimate and sole index of any difference is the thermal power of the processor.

So if you find additional comparison reviews -- whether or not they feature the product of interest -- any rank-ordering of performance should be consistent with the other reviews.

There are additional variations -- such as fan-speed, number of fans used to cool the CPU, but you can normalize for these discrepancies, also.

The best type of cooler review would show actual measurements of thermal resistance (the lower, the better), but since that single number incorporates information about thermal power, benchtest controlled room ambient, and idle-and-load temperatures, it is not necessary for the review to show it. It just makes the comparison easier for the basis of pure performance. Other factors, like ease of installation, are not included in thermal resistance.


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: necro007
Hi, does anyone know if these coolers are any good?

3D Rocket II


G-Power II

G-Power II Pronull

So what you guys think about these coolers?

Also is there any thing I should change in my case, please take a look at my case pic's.

All help will ge great.

Here is the bottom line.
Gigabyte makes some real nice coolers!
Yet on these forums Gigabyte is not used all that much!
Usually it breaks down between 3 brands.....
The Tunuq Tower

The ThermalRight heatsinks -- namely the Ultra 120 extreme or any of the 120`s...the SI and the XP

Then you have Zalman that also makes a fine product and quite a few pwoplw on these forums use-- 9500, the 9700 and even the 8700

For some reason you insist on Gigabyte. TSo take BonzaiDuck`s advice and do your own search for reviews.

We have told you what we would use.
So your on your own!

Again -- I personally do not use Gigabyte heatsink even though I have 2 ditting in my collection.


Golden Member
Sep 2, 2005
Thanks for the help guys, the only reason I'm even thinking about Gigabyte is cause my friends said I should think about one of those coolers.

I'm not insisting on Gigabyte, just want to keep my options open but you guys are correct about the coolers.

Also I'm 100% gonna go for either the Ultima 90 or the Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro, just want to check the prices of both and see which would fit me better.

Another thing, could you guys take a look at my case pic's and if there is somthing I should change please let me know, thanks?

Last question, how hard is it to over clock this cpu and how would that coolermaster fan go with the Ultima 90?



Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2004
Monitor your CPU temperature with the side panel on and off.
What is the difference?


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: necro007
Thanks for the help guys, the only reason I'm even thinking about Gigabyte is cause my friends said I should think about one of those coolers.

I'm not insisting on Gigabyte, just want to keep my options open but you guys are correct about the coolers.

Also I'm 100% gonna go for either the Ultima 90 or the Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro, just want to check the prices of both and see which would fit me better.
Another thing, could you guys take a look at my case pic's and if there is somthing I should change please let me know, thanks?

Last question, how hard is it to over clock this cpu and how would that coolermaster fan go with the Ultima 90?

You do not want to over clock with iewther of those heat sinks....



Jun 30, 2004
Let me see if I have this right.

You have a P4 3.2Ghz processor. It's socket LGA-775, so therefore I assume it's a Prescott 3.2E processor. But you want the cooler you buy for it to work with a Core-2-Quad Q6x00?? And I can't tell whether your motherboard is Core-2 compatible, but it is possible that it is, and you've put a socket-775 P4 single-core CPU in it?

Forget the Freezer Pro, forget the Zalman coolers and other products. Go with either a TR-Ultra-120 Extreme or a Sunbeam Tuniq or an TR Ultima 90.

You would (should) then be able to over-clock your quad-core system by as much as 33% and no less than 25%.

Again -- the Anandtech review of May 5, 07 would show you how you would fare with the other coolers. Saving $20 on a cooler for your P4 today would be false economy if you want to transfer the same cooler to a quad-core tomorrow.
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