which PC processor can match Apple Mac G5 performence?


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
I was wandering which processor can match the G5 performence? one note the G5 is 64 bit system

AMD Athlon XP T-Bred B DLT3C 1700+ @ 2.3GHZ (1.775v) 400FSB = 3200+
Abit NF7-S V.2 (nForce2-U400)
Corsair TwinX XMS 3200LL 512MB @ 2-3-2-6 (2.6v)
Sapphire Radeon 9500 Pro 128MB
Antec TrueBlue 480W
Thermalright SLK-947U with 92mm Vantec Tornado @2800RPM
Maxtor 91531U3 15GB
2x Western Digital WD400BB 40GB serials
Antec PlusView 1000AMG
Cambridge SoundWorks MegaWorks THX 550 5.1


Senior member
Aug 25, 2000
A Pentium 4 at 2.8GHz is about as fast as a G5 at 2GHz. However with optimised code this can change up and down quite alot.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
yes but the G5 is a duel-processor system are guys sure the FX can beat it. The reason why I'm asking it's because I do a lot of image editing and digital design etc and my digital design teacher told the class that apple is better then PC cause it's a 64bit system and produces better image quality, plus PC according to him is only for Games!!!

Edit: do guys have a link that proves PC is more powerful then the G5


AMD Athlon XP T-Bred B DLT3C 1700+ @ 2.3GHZ (1.775v) 400FSB = 3200+
Abit NF7-S V.2 (nForce2-U400)
Corsair TwinX XMS 3200LL 512MB @ 2-3-2-6 (2.6v)
Sapphire Radeon 9500 Pro 128MB
Antec TrueBlue 480W
Thermalright SLK-947U with 92mm Vantec Tornado @2800RPM
Maxtor 91531U3 15GB
2x Western Digital WD400BB 40GB serials
Antec PlusView 1000AMG
Cambridge SoundWorks MegaWorks THX 550 5.1


Senior member
Aug 25, 2000
Originally posted by: MegaWorks
yes but the G5 is a duel-processor system are guys sure the FX can beat it. The reason why I'm asking it's because I do a lot of image editing and digital design etc and my digital design teacher told the class that apple is better then PC cause it's a 64bit system and produces better image quality, plus PC according to him is only for Games!!!

Edit: do guys have a link that proves PC is more powerful then the G5

People like your teacher exist everywhere, in all fields. It's usually futile to argue with them, so don't bother. Back to the original question. The G5 can come in dual systems yes, but you did not specify that. If you want a dual system on the x86 side you can pick from either Xeon, Athlon MP or Opteron. Of those, Athlon MP is getting a little long in the tooth (old platform, no updates) but is also the cheapest one.

There have been a few comparisons between the G5 and Xeon/P4/Opteron systems, however I do not have any links handy at the moment. Generally they get linked in the AT news section on the site.

PS: The argument that 64-bit produces better image quality is pure BS

EDIT: Here is one comparison, benchmarks at the last page


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
thanks andreasl my teacher is so wrong, PC rocks. Just to piss him off I will show him this review lol!
I will buy the FX series in the future thats a promise.

AMD Athlon XP T-Bred B DLT3C 1700+ @ 2.3GHZ (1.775v) 400FSB = 3200+
Abit NF7-S V.2 (nForce2-U400)
Corsair TwinX XMS 3200LL 512MB @ 2-3-2-6 (2.6v)
Sapphire Radeon 9500 Pro 128MB
Antec TrueBlue 480W
Thermalright SLK-947U with 92mm Vantec Tornado @2800RPM
Maxtor 91531U3 15GB
2x Western Digital WD400BB 40GB serials
Antec PlusView 1000AMG
Cambridge SoundWorks MegaWorks THX 550 5.1



Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
Here is the quote I liked the best:
Apple Power Macs did well on Photoshop, but the 64-bit AMD-based systems won handily on most tests.
Even the P4 got trounced....


Senior member
Apr 8, 2003
Comes down to the application that you need to run - I certainly think my PC is for more than just games - at the same time Apple has a great display and integration with Photoshop and many other graphic art programs. The Dual Opteron certainly was the fastest and I would expect it to be for most of the benchmarks. Of course I could build a faster Intel or AMD PC for a lot less than an Apple - and have. I think that AMD and Intel give you more for your money than a G5.


Oct 10, 1999
an itanium2 @ 1.5ghz will clearly trounce all the processors previously mentioned


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2003
If your actually looking at buying a high end image editing machien get this:

Athlon 64 3200 $283
2x512mb Ram $180
KV8-MAX3 $145
9800 Pro $200 (if gaming matters to you if not drop this and get a Radeon 9000 with 128bit memory for $60ish)
2x32gb Raptors $250
1x250gb HD $180
8x DVD burner $125
Good Quality case w/ PSU $100
So for 1400 dollars you get a system that should be better in all but the most obscure applications

add 600 and get your self a fp2001 from dell for a monitor
Jan 31, 2002
I don't think the PC world has anything that compares. I mean, sure, the Athlon FX nearly matches it in the price range - but it just can't seem to suck badly enough to place it in the G5's area.

- M4H


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
I would defintely look at either a true dual cpu system with opterons or an FX model...Basically make sure you have 1gb of cache and dual channel memory controller....

I think the 64pit image thing actually has some truth to it....I have seen where the athlon 64's have actually produced better image with certain application due to precision...I am not technical in this but it goes something on that line....The test was done using POV-Ray....

I also think going 64bits willl be better for you in the future and almost anything is better then macs when you look at the cost/performance ratio.....

I am likely going to try to put together an opteron work station unless the xeon 64bit chips come out and don't knock me to the floor with the price. Can you imagine 2 xeons with ht, being seen as 4 virtual cpus, with 64bit performance to boot...

I recently saw a good review I will try to find where that bloated cash pig dual g5 was not that much better then a 3.2ghz p4 w/ HT in several apps they were able to cross test...You see that is where the problem lies and allows the Mac fanatics to make there ridiculous claims.....Cross platform testing is difficult so apples to apples are hard to achieve....

Mac fanatics are like liberalism...a mental disorder!!!

As for MarkFW9000....Always can count on non biased bibble babble from you.....Do you contribute to threads????


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2003
Well, if it's a dual G5, that would require a dual Celeron 1.0ghz to match it.:roll:


Sep 21, 2003
You can show your teacher this link:


I found it quite entertaining.

That was based of Intel processors, any dual Opteron/Zeon or Athlon 64 will enjoy slapping the G5 around in the majority of all applications. And also, correct me if i am wrong, but to my knowledge OS X isn't a 64 bit OS so the mac isn't really runinng any 64 bit software.


Oct 10, 1999
there's an entire slashdot post dedicated to how ridiculous that by nad really is.


Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: NFactor
You can show your teacher this link:

<a href="http://news.com.com/2100-1042-5180251.html?tag=nefd_hed">http://news.com.com/2100-1042-5180251.html?tag=nefd_hed</A>

I found it quite entertaining.

That was based of Intel processors, any dual Opteron/Zeon or Athlon 64 will enjoy slapping the G5 around in the majority of all applications. And also, correct me if i am wrong, but to my knowledge OS X isn't a 64 bit OS so the mac isn't really runinng any 64 bit software.

that is true, macs OS is not 64 bit.


Golden Member
Feb 17, 2003
Originally posted by: Duvie
I think the 64pit image thing actually has some truth to it....I have seen where the athlon 64's have actually produced better image with certain application due to precision...I am not technical in this but it goes something on that line....The test was done using POV-Ray....
Actually, that was due to a very specific thing. POV-Ray uses native integer precision for certain rendering operations (shadowing as an example). Because the native integer is 64-bits precise on an Athlon-64/FX/Opteron, it is able to use precision only available to it via SSE/SSE2, which requires a bit more work than merely relying on INT. Other similar rendering applications won't exhibit this behaviour because of the extensions they implement.

I am likely going to try to put together an opteron work station unless the xeon 64bit chips come out and don't knock me to the floor with the price. Can you imagine 2 xeons with ht, being seen as 4 virtual cpus, with 64bit performance to boot...
Yeah, they'll still be outperformed by the Opterons clocked at about 1.2GHz slower. The trouble with HT in a server environment is that most server-type operations -- in general I/O and decision making -- stress a processor's execution units. HT is only an effective solution when the execution units aren't in use, which happens infrequently in server applications, which is why the Opterons are kicking the Xeon's ass at most server ops.

I recently saw a good review I will try to find where that bloated cash pig dual g5 was not that much better then a 3.2ghz p4 w/ HT in several apps they were able to cross test. You see that is where the problem lies and allows the Mac fanatics to make there ridiculous claims. Cross platform testing is difficult so apples to apples are hard to achieve.
Actually, what that "benchmark" showed wasn't that the Macs were slower in general, it was that Adobe had stopped optimizing their software for the Mac. That is a bigger deal to graphics designers than benchmark speeds.


Feb 11, 2004
Originally posted by: andreasl
Originally posted by: MegaWorks
yes but the G5 is a duel-processor system are guys sure the FX can beat it. The reason why I'm asking it's because I do a lot of image editing and digital design etc and my digital design teacher told the class that apple is better then PC cause it's a 64bit system and produces better image quality, plus PC according to him is only for Games!!!

Edit: do guys have a link that proves PC is more powerful then the G5

People like your teacher exist everywhere, in all fields. It's usually futile to argue with them, so don't bother. Back to the original question. The G5 can come in dual systems yes, but you did not specify that. If you want a dual system on the x86 side you can pick from either Xeon, Athlon MP or Opteron. Of those, Athlon MP is getting a little long in the tooth (old platform, no updates) but is also the cheapest one.

There have been a few comparisons between the G5 and Xeon/P4/Opteron systems, however I do not have any links handy at the moment. Generally they get linked in the AT news section on the site.

PS: The argument that 64-bit produces better image quality is pure BS

EDIT:">http://www.pcworld.com/news/article/0,aid,112749,pg,1,00.asp">EDIT: Here is one comparison, benchmarks at the last page</a>

This useless benchmark gets brought out time and time again at this point. Most of the time some better informed person takes the trouble to explain why it is so inaccurate - and gets ignored. The PCWorld benchmark demonstrates two things: How lousy Premier performance was on the Mac before Adobe stopped developing it (it runs in a type of emulation in the Classic environment - totally unoptimised for G5!!!); And the insecure lengths people will go to to fool themselves, and others, that they made the right choice of platform.

Get over your anxieties, people, & lets give out some information that will actually stand scrutiny.

So, let's put this PCWorld junk to rest:

MegaWorks, your teacher is not going to give a damn about Quake or Word performance. I doubt you are being taught to play games; Quake demonstrated 3D Graphics Card performance on the whole - not CPU; You say you are doing image editing - that's 2D.

Microsoft Word runs faster on PC!!!!!!! Does it matter to anyone? "In Microsoft Word we timed a search-and-replace of one word in a 1437-page document" - What this benchmark tells you is that you have to be working with a document so large that Word isn't even designed for it (Adobe Framemaker is designed for large book/manual writing... Word is not) if you are going to see any difference in performance.

That leaves Premier - which I've told you runs in the classic environment on the Mac - that is an OS 9 legacy environment, not OS X - for those who don't know. Apple responded to this ridiculous benchmark by saying - Yes, & Final Cut Pro will do these tasks faster than Premiere can on a Mac or a PC - unfortunately this reflects the performance of Premier & not the Mac. Subsequently Adobe dropped Mac support & did a major rewrite on the PC version.

So where does this leave you, Megaworks? Fanboys of any persuasion are not going to furnish you with convincing arguments either way. If you want advice on image manipulation I recommend you read Rob Galbraith's site. He's a pro photographer :- http://www.robgalbraith.com/bins/index.asp

If you want a valid benchmark this one, by PC Magazine, is impartial:- http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,4149,1274138,00.asp

It covers a range of applications: Acrobat, Photoshop, FCP, Lightwave, Sorenson Squeeze, Avid Express Pro run on a Dell Precision 650 Dual Xeon 3.06-GHz processors 512K cache, Apple Dual G5 2.0GHz and Apple Dual G4 1.4GHz.

It also show up a very real problem with benchmarks:

Forget the G5: The G4, most agree, is an out of date CPU yet it bests Xeons at more than double the clock-speed in Acrobat, Sorenson Squeeze & Avid Express Pro! Yet if someone were to claim it is a faster CPU than a Xeon at twice the clock-speed they'd be laughed at.

Now consider this & tell me - REAL WORLD - which is faster?

"At these larger image sizes, although the Wintel test times were quite good, both the G4 and G5 computers proved more adept at distort functions like wave and pinch. Moreover, on the Windows system, loading the controls often took a minute or more. If these times are added back to the actual test times, both Macintosh computers would have clearly outperformed the Windows-based computer."

The total Photoshop times were:

G4 - 3:07 minutes
Xeon - 1:43 minutes

This involved loading 12 controls - at over a minute for some on Photoshop for Windows.

So, let's say you are a photographer - can you do these transformations on the Dell 650 in 1:43 minutes? No, it is impossible. So should the benchmark reflect this?

G4 - 3:20 minutes (controls load virtually instantly)
Xeon - 14 minutes (an average of 1 minute per control)

What this points out is that other factors can blow away split second CPU advantages... and this is what Mac users have been claiming for years. No viruses - no crashing - no dll hell - no OS reinstalling - no component incompatibilities - no spyware - no trojans - no browser hijacking - Macs just work.

My advice is to listen but not take anyone's word as gospel. You are at college so you probably have access to both. Spend some time using both & make your own mind up, over a period of time, about which YOU personally are more productive on. Be your own person. Benchmarks will never tell you if a computer will work FOR YOU.

One figure that is worth finding out is the ratio of support techs/PCs versus techs/Macs your college employ - it might give you an idea of the amount of unproductive support time each platform requires.


Platinum Member
Jan 15, 2004
Originally posted by: jhu
an itanium2 @ 1.5ghz will clearly trounce all the processors previously mentioned

And they start at 5000$ not to mention the costs of designing custom systems because there is no market for those procs outside government and big businesses. An alpha proc at 1 ghz prolly owns any itanic anyway. Back to the topic of this post: consumer procs.

Tothe last guy saying macs just work, what OS are you using on your pc? I haven't had any dll problems, random crashing, or needed to reinstall an os since win 2k came out. You also forgot to mention the flexibility offered in pc's vs macs, upgrading and overclocking, you can do it with a pc.


Feb 11, 2004
Originally posted by: Dman877
Originally posted by: jhu

an itanium2 @ 1.5ghz will clearly trounce all the processors previously mentioned

And they start at 5000$ not to mention the costs of designing custom systems because there is no market for those procs outside government and big businesses. An alpha proc at 1 ghz prolly owns any itanic anyway. Back to the topic of this post: consumer procs.

Tothe last guy saying macs just work, what OS are you using on your pc? I haven't had any dll problems, random crashing, or needed to reinstall an os since win 2k came out. You also forgot to mention the flexibility offered in pc's vs macs, upgrading and overclocking, you can do it with a pc.

Dman, you are right that Windows is much more stable than it used to be. I was repeating what Mac users say & then telling the guy to make his own mind up from personal experience. I was actually telling him not to accept ANYTHING uncritically - including what mac users claim. I guess I didn't phrase that as well as I should have.


Golden Member
Mar 3, 2004
i would never trust benchmarks when comparing two completely different platforms, there are simply too many variables. if you have the luxury,go to an applestore and toy with a dual G5 and see how you like it, also go to a comp store and toy with amd 64. take your pick from there. in all honesty i still think that G5 has a hardware edge,but maybe not a software edge. its a powerpc for christ sake

<3 IBM


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Dman877
Originally posted by: jhu

an itanium2 @ 1.5ghz will clearly trounce all the processors previously mentioned

And they start at 5000$ not to mention the costs of designing custom systems because there is no market for those procs outside government and big businesses. An alpha proc at 1 ghz prolly owns any itanic anyway. Back to the topic of this post: consumer procs.

Tothe last guy saying macs just work, what OS are you using on your pc? I haven't had any dll problems, random crashing, or needed to reinstall an os since win 2k came out. You also forgot to mention the flexibility offered in pc's vs macs, upgrading and overclocking, you can do it with a pc.

actually you can get one for around $3000 from hp. with a dual dual g5 already at $3000, i'd rather go with the itanium. an alpha @ 1ghz does not pwnz3r the itanium2. peruse the spench benchmarks: an sgi altix 900mhz is faster than an hp es80 @ 1000mhz on fp operations.
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