Which would be the 5 most powerful militaries in the world?

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Jun 13, 2003
Canada (Due to shared airspace with the United States. )
North Korea
Russia (They're long out of money)
Israel (They're very unique in that they're very small but have CRAZY skills, especially their Air Force)
Various EU nations
Saudi Arabia

There, that takes care of every country with the political stability needed for a standing army.


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 2002
12. India - $12.8 billion

Why do people keep saying india is in the top 5 when their speeding is 12th?
Aug 14, 2001
Originally posted by: EyeMWing
Canada (Due to shared airspace with the United States. )
North Korea
Russia (They're long out of money)
Israel (They're very unique in that they're very small but have CRAZY skills, especially their Air Force)
Various EU nations
Saudi Arabia

There, that takes care of every country with the political stability needed for a standing army.

How does the Canadian military get more powerful because of shared air space with the US?

Russia may be 'long out of money' but they still spend a lot more than some of these other countries. Don't they spend the 3rd most in military spending?

Why do some people have North Korea as one of the most powerful militaries in the world?


Jun 13, 2003
Originally posted by: RabidMongoose
Originally posted by: EyeMWing
Canada (Due to shared airspace with the United States. )
North Korea
Russia (They're long out of money)
Israel (They're very unique in that they're very small but have CRAZY skills, especially their Air Force)
Various EU nations
Saudi Arabia

There, that takes care of every country with the political stability needed for a standing army.

How does the Canadian military get more powerful because of shared air space with the US?

Russia may be 'long out of money' but they still spend a lot more than some of these other countries. Don't they spend the 3rd most in military spending?

Why do some people have North Korea as one of the most powerful militaries in the world?

The Canadian military is 100% unstoppable on home turf. An attack on Canada is an attack on the United States (and vice versa) militarily speaking. It's even closer than the rest of NATO and the various other escalation pacts we've signed on to because our defense command is shared.

Their offensive power is lacking, though, so they aren't grouped with the U.S as the EU is.

NK is so powerful because they appear to have a very similar relationship with China.

Russia's military is further hampered because they are consistantly in conflict with former Soviet states and I'm not aware of any significant advancement in their equipment since the early 80's. US-built equipment, Chinese built equipment (Which is all locally produced varients on Russian designs, but often modernized) and even Israeli built equipment outpace Russia's antique war machine.
Aug 14, 2001
Originally posted by: EyeMWing
Originally posted by: RabidMongoose
Originally posted by: EyeMWing
Canada (Due to shared airspace with the United States. )
North Korea
Russia (They're long out of money)
Israel (They're very unique in that they're very small but have CRAZY skills, especially their Air Force)
Various EU nations
Saudi Arabia

There, that takes care of every country with the political stability needed for a standing army.

How does the Canadian military get more powerful because of shared air space with the US?

Russia may be 'long out of money' but they still spend a lot more than some of these other countries. Don't they spend the 3rd most in military spending?

Why do some people have North Korea as one of the most powerful militaries in the world?

The Canadian military is 100% unstoppable on home turf. An attack on Canada is an attack on the United States (and vice versa) militarily speaking. It's even closer than the rest of NATO and the various other escalation pacts we've signed on to because our defense command is shared.

Their offensive power is lacking, though, so they aren't grouped with the U.S as the EU is.

NK is so powerful because they appear to have a very similar relationship with China.

Russia's military is further hampered because they are consistantly in conflict with former Soviet states and I'm not aware of any significant advancement in their equipment since the early 80's. US-built equipment, Chinese built equipment (Which is all locally produced varients on Russian designs, but often modernized) and even Israeli built equipment outpace Russia's antique war machine.

I thought the topic was about militaries, not alliances.

Looking solely at the military power, Canada would definitely not be in the top 5. Yes, the US would probably help them, but that doesn't mean that the Canadian military itself is some sort of military powerhouse.


Oct 9, 1999
What an amusing thread. Naming North Korea among the 5 most powerful militaries is absolutely hilarious, given that they are stunted runts, starving and barely able to carry their rifles.

Top 5 list:
1) US
2) France
3) UK
4) then it gets difficult...

Based on power projection capability, which is more of a measure of military capacity than the ability to withstand an invasion, I would put Russia and then possibly China, but even then those are difficult to justify. Russia's military is collapsing, and the pummeling they endured in Chechnya a few years back showed how poor their capabilities are these days. They do still have a fair number of operating capital ships, however, and enough artillery and aircraft to make a credible force based on sheer firepower alone. China, on the other hand, has few capital ships and very limited capacity to move forces long distances, but they do have some modern aircraft and are increasing their military spending every year.

India isn't a big factor because their Navy is lacking offensive power, and their air force needs greater numbers of modern aircraft to sustain an attack. Their inability to dislodge the Pakistanis from the Kargil region awhile back was indicative of their problems. They have the potential to develop a considerable force, but they aren't there yet. Iran? You have to be kidding me. Germany? No dice. Japan? They have one of the most modern military forces anywhere, but they lack offensive punch because of their constitutional limits.


Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: Spencer278
12. India - $12.8 billion

Why do people keep saying india is in the top 5 when their speeding is 12th?

Well they did kick our ass in the latest jet fighter competition


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Spencer278
N Korea would get it ass kicked by the USA along as china didn't send in a couple billion people to get killed. N korea would be unable to supply it self in a war. They would lose air support in about 10 minutes and then the roads would be gone in another 24 hours.

A signal US carryer group could shutdown all NK military.

then why not do it? if its so easy.

1. USA
2. Russia
3. China
4. UK
5. France

theres my list.


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 2002
Originally posted by: LongCoolMother
Originally posted by: Spencer278
N Korea would get it ass kicked by the USA along as china didn't send in a couple billion people to get killed. N korea would be unable to supply it self in a war. They would lose air support in about 10 minutes and then the roads would be gone in another 24 hours.

A signal US carryer group could shutdown all NK military.

then why not do it? if its so easy.

1. USA
2. Russia
3. China
4. UK
5. France

theres my list.

Because it would piss of china and japan and south korea would start crying about getting nuked.


Diamond Member
Apr 8, 2003

Ive noticed many people including N. Korea in the top 5.....sheesh...even france could win a war with them. Their military is outdated and lack the funds to fight anything but a
unconventional war (similiar to vietnam). Their sky's would be owned within 24 ours. The only country they could harm would be S. Korea.


Platinum Member
Dec 27, 2003
The Canadian military is 100% unstoppable on home turf. An attack on Canada is an attack on the United States (and vice versa) militarily speaking. It's even closer than the rest of NATO and the various other escalation pacts we've signed on to because our defense command is shared.

Their offensive power is lacking, though, so they aren't grouped with the U.S as the EU is.

Canadian Military is not The Hulk...easily stoppable by superior numbers, superior intelligence, superior weapons etc...

Anywho, my list.

1) US (Why? Teh $$$, many nukes w/ intercontinental range, carriers, big air force and large regular force.)
2) China (Why? Lots of $$$, nukes, large navy and IMMENSE (million man +) regular force, and largest air force in the world...biggest, not best.)
3) France (Why? No jokes either, Lots of $$$, nukes, carriers, excellent(U.S. Military uses them) infantry weapons, large reg force)
4) U.K. (Why? Extremely professional troops, nukes, carriers)
5) India (Why? Nukes w/ short range, ex-soviet carriers, very large reg force)

Russia's army has been pissed away massively on chechyna. None of their choppers or jets have spare parts anymore. Yes, they have nukes and chemical weapons, but if they try to use them, they'll explode in their silos. Yay liquid-fueled rockets!

Canada, meh. Best peacekeepers in the world. Very well trained troops, but our equipment S-U-C-K-S. Vietnam-era howitzers, WW2-era pistols, the infamous Iltis(Sh*tbox on wheels) and the APC cum Tank abortion called the striker.

I wanna :beer: now.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: LongCoolMother
Originally posted by: Spencer278
N Korea would get it ass kicked by the USA along as china didn't send in a couple billion people to get killed. N korea would be unable to supply it self in a war. They would lose air support in about 10 minutes and then the roads would be gone in another 24 hours.

A signal US carryer group could shutdown all NK military.

then why not do it? if its so easy.

1. USA
2. Russia
3. China
4. UK
5. France

theres my list.

We could anyday, but I think many want to keep S. Korea from being obliterated by N. Korea's nukes.
Apr 17, 2003
Originally posted by: bolido2000
The thread about France vs Canada got me wondering.


I would think those are the top 5. Don't know the order of 2-5 tho

i have read several articles that say if the US is to stop ALL miltary development right now, i would still take china 20 years to catch up so i really dont think they are 3rd

1) US
2) UK
3) Russia
4) france
5) china


Jan 15, 2000
Originally posted by: AndrewR
What an amusing thread. Naming North Korea among the 5 most powerful militaries is absolutely hilarious, given that they are stunted runts, starving and barely able to carry their rifles.

Top 5 list:
1) US
2) France
3) UK
4) then it gets difficult...

I would vote this the best list in the thread. I think all the french jokes have gotten to people's heads, as you are the first one to put France ahead of the UK (which I think is correct). The general impression I have is that the french are much more imperialistic and militaristic than the british. For a country that is 1/6th the size of the US, its doing very well at making their own sphere of influence and deploying its military (mostly to africa) to protect its interests.


Senior member
Oct 12, 2002
According to this site it goes like this.
Israel(After 3 days of rapid mobilization)

This only includes land and air support, it does not include naval power which would certainly change things.


Nov 10, 2003
Originally posted by: toant103
Originally posted by: Buttzilla
VIETNAM BABY! HAHAH yeah right...you can fart and blow viet nam away

is that so? Vietnam war?

But I think the US is #1, Chinia is #2

I was about to say the same thing. Look at what happended from 1954 to 1973 (the begin and end of US military involvement
in Vietnam). It is in the history book. Enough said.

Let get back on topic. I think everyone will agree that the US is # 1 in military power, no question about it. No nation on earth in the right
mind would attack the US directly.

The rest of the list would be hard to say. I think we need to define the word of "powerful". Is it in sheer number of solders? or amount of money spend on defense/weapons? or nuke power? or what, ect. I think I will say something about the pros and cons of some of the countries already mentioned.

China. Pros = Nuke power, huge number of soldiers, increasing in defense spending and modernization. Cons = no long range Navy or able to substance a long distance war, the level of modernization in soldiers and equipments/weapons still a long way to go.

Russia. Pros = Nuke power, still have good stuffs left over from the Soviet area. Cons = lack of $$$ big time, corruptions of high level commands from lack of monies, lack of monies = lack of modern equipments/training.

UK. Pros = Nuke power, modern fighting force, good Navy able to fight anywhere. Cons = small size (small country/population), almost seem to be the little brother of the US all the time, haven't been battle tested for a while (after the 1982 war with Aghentina).

France. Pros = almost the same as the UK. Cons = almost the same as the UK, not sure about the will of the government to fight lately.

India. I would say it has the same the pros and cons as China

That's it for now. I am sure I will think of something new to add later


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2003
2.China (thier gaining fast on us with all the russian tech they got, and continuing to develop, they got some planes coming that will rival the F-22 and JSF when its done)
3. Russia (give them 5-10 years and thier military will be pathetic due to aging but for now thier still could hold thier own in limited enagments)
4. India
5. EU


Apr 24, 2001
Originally posted by: bsmithy
Originally posted by: bernse
Originally posted by: bsmithy
the UK SAS train the US Navy SEALS

says a lot

Bull. Navy SEALS train SEALS. There may be instructors from other forces (foreign or other branch) for some specialized training, but thats it. Everybody does that.

You're grossly overgeneralizing.


Bwhahahaha. The UK's Special Air Service != USA's Special Activities Staff. You just owned yourself quite nicely.


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2000
my take on overall

1.USA (no question about it)
2.Russia (don't count them up yet)
3.China (uprising, mass of outdate equipment to retire and replace with new ones)
5.N.K (large well train army, skill wise)

I don't consider following powerful
french (it doesn't matter, french army surrander fast in WW1, WW2. and lost to vietment military)
Iran (8 year war with iraq, ended in tie, so we should expect same result when usa invade)
India (likes to invade other country, but hardly win any war. fought a tie with parkistan, lost to china in 1950's when india going for capture tabit)
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