
Golden Member
Jan 14, 2001
Hi everyone. There is a story to go with this one. Hopefully it will answer a lot of peoples questions that are novices at big screen technology. I have been in the market for a big screen and have researched them for about a month. The main factor, which was well beyond any factor, was picture quality. There are pretty much three competing technologies, which are affordable, today which are LCD, DLP, and CRT. Please note that with LCD it?s the rear projection LCD not the flat panel LCD. Th Flat Panel LCD?s are extremely expensive, at least if you want to get into bigger sizes. Another thing I would have like to have is a thin, lightweight tv but it was far behind picture quality as a criteria. Of course price was another big criteria. One a site note there is also something called LCOS which is pretty much light on silicon technology that intel was trying to get into. There are only a few companies (JVC) that are really making TVs with this technology and its expensive and, to my eyes, doesn?t have that great of picture quality.

One thing is I would recommend not buying a tv online. I had a friend who did and has bad stories to tell. Something went wrong with his tv and he had a hel1 of a time getting it fixed. The authorized Toshiba repair center didn?t want to dealwith him because he didn?t buy the tv from them so they put him last on the list. He also had LOTS AND LOTS of problems with it and it never got fixed. He ended up having to pay for shipping for a big screen back to the online retailer. Just because a tv reviews good doesn?t mean it will look good to your eyes. Everyone persons eyes are different and what looks great to one person might light bad to another. Without actually seeing the picture I would never buy a tv.

Ok I started researching the different technologies. No technology is perfect and each one has its set of flaws. I can tell you though LCDs and DLP rear projection are a lot lighter weight and not as huge as the CRTs are. They are also newer technologies. Just because they are newer doesn?t mean they are better though. Yes they are definitely lighter and have the ?cool? factor but, in general, a good CRT will beat them on picture quality test especially when property calibrated. They are also cheaper. So Cheaper + better picture quality = easy decision for me ?. SO it was a CRT. On a side note, if I had to choose between a DLP & LCD I would go with a LCD. Like I said they each have their flaws but LCD doesn?t have as many. Also DLP have a lot of mechanical moving parts that could go bad. They have a fast spinning color wheel (ive heard as fast as 10000rpm) which would just scare me. They also have mirror assemblies that could stick. Also the LCDs seem quite a bit brighter. My favorite unit for LCDs was a 50 in Hitachi at Circuit City but it was $2500.

Anyways here goes. Generally speaking Hitachi and Mitsubishi are known to have the best CRT units. I went and looked at Hitachi 51?? & 57?? at circuit city. They were $1600 and $1800 respectively. I went to best buy and found an awesome deal on a Mitsubishi 65?? tv for only $1800 on clearance which is a hot deal in itself but don?t worry more comes later ?. To me the Mitsubishi had the BEST picture of any unit I have viewed up to this point. The Hitachi CRTs were very good and were close but the Mitsubishi still beat them. Also it was 65??. I was like WOW a 65?? tv for this amount is a steal. I decide on the Mitsubishi for both its size and picture quality. Also Best Buy has a WAY better deal on extended warranties than does circuit city. A 2 year at Circuit City was $200. A 4 year at best buy was $250. You tell me..which one would you do? Also the sales person told me about a rewards program best buy has. Pretty much it cost $10 yearly subscription and you get so many points per dollar you spend. After you spend so much they send you a gift certificate good for anything in best buy. The subscription doesn?t automatically renew so don?t worry. With buy this tv I would earn enough points to give me $60 in gift certificates. For $10 this was a no brainer.

While I was talking to the salesperson, I faintly remembered getting a 12% off any tv in the mail. I told him about it. He said if I could find it I could bring it in with me and they would subtract the cost from my total. I usually throw these things out when I get them cause I never use them. When I got home I found out I actually didn?t throw it away. 12% was a big deal for how much I spent so I rushed back to the store excitingly. While I was driving, half way there, I read the disclaimer on the back and it specifically said?only for items not on sale or on clearance and this tv was on clearance. It also specifically said it excluded ?Mitsubishi Diamond? products and I was sad ?. I said, what the hel1, im half way there I will just see what they do. Well when I got there the csr along with her supervisor that was helping them didn?t flip the coupon over to see the disclaimer portion and they gave me a extra $232 off ?. I was soo happy. I also have $60 in reward certificates coming.

So I ended up getting this TV for a little over $1500 without tax and with everything including deliver, service plan, reward subscription, and tax I paid just over $2000. This is a hel1 of a deal for a 65?? tv. The TVs picture was awesome. Go demo it for yourself. Yes i got this tv delivered. I have a full size truck but this monster is huge and weighs over 300 pounds. It was worth the $50 (kind of high for delivery charge though).

Ok like every TV this one is not perfect. While it has most of the stuff I wanted it doesn?t have everything but for the price and for the picture quality I was willing to sacrifice. One is it doesn?t have an HD tuner. What does this mean? It means any local stations that you have that are HD you can?t receive until you buy a separate tuner which aren?t that expensive on ebay. This definitely was not a big deal for me. This does not mean you can?t receive HD video. You can still see HD if you have HD enabled cable/satellite. Another thing this tv doesn?t have is HDMI. It does have a DVI though. One thing you MUST make sure is that your TV has HDCP (High Definition Copy Protection). Its something the movie theathers are doing so it will be harder for people to copy HD digital content. It might make viewing certain video in the future impossible if your tv doesn?t support this standard. As far as I know all HDMI is HDCP complaint but not all DVI is. Also its easy to get a converter that will convert between HDMI & DVI. There really isn?t a big difference between these technologies both of them carry your video digitally but HDMI also has an audio channel. No worries with this TV because the DVI is HDCP complaint so you will be good to go.

Ok I know this was long and drawn out but hopefully it will help newbies to Big Screens to find out if this tv will meet their needs or not.

Here is the tv

Oh just let you know this is the previous years model. The new model does have HDMI but its $700 more. Definitly not worth it for me.


Senior member
Nov 11, 2000
1080i tv...they must be prepping for the wave of 1080p's. I have been eyeing one myself...and this is aboue half of the Samsung 1080p I was looking at...hrmmmm


Golden Member
Jan 14, 2001
good point kuz and thanks for mentioning it. This TV is 1080I and not 720p.....you definitly want 1080i.


Golden Member
Jan 14, 2001
Oh forgot to mention something else. www.avsforum.com is a very good site. You can search on pros and cons of any set. Usually you will find more cons because people who post will be the ones complaining but put it this way, this tv has very few people who don't like it.


Golden Member
Jan 14, 2001
Originally posted by: entropy1982
How does picture quality match up to a good DLP on these?

It blew away anything i demoed. I wouldn't buy a dlp myself because what i mentioned above. Yes some people have no problems with them but how long have they had them? Something spinning inside a tv at 10,000 RPMs scares me way to much. I think LCDs beat DLPs too. If your set on a DLP i would recommend the toshiba at best buy 52'' for around $2k (yes i did like it better than the samsungs).


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2003
Originally posted by: entropy1982
How does picture quality match up to a good DLP on these?

DLP and CRT are different technologies. You need to know the difference, and see it visually to know exactly.
DLPs have better black levels, and thus movies, and HD signal looks better (at least to me).

Also, the new models of DLPs JUST came out like past couple weeks, and few are still coming in next week or so. So if you get a year old model, you can get those really cheap. I got my 46" samsung for about 1560 total. it was a special heck of a deal though.

If you watch a lot standard tv (non HD), CRT tvs will usually look better than LCDs or DLPs because they are made for them.

In the end, it all comes down to what looks better to you.


Golden Member
Jul 10, 2005
ygpm ncage but i guess u kinda answered my q already will definitely tell dad about it.... wattahell is the reason to buy a dlp for then anyway?


Golden Member
Jan 14, 2001
Originally posted by: tfinch2
you also get a 100 dollar gift card if you purchase this TV

That is true if you buy the tv online. Not if you buy it instore. Maybe if you can't use the coupon like i did this would be a good alternative. YOu could get at least $100 but if you can use the coupon i would definitly do that and since the coupon would most likely not work online i would go in a store and buy it.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2003
Originally posted by: entropy1982
ygpm ncage but i guess u kinda answered my q already will definitely tell dad about it.... wattahell is the reason to buy a dlp for then anyway?

lol, dont be so naive. If you go look, bet the picture quality will blow away any crt u have seen.

ncage has pointed out few of the 'potential' problems, which a LOT of owners DO NOT experience. ppl who do, post about it online, and ppl who dont, dont care abt posting anything. plus, rainbow effects due to the color wheel is not noticeable to non videophiles and very bearable to more than 90% of of those who do see them.

depending what u plan to watch on ur tv the most, one will prefer one or the other.

again, in the end, its what ur eyes see as the best counts.


Diamond Member
Nov 13, 2004
These tvs will be worthless soon, plasmas are getting cheaper and cheaper by the minute. Even HDTV ones are reasonably affordable now...


Golden Member
Jan 14, 2001
Originally posted by: vrbaba
Originally posted by: entropy1982
How does picture quality match up to a good DLP on these?

DLP and CRT are different technologies. You need to know the difference, and see it visually to know exactly.
DLPs have better black levels, and thus movies, and HD signal looks better (at least to me).

Also, the new models of DLPs JUST came out like past couple weeks, and few are still coming in next week or so. So if you get a year old model, you can get those really cheap. I got my 46" samsung for about 1560 total. it was a special heck of a deal though.

If you watch a lot standard tv (non HD), CRT tvs will usually look better than LCDs or DLPs because they are made for them.

In the end, it all comes down to what looks better to you.

The blacks are the DLP are better than what? If your talking that they are better than LCD's i definitly agree. Its one of the weak points of LCD technology. THe blacks look more greyish. If your saying better than CRTs...NO WAY.

I definitly agree it all comes down to what looks better to you but still the consensus is nothing beats crt on picture quality from every place you read. From hometheater sites (avsforum.com) to review sites cnet.com and from my own personal viewing .

The only think i can say about CRTs is they are not as bright as LCD/DLP but thats a minor thing.



Golden Member
Jul 10, 2005
Originally posted by: vrbaba
Originally posted by: entropy1982
ygpm ncage but i guess u kinda answered my q already will definitely tell dad about it.... wattahell is the reason to buy a dlp for then anyway?

lol, dont be so naive. If you go look, bet the picture quality will blow away any crt u have seen.

ncage has pointed out few of the 'potential' problems, which a LOT of owners DO NOT experience. ppl who do, post about it online, and ppl who dont, dont care abt posting anything. plus, rainbow effects due to the color wheel is not noticeable to non videophiles and very bearable to more than 90% of of those who do see them.

depending what u plan to watch on ur tv the most, one will prefer one or the other.

again, in the end, its what ur eyes see as the best counts.

It's not for me but i guess my dad will be watching digital cable (cablevision) most of the time. I gues whatever channels come in HD he will be watching.... our family tends to switch tvs once every 7 years btw lol



Golden Member
Jan 14, 2001
Originally posted by: czech09
These tvs will be worthless soon, plasmas are getting cheaper and cheaper by the minute. Even HDTV ones are reasonably affordable now...

ummm........nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Plasmas are not definitly better. Plasmas excel at color reproduction but have their own set of problems lip-sync,burn in, pixel cell outages, motion artifacts and again they can't product blacks as well as crts can. Like i said in my above post there is no PERFECT technology; each one has its drawbacks. The only plasmas that are getting close to LCD/DLP prices are EDTV ones which you DON'T WANT.



Senior member
Sep 13, 2000
CRT Rear projection is not the same as your regular direct view CRT tvs, i think you are getting the two confused in your reading. Direct view CRT sets loook great but weigh a ton and you cannot get them beyond a certain size. CRT rear projection sets are older and have viewing angle problems, one of my friends has a set that is setup perfectly for viewing on the couch, but if you stand up the image grows very dim, same thing if you sit on the floor or walk around. If you're buying an old rear projection tv, make sure you see it in operation first. Neither 1080i nor 720p are neccesarily better than the other. For high motion scenes you can still get interlacing artifacts on 1080i, which is why most sports channels broadcast their hd signal in 720p.


Senior member
Apr 18, 2005
Thanks OP. Your research has been very informing, and this deal is indeed HOT! I couldn't say if I will certainly buy it, but my brother has been in the market for a big screen.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
At once point I would have considered a CRT based RPTV, but no longer. While the technology still might be superior in some respects this thing is freakin' HUGE!

I will also wait for the prices of 1080p LCDs to come down before I jump. There is already a 37" model for <$2k.


Senior member
Aug 24, 2004
Having switched from a CRT RPTV to a DLP one, i think you should mention the significant drawbacks of CRT based sets if you are going to compare them to other technologies.

First, CRTs are going to weigh a LOT more, that 65" id imagine is 250-300Ibs, compared to 100Ibs for a DLP set thats a lot of difference, esp if you have to move it far, or have it delivered up steps.

Second, burn in is very common on CRTs, mine suffered from it even though i tried to be careful, but seeing as most channels have logos these days, its hard to avoid. You also cant game on them because of the static images that most games have.

Third, while picture quality is great once calibrated, if you have anything close to a bright room forget about it, the picture is too dim and off angle viewing is very poor. Be prepared to watch TV with the lights off and the blinds down if you want great quality.

Lastly, almost all CRT sets dont have HDMI which is important for the future if you want to watch HD-DVD or even use the XBOX360 to its best advantage. Personally, i would say unless price is your absolute driving factor, get an LCD or DLP RPTV.
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