White House opposed to Affirmative Action.

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Oct 25, 2002
Good, maybe then I can enjoy the benefit of being a white male again!

It's all coming out now. The benefits of being a white male. The benefits of getting something without trying. The benefit of being innocent before proven guilty. The benefit of peace and security. Those are benefits that minorities have to strive for, some dying in the process.


Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 16, 1999
Well,I've benefitted from AA and I'm certainly a qualified,professional individual who does just as good a job as any male at my place of employment.


Senior member
Dec 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Carbonyl<brWhites never excluded from anything as far as I know blacks have been and continue to be. Even if they have quotas (bu hey don't) a white can still get into medical school. And I never seen a case as you discribe and don't believe they exist without ending up in court for reverse discrimmination since whites have all the lawyers to fight this. AA is equal opportunity and only requires you to interview qualified applicants.

It's all about white crybabies now have to compete with the minorities instead of using them as slaves or second class citizens, plus a little stealing of your women which has you'all screaming this anti AA bullcrap. Not some reverse discrimminatioin stuff. But call it what you want.

Compete!??? you wanna compete you gotta PREFORM!.. No head start in the race because you're black or mexican or a woman.. Crybaby?? Puh-leaze..

Try getting into the fire department or the police as a while male.. Women get +points on tests and less physical tests, balcks get +'s on test also PLUS perference in selection above and beyond that.. if that's not reverse descrimiation I don't know what is..

OOohhh.. Try getting anywhere with a reverse descrimination suit.. Hell, ust because you file it you are labeled a racist because you think you deserve the job more than the less qualified "minority" who did.


Senior member
Feb 18, 2000
"Whites never excluded from anything as far as I know blacks have been and continue to be. Even if they have quotas (bu hey don't) a white can still get into medical school. And I never seen a case as you discribe and don't believe they exist without ending up in court for reverse discrimmination since whites have all the lawyers to fight this. AA is equal opportunity and only requires you to interview qualified applicants.

It's all about white crybabies now have to compete with the minorities instead of using them as slaves or second class citizens, plus a little stealing of your women which has you'all screaming this anti AA bullcrap. Not some reverse discrimminatioin stuff. But call it what you want."

Quit the race baiting and use some facts and logic.



Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: datalink7
Originally posted by: Carbonyl
Originally posted by: Damage
Originally posted by: Carbonyl

AA promotes racism.

Hows that? Can you explain this? The only thing I see AA do is diversify the workplace, school and peoples attitudes about race the last 30 years.

You're kidding right? You don't see how giving someone less qualified a job would make the more qualified person angry that the first one got the job because of his/her race?

Whites never excluded from anything as far as I know blacks have been and continue to be. Even if they have quotas (bu hey don't) a white can still get into medical school. And I never seen a case as you discribe and don't believe they exist without ending up in court for reverse discrimmination since whites have all the lawyers to fight this. AA is equal opportunity and only requires you to interview qualified applicants.

It's all about white crybabies now have to compete with the minorities instead of using them as slaves or second class citizens, plus a little stealing of your women which has you'all screaming this anti AA bullcrap. Not some reverse discrimminatioin stuff. But call it what you want.

It has nothing to do with being crybabies, at least for me. A policy based on race is inherently racist by definition. A FAR better policy, in my opinion, would be based on economic situation. The result would still help out blacks who need it (and whites and asians etc.), but it wouldn't be a racist policy.[/quote]

You know Chris Rock rings true here... He once said "every mutha fucsker in here got thier jobs though who they knew"

This is a fact I got everyjob I ever had by knowing someone. Who had and still has the power and money and who are we most likley to associate with? It's a white nepotisitc system of hiring your own and AA is the only thing which encourages otherwise.


Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: Geekbabe
Well,I've benefitted from AA and I'm certainly a qualified,professional individual who does just as good a job as any male at my place of employment.

I'm not neccesarliy suggesting that those who benifit from AA aren't qualified. I just cannot support a policy that is based on race.


Oct 12, 1999
I am so sick of this sh**. What little advantage AA may give to blacks is so F'IN small it doesn't even register on the map. The corporate world is still so white it looks like a snow blown Christmas. Blacks have lagged so far behind whites it aint funny. Not because we aren't qualified either. I am sick of that damn lie too. A black man's credentials many many times have to far exceed his lower qualified white counter part just to get a freaking interview. And what pisses me off even more is this idea that blacks are getting over some how. The truth is many of these admissions programs are bent so Black Athletes who pay the damn bills at these colleges can get in. All you road scholars wouldn't even be able to afford to go to college it would be so high if not for the black athlete. Now thats where the rubber meets the road. So when you start cheering, you better start saving trust me. And I said it before and this I hate to say but I believe, our gifted black athletes should go to black colleges. Since all the white colleges are so affected by AA let them have their own children pay the bills. And if you think that people, even white will pay to see a bunch of white guys play any sport, guess again. I get tired of hearing the college debate cause no one wants to talk about this. Now one wants to talked about how the black players who win bowl games for these schools, that these schools pocket millions of dollars to pay for all the sorry whining kids who can't contribute a damn dime to pay the bills. And if you think for one second Michigan or Notre Dame can survive with just collecting tuition you really are stupid.


Nov 24, 2001
Originally posted by: Carbonyl

AA promotes racism.

Hows that? Can you explain this? The only thing I see AA do is diversify the workplace, school and peoples attitudes about race the last 30 years.[/quote]

racism = "...a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities..." = AA

let me be clear, AA promotes racism because it is a racist policy. it looks at the ethnicity of somebody and infers their ability, nearly independence of their qualifications.

The reason i say "nearly independant" is because i have never known of a black student at berkeley with, say oh a 700 combined SAT score. but i have come across several non athlete black students at berkeley with sub 1000 SAT scores (about 350pts under the average for Berkeley). a white or asian applicant with a sub 1000 sat score would literally be laughed at by the admissions office. "your black so you get in!"


Senior member
Dec 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Dari
Good, maybe then I can enjoy the benefit of being a white male again!

It's all coming out now. The benefits of being a white male. The benefits of getting something without trying. The benefit of being innocent before proven guilty. The benefit of peace and security. Those are benefits that minorities have to strive for, some dying in the process.

That's right, us white poeple get everyting for free when those damn minorities aren't around.. We don't even apply for jobs, they just appear in front of us.. It's good for us too because no WHITE ever DIED in the proection of peace and security or FREEDOM...


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Damage
Originally posted by: Carbonyl<brWhites never excluded from anything as far as I know blacks have been and continue to be. Even if they have quotas (bu hey don't) a white can still get into medical school. And I never seen a case as you discribe and don't believe they exist without ending up in court for reverse discrimmination since whites have all the lawyers to fight this. AA is equal opportunity and only requires you to interview qualified applicants.

It's all about white crybabies now have to compete with the minorities instead of using them as slaves or second class citizens, plus a little stealing of your women which has you'all screaming this anti AA bullcrap. Not some reverse discrimminatioin stuff. But call it what you want.

Compete!??? you wanna compete you gotta PREFORM!.. No head start in the race because you're black or mexican or a woman.. Crybaby?? Puh-leaze..

Try getting into the fire department or the police as a while male.. Women get +points on tests and less physical tests, balcks get +'s on test also PLUS perference in selection above and beyond that.. if that's not reverse descrimiation I don't know what is..

OOohhh.. Try getting anywhere with a reverse descrimination suit.. Hell, ust because you file it you are labeled a racist because you think you deserve the job more than the less qualified "minority" who did.

I've never seen a black firefighter in 31 years. I don't believe they give points for race. Got proof? Vetrens points I've heard of but never race.



Oct 25, 2002
Like Carbonyl said, it's 75% who you know and 25% what you know when it comes to advancing. We live in a tough and (sometimes) cruel world where everything is a factor. All AA did was try to even the playing field. And as for what damage said about the fire and police department, the fact is (at least when it comes to the fire department in NYC), they still hire their own over minorities.


Nov 24, 2001
Originally posted by: Carbonyl
Originally posted by: Damage
Originally posted by: Carbonyl

AA promotes racism.

Hows that? Can you explain this? The only thing I see AA do is diversify the workplace, school and peoples attitudes about race the last 30 years.

You're kidding right? You don't see how giving someone less qualified a job would make the more qualified person angry that the first one got the job because of his/her race?

Whites never excluded from anything as far as I know blacks have been and continue to be. Even if they have quotas (bu hey don't) a white can still get into medical school. And I never seen a case as you discribe and don't believe they exist without ending up in court for reverse discrimmination since whites have all the lawyers to fight this. AA is equal opportunity and only requires you to interview qualified applicants.

It's all about white crybabies now have to compete with the minorities instead of using them as slaves or second class citizens, plus a little stealing of your women which has you'all screaming this anti AA bullcrap. Not some reverse discrimminatioin stuff. But call it what you want.[/quote]

"AA is equal opportunity and only requires you to interview qualified applicants."

you have no clue what your talking about if thats what you actually believe!!

a white guy can get into med school, if he/she has outstanding grades/test scores. show me one black guy/girl that has ever been declined from a med school with grades/test scores even semi close to the average.


Nov 24, 2001
Originally posted by: Dari
Good, maybe then I can enjoy the benefit of being a white male again!

It's all coming out now. The benefits of being a white male. The benefits of getting something without trying. The benefit of being innocent before proven guilty. The benefit of peace and security. Those are benefits that minorities have to strive for, some dying in the process.

turn your sarcasm meter on


Nov 24, 2001
Originally posted by: Dari
josphII, you don't know whether MLK would be against AA, so please STFU. It's not healthy to speculate or talk about people who shoes you've never walked in.

only pointing out the obvious


Nov 24, 2001
Originally posted by: Geekbabe
Well,I've benefitted from AA and I'm certainly a qualified,professional individual who does just as good a job as any male at my place of employment.

now imagine you were a male, and more qualified than a woman that was given the job!


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
racism = "...a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities..." = AA

let me be clear, AA promotes racism because it is a racist policy. it looks at the ethnicity of somebody and infers their ability, nearly independence of their qualifications.

You're an expert on inferances I see

Even quotas would'nt be racist because white would still have access.


Oct 25, 2002
Damage, I saw you stupid sarcasm. You have no idea what it's like being of african descent, or being of a minority descent. Just walking down the street gets you stares. Going to the store to purchase something is a hostile event even though you're a patron of that store. Women clutching their bags as you walk around. Police questioning your every move. Police harassing you because of what you drive. You feel like a complete stranger in your own country. It's like living in two worlds: You live in the image of others and that of yourself. While I'm sure minorities wouldn't want to be anyone other than themselves, life is tough and it sucks.

Edit: You guys are totally forgetting the reason behind AA. We don't live in a perfect world. It can be heavily polarized. AA was created to make it less polarized. It has helped out minorities and women.


Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: classy
I am so sick of this sh**. What little advantage AA may give to blacks is so F'IN small it doesn't even register on the map. The corporate world is still so white it looks like a snow blown Christmas. Blacks have lagged so far behind whites it aint funny. Not because we aren't qualified either. I am sick of that damn lie too. A black man's credentials many many times have to far exceed his lower qualified white counter part just to get a freaking interview. And what pisses me off even more is this idea that blacks are getting over some how. The truth is many of these admissions programs are bent so Black Athletes who pay the damn bills at these colleges can get in. All you road scholars wouldn't even be able to afford to go to college it would be so high if not for the black athlete. Now thats where the rubber meets the road. So when you start cheering, you better start saving trust me. And I said it before and this I hate to say but I believe, our gifted black athletes should go to black colleges. Since all the white colleges are so affected by AA let them have their own children pay the bills. And if you think that people, even white will pay to see a bunch of white guys play any sport, guess again. I get tired of hearing the college debate cause no one wants to talk about this. Now one wants to talked about how the black players who win bowl games for these schools, that these schools pocket millions of dollars to pay for all the sorry whining kids who can't contribute a damn dime to pay the bills. And if you think for one second Michigan or Notre Dame can survive with just collecting tuition you really are stupid.

If you are addressing any of what I am saying (don't know if you are), you are missing my entire point.

I have no problem helping out blacks who need it (or anyone else who needs it), but I don't believe that a racist policy is the way to go. You can't fire with fire, so to speak. Racism cannot erase racism.

That is what I am trying to say.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: josphII
Originally posted by: Geekbabe
Well,I've benefitted from AA and I'm certainly a qualified,professional individual who does just as good a job as any male at my place of employment.

now imagine you were a male, and more qualified than a woman that was given the job!

With all these nancyboy males I see runnin around I'm sure some would'nt mind staying at home while thier wife makes the bacon then comes home and cooks it for em'.


Nov 24, 2001
Originally posted by: classy
I am so sick of this sh**. What little advantage AA may give to blacks is so F'IN small it doesn't even register on the map. The corporate world is still so white it looks like a snow blown Christmas. Blacks have lagged so far behind whites it aint funny. Not because we aren't qualified either. I am sick of that damn lie too. A black man's credentials many many times have to far exceed his lower qualified white counter part just to get a freaking interview. And what pisses me off even more is this idea that blacks are getting over some how. The truth is many of these admissions programs are bent so Black Athletes who pay the damn bills at these colleges can get in. All you road scholars wouldn't even be able to afford to go to college it would be so high if not for the black athlete. Now thats where the rubber meets the road. So when you start cheering, you better start saving trust me. And I said it before and this I hate to say but I believe, our gifted black athletes should go to black colleges. Since all the white colleges are so affected by AA let them have their own children pay the bills. And if you think that people, even white will pay to see a bunch of white guys play any sport, guess again. I get tired of hearing the college debate cause no one wants to talk about this. Now one wants to talked about how the black players who win bowl games for these schools, that these schools pocket millions of dollars to pay for all the sorry whining kids who can't contribute a damn dime to pay the bills. And if you think for one second Michigan or Notre Dame can survive with just collecting tuition you really are stupid.

thats the biggest bunch of bs ive read in this thread. "not because blacks arent qualified either....A black man's credentials many many times have to far exceed his lower qualified white counter part" dude your living in a dream world. take a look at average SAT scores for example. who do you think scores higher? average gpa, or sat scores of white students compared to blacks? (and i surely am NOT talking about black athletes)

you think sports programs pay for school costs, expenses?? your wrong. thats why tution has skyrocketed over the past two decades. if you were right then $.50 out of every $1 donated to the college of engineering at UC Berkeley wouldnt be going to fund humanities programs!


Mar 10, 2002
Originally posted by: Dari
. You have no idea what it's like being of african descent, or being of a minority descent. Just walking down the street gets you stares. Going to the store to purchase something is a hostile event even though you're a patron of that store. Women clutching their bags as you walk around. Police questioning your every move. Police harassing you because of what you drive. You feel like a complete stranger in your own country. It's like living in two worlds: You live in the image of others and that of yourself. While I'm sure minorities wouldn't want to be anyone other than themselves, life is tough and it sucks.
Ok...Maybe you are a bit paranoid?

I for one grasp my purse when there is ANYone around, I don't care what color or gender they are. I grasp it especially tightly if the person looks unkempt or smells bad.

How would you like to live life as a woman when men ogle your breasts?
How would you like to live life as a fat person when all kinds of people stare when you walk by?
How would you like to live life as a 7'6" man, and everyone asks if you play basketball?

Being a person of non-white origin is not the big deal you want everyone to think. All people struggle. The particular struggles may be different. Very few people have a simple easy life just because they are a certain race or gender.




Nov 24, 2001
Originally posted by: Dari
Damage, I saw you stupid sarcasm. You have no idea what it's like being of african descent, or being of a minority descent. Just walking down the street gets you stares. Going to the store to purchase something is a hostile event even though you're a patron of that store. Women clutching their bags as you walk around. Police questioning your every move. Police harassing you because of what you drive. You feel like a complete stranger in your own country. It's like living in two worlds: You live in the image of others and that of yourself. While I'm sure minorities wouldn't want to be anyone other than themselves, life is tough and it sucks.

Edit: You guys are totally forgetting the reason behind AA. We don't live in a perfect world. It can be heavily polarized. AA was created to make it less polarized. It has helped out minorities and women.

i dont think anybody here is saying the intentions behind AA are wrong, but the policy itself discriminates and is unjust.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Hitler = leftwing

LOL Good god you republicans are perfecting the art of admit to nothing, deny everything, and couter accuse.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: josphII
Originally posted by: classy
I am so sick of this sh**. What little advantage AA may give to blacks is so F'IN small it doesn't even register on the map. The corporate world is still so white it looks like a snow blown Christmas. Blacks have lagged so far behind whites it aint funny. Not because we aren't qualified either. I am sick of that damn lie too. A black man's credentials many many times have to far exceed his lower qualified white counter part just to get a freaking interview. And what pisses me off even more is this idea that blacks are getting over some how. The truth is many of these admissions programs are bent so Black Athletes who pay the damn bills at these colleges can get in. All you road scholars wouldn't even be able to afford to go to college it would be so high if not for the black athlete. Now thats where the rubber meets the road. So when you start cheering, you better start saving trust me. And I said it before and this I hate to say but I believe, our gifted black athletes should go to black colleges. Since all the white colleges are so affected by AA let them have their own children pay the bills. And if you think that people, even white will pay to see a bunch of white guys play any sport, guess again. I get tired of hearing the college debate cause no one wants to talk about this. Now one wants to talked about how the black players who win bowl games for these schools, that these schools pocket millions of dollars to pay for all the sorry whining kids who can't contribute a damn dime to pay the bills. And if you think for one second Michigan or Notre Dame can survive with just collecting tuition you really are stupid.

thats the biggest bunch of bs ive read in this thread. "not because blacks arent qualified either....A black man's credentials many many times have to far exceed his lower qualified white counter part" dude your living in a dream world. take a look at average SAT scores for example. who do you think scores higher? average gpa, or sat scores of white students compared to blacks? (and i surely am NOT talking about black athletes)

you think sports programs pay for school costs, expenses?? your wrong. thats why tution has skyrocketed over the past two decades. if you were right then $.50 out of every $1 donated to the college of engineering at UC Berkeley wouldnt be going to fund humanities programs!

And why are those white kids tests scores higher? Because thier white parents are more well to do, they have better schools and have more free time to spend with thier kids because they live a more affuent lifestyle. Unless you bring black america to where white america is this trend will continue. AA seeks to do that.

We have'nt even disscussed the punitive damages for 400 years of slavery yet which AA also seeks to pay for.

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