White man beats black female in front of her 7 year old daughter

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Platinum Member
Mar 19, 2009
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: Harvey
No crowds, no political agenda, no bogus "town hall" outrage. Unless there was a crowd cheering for the asshole or some other context suggesting group action, this story is about just one bigoted asshole.

See my post in the Jimmy Carter thread about the nature of racis, and how the emotions released that can't be called what they are come out in other attacks.

These people get infuriated over the one story, and have no interest in the other, but they don't think they're racist at all.

Some of them are quite racist, but won't admit. I grew up in a small Southern town, and when I go back to visit my parents and friends, I hear the "N" bomb at least once an hour. I am not exaggerating. I hear it the most from people my age (40ish,) and older. Especially the older people. The older they are, the more racist they are. Incidentally, these are the people who traditionally vote Republican.

Anecdotally, a few years ago (2005,) I worked IT at a small hospital in a Southern town that once trained Army Rangers for DDay, to give you a hint. I made friends with a lady who ran the lab. She was highly intelligent, world traveled via the Peace Corps, and had dry sense of humor, which I like. She was also black. I was ostracized from fellow white coworkers that point on. Not every other white colleague, mind you, but most. I couldn't get the time of day from most of the white women I worked with. I was a "n****r lover." I actually overheard that term.

So, when I hear Joe Scarborough, or some other GOP apologist saying that their party isn't crawling with racists, I know they're fucking liars, or completely out of touch with real (blue collar) America.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Originally posted by: JKing106
Originally posted by: DucatiMonster696
Originally posted by: JKing106
MSNBC and CNN reported the bus incident. They also reported the Jena 6 incident. They report on every incident of black on white violence that hits the major news wires. What they didn't do, and what your heroes love to do, is imply that all black people are evil because of the actions of a select few. Why don't you comment on Limbaugh saying that black folks have free reign to attack white people in Obama's America?

Correction they overwhelmingly report on any incident of racism toward blacks by whites(or any other race) that hits the airways. Got to milk that bread and butter card. Again let me know when you start posting in the other direction. Its convenient to always cherry pick articles that suit your views and agendas.

As for Limbaugh comments well they are credible in a sense (Despite his blustery nature of his commentary.) because if the situation on that bus were reverse we'd still be hearing about that news item from individuals like yourself. No doubt you'd of probably included that in your series of links. Hell Eric Holder himself would of probably issued fourth another chastisement.

Correction, no they don't. They report on all incidences. They don't paint one side as evil. Right wing radio does the exact thing you're falsely attributing to MSNBC and CNN.

Limbaugh's comments are in no way credible, and he is a known racist, homophobe, and misogynist. Has been for years.



Platinum Member
Mar 19, 2009
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: JKing106
Originally posted by: DucatiMonster696
Originally posted by: JKing106
MSNBC and CNN reported the bus incident. They also reported the Jena 6 incident. They report on every incident of black on white violence that hits the major news wires. What they didn't do, and what your heroes love to do, is imply that all black people are evil because of the actions of a select few. Why don't you comment on Limbaugh saying that black folks have free reign to attack white people in Obama's America?

Correction they overwhelmingly report on any incident of racism toward blacks by whites(or any other race) that hits the airways. Got to milk that bread and butter card. Again let me know when you start posting in the other direction. Its convenient to always cherry pick articles that suit your views and agendas.

As for Limbaugh comments well they are credible in a sense (Despite his blustery nature of his commentary.) because if the situation on that bus were reverse we'd still be hearing about that news item from individuals like yourself. No doubt you'd of probably included that in your series of links. Hell Eric Holder himself would of probably issued fourth another chastisement.

Correction, no they don't. They report on all incidences. They don't paint one side as evil. Right wing radio does the exact thing you're falsely attributing to MSNBC and CNN.

Limbaugh's comments are in no way credible, and he is a known racist, homophobe, and misogynist. Has been for years.


You're implying I'm projecting?


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Originally posted by: JKing106
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: JKing106
Originally posted by: DucatiMonster696
Originally posted by: JKing106
MSNBC and CNN reported the bus incident. They also reported the Jena 6 incident. They report on every incident of black on white violence that hits the major news wires. What they didn't do, and what your heroes love to do, is imply that all black people are evil because of the actions of a select few. Why don't you comment on Limbaugh saying that black folks have free reign to attack white people in Obama's America?

Correction they overwhelmingly report on any incident of racism toward blacks by whites(or any other race) that hits the airways. Got to milk that bread and butter card. Again let me know when you start posting in the other direction. Its convenient to always cherry pick articles that suit your views and agendas.

As for Limbaugh comments well they are credible in a sense (Despite his blustery nature of his commentary.) because if the situation on that bus were reverse we'd still be hearing about that news item from individuals like yourself. No doubt you'd of probably included that in your series of links. Hell Eric Holder himself would of probably issued fourth another chastisement.

Correction, no they don't. They report on all incidences. They don't paint one side as evil. Right wing radio does the exact thing you're falsely attributing to MSNBC and CNN.

Limbaugh's comments are in no way credible, and he is a known racist, homophobe, and misogynist. Has been for years.


You're implying I'm projecting?

No, he's projecting. Trying to equate Rush Limbaugh with CNN? Absolutely ridiculous.


Oct 17, 1999
Originally posted by: DucatiMonster696
Originally posted by: JKing106
Originally posted by: DucatiMonster696
Rainbow Coalition chant: Keep Racism Alive.

1 example equals a epidemic I take it.

Imagine if I posted some videos of white people getting beat up by black or latino people because they were white in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Oh wait never mind racism only lives in the hearts of white people and sometimes Asians right OP?

And what exactly do you call what Limbaugh, Savage, and Beck are doing? Limbaugh said this Tuesday, of this week:

"In Obama's America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering."


Maybe he is referring to this incident such as this one or another like it.


Then again racism only happens and matters when the antagonist is white in your view it seems.

Rule number one is:
Racism is wrong.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
The man deserves to do some serious time. And I have little doubt he will. He's a triple scumbag for not only being a racist prick, not only for beating a woman, but for beating a woman in front of her child.

There is no excuse for this whatsoever. None.

And to me, the thought that people who commit assault, racist or not, do less time than non-violent drug offenders is sickening.


Nov 20, 1999
Originally posted by: Schmide
Originally posted by: OCguy
Not any more racist than the school bus scum.

Good job not posting any context to the story, like how it was not over race.

But yes, he is racist. (edited in)

WTF "He said, You're an fucking black n**** bitch

Your ignorance is blatant and ugly.

OCGuy has to be pretty stupid to equate the two


Nov 20, 1999
BTW, have conservatives denounced their de facto leader over this comment yet?

Rush Limbaugh: "We need segregated buses"


Feb 7, 2005
Originally posted by: Schmide
Originally posted by: OCguy
Not any more racist than the school bus scum.

Good job not posting any context to the story, like how it was not over race.

But yes, he is racist. (edited in)

WTF "He said, You're an fucking black n**** bitch

Your ignorance is blatant and ugly.

Yeah, but what if you found out his wife was black? Would that maybe change your mind?

He's obviously a scumbag and a piece of shit, but what someone yells while they are beating someone isn't proof they're a racist or that the crime was racially motivated. He may very well be a racist, and likely is, but he also could have been a strung out druggie who was just talking shit.

I got in a fistfight with an Italian buddy in high school and called him a dumb wop bastard while were were pummeling each other. An onlooker might have thought I had something against Italians and a video of the fight on the web would not likely have endeared me to the Italian community, but they'd still be as wrong as it is possible to be wrong about me.

Remember, we're all just a little bit racist (TM) but using racial slurs doesn't mean you're full a blown one. This is somewhat nuanced and I expect some not to get where I'm going.


Jun 5, 2000
Originally posted by: DucatiMonster696
Originally posted by: JKing106
Originally posted by: DucatiMonster696
Rainbow Coalition chant: Keep Racism Alive.

1 example equals a epidemic I take it.

Imagine if I posted some videos of white people getting beat up by black or latino people because they were white in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Oh wait never mind racism only lives in the hearts of white people and sometimes Asians right OP?

And what exactly do you call what Limbaugh, Savage, and Beck are doing? Limbaugh said this Tuesday, of this week:

"In Obama's America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering."


Maybe he is referring to this incident such as this one or another like it.


Then again racism only happens and matters when the antagonist is white in your view it seems.

wtf??? if a bunch of white kids attacked a black family yelling "its a white world" all hell would break lose. why are the cops so damn hesitant in calling a black on white attack a hate crime??



Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
That man is just as Harvey said. In addition, it probably isn't safe to have him roaming the streets. The story is not about a political party.

I don't recall the article mentioning the man's political beliefs, he might be a Democrat, a Republican, or an Independent. In any case, he was very wrong and should be punished accordingly.



Sep 4, 2005
Limbaugh is a douche for using racism to score cheap political points and so is the OP.


Jun 24, 2004
There will always be a "racism problem" as long as there is even one racist person in our country. All this (and the school bus beating) proves is that some people are racist assholes.

If anything, this case is much more obviously race-motivated than the school bus one. At least with the school bus, you could argue that those thug kids would have beaten up another black kid too because they're stupid little punks (not because they're black). In this case, it was obviously a racial crime because this dude would not have done the same thing to a white woman who reacted in the exact same way. It's an argument in favor of hate crime laws.


Aug 17, 2002
Originally posted by: JKing106
So, we have Limbaugh calling for segregated school buses after a white teenager is beaten by black teenagers on a bus, Glenn Beck calling the President a racist, and right wing radio and television hasn't issued a peep about this:


Please provide a link that's in context.

In other news Rush Limbaugh is contemplating donating money to George Obama, that's Barrack Hussein Obama's brother that lives in Kenya.

Will this make Rush, Obama's brother's keeper?



Platinum Member
Mar 19, 2009
Originally posted by: Budmantom
Originally posted by: JKing106
So, we have Limbaugh calling for segregated school buses after a white teenager is beaten by black teenagers on a bus, Glenn Beck calling the President a racist, and right wing radio and television hasn't issued a peep about this:


Please provide a link that's in context.

In other news Rush Limbaugh is contemplating donating money to George Obama, that's Barrack Hussein Obama's brother that lives in Kenya.

Will this make Rush, Obama's brother's keeper?

Referring to an incident in which a white student was beaten by black students on a bus, Limbaugh said: ?I think the guy?s wrong. I think not only it was racism, it was justifiable racism. I mean, that?s the lesson we?re being taught here today. Kid shouldn?t have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses ? it was invading space and stuff. This is Obama?s America.?


I assume you know how to Google. It's easy.



Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Budmantom

In other news Rush Limbaugh is contemplating donating money to George Obama, that's Barrack Hussein Obama's brother that lives in Kenya.

404 - Funny not found.

Will this make Rush, Obama's brother's keeper?

404.1 - Funny again not found.


404.2 - Funny still not found.

405 - Repetitive, redundant extreme bigotry found. :thumbsdown: :|


Aug 17, 2002
Originally posted by: JKing106
Originally posted by: Budmantom
Originally posted by: JKing106
So, we have Limbaugh calling for segregated school buses after a white teenager is beaten by black teenagers on a bus, Glenn Beck calling the President a racist, and right wing radio and television hasn't issued a peep about this:


Please provide a link that's in context.

In other news Rush Limbaugh is contemplating donating money to George Obama, that's Barrack Hussein Obama's brother that lives in Kenya.

Will this make Rush, Obama's brother's keeper?

Referring to an incident in which a white student was beaten by black students on a bus, Limbaugh said: ?I think the guy?s wrong. I think not only it was racism, it was justifiable racism. I mean, that?s the lesson we?re being taught here today. Kid shouldn?t have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses ? it was invading space and stuff. This is Obama?s America.?


I assume you know how to Google. It's easy.

He also said it was dripping with sarcasm, you do know what sarcasm means don't you?


Feb 6, 2002
What does a white trash boyfriend beating up a woman and her daughter have to do with limbaugh? If you dont like limbaugh turn the dial to some liberal news talk. Oh, sorry, there is not liberal talk radio. You can always listen to NBC and get brainwashed.


Platinum Member
Mar 19, 2009
Originally posted by: piasabird
What does a white trash boyfriend beating up a woman and her daughter have to do with limbaugh? If you dont like limbaugh turn the dial to some liberal news talk. Oh, sorry, there is not liberal talk radio. You can always listen to NBC and get brainwashed.

Who said it was her boyfriend? He was a total stranger.


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2000
This isn't right, but at the same time what the hell is "African-American", has she actually ever been to Africa?

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